KOMA-Script 2016/05/10 v3.20 Copyright (c) Markus Kohm , 1994-2016 This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See lppl.txt (english) or lppl-de.txt (german) for the details of that license. -------------------------------------------------------------------- KOMA-Script is a versatile bundle of LaTeX2e document classes and packages. It aims to be a replacement to the standard LaTeX2e classes. KOMA-Script does not stop with the features known from the standard classes, but it extends the possibilities in order to provide the user an almost complete working environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------- For installation see INSTALL.txt (english) or INSTALLD.txt (german, UTF-8). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes and Packages: ============================================================================== scraddr - Package to provide data from scrlttr2's adr-files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scraddr is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. scrlttr2 uses adr-files to provide circuit letters. Package scraddr provides commands to read such files and to use the data of the address entries not only with scrlttr2 class and not only for circuit letters. Requires: License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2013/09/30 v1.1c ============================================================================== scrartcl - versatile class may be used as a drop-in replacement of article ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrartcl is a LaTeX class of the KOMA-Script bundle. It is the KOMA-Script drop-in replacement of LaTeX standard class article. It provides all options, environments, counters, lengths and commands of the LaTeX standard class article, but also several additional options, environments, commands etc. to make it much more versatile. The default layout of scrartcl differs from article with emphasis on typography. Nevertheless by changing the defaults a layout very similar to the layou of the standard class may be accomplished. Requires: scrkbase - internal KOMA-Script package tocbasic - KOMA-Script package typearea - KOMA-Script package License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrbase - basic features for KOMA-Script, e.g. conditionals and key=value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrbase is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It provides some basic functions used by KOMA-Script, that may be used as well by authors and users of other classes and packages. First of all it provides an extended key=value handling, that may be used for run-time options of classes and packages. Several packages of a family may share options and all the options of one family may be changed with a single command. Additional conditions like \ifundefinedorrelax, \ifpdftex, \ifVTeX, \ifpdfoutput, \ifstr etc. are provided. Definition of most of them may be prevented from being defined and have additional internal representations that may be used by package or class authors. It also provides commands to easily define or change language dependent terms and that work not only with babel but with other packages like ngerman too. It provides some commands for package and class authors missing in the LaTeX kernel like \ClassInfoNoLine, \PackageInfoNoLine or \l@addto@macro. Last but not least it provides commands for integer division and integer modulo operation, that may be used, e.g., inside \numexpr ...\relax or with \ifnum. Requires: keyval - key=value package from the graphics bundle scrlfile - KOMA-Script package for file loading manipulation License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrbook - versatile class may be used as a drop-in replacement of book ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrbook is a LaTeX class of the KOMA-Script bundle and a drop-in replacement of LaTeX standard class book. It provides all options, environments, commands, etc. of the LaTeX standard class book, but also several additional options, environments, commands etc. to make it much more versatile. The default layout of scrbook differs from book with emphasis on typography. Nevertheless by changing the defaults a layout very similar to the layou of the standard class may be accomplished. Requires: scrkbase - internal KOMA-Script package tocbasic - KOMA-Script package typearea - KOMA-Script package License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrdate - calender date operations, e.g. calculation of the day of the week ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrdate is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It provides several operations with calender dates, e.g. show the century or the decade of a year, calculate the day of the week of a given calender date, show the current calender date in ISO form. It has support for several languages, like English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Croatian, Finnish, Norsk, Swedish, Danish, Polish, Czech, and Slovak. Requires: scrbase - KOMA-Script package for some basic features. scrlfile - KOMA-Script package for file loading manipulation License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrdoc - internal source documentation class of KOMA-Script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrdoc is an internal LaTeX class of the KOMA-Script bundle. It is an extension of ltxdoc. KOMA-Script uses scrdoc for the implementation documentation and the documentation of packages, that aren't KOMA-Script core packages. Currently there isn't any user manual for this class, because the only user is the KOMA-Script maintainer. Requires: ltxdoc - the LaTeX2e source documentation class scrartcl - the KOMA-Script article class License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/04/12 v0.1e ============================================================================== scrextend - make some features of the KOMA-Script classes available for others ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrextend is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It makes some features of the KOMA-Script classes available for other classes, i.e., for the standard classes. Requires: scrkbase - internal package with some basics of KOMA-Script etoolbox - tool-box for LaTeX programming using e-TeX License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrfontsizes - package to generate a KOMA-Script font size file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrfontsizes is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It provides only a very simple interface to generate KOMA-Script font size files. Requires: scrextend - some KOMA-Script features for other classes License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrhack - patch some isues with other packages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrhack is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It patches other packages to make them work better, add new features to them and to improve their interaction with KOMA-Script. One main feature is, to make them work with tocbasic instead of the KOMA-Script's deprecated float list interface. Currently patches for float.sty, floatrow.sty, (old versions of) hyperref, listings, and setspace are available. Requires: scrkbase - internal KOMA-Script package with basics tocbasic - features for helper files and float environments xpatch - extending etoolbox patching commands License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrjura - contract environment for advocates and scholary persons in law ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrjura is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It has been made on copperation with a German lawyer to provide environments for contracts, laws, acts or other juristic puposes. It supports automatic numbering of paragraphs and semi-automatic numbering of sentences. Currently German and English are supported, but unfortunately there's only a German user manual. Requires: scrkbase - internal KOMA-Script package with basics tocbasic - features for helper files and float environments License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/06 v0.9h ============================================================================== scrkbase - internal basic features for KOMA-Script classes and packages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrkbase is an internal KOMA-Script packages, that provides some features that are common for several KOMA-Script classes and packages. Users and class or package authors should not use the package directly. Requires: scrbase - KOMA-Script package for some basic features. scrlfile - KOMA-Script package for file loading manipulation License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrlayer-notecolumn - control note columns parallel to the main text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrlayer-notecolumn is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It provides a end user interface to above scrlayer, to define and manage note columns. Those note columns are somehow similar to margin note (see LaTeX command \marginpar or packages like notecolumn), but you may use several of them. The package provides page breaks inside note columns and synchronization points between the main text and note columns. Like most of the KOMA-Script packages you may use this package not only with KOMA-Script classes but with several other classes, e.g., the LaTeX standard classes too. Requires: scrlayer.sty License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained, proof of concept Version: 2016/03/25 v0.1.2398 ============================================================================== scrlayer-scrpage - controlling page headers and footers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrlayer-scrpage is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It provides a end user interface to above scrlayer, to define and manage page styles. This end user interface is as much compatible to scrpage2, that users should easily be able to switch from the old scrpage2 package to the new one. Nevertheless it provides several new features to control the page headers and footers. Like most of the KOMA-Script packages you may use this package not only with KOMA-Script classes but with several other classes, e.g., the LaTeX standard classes, too. Requires: scrlayer.sty License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrlayer - defining layers and controlling page headers and footers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrlayer is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. Users may already know a kind of layers from packages like eso-pic or textpos. scrlayer is another package, that provides background and foreground layers, but in difference to those other packages, these layers are part of the page style definition. With this you may simply switch between usage of layers by switching the page style. In short words: The page style interface of scrlayer provides commands to define layer-stack-based page styles and to manage those layer stacks. Nevertheless using the layers directly is recommended for advanced users only. End user interfaces for beginners or average users are provided by additional packages, that load scrlayer on their own, e.g., scrlayer-scrpage. Requires: scrkbase.sty License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrletter - letter extention to KOMA-Script classes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrletter provides the features of the letter class scrlttr2 with the KOMA-Script classes scrartcl, scrreprt, and scrbook. Requires: scrkbase - internal KOMA-Script package typearea - KOMA-Script package scrlayer-scrpage - KOMA-Script package Recommended: marvosym - package by Martin Vogel providing symbols License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrlfile - control of package dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrlfile is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It provides execution of commands before or after loading, files, classes or packages and even automatic replacement of loading files, classes, or packages by other files, classes, or packages. It can also prevent a package from beeing loaded. It also provides execution of commands before or after closing the main aux-file while \end{document}. Is has been used by the KOMA-Script classes for more than a decade. Requires: License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrlttr2 - versatile letter class with separation of text area and note paper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrlttr2 is a letter class for LaTeX2e that allows definition of several note papers and text area settings, that are independent from the note paper. So you may not only use KOMA-Script package typearea to define the text area and the margins of the text area, but even packages like geometry. The positions of the elements of the note paper may be changed by so called pseudo lengths. This makes it not only possible to adjust scrlttr2 to local conventions, norms and paper sizes but also to a wanted corporate identity. Several predefined parameter sets, called letter class option or lco-files, are for two German letters, Swiss letters, US letters, Japanese letters, and French letters are part of the KOMA-Script bundle. More may be found on CTAN or the KOMA-Script homepage as separate packages. Additional lco-files for different note papers may be found on the KOMA-Script homepage, e.g. one demonstration file for a note paper similar to the one of the Washington State University. Requires: scrkbase - internal KOMA-Script package typearea - KOMA-Script package Recommended: marvosym - package by Martin Vogel providing symbols License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrpage2 - control of page headers and footers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrpage2 is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It provides facilities for changing the contents of page headers and footers. You may either configure a predefined pair or page styles similar to headings and plain or myheadings and plain, use a simple user interface to define completely new page styles or a more complex expert interface to have more effective degrees of freedom in defining new page styles. scrpage2 also provides simple options and commands to decide, e.g., whether or not the running heads should be done automatically, which headings levels should generate automatic running heads, whether or not there should be horizontal lines above or below the page headers and footers, to change the colour or font of the page headers and footers (and the lines) and more. Requires: Successor: scrlayer-scrpage License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrreprt - versatile class may be used as a drop-in replacement of report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrreprt is the KOMA-Script drop-in replacement of LaTeX standard class report. It provides all options, environments, counters, lengths and commands of the LaTeX standard class report, but also several additional options, environments, commands etc. to make it much more versatile. The default layout of scrreprt differs from report with emphasis on typography. Nevertheless by changing the defaults a layout very similar to the layout of the standard class may be accomplished. Requires: scrkbase - internal KOMA-Script package tocbasic - KOMA-Script package typearea - KOMA-Script package License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrtime - show the time of the LaTeX run ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrtime is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. It provides only some tiny facilities to show the time of the LaTeX run. Requires: scrkbase - internal package with some basics of KOMA-Script License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== scrwfile - Spare write handles for helper files to avoid `No room' messages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: scrwfile is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. TeX provides only about 16 write handles available by \newwrite. With LaTeX not only the aux-file but each helper file like the toc-file, the lof-file, the lot-file, and files like raw indexes and raw glossaries need one of those handles. scrwfile provides facilities to avoid all the handles of the helper files, that use the aux-file for intermediate writing. This means, that toc-file, lof-file, lot-file and files of packages like listings don't need a write handle anymore. So the user will have more write handles for files like indexes or glossaries and may avoid `No room for new \write' error messages. scrwfile also provides facilities to clone helper files, e.g., this may be used to have two tables of contents with different tocdepth settings. Requires: scrbase - some basic features for class and package authors tocbasic - basic features for helper files and lists of floats scrlfile - control of package dependencies License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2013/08/05 v0.1f-alpha ============================================================================== tocbasic - Management of tables and lists of contents using helper files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: tocbasic is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. The main purpose of package tocbasic is to provide features for authors of classes and packages to create own tables or lists of contents like the list of figures and the list of tables and thereby allow other classes or packages some types of controll about these. For examples package tocbasic delegates language control of all these tables and lists of contents to package babel. So automatic change of language will be provides inside all these tables and lists of contents. Using tocbasic will exculpate authors of classes and packages from implementation of such features. KOMA-Script itself uses tocbasic not only for the table of contents but also for the already mentioned lists of figures and tables. Requires: keyval - key=value interface of the graphics bundle License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Author maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ============================================================================== tocstyle - Control layout of table of contents, list of figures etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: tocstyle is a LaTeX package of the KOMA-Script bundle. While the main classes of the KOMA-Script bundle were made, there where several ideas for formating the table of contents and lists of floats, but almost none of them where implemented. One reason was, that the KOMA-Script author didn’t like to change the LaTeX kernel at a class, because this may result in serveral problems with other packages. The package tocstyle will fill the gap. If it conflicts with another package, you simply may decide not to use it. The current release is only a proof of concept. Requires: License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Unstable Version: 2016/04/12 v0.2h-alpha ============================================================================== typearea - Calculating typeing area and margins depending on typographic rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maintainer: Markus Kohm E-Mail: komascript at gmx info Abstract: Many LaTeX classes, including the standard classes, present the user with the largely fixed configuration of margins and type area. With the standard classes, the configuration determined is very much dependent on the chosen font size. There are separate packages, such as geometry, which give the user complete control, but also full responsibility of the settings of typearea and margins. KOMA-Script takes a somewhat different approach with its typearea package. Here the user is given several construction setting and automatization possibilities based on established typography standards in order to help guide him or her in making a good choice. Requires: scrkbase - internal basic features for KOMA-Script packages License: LPPL 1.3c or later State: Autor maintained Version: 2016/05/10 v3.20 ==============================================================================