KOMA Script a versatile LaTeX2e bundle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION DIRECTIONS ----------------------- There are various ways that KOMA Script can be distributed. The primary distribution from the KOMA Script maintainers consists of a complete TEXMF tree (also known as the/a TDS tree). This TEXMF tree in its original form is provided as a ZIP archive. It may also be distributed in other archival formats. When the following text refers to an archive, it therefore does not necessarily refer to a ZIP archive. When creating a new archive, distributors are strongly encouraged to preserve the structure and contents of the TEXMF tree so that these instructions remain valid. Distributors are otherwise urged to provide their own instructions for installation. Distribution of the expanded TEXMF tree is also permitted. Should, as a result, the structure or the contents of the TEXMF tree be modified (within the framework of that which is permitted by the license) such that these installation instructions partially or entirely no longer apply, the distributor should provide new directions. The user should therefore first check to see whether the distributor has included further installation directions. Logically the name of these directions would also begin with `INSTALLD.', immediately followed by the distributor's name or acronym. A `README' file should likewise created. Easy installation using TeX Live repository or MiKTeX installation file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TeX Live users can easily install the current release of KOMA-Script from the KOMA repository for TeX Live. See <http://www.komascript.de/current> for more information. But if you want to install another release, you have to read the installation instructions below. MiKTeX users can easily install the current release of KOMA-Script using the self extracting archive for windows also known as MiKTeX installation file. See <http://www.komascript.de/current> for more information. But if you want to install another release, you have to read the installation instructions below. Installation from an archive ---------------------------- If you received the KOMA Script archive with a complete TEXMF tree, the installation is quite easy. First check to see whether the archive does in fact contain a complete TEXMF tree. Take a look at the contents of the archive; there should be three directories: `doc/latex/koma-script', `tex/latex/koma-script' and `source/latex/koma-script', the last with additional subdirectories. In each of these directories there are several files. A file `README' should be found at least at `doc/latex/koma-script/README'. It may be found outside the archive as well. When you unpack such an archive be sure to preserve the directory structure, but without creating a new directory, either in the local TEXMF tree or in a private TEXMF tree. More information about the local TEXMF tree and the question of a private TEXMF tree, as well as how one makes this known to the system can be found in the directions for your TEX system. Finally, update or `refresh' the filename database. With teTeX and teTeX-based systems this is done with the program `texconfig' or directly with `texhash' or `mktexlsr'. With MiKTeX you will find the corresponding button in the application `MiKTeX Options'. Depending on the permissions set for your installation directory, you may have to do this as administrator or root. For more information about this see the manual of your TeX system! Installation of an expanded TEXMF tree -------------------------------------- If KOMA Script is already present as an expanded TEXMF tree, you can either register it in the system as a further TEXMF tree or you can copy the contents of this TEXMF tree -- while preserving the directory structure -- into a private or local TEXMF tree. Here too a refresh of the filename database is necessary. See the last paragraph of the previous section for more information. Installation from a minimal distribution ---------------------------------------- Installation from a minimal distribution, which only includes those files listed as minimally necessary in the `manifest.txt', is not as simple. For this Gnu-make and other UNIX tools are essential! With this in mind, the process is as follows: - Create a Makefile.cfg file. - Copy one of the lines that begins with `#INSTALLTEXMF' from the file `Makefile.baseinit' into this new file. - Remove the hash symbol (#) from the beginning. - Edit this line so that the name of the directory where the TEXMF tree is to be installed appears following the equal sign. CAUTION: No forward slash (/) or backslash (\) at the end of the directory name! - Run your `make' program. - After `make' has successfully been run with no errors, run `make install'. Finally, update or `refresh' the filename database. With teTeX and teTeX-based systems this is done with the program `texconfig' or directly with `texhash' or `mktexlsr'. With MiKTeX you will find the corresponding button in the application `MiKTeX Options'. Depending on the permissions set for your installation directory, you may have to do this as administrator or root. For more information about this see the manual of your TeX system! `Last resort' installation from a minimal distribution ------------------------------------------------------ Even if you do not have the necessary Gnu-make or other UNIX tools needed to install using `make', it is still possible to properly install the KOMA Script package from the minimal distribution. It just means doing more of the work yourself. - First create the following new directories in the TEXMF tree in which you wish to install KOMA Script: `source/latex/koma-script', `doc/latex/koma-script' and `tex/latex/koma-script'. - Copy all of the files from the KOMA Script distribution into the new directory `source/latex/koma-script'. - Copy all files with filenames ending in `.pdf', `.html', or `.txt' and the `README' file into the directory `doc/latex/koma-script'. - Change directory to 'source/latex/koma-script'. - Run the command `tex scrmain.ins'. Answer any possible questions with `y' for `yes'. - Copy all newly created files whose filenames end in `.cls', `.sty', `.hak', or `.lco' into the directory `tex/latex/koma-script'. Finally, update or `refresh' the filename database. With teTeX and teTeX-based systems this is done with the program `texconfig' or directly with `texhash' or `mktexlsr'. With MiKTeX you will find the corresponding button in the application `MiKTeX Options'. Depending on the permissions set for your installation directory, you may have to do this as administrator or root. For more information about this see the manual of your TeX system! -------------------------------------------------------- German text by Markus Kohm, 2014/2016 Translation by Kevin Pfeiffer and Markus Kohm, 2014/2016