\documentclass{kluwer} \begin{document} \begin{article} \begin{opening} \title{The `Kluwer' LaTeX Style File:\\ An example \texttt{opening} environment\thanks{Donald Knuth}} \subtitle{Basic Instructions} \author{A. \surname{Thor1}\email{thor@wkap.nl}} \author{B. \surname{Thor2}\thanks{Partially support...}} \institute{KAP} \author{C. \surname{Thor3}} \institute{} %\date: rather not \dedication{To Jim} \translation{De Kluwer LaTeX stylefile; aanwijzingen voor auteurs} \runningtitle{De Kluwer LaTeX stylefile} \runningauthor{Thor1 e.a.} \begin{ao} Kluwer Prepress Department\\ P.O. Box 990\\ 3300 AZ Dordrecht\\ The Netherlands \end{ao} \begin{motto} What can't be done with TeX isn't worth doing. \end{motto} \begin{abstract} This document describes how to format a paper with \texttt{kluwer.cls}, the Kluwer classfile for journal submissions. \end{abstract} \keywords{LaTeX, Kluwer, Journal submissions} \abbreviations{\abbrev{KAP}{Kluwer Academic Publishers}; \abbrev{compuscript}{Electronically submitted article}} \nomenclature{\nomen{KAP}{Kluwer Academic Publishers}; \nomen{compuscript}{Electronically submitted article}} \classification{JEL codes}{D24, L60, 047} \end{opening} \section{A heading} Some text. \newpage \section{A heading} Some text. \newpage \section{A heading} Some text. \newpage \end{article} \end{document}