\documentclass{kluwer} % Specifies the document style. \newdisplay{guess}{Conjecture} \begin{document} \begin{article} \begin{opening} \title{A Sample Document\thanks{Footnote to the title with the `thanks' command.}} \author{Leslie \surname{Lamport}} \runningauthor{Leslie Lamport} \runningtitle{A Sample Document} \institute{Author's Affiliation} \date{April 15, 1993} \begin{abstract} This is a sample input file. Comparing it with the output it generates can show you how to produce a simple document of your own. \end{abstract} \keywords{sample, \LaTeX} \end{opening} \section{Ordinary Text} % Produces section heading. Lower-level % sections are begun with similar % \subsection and \subsubsection commands. The ends of words and sentences are marked by spaces. It doesn't matter how many spaces you type; one is as good as 100. The end of a line counts as a space. One or more blank lines denote the end of a paragraph. Since any number of consecutive spaces are treated like a single one, the formatting of the input file makes no difference to \TeX, % The \TeX command generates the TeX logo. but it makes a difference to you. When you use \LaTeX, % The \LaTeX command generates the LaTeX logo. making your input file as easy to read as possible will be a great help as you write your document and when you change it. This sample file shows how you can add comments to your own input file. Because printing is different from typewriting, there are a number of things that you have to do differently when preparing an input file than if you were just typing the document directly. Quotation marks like ``this'' have to be handled specially, as do quotes within quotes: ``\,`this' % \, separates the double and single quote. is what I just wrote, not `that'\,''. Dashes come in three sizes: an intra-word dash, a medium dash for number ranges like 1--2, and a punctuation dash---like this. A sentence-ending space should be larger than the space between words within a sentence. You sometimes have to type special commands in conjunction with punctuation characters to get this right, as in the following sentence. Gnats, gnus, etc.\ % `\ ' makes an inter-word space. all begin with G\@. % \@ marks end-of-sentence punctuation. You should check the spaces after periods when reading your output to make sure you haven't forgotten any special cases. Generating an ellipsis \ldots\ % `\ ' needed because TeX ignores spaces after % command names like \ldots made from \ + letters. % % Note how a `%' character causes TeX to ignore the % end of the input line, so these blank lines do not % start a new paragraph. with the right spacing around the periods requires a special command. \TeX\ interprets some common characters as commands, so you must type special commands to generate them. These characters include the following: \$ \& \% \# \{ and~\}. In printing, text is emphasized by using an {\em italic\/} % The \/ command produces the tiny extra space that % should be added between a slanted and a following % unslanted letter. type style. \begin{em} A long segment of text can also be emphasized in this way. Text within such a segment given additional emphasis with\/ {\em Roman} type. Italic type loses its ability to emphasize and become simply distracting when used excessively. \end{em} It is sometimes necessary to prevent \TeX\ from breaking a line where it might otherwise do so. This may be at a space, as between the ``Mr.'' and ``Jones'' in ``Mr.~Jones'', % ~ produces an unbreakable interword space. or within a word---especially when the word is a symbol like \mbox{\em itemnum\/} that makes little sense when hyphenated across lines. \TeX\ is good at typesetting mathematical formulas like \( x-3y = 7 \) or \( a_{1} > x^{2n} / y^{2n} > x' \). Remember that a letter like $x$ % $ ... $ and \( ... \) are equivalent is a formula when it denotes a mathematical symbol, and should be treated as one. \section{Notes} Footnotes\footnote{This is an example of a footnote.} pose no problem\footnote{And another one}. Endnotes\endnote{This is an example of an endnote.} pose no problem either\endnote{And another one.}. When using the {\sc kluwer} style file, you can produce endnotes analogous to footnotes. Instead of the \LaTeX\ command \verb+\footnote{}+, you can use \verb+\endnote{}+. The command \verb+\theendnotes+ can be used to place the endnotes in the text. They will be put in a separate section in the \verb+\footnotesize+ font. \section{Displayed Text} Text is displayed by indenting it from the left margin. Quotations are commonly displayed. There are short quotations \begin{quote} This is a short a quotation. It consists of a single paragraph of text. There is no paragraph indentation. \end{quote} and longer ones. \begin{quotation} This is a longer quotation. It consists of two paragraphs of text. The beginning of each paragraph is indicated by an extra indentation. This is the second paragraph of the quotation. It is just as dull as the first paragraph. \end{quotation} Another frequently-displayed structure is a list. The following is an example of an {\em itemized} list, four levels deep. \begin{itemize} \item This is the first item of an itemized list. Each item in the list is marked with a ``tick''. The document style determines what kind of tick mark is used. \item This is the second item of the list. It contains another list nested inside it. The three inner lists are an {\em itemized} list. \begin{itemize} \item This is the first item of an enumerated list that is nested within the itemized list. \item This is the second item of the inner list. \LaTeX\ allows you to nest lists deeper than you really should. \end{itemize} This is the rest of the second item of the outer list. It is no more interesting than any other part of the item. \item This is the third item of the list. \end{itemize} The following is an example of an {\em enumerated} list, four levels deep. \begin{enumerate} \item This is the first item of an enumerated list. Each item in the list is marked with a ``tick''. The document style determines what kind of tick mark is used. \item This is the second item of the list. It contains another list nested inside it. The three inner lists are an {\em enumerated} list. \begin{enumerate} \item This is the first item of an enumerated list that is nested within the enumerated list. \item This is the second item of the inner list. \LaTeX\ allows you to nest lists deeper than you really should. \end{enumerate} This is the rest of the second item of the outer list. It is no more interesting than any other part of the item. \item This is the third item of the list. \end{enumerate} The following is an example of a {\em description} list. \begin{description} \item[Cow] Highly intelligent animal that can produce milk out of grass. \item[Horse] Less intelligent animal renowned for its legs. \item[Human being] Not so intelligent animal that thinks that it can think. \end{description} You can even display poetry. \begin{verse} There is an environment for verse \\ % The \\ command separates lines Whose features some poets will curse. % within a stanza. % One or more blank lines separate stanzas. For instead of making\\ Them do {\em all\/} line breaking, \\ It allows them to put too many words on a line when they'd rather be forced to be terse. \end{verse} Mathematical formulas may also be displayed. A displayed formula is one-line long; multiline formulas require special formatting instructions. \[ x' + y^{2} = z_{i}^{2}\] Don't start a paragraph with a displayed equation, nor make one a paragraph by itself. Example of a theorem: \begin{guess} All conjectures are interesting, but some conjectures are more interesting than others. \end{guess} \section{Tables and Figures} Cross reference to labelled table: As you can see in Table~\ref{sphericcase} on page~\pageref{sphericcase} and also in Table~\ref{parset} on page~\pageref{parset}. \begin{table} % \begin{tabular}{lrl} \hline $Q_{s,\max}$ & [g/g DM h] & 0.18\\ $K_{s}$ & [g/L] & 1.0\\ $Y_{x/s}$ & [g DM/g] & 0.5\\ $Y_{p/s}$ & [g/g] & 0.854\\ $Q_{p,\max}$ & [g/g DM h] & 0.0045\\ $\mu_{\rm crit}$ & [h$^{-1}$] & 0.01\\ $k_{h}$ & [h$^{-1}$] & 0.002\\ $m_{s}$ & [g/g DM h] & 0.025\\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption[]{Parameter set used in the model of \shortcite{Bunt}}\label{parset} \end{table} \begin{table*} \caption[]{The spherical case ($I_1=0$, $I_2=0$).} \label{sphericcase} \begin{tabular}{crrrrc} \hline Equil. \\ Points & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$x$} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$y$} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$z$} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$C$} & S \\ \hline $~~L_1$ & $-$2.485252241 & 0.000000000 & 0.017100631 & 8.230711648 & U \\ $~~L_2$ & 0.000000000 & 0.000000000 & 3.068883732 & 0.000000000 & S \\ $~~L_3$ & 0.009869059 & 0.000000000 & 4.756386544 & $-$0.000057922 & U \\ $~~L_4$ & 0.210589855 & 0.000000000 & $-$0.007021459 & 9.440510897 & U \\ $~~L_5$ & 0.455926604 & 0.000000000 & $-$0.212446624 & 7.586126667 & U \\ $~~L_6$ & 0.667031314 & 0.000000000 & 0.529879957 & 3.497660052 & U \\ $~~L_7$ & 2.164386674 & 0.000000000 & $-$0.169308438 & 6.866562449 & U \\ $~~L_8$ & 0.560414471 & 0.421735658 & $-$0.093667445 & 9.241525367 & U \\ $~~L_9$ & 0.560414471 & $-$0.421735658 & $-$0.093667445 & 9.241525367 & U \\ $~~L_{10}$ & 1.472523232 & 1.393484549 & $-$0.083801333 & 6.733436505 & U \\ $~~L_{11}$ & 1.472523232 & $-$1.393484549 & $-$0.083801333 & 6.733436505 & U \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table*} A major point of difference lies in the value of the specific production rate $\pi$ for large values of the specific growth rate $\mu$. Already in the early publications \cite{Falzon87} it appeared that high glucose concentrations in the production phase are well correlated with a low penicillin yield (the `glucose effect'). It has been confirmed recently \cite{Bunt,Cahour-thesis,BrownAndBurton,Carr-Goldstein} that high glucose concentrations inhibit the synthesis of the enzymes of the penicillin pathway, but not the actual penicillin biosynthesis. In other words, glucose represses (and not inhibits) the penicillin biosynthesis. These findings do not contradict the results of \citeauthor{Chin88-book} (on which \shortcite{Bunt} based their production kinetics) and of \citeyear{ChinThesis} which were obtained for continuous culture fermentations. Because for high values of the specific growth rate $\mu$ it is most likely (as shall be discussed below) that maintenance metabolism occurs, it can be shown that in steady state continuous culture conditions, and with $\mu$ described by a Monod kinetics \begin{equation} C_{s} = K_{M} \frac{\mu/\mu_{x}}{1-\mu/\mu_{x}} \label{cs} \end{equation} Pirt \& Rhigelato determined $\pi$ for $\mu$ between $0.023$ and $0.086$ h$^{-1}$. They also reported a value $\mu_{x} \approx 0.095$ h$^{-1}$, so that for their experiments $\mu/\mu_{x}$ is in the range of $0.24$ to $0.9$. Substituting $K _M$ in Eq. (\ref{cs}) by the value $K_{M}=1$ g/L as used by \cite{Bunt}, one finds with the above equation $0.3 < C_{s} < 9$ g/L. This agrees well with the work of \shortcite{Bunt}, who reported that penicillin biosynthesis repression only occurs at glucose concentrations from $C_{s}=10$ g/L on. The conclusion is that the glucose concentrations in the experiments of Pirt \& Rhigelato probably were too low for glucose repression to be detected. The experimental data published by Ryu \& Hospodka are not detailed sufficiently to permit a similar analysis. \begin{table} \caption[]{Parameter sets used by Bajpai \& Reu\ss\ } \begin{tabular}{lrll} \hline \multicolumn{2}{l}{\it parameter} & {\it Set 1} & {\it Set 2}\\ \hline $\mu_{x}$ & [h$^{-1}$] & 0.092 & 0.11 \\ $K_{x}$ & [g/g DM] & 0.15 & 0.006 \\ $\mu_{p}$ & [g/g DM h] & 0.005 & 0.004 \\ $K_{p}$ & [g/L] & 0.0002 & 0.0001 \\ $K_{i}$ & [g/L] & 0.1 & 0.1 \\ $Y_{x/s}$ & [g DM/g] & 0.45 & 0.47 \\ $Y_{p/s}$ & [g/g] & 0.9 & 1.2 \\ $k_{h}$ & [h$^{-1}$] & 0.04 & 0.01 \\ $m_{s}$ & [g/g DM h] & 0.014 & 0.029 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} Bajpai \& Reu\ss\ decided to disregard the differences between time constants for the two regulation mechanisms (glucose repression or inhibition) because of the relatively very long fermentation times, and therefore proposed a Haldane expression for $\pi$. It is interesting that simulations with the \cite{Bunt} model for the initial conditions given by these authors indicate that, when the remaining substrate is fed at a constant rate, a considerable and unrealistic amount of penicillin is produced when the glucose concentration is still very high \cite{CarberryCL88} Simulations with the Bajpai \& Reu\ss\ model correctly predict almost no penicillin production in similar conditions. The maintenance coefficient used by \cite{Bunt} ($m_{s}=0.025$ g/g DM h) corresponds well to the value $m_{s}=0.029$ g/g DM h (Set 2 of \cite{BuchananRBES}), to the value $m_{s}=0.024$ g/g DM h reported by \citeauthor{MMI2-d3}, and to the value used by \shortcite{CawseyIJMMS} ($m_{s}=0.022$ g/g DM h) (1983). However, these values differ from the value in Set 1 of \cite{BuchananRBES} ($m_{s}=0.014$ g/g DM h). It is not clear where this difference originated from. Simulations indicated that the dynamic behaviour of the model is rather sensitive with respect to the value of $m_{s}$. In the model van \shortcite{Bunt}, at severe substrate limitation conditions, and thus most probably corresponding to endogenous metabolic behaviour, the biomass consumption due to maintenance and production requirements may exceed the conversion of substrate into biomass and $\mu$ eventually may become negative. This situation may occur at the end of the growth phase during a fed-batch fermentation. For these conditions $\pi$ is not defined. A straightforward extension of the $\pi(\mu)$ kinetics (10) could be $\pi(\mu \leq 0)=0$, but there are some biochemical indications that the penicillin biosynthesis actually does not stop in that case. \begin{figure} % figuur 1 \vspace{6pc} \caption[]{Pathway of the penicillin G biosynthesis.} \label{penG} \end{figure} Sample of cross-reference to figure. Figure~\ref{penG} shows that is not easy to get something on paper. \section{Headings} \subsection{Subsection} based their model on balancing methods and biochemical know\-ledge. The original model (1980) contained an equation for the oxygen dynamics which has been omitted in a second paper (1981). This simplified model shall be discussed here. \subsubsection{Subsubsection} \cite{Carr-Goldstein,Cohen-Jones88-book} based their model on balancing methods and biochemical know\-ledge. The original model (1980) contained an equation for the oxygen dynamics which has been omitted in a second paper (1981). This simplified model shall be discussed here. \paragraph{Paragraph.} \cite{Carr-Goldstein,Cohen-Jones88-book} based their model on balancing methods and biochemical know\-ledge. The original model (1980) contained an equation for the oxygen dynamics which has been omitted in a second paper (1981). This simplified model shall be discussed here. \subparagraph{Subparagraph.} \cite{Carr-Goldstein,Cohen-Jones88-book} based their model on balancing methods and biochemical know\-ledge. The original model (1980) contained an equation for the oxygen dynamics which has been omitted in a second paper (1981). This simplified model shall be discussed here. \section{Equations and the Like} Two equations: \begin{equation} C_{s} = K_{M} \frac{\mu/\mu_{x}}{1-\mu/\mu_{x}} \label{ccs} \end{equation} and \begin{equation} G = \frac{P_{\rm opt} - P_{\rm ref}}{P_{\rm ref}} \mbox{\ }100 \mbox{\ }(\%) \end{equation} Two equation arrays: \begin{eqnarray} \frac{dS}{dt} & = & - \sigma X + s_{F} F\\ \frac{dX}{dt} & = & \mu X\\ \frac{dP}{dt} & = & \pi X - k_{h} P\\ \frac{dV}{dt} & = & F \end{eqnarray} and, \begin{eqnarray} \mu_{\rm substr} & = & \mu_{x} \frac{C_{s}}{K_{x}C_{x}+C_{s}} \\ \mu & = & \mu_{\rm substr} - Y_{x/s}(1-H(C_{s}))(m_{s}+\pi /Y_{p/s}) \\ \sigma & = & \mu_{\rm substr}/Y_{x/s}+ H(C_{s}) (m_{s}+ \pi /Y_{p/s}) \end{eqnarray} \section{References in the THEBIBLIOGRAPHY Environment} The first reference in the list below has the key \{BrownAndBurton\}. Together with the bibitem option $\backslash$citeauthoryear\{Brown and Burton\}\{1978\} the follwing cross-references can be used:\\ $\backslash$cite\{BrownAndBurton\} produces: \cite{BrownAndBurton}\\ $\backslash$shortcite\{BrownAndBurton\} produces: \shortcite{BrownAndBurton}\\ $\backslash$citeauthor\{BrownAndBurton\} produces: \citeauthor{BrownAndBurton}\\ $\backslash$citeyear\{BrownAndBurton\} produces: \citeyear{BrownAndBurton}\\ \appendix And this is my Appendix. \acknowledgements And this is an acknowledgements section with a heading that was produced by the $\backslash$acknowledgements command. Thank you all for helping me writing this \LaTeX\ sample file. % The endnotes section will be placed here. \theendnotes \begin{thebibliography}{} \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Brown and Burton}{1978}]{BrownAndBurton} Brown, J.~S. and R.~R. Burton. \newblock {Diagnostic Models for Procedural Bugs in Basic Mathematical Skills}. \newblock {\em Cognitive Science}, 2(2):155--192, 1978. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Buchanan}{1984}]{BuchananRBES} Buchanan, B.~G. and E.~H. Shortliffe. \newblock {\em Rule-Based Expert Systems: The MYCIN Experiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project}. \newblock Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1984. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Bunt}{1990}]{Bunt} Bunt, H.~C. \newblock {Modular Incremental Modelling of Belief and Intention}. \newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on User Modeling}, 1990. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Cahour}{1990}]{Cahour-90-Montreal} Cahour, B. \newblock {Competence Modelling in Consultation Dialogs}. \newblock In L.~Berlinguet and D.~Berthelette, editors, {\em Proceedings of the International Congress, Work With Dispay Units' 89}, Montreal, Canada, September 1990. North Holland, Amsterdam. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Cahour}{1988}]{Cahour-thesis} Cahour, B. \newblock {\em {La Mod\'elisation de l'Interlocuteur: Elaboration du Mod\`ele et Effets au Cours de Dialogues de Consultation}}. \newblock PhD thesis, Universit\'e Paris 8, France, 1991. \newblock Cognitive psychology PhD. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Carberry}{1988}]{CarberryCL88} Carberry, S.~M. \newblock {Modeling the User's Plans and Goals}. \newblock {\em Computational Linguistics}, 14(3):23--37, September 1988. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Carbonell}{1970}]{CarbonellScholar} Carbonell, J.~R. \newblock {AI in CAI: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Computer-Aided Instruction}. \newblock {\em IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems}, 11:190--202, 1970. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Carr and Goldstein}{1977}]{Carr-Goldstein} Carr, B. and I.~Goldstein. \newblock {Overlays: A Theory of Modelling for Computed Aided Instruction}. \newblock AI Memo 406, 1977. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Cawsey}{(in press)}]{CawseyIJMMS} Cawsey, A. \newblock {Planning Interactive Explanations}. \newblock {\em International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}, in press. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Chandrasekaran and Swartout}{1991}]{chandra-swartout} Chandrasekaran, B. and William Swartout. \newblock {Explanations in Knowledge Systems: The Role of Explicit Representation of Design Knowledge}. \newblock {\em IEEE Expert}, 6(3):47--50, June 1991. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Chappel and Cahour}{1991}]{MMI2-d3} Chappel, H. and B. Cahour. \newblock {User Modeling for Multi-Modal Co-Operative Dialogue with KBS}. \newblock Deliverable D3, Esprit Project P2474, 1991. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Chin}{1987}]{ChinThesis} Chin, D.~N. \newblock {\em Intelligent Agents as a Basis for Natural Language Interfaces}. \newblock PhD thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 1987. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Chin}{1989}]{Chin88-book} Chin, D.~N. \newblock {KNOME}: {M}odeling {W}hat the {U}ser {K}nows in {UC}. \newblock In Alfred Kobsa and Wolfgang Wahlster, editors, {\em User Models in Dialog Systems}. Springer-Verlag, Symbolic Computation Series, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 1989. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Cohen and Jones}{1989}]{Cohen-Jones88-book} Cohen, R. and M. Jones. \newblock {Incorporating User Models into Expert Systems for Educational Diagnosis}. \newblock In Alfred Kobsa and Wolfgang Wahlster, editors, {\em User Models in Dialog Systems}, pages 35 -- 51. Springer-Verlag, Symbolic Computation Series, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 1989. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Falzon}{1987}]{Falzon87} Falzon, P. \newblock {Les Dialogues de Diagnostic: L'\'evaluation des Connaissances de l'Interlocuteur}. \newblock Technical Report 747, INRIA, Rocquencourt, France, 1987. \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Finin et al.}{1986}]{FininJoshiWebber} Finin, T.~W., A.~K. Joshi, and B.~L. Webber. \newblock {Natural Language Interactions with Artificial Experts}. \newblock {\em Proceedings of the IEEE}, 74(7), July 1986. \end{thebibliography} \end{article} \end{document}