%% %% This is file `jbtestmb.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% jurabib.dtx (with options: `jbtestmbtex') %% ---------------------------------------- %% Example TeX file for the documentation %% of the jurabib package v0.6 %% Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Jens Berger (http://www.jurabib.org) %% See jurabib.ins for the copyright details. %% \documentclass{article} \usepackage{jurabib} \usepackage{multibib}% multibib has to be loaded after jurabib %% Definition of _sec_ond bibliography \newcites{sec}{Secondary Literature} %% Remember: You have to run 'bibtex sec' to produce the _sec_ond bibliography! \begin{document} This is a simple test document to demonstrate \textsf{jurabib} and \textsf{multibib} interaction. This citation appears in the normal bibliography\footcite{helm72}. This citation appears in the second bibliography\footcitesec{helm82}. %% The normal bibliography \bibliography{jbtesthu} \bibliographystyle{jurabib} %% The _sec_ond bibliography \bibliographysec{jbtesthu} \bibliographystylesec{jurabib} \end{document} %% %% %% End of file `jbtestmb.tex'.