\documentclass{jourrr} % Path to your signature (if you have one). \signaturePath{imgs/jourrr-signature.png} %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Your Data %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % change according to your data \NameSurname{Name Surname} %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Article data %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % journal name \JournalName{JournalName} % title of your paper \Title{A review of journal name title} % name of the EiC \Editor{Prof. Name Surname} % name of the special issue (if any) \SpecialIssue{SI 2022} % Manuscript ID \ManuscriptID{1234567890} % Name of the Associate Editor \AssociateEditor{Prof. Name Surname} %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Response letter main part %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % No need to change the following part - here for customization % Line spacing \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.3} % Addressing the Person \PersonAddressing{Dear Editor} % change valediction in \valediction{ \OPTION_HERE } or \valediction{ Custom text } % \yoursfaithfully % In case we do not know the name of the Editor % \yourssincerely % In case we know the name of the Editor % \yourstruly % American version of Yours faithfully % \bestregards \valediction{\yourssincerely} \signature{\pNameSurname (On behalf of all Authors)\newline \break University of City} %---------------------------------------------------------------------- \Introduction{We would like to Thank you very much for your help, kindness, and your willingness by giving us a chance to submit our manuscript to the review process of your journal. We have studied each comment carefully and had acted upon every point raised by the reviewers. \newline \break We also revised our manuscript as suggested by reviewers. We made changes which enhance the written quality and flow of the paper. \newline \break Below, we have highlighted responses to each comment from the reviewers and indicated possible solutions to them. \newline \break Looking forward to hearing from you soon.} \ReviewerThank{Authors would like to sincerely thank the both Reviewers for the time spent on reading and commenting the manuscript. The given remarks are very thorough and extremely helpful to overcome the shortcomings and ambiguities in the manuscript. The Reviewer's effort is highly appreciated. In what follows, a point-by-point reply to the Reviewer’s remarks, comments and suggestions is given.} %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % Possible colors for reviewers are: % red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black, gray, white, darkgray, % lightgray, brown, lime, olive, orange, pink, purple, teal, violet % Refer to the xcolor package for more information %---------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} \loadgeometry{title} \begin{titlepage} \large % Font size \responseheader{ Responses to Reviewers Comments on\\ ``\pJournalName``\\ (\pManuscriptID) } %----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Title page % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% \begin{center} Responses to Reviewers Comments on\\ ``\pJournalName``\\ (\pManuscriptID) \end{center} % Today's date \today \vspace*{1\baselineskip} \pPersonAddressing, \pIntroduction \vfill \pvalediction\par \psignature % Next line shows your signature. Comment it out if you don't have one / plan to use digital on .pdf \showSignature{\pSignaturePath} \end{titlepage} %----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Table of contents % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% \tableofcontents \clearpage %----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Main part % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% \pagestyle{empty} % Load predefined geometry for document \loadgeometry{doc} % Set linespread for this part \linespread{1.5}\selectfont \pReviewerThank \editorresponse \newline \editorcomment{This is the comment from the EiC} % comment \associateeditorresponse \newline \associateeditorcomment{This is the comment from the AE} \referee{}\newline Comments to the Author. General comment of reviewer to the author. \response{true}{blue}{Authors thanks the Reviewer 1 for his/her positive mention about our work.} \comment{This is the comment} \response{false}{blue}{This is the response} \comment{This is the comment} \response{false}{blue}{This is the response} \referee{}\newline Comments to the Author. General comment of reviewer to the author. \response{true}{blue}{Authors thanks the Reviewer 1 for his/her positive mention about our work.} \comment{This is the comment} \response{false}{blue}{This is the response} \comment{This is the comment} \response{false}{blue}{This is the response} \referee{}\newline ... \vfill \pvalediction\\ \pNameSurname % Next line shows your signature. Comment it out if you don't have one / plan to use digital on .pdf \showSignature{\pSignaturePath} \end{document}