# jlreq ## What is this? This package provides the class file and JFM (Japanese font metric) files for LuaTeX-ja / pLaTeX / upLaTeX. This aims to implement [Requirements for Japanese Text Layout](https://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/). ## Installation Run `make` to generate JFM files. Move the files as follows: * *.tfm -> $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/public/jlreq * *.vf -> $TEXMF/fonts/vf/public/jlreq * jfm-jlreq.lua, jfm-jlreqv.lua -> $TEXMF/tex/luatex/jlreq * jlreq.cls, jlreq-helpers.sty -> $TEXMF/tex/latex/jlreq The other way to install is just to run `make install`. It will install all files in `$TEXMFHOME`. ## Usage See [README-ja.md](README-ja.md) (in Japanese). ## LICENSE This package is distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE). ## CHANGELOG * 2017-02-08 - First release. * 2017-02-17 - Fixed bugs. - Implement `abstract` environment. - Changed/Added some keys to class option/`\jlreqsetup` - Stopped to load `pxrubirica`, `luatexja-ruby` and `nidanfloat`. * 2017-03-14 - Fixed bugs. - `\sffamily` etc. also change the Japanese font family. - Added many options to `\DeclareBlockHeading`. - Some options related to `quote` environment etc. * 2017-03-20 - Fixed bugs. - Insert some spaces around `\footnote / \sidenote / \endnote`. * 2017-04-04 - Fixed a bug. - Added options `tate` and `font` to `\DeclarePageStyle`. * 2017-04-29 - Fixed bugs. - Added `jafontsize` and `jafontscale` options and `\jafontsize`. - Added `\tatechuyoko`. - `jlreq_warnings` -> `jlreq_notes` (class option). - Moved some class options to `\jlreqsetup`. - Added some options to `\jlreqsetup`. - `paper={,}` -> `paper={,}`. * 2017-06-11 - Stopped to load `plext` and `lltjext`. - Added `align` to `\DeclareBlockHeading` and delete `indent=center`, `end_indent=center`. - Changed `\kcatcode` for some characters (upLaTeX). * 2017-08-13 - Added `column_spanning` to `\DeclareBlockHeading`. - Sidenotes are a part of the main text now. - Changed the default length of sidenotes to 0. - jlreq does not define `\sidenote` if the length for sidenotes is zero. - Added a command for the full-width ideographic space. * 2017-08-29 - Fixed a bug. * 2017-11-23 - Fixed bugs. - Added `\SetBlockHeadingSpaces`. - Removed a space from `\contentsname` and `\indexname`. * 2017-12-02 - Fixed bugs. * 2017-12-22 - Improved JFM. - Change the way to detect `\label` between block headings. - Added chapter number to `\theequation`,`\thefigure`,`\thetable`. * 2018-02-01 - Sidenotes appears only odd pages in `tate` mode. - Added `\fnfixbottomtrue` for LuaLaTeX. - Added some options related to captions. - Extended `itemization_beforeafter_space`. - Fixed bugs. * 2018-04-11 - Sidenotes (`\footnote`) appears in the second column in `tate` mode. - Added options `begin_widh_(odd|even)_page` to `\DeclareBlockHeading`. - Changed `\labelenumi` as in `jarticle` etc. - Fix a bug on `column_gap` class option. - Added `mark_format` to `\DeclarePageStyle`. * 2018-05-19 - Made the width of the label in the table of contents longer. - Moved some macros to jlreq-helpers.sty - Fixed bugs. * 2018-06-17 - Gothic font is attached to font shape 'b'. - Fixed bugs. * 2018-08-08 - Added `nombre_ii` etc. to `\DeclarePageStyle`. - Fixed bugs. - Added `footnote_second_indent` and `endnote_second_indent` to `\jlreqsetup`. * 2018-08-15 - Fixed bugs. * 2018-09-01 - jlreq works with unusual `\mag`. - Fixed bugs. * 2018-12-10 - Added `number=[true/false]` to `\New***Heading`. - Added options for `\frontmatter` etc in `\jlreqsetup`. - Made `\jlreqHeadingLabel` etc available in `format` in `\NewTobiraHeading` and `\NewBlockHeading`. - Fixed bugs. * 2019-01-15 - Added `nombre_font` etc to `\NewPageStyle`. `font` is deprecated. - `format` without `#1` is allowed in `\NewBlockHeading`. - Extended `caption_label_format` etc. in `\jlreqsetup`. - Fixed bugs. * 2019-04-01 - Added `use_reverse_pagination` to the class option. - Stopped to use `zref` package. - New regnal year. - Fixed bugs. -------------- Noriyuki Abe https://github.com/abenori/jlreq