1. SUMMARY Currently, the babel package does not provide a Japanese option. This package behaves in a similar way as if you provided (non-existent) Japanese option in the babel package so that you can handle Japanese language with it. 2. ENCODINGS Japanese language has three major encodings: EUC-JP, JIS and SJIS (you may want to add UTF-8 to the above). A user must adapt this package to the Japanese encoding he/she is using. The included japanese.dtx is encoded in JIS (ISO-2022-JP). Users using other encodings must covert that file to suit their environment before installation. Do the following in the directory which contain japanese.dtx: 1) EUC-JP mv japanese.dtx japanese.dtx.orig iconv -f ISO-2022-JP -t EUC-JP japanese.dtx.orig > japanese.dtx 2) SJIS (for Windows) mv japanese.dtx japanese.dtx.ori iconv -f ISO-2022-JP -t CP932 japanese.dtx.orig > japanese.dtx 3. INSTALLATION 1) Process japanese.ins with a TeX which is capable of handling Japanese language, e.g. ptex japanese.ins 2) Read langxmpl.dat and create language.dat file following the instruction of the file (you may simply rename it). 3) Process documentation, readme.tex and sample.tex, as you wish. 4) Deploy the directory or files in an appropriate place under the TeX tree. 5) Execute mktexlsr. 4. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999 by ING This package is free software that can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License as specified in the file `macros/latex/base/lppl.txt on any CTAN archive server, such as http://ring.wakwak.com/pub/text/CTAN/. Maintained by ING, using ideas by bookworm, Tony, and Ohishi. Please report errors to: ING t-ing@tbh.t-com.ne.jp