\documentclass[11pt,twoside]{isodoc} \usepackage{logostyle} \setupdocument{ ourref = 1029, yourletter = May 12, yourref = MAPS \#34, date = today, closing = Kind regards, signature = Wybo Dekker, enclosures = Isodoc documentatie, subject = Sample letter with the isodoc class, autograph = 2, } \newcommand{\letterbody}{% This is an example of a letter made with the isodoc class. Note that the date was set to `today', so the date above the letter depends upon the day of compilation. The picture in the logo was designed by Pieter Weltevrede. The text\footnote{gathered from the \TeX-distribution} has no meaning, its only goal is to get a long letter. \par\input{typo} } \begin{document} \letter[to = Wybo Dekker\\ Deilsedijk 60\\ 4158 CH Deil, opening = Beste Wybo ]{\letterbody} \letter[to = MAPS redactie\\ Spuiboulevard 269\\ 3311 GP Dordrecht, opening = Beste Taco ]{\letterbody} \end{document} $Id: logoletter.tex,v 1.4 2010-01-01 22:00:26 wybo Exp $