| -------:|:-------------------------------------- isodoc:| LaTeX class used for typesetting of letters and invoices Version:| 1.07 Author:| Wybo Dekker E-mail:| wybo@dekkerdocumenten.nl License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt Short description: The isodoc class is used for the preparation of letters and invoices. Future versions will support the preparation of other, similar documents. Documents are easily configured to the user's requirements through key=value options. At the origin of this class was Victor Eijkhout’s NTG brief class, which implements the NEN1026 standard. The package contains several examples, that are used in the documentation. These can individually be compiled, which may be useful for users to experiment with. Full documentation: https://bitbucket.org/wybodekker/isodoc/downloads/isodoc.pdf Installation: Execute the inst script with the --help option for more information. Changes in version 1.07: - use xcolor, not color package; minor changes in example style files - swedish-Sweden (sv-SE) language added - ordinal suffixes can be superscripted with ordinalss option - removed boldface from the smallcaps invoice opening to prevent font problems - using the term "paymentdata" instead of "accountdata", but both do work. - improved documentation, in particular about footer fields. - accountno did not appear (typo).