\documentclass[ % year=2016, % month=October, % number=1, % volume=2, ]{ijsra} \def\IJSRAidentifier{\currfilebase} \def\shorttitle{The \texttt{ijsra}-class, Version \IJSRAversion\ -- \IJSRAversiondate} \def\maintitle{The \texttt{ijsra}-class, Version \IJSRAversion\ -- \IJSRAversiondate} \def\shortauthor{Lukas C. Bossert} \def\authormail{lukas@digitales-altertum.de} \def\affiliation{Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Excellence-Cluster Topoi} \def\thanknote{The coding of this documentclass is done at \href{https://github.com/LukasCBossert/documentclass-ijsra}{https://github.com/LukasCBossert/documentclass-ijsra} } %\def\keywordname{hello} \def\keywords{documentclass, \LaTeX , IJSRA} %-------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{filecontents}{\IJSRAidentifier.bib} @Incollection{Orengo2015, author = {Orengo, H.}, title = {Open Source GIS and Geospatial Software in Archaeology}, subtitle = {Towards Their Integration into Everyday Archaeological Practice}, pages = {64--82}, editor = {Wilson, A. T. and Edwards, B.}, booktitle = {Open Source Archaeology}, booksubtitle = {Ethics and Practice}, publisher = {deGruyter Open}, location = {Warsaw}, year = {2015}, } @Article{Pikirayi2015, author = {Pikirayi, I.}, title = {The Future of Archaeology in Africa}, journaltitle = {Antiquity}, volume = {89}, pages = {531--541}, year = {2015}, issue = {345}, } @Article{Bossert-ijsra, author = {Lukas C. Bossert}, title = {›ijsra‹ -- bib\LaTeX-style which is used for the \emph{International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology}}, subtitle = {Version: 0.1}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-ijsra}, keywords = {latex}, year ={2016}, note = {https://github.com/LukasCBossert/biblatex-ijsra}, owner = {Lukas C. Bossert}, timestamp = {2016-07-04}, } \end{filecontents} \begin{document} \lstMakeShortInline[style=code]| \IJSRAopening {\Large\scshape \shortauthor}% \footnote\thanknote% \\[1em] \email\\ \affiliation \IJSRAmid \begin{IJSRAabstract}% This is a documentation of the class \texttt{ijsra} which is used for the \emph{International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology}. Read this documentation carefully. When you start editing do it according to the structure shown in \cref{document}. \end{IJSRAabstract} %\IJSRAseparator \lettrine[nindent=0em,lines=3]{E}{very} article\marginnote{starting} starts with a lettrine as the first letter. This bigger letter functions as an eye catcher to make clear where the article starts. It effects the whole word: The first letter reaches down to the third line, the other letters of the word are capitalised. In \cref{lettrine} you see the code how this is achieved. \begin{lstlisting}[label=lettrine,caption={Starting letter}] \lettrine[nindent=0em,lines=3]{E}{very} article ... \end{lstlisting} If you have a letter which is rather slanted you can define the slope. Let’s have a look at the letter ›A‹. \begin{lstlisting}[label=lettrine,caption={Starting letter ›A‹}] \lettrine[slope=4pt,findent=-3pt,lines=3]{A}{rchaeologists} … \end{lstlisting} And it changes of course if we start the article with a ›W‹. \begin{lstlisting}[label=lettrine,caption={Starting letter ›W‹}] \lettrine[slope=-4pt,nindent=-4pt,lines=3]{W}{hen} ... \end{lstlisting} Each article contains several information about the author, title, etc. This is done with some definitions. You have to fill in the information in the curly brackets. \begin{lstlisting}[label=information,caption={Information about the article}] \def\IJSRAidentifier{\currfilebase} %<---- don’t change this! \def\shorttitle{} %<---- this is for the short title \def\maintitle{} %<---- full title \def\shortauthor{} %<---- full name of the author \def\authormail{} %<--- email address name@email.com \def\affiliation{} %<--- university or institution \def\thanknote{} %<--- further information regarding the author \def\keywords{} %<---- keywords describing the article %\def\keywordname{} %<---- name of keywords in an other language \end{lstlisting} After the definitions there is the block regarding the bibliographical entries. Those are written in the section \begin{lstlisting}[label=bibliography,caption={Bibliographical information}] \begin{filecontents}{\IJSRAidentifier.bib} %<--- don’t change this @Incollection{Orengo2015, author = {Orengo, H.}, title = {Open Source GIS and Geospatial Software in Archaeology}, subtitle = {Towards Their Integration into Everyday Archaeological Practice}, pages = {64--82}, editor = {Wilson, A. T. and Edwards, B.}, booktitle = {Open Source Archaeology}, booksubtitle = {Ethics and Practice}, publisher = {deGruyter Open}, location = {Warsaw}, year = {2015}, } @Article{Pikirayi2015, author = {Pikirayi, I.}, title = {The Future of Archaeology in Africa}, journaltitle = {Antiquity}, volume = {89}, pages = {531--541}, year = {2015}, issue = {345}, } @Article{Bossert-ijsra, author = {Lukas C. Bossert}, title = {›ijsra‹ -- bib\LaTeX-style which is used for the \emph{International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology}}, subtitle = {Version: 0.1}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-ijsra}, keywords = {latex}, note = {https://github.com/LukasCBossert/biblatex-ijsra}, owner = {Lukas C. Bossert}, timestamp = {2016-07-04}, } . . . \end{filecontents} \end{lstlisting} After that we have completed the preamble and get to main part of the document. Here we define the layout of the headline. \begin{lstlisting}[label=headline,caption={Headline layout}] \IJSRAopening %<---- don’t change or forget this {\Large\scshape \shortauthor}% \footnote\thanknote% \\[1em] \email\\ \affiliation \IJSRAmid %<---- don’t change or forget this \end{lstlisting} If there is no \texttt{thanknote} you only have to comment line no. 4 and there will be no footnote. After that we come to the abstract. The abstract is set in the enviroment \texttt{IJSRAabstract}: \begin{lstlisting}[label=abstract,caption={IJSRAabstract}] \begin{IJSRAabstract} Abstract \end{IJSRAabstract} \end{lstlisting} Then you can copy/paste the text of the article and make further editing. At the very end you have to insert \begin{lstlisting}[label=closing,caption={IJSRAclosing}] \IJSRAclosing \end{lstlisting} \clearpage Following there is a minimal template how the plain document should look like when you begin to edit. \begin{lstlisting}[label=document,caption={Plain document}] \documentclass{ijsra} \def\IJSRAidentifier{\currfilebase} \def\shorttitle{} \def\maintitle{} \def\shortauthor{} \def\authormail{} \def\affiliation{} \def\thanknote{} \def\keywords{} %\def\keywordname{} \begin{filecontents}{\IJSRAidentifier.bib} Bibliography-files \end{filecontents} \begin{document} \IJSRAopening {\Large\scshape \shortauthor}% \footnote\thanknote% \\[1em] \email\\ \affiliation \IJSRAmid \begin{IJSRAabstract} Abstract \end{IJSRAabstract} \lettrine[nindent=0em,lines=3]{M}{ain} text ... \IJSRAclosing \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \clearpage Let’s have a look how to do certain editing. How to do quotes:\marginnote{quotes} For that we use the enviroment |IJSRAquote| and \begin{IJSRAquote}{author of the quote} paste the quote here \end{IJSRAquote} \begin{lstlisting}[label=quote,caption={Quote}] \begin{IJSRAquote}{author of the quote} paste the quote here \end{IJSRAquote} \end{lstlisting} For other things e.g. figures or citing, please have a look at other documentations or Some general information: \begin{itemize} \item Be aware of different brackets, e.g. |[] {}|; These are part of \LaTeX -programming-language, every opening bracket needs a closing one. \item Replace e.g. |19 %| with |\SI{19}{\percent}| otherwise everything after |%| will be omitted by \LaTeX; \item Replace |&| with |\&|; same with other units, e.g. meter: |100 m| has to be written as |\SI{100}{\meter}|; \item Replace the citation of authors (e.g |Blesser \& Salter 2006|) with |\cite{Blesser2006}|; if you have a page-range write: |\cite[23--45]{Blesser2006}|; \item To compile with bibliography-references; use 1 $\times$ Xe\LaTeX, then 1 $\times$ compiler ›biber‹, then 1 $\times$ Xe\LaTeX. \end{itemize} If you want to know how to cite properly please have a look at the documentation of \texttt{biblatex-ijsra}.\footnote{\cite[see][]{Bossert-ijsra};\\ \url{http://mirrors.ctan.org//macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-ijsra/biblatex-ijsra.pdf}} \nocite{*} \printbibliography \clearpage You find the code using to write this documentation below. \lstinputlisting[language={[AlLaTeX]{TeX}}]{\jobname.tex} \IJSRAclosing \end{document}