LaTeX package hypdvips 2014/06/22 v3.02 The hypdvips package is a collection of add-ons and fixes for problems when using hyperref with dvips. It adds support for breaking links, hyperlinked tablenotes, file attachments, embedded documents and different types of GoTo- links. In addition, the cooperation with cleveref allows an enhanced back- referencing system. History: v3.02 - fixes erroneous "disable" and "enable" text output before and after the \tableofcontents, \listoffigures, \listoftables, and \listofattachments commands when hyperref option backref is disabled (thanks to Matthias Walter for the bug-report and to Heiko Oberdiek for analyzing the bug) v3.01 - supports newer versions of KOMA-Script (thanks to Peter Ebelsberger for the bug-report and to Enrico Gregorio and Heiko Oberdiek for analyzing and fixing the bug) - supports newer versions of cleveref - removes support for jobnames which start with a parenthesis `(' as it interferes with latex' command line option -output-directory (thanks to Dominik Derigs for the bug-report) - improves algorithm which decides whether to break links v3.00 - supports newer versions of hyperref - loads the PU encoding only when it's really needed (thanks to Manuel Cartignies for the bug-report) - improves compatibility with package acronym (thanks to Timo Stein for the bug-report) - fixes duplicate back-references when option `detailedbr' is disabled v2.04 - improves compatibility with package biblatex (thanks to Alexander Wilbuer for the bug-report) - improves compatibility with AMS document classes (thanks to Ilya Zakharevich for the bug-report) - uses package atveryend instead of zref in order to avoid e-TeX dependency - adds support for package wrapfig - corrects a bug in enumeration of subfigure anchors v2.03 - fixes broken links within cleveref references - breaks up links between pages and columns into individual links v2.02 - improves compatibility with package caption (thanks to Benedikt Leinss for the bug-report) - fixes the \bmstyle command to work with chapters (thanks to Benedikt Leinss for the bug-report) - fixes incorrect spacing after certain environments (thanks to Benedikt Leinss for the bug-report) v2.01 - does not implicitly load the hyperref package anymore - restores the original \autoref command of the hyperref package - fixes labels and anchors to not be corrupted after certain environments v2.00 - supports newer versions of hyperref and cleveref - new package option `emptypagelabels': allows to choose whether empty PDF pagelabels are created if pagestyle is set to `empty' (thanks to Sebastian Bomberg for the suggestion) - uses \backrefalt for back-referencing system (thanks to Benedikt Leinss for the bug-report) - changes \bmstyle to use \bookmarkdefinestyle v1.06 - new package option `nlwarning': allows to suppress warnings concerning nested links (thanks to Marco Daniel for the suggestion) - fixes duplicate warnings about nested links when option `evenboxes' is disabled v1.05 - improves compatibility with packages tabularx & subcaption (thanks to Marco Daniel for the bug-report) v1.04 - fixes problem with back-reference when citing in footnotetext and option `smallfootnotes' is enabled v1.03 - new package options: `flip' & `mirror' - adds support for package threeparttable: tablenotes are now hyperlinked - fixes corrupted /Names entry in {Catalog} when embedding files v1.02 - better support for broken links (should now work in tables too) - fixes \bmstyle command v1.01 - uses xcolor package to achieve better print quality when hyperref option `colorlinks' is used - patches bookmark package to work with jobnames which start with a parenthesis `(' - corrects some minor typos in the documentation v1.00 - initial release