\documentclass[twoside,twocolumn]{scrartcl} \input{preamble.ltx} \setlength\columnseprule{0.4pt} \begin{document} \title{Example for fullpage floats} \author{Herbert Voß} \maketitle \tableofcontents \blinddocument \section{File \texttt{\jobname}} \begin{lstlisting} The fullpage image~\vref{fig:fullpage0} has a caption~\vpageref{fig:fullpage0-cap}. \end{lstlisting} The fullpage image~\vref{fig:fullpage0} has a caption~\vpageref{fig:fullpage0-cap}. \begin{lstlisting} \hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=inner]% {figure}% {\includegraphics[fullpage]{frose}}% [A float which needs the complete page width and height.]% {A Caption on the inner side of a twosided document. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.} {fig:fullpage0} \end{lstlisting} \Float[capPos=e] \hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=inner]% {figure}% {\includegraphics[fullpage]{frose}}% [A float which needs the complete page width and height.]% {A Caption on the inner side of a twosided document. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.} {fig:fullpage0} \blinddocument \section{Next Example} \begin{lstlisting} \hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=inner]% {figure}% {\includegraphics[fullpage]{frose}}% [A float which needs the complete page width and height.]% {A Caption on the inner side of a twosided document. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.} {fig:fullpage1} \end{lstlisting} \Float[capPos=e] \hvFloat[fullpage, capPos=inner]% {figure}% {\includegraphics[fullpage]{frose}}% [A float which needs the complete page width and height.]% {A Caption on the inner side of a twosided document. This can be an even or odd page. And some more text whch has no real meaning because it fills only the space for a long caption.} {fig:fullpage1} \blinddocument \Blindtext \end{document}