historische-zeitschrift 2010/10/18 v0.9a Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven , 2010 Version history --------------- v0.9a [2010/10/18] - Compatibility to biblatex 0.9e. - New option 'postnote'. This option can take the values 'inparen' and 'afterparen', where 'inparen' puts the postnote in subsequent citations inside the parenthesis holding the 'see note N' phrase. The default is 'afterparen' (thus, the default behaviour has changed, because the HZ style requires it. The style description was wrong at this point, and I did not check properly in the printed journal. Therefore, the biblatex style 'historische-zeitschrift' was wrong in this particular point. For compatibility reasons, and because it might be useful, I turned the wrong behaviour into the option 'postnote=inparen'). - @reference and @inreference are now supported (as an alias for @collection and @incollection, respectively, as they do not require special treatment). v0.9 [2010/03/11] - Compatibility to biblatex 0.9 - The options 'doi', 'eprint' and 'url' are supported. The defaults are 'doi=false', 'eprint=false' and 'url=true'. - Added the file 'historische-zeitschrift.lbx' for the handling of (German) language related issues. v0.8 [2008/10/20] - Initial public release