%% %% This is file `heria-proposal.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% heria.dtx (with options: `heria-proposal') %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% Copyright 2023 Tristan Miller %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2008 or later. %% \documentclass[showinstructions]{heria} \title{Skeleton Horizon Europe Proposal} \callname{insert call name} \callidentifier{HORIZON-XX0-0000-XXXXX-00-XXXXX} \calltopic{HORIZON-XX0-0000-XXXXX-00-00} \begin{document} \maketitle \heinstructions{participants} \noindent\opentag{APP-FORM-HERIAIA}% \section*{List of participants}[][][1 page]\label{sec:listofparticipants} \participant {University of Upper Freedonia} % Participant organisation name {UUF} % Participant short name {AT} % Country \participant {Molvania State University} % Participant organisation name {MSU} % Participant short name {DE} % Country \participant {Institute for Underwater Basket Weaving} % Participant organisation name {IUBW} % Participant short name {UK} % Country \makeparticipantstable \heinstructions{participant-numbering} \section{Excellence}[REL-EVA-RE]\label{sec:excellence} \heinstructions{excellence} \subsection{Objectives and ambition}[PRJ-OBJ-PO][][4 pages]\label{sec:objectives} \heinstructions{objectives} \subsection{Methodology}[CON-MET-CM,COM-PLE-CP][PRJ-OBJ-PO][14 pages]\label{sec:methodology} \heinstructions{methodology} \subsubsection{Overall methodology}[][][10 pages]\label{sec:overallmethodology} \subsubsection{Connections to other research activities}[][][1 page]\label{sec:connections} \subsubsection{Interdisciplinarity}[][][1/2 page]\label{sec:interdisciplinarity} \subsubsection{Gender dimension}[][][1/2 page]\label{sec:gender} \subsubsection{Open science}[][][1 page]\label{sec:openscience} \subsubsection{Research data management}[][][1 page]\label{sec:rdm} \section{Impact}[IMP-ACT-IA][CON-MET-CM,COM-PLE-CP,REL-EVA-RE]\label{sec:impact} \heinstructions{impact} \subsection{Project's pathways towards impact}[][][4 pages]\label{sec:pathways} \heinstructions{pathways} \subsection{Measures to maximise impact: Dissemination, exploitation and communication}[COM-DIS-VIS-CDV][][5 pages, including section 2.3]\label{sec:measures} \heinstructions{measures} \subsection{Summary}\label{sec:summary} \heinstructions{summary} \closetag{COM-DIS-VIS-CDV} \begin{SidewaysFigure} \begin{summarycanvas}% \begin{summarybox}{SPECIFIC NEEDS} \end{summarybox}% \begin{summarybox}{EXPECTED RESULTS} \end{summarybox}% \begin{summarybox}{D \& E \& C MEASURES} \end{summarybox}% \end{summarycanvas}% \begin{summarycanvas}% \begin{summarybox}{TARGET GROUPS} \end{summarybox}% \begin{summarybox}{OUTCOMES} \end{summarybox}% \begin{summarybox}{IMPACTS} \end{summarybox}% \end{summarycanvas}% \caption{Impact summary tableau}\label{fig:impact} \end{SidewaysFigure} \section{Quality and efficiency of the implementation}[QUA-LIT-QL,WRK-PLA-WP][IMP-ACT-IA]\label{sec:quality} \heinstructions{quality} \subsection{Work plan and resources}[][][14 pages (19 pages for topics using lump sum funding)~-- including tables]\label{sec:workplan} \heinstructions{workplan} \subsubsection*{Table 3.1a: List of work packages} \heinstructions{tables} \makeworkpackagestable \subsubsection*{Table 3.1b: Work package description} \workpackage {ra} % unique ID (used only for cross-referencing deliverables, etc. in LaTeX) {Requirements analysis} % work package title {UUF}% Lead participant (using short name) {1}% Start month {6}% End month \heinstructions{wp-objectives} \begin{objectives} \item First objective \item Second objective \item \dots \end{objectives} \begin{descriptionofwork} \heinstructions{wp-description} \task {Literature survey} % task name {UUF} % short name of lead participant {MSU} % other participants (or "all participants", etc.) {1--6} % month(s) In this task, we will read a lot of books, and\dots \end{descriptionofwork} \deliverable {dmp} % deliverable name {Data management plan} % short description {MSU} % short name of lead participant {DMP}% type; see Table 3.1c instructions for valid values {PU}% dissemination level; see Table 3.1c instructions for valid values {6}% delivery date (in months from beginning of project) \workpackage% {integration}% Unique ID (used only for cross-referencing deliverables, etc. in LaTeX) {System integration}% Title {UUF}% Lead partner (using short name ID) {1}% Start month {20}% End month \heinstructions{wp-objectives} \begin{objectives} \item First objective \item Second objective \item \dots \end{objectives} \begin{descriptionofwork} \heinstructions{wp-description} \task {Develop prototype} % task name {UUF} % short name of lead participant {MSU} % other participants (or "all participants", etc.) {1--10} % month(s) In this task, we will do lots of coding, and\dots \end{descriptionofwork} \deliverable {demo} % deliverable name {Working demo system} % short description {IUBW} % short name of lead participant {DEM}% type; see Table 3.1c instructions for valid values {SEN}% dissemination level; see Table 3.1c instructions for valid values {10}% delivery date (in months from beginning of project) \workpackage% {dissemination}% Unique ID (used only for cross-referencing deliverables, etc. in LaTeX) {Dissemination and exploitation}% Title {UUF}% Lead partner (using short name ID) {7}% Start month {20}% End month \heinstructions{wp-objectives} \begin{objectives} \item First objective \item Second objective \item \dots \end{objectives} \begin{descriptionofwork} \heinstructions{wp-description} \task {Organise public workshop} % task name {MSU} % short name of lead participant {all participants} % other participants (or "all participants", etc.) {7--10} % month(s) In this task, we will unite the greatest minds\dots \end{descriptionofwork} \deliverable {proceedings} % deliverable name {Workshop proceedings} % short description {MSU} % short name of lead participant {R}% type; see Table 3.1c instructions for valid values {PU}% dissemination level; see Table 3.1c instructions for valid values {11}% delivery date (in months from beginning of project) \subsubsection*{Table 3.1c: List of deliverables} \heinstructions{deliverables} \makedeliverablestable \heinstructions{deliverables-key} \subsubsection*{Table 3.1d: List of milestones} \milestone {Define use cases} % milestone name {WP1} % related work package(s) {12} % month due {expert review} % means of verification \milestone {Minimum viable product (MVP)} % milestone name {WP2} % related work package(s) {20} % month due {expert review} % means of verification \heinstructions{milestones} \makemilestonestable \subsubsection*{Table 3.1e: Critical risks for implementation}[RSK-MGT-RM] \criticalrisk {Datasets are not available} % description of risk {Low} % Likelihood {High} % Severity {WP1, WP2} % Work package(s) involved {We'll find new ones} % Proposed risk-mitigation measures \heinstructions{criticalrisks} \makecriticalriskstable \subsubsection*{Table 3.1f: Summary of staff effort}[][RSK-MGT-RM] \staffeffort {UUF} % short name of participant {ra} % name of work package {23} % number of person-months \staffeffort{UUF}{integration}{6} \staffeffort{UUF}{dissemination}{11} \staffeffort{MSU}{ra}{18} \staffeffort{MSU}{integration}{17} \staffeffort{MSU}{dissemination}{1} \staffeffort{IUBW}{ra}{21} \staffeffort{IUBW}{integration}{14} \staffeffort{IUBW}{dissemination}{5} \heinstructions{staffeffort} \makestaffefforttable \subsubsection*{Table 3.1g: `Subcontracting costs' items} \heinstructions{subcontractingcosts} \subcontractingcost {UUF} % short name of participant {25000} % cost in euros {Design project website} % description of tasks and justification \makesubcontractingcoststable \subsubsection*{Table 3.1h: `Purchase costs' items (travel and subsistence, equipment and other goods, works and services)} \heinstructions{purchasecosts} \purchasecost {IUBW} % short name of participant {6125} % travel cost in euros {Attendance at two conferences} % justification {2120} % equipment cost in euros {Computing cluster} % justification {4775} % other costs in euros {Crowdsourcing study} % justification {1000} % remaining costs \makepurchasecoststable \subsubsection*{Table 3.1i: `Other costs categories' items (e.g., internally invoiced goods and services)} \heinstructions{othercosts} \othercost {UUF} % short name of participant {500} % cost in euros {Cookies for bribing reviewers} % justification \othercost {MSU} % short name of participant {15000} % cost in euros {Legal fees for defending bribery charges} % justification \makeothercoststable \subsubsection*{Table 3.1j: `In-kind contributions' provided by third parties} \inkindcontribution {UUF} % short name of participant {Freedonian Ministry of Education} % third party name {Travel and subsistence} % category (see template instructions for list) {300} % cost in euros {Use of minister's private jet} % justification \heinstructions{inkind} \makeinkindcontributionstable \subsection{Capacity of participants and consortium as a whole}[CON-SOR-CS,PRJ-MGT-PM][][3 pages]\label{sec:capacity} \heinstructions{capacity} \closetag{CON-SOR-CS,PRJ-MGT-PM} \closetag{QUA-LIT-QL,WRK-PLA-WP} \heinstructions{annexes} \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `heria-proposal.tex'.