2006-09-28 Andy Buckley * Updated date to today, ready for release 1.3. 2006-09-25 Andy Buckley * Updated example document to demonstrate the bold math in titles and sans-serif titles. 2006-09-21 Andy Buckley * Made frontmatter centered titles have \LARGE size rather than \Large. * Added \boldmath to the definition of \bfseries so that maths in titles etc. will automatically go bold. Thanks to Donald Arsenau for supplying this neat trick! 2006-09-18 Andy Buckley * Fixed a bug in the definition of \definethesis (argument #2 was never used). * Added sftitles option, using the sfheaders package and some changes to the hepthesis-specific sectioning commands. Updated documentation to reflect this. 2006-06-12 Andy Buckley * Updated the documentation to reflect the recent changes. * Removed some lingering \thesis-prefixed commands from the examples. * Aliased \maketitle to \titlepage{} (see below). * Changed behaviour of \titlepage slightly: the first argument will no longer be presented prefixed with "of" (so you should include "of\\ " in the argument if you want the original, non-internationalised behaviour). Also, the first argument is now optional, so should be wrapped with square brackets rather than curly braces. \thesistitlepage has been similarly updated. * Deprecated \definethesis command: it is now just a thin wrapper for \title and \author. * Added titling option to use the titling package if available. Otherwise, redefine \title and \author to save their arguments in \thetitle and \theauthor, as well as in \@title, \@author, so that they are available in the document body, in particular for building the title page. 2006-06-06 Andy Buckley * Prompted by a request from Claudia Strabel, the table, figure, figure* and sidewaysfigure environments now use standard [!htbp] placement specifiers. 2006-02-23 Andy Buckley * Ready for version 1.2 release (no changes since 2006-01-26 and no reported bugs from beta testing) 2006-01-26 Andy Buckley * Added appendices and colophon environments and updated the manual and example accordingly. * Changed mainmatter environment to a special comment so that it doesn't remove the section numbering until the backmatter starts: I don't understand what it is about \renewenvironment that was doing this. * Fixed typo in backmatter definition which made it treat the backmatter as mainmatter. 2005-12-13 Andy Buckley * Removed pdfpagemode=FullScreen option from hyperref. Maybe re-introduce this sort of thing via an option. 2005-12-09 Andy Buckley * Fixed typo ("latex" -> "pdflatex") in the documentation of how to use a Makefile to ease the PS/PDF conditional compilation issues. * Moved frontquote text up by 1.5 cm to balance the page a bit better. This is still quite A4-specific: maybe this should be specified in terms of \textheight? * Added dedication page command and added some \cleardoublepage and page style commands to the quote page command to ensure that it doesn't overlap with the contents pages. 2005-11-01 Andy Buckley * Hacked the example files into much better shape and updated the documentation to mention the new features and the pre-defined figure widths. * Added the "deprecated" typeout into the thesis-prefixed commands and environments. * Added a sidewaysfigure environment, which introduces a dependency on the rotating package. It's very standard, so I'm not bothered. Maybe add an option to disable the rotating dependency later... * Added the hide{front,back,frontback} options. 2005-09-26 Andy Buckley * Finished off the first version of the documentation. Example files could do with some work which I'm too lazy to do right now :-) * Added the \Chapter, \ChapterRef etc. commands from a personal style file. 2005-09-02 Andy Buckley * Changed \oddsidemargin and \evensidemargin settings to use the \@bindextramargin length. * Added bindnopdf option. * Started ChangeLog entries. Oops, I should have started a bit earlier, eh?