hepparticles --- for typesetting high energy particle names by Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org> ----------------------------------------------------------- hepparticles is a set of macros for typesetting high energy particle names. It provides a robust (?) and consistent structure within which to typeset the names and along the way solves many problems with alignment and text styles which otherwise make themselves known. Chief amongst the problems solved by hepparticles is that the problems with boldness of particle names typeset in math mode when used in section titles, headers and tables of contents disappear. The typesetting convention by default uses upright names for "concrete" particles and italic type for generic particle labels but the convention can be specified at package-include time, making this package suitable for journal use. Fuller documentation for this package can be found in the files hepparticles.{ps,pdf}, distributed with the package and some examples (used for debugging) are in testhepparticles.{ps,pdf}, with source code in testhepparticles.tex. You may also be interested in the heppennames and hepnicenames packages, which use this package to define a large set of common particle names. This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the details of that license. Author: Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org>