%% %% This is file `template-msc-classic.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% hecthese.dtx (with options: `gabarit,msc,classique,anglais') %% %% This is a stripped version of the original file. %% %% Copyright 2017-2023 HEC Montreal %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2008/05/04 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Benoit Hamel %% . %% %% This work consists of the files hecthese.dtx and hecthese-fr.ins, %% hecthese-en.ins, hecthese.pdf, hecthese-en.pdf %% and the derived files listed in the README file. %% %% TEMPLATE FOR A CLASSIC THESIS %% %% This is the master file where you write all your work-related metadata, %% where you create your homemade commands and environments. It is from this %% file that you run your compilations. %% %% DO NOT WRITE YOUR DISSERTATION OR THESIS IN THIS FILE! %% %% Read the hecthese class documentation for more information. %% %% DOCUMENT CLASS DECLARATION %% %% The document class is declared with its default document type and %% language. Write in the options list the desired font size (10pt, 11pt,12pt) %% or let the class load the default font size: 12pt. \documentclass[mscclassique,french,english]{hecthese} %% %% PRE-LOADED PACKAGES %% %% Here is the list of all the packages that come preloaded with the hecthese %% class. YOU MUST NOT RELOAD THEM! In doing so, you will create bugs. %% %% Package[utf8]{inputenc} %% Package[T1]{fontenc} %% Package{chapterbib} %% Package{babel} %% Package[autolanguage]{numprint} %% Package{calc} %% Package{enumitem} %% Package{tocvsec2} %% Package{graphicx} %% Package{color} %% Package{amsmath} %% Package{iflang} %% %% LOADING PACKAGES %% %% Add all the packages you need to write your dissertation or thesis. %% Read the class documentation so learn more about preloaded packages. Make %% sure to follow these instructions: %% %% 1) The hyperref MUST ALWAYS BE LOADED LAST if you want the package to work %% correctly. %% 2) The geometry package et INCOMPATIBLE with the memoir class. You can't %% use it in your work. Read the memoir class' documentation for more %% information. %% %% CHOOSING A FONT %% %% Choose the mathptmx package if you want to use a serif-type font, like %% Times, and the mathpazo package if you want to use a sans serif-type font, %% like Arial. Choose one package and delete the other, or comment it out. \usepackage{mathptmx} %% \usepackage{mathpazo} \usepackage[ backend=biber, style=authoryear, ]{biblatex} \usepackage{hyperref} %% %% INDEX PRODUCTION %% \makeindex %% %% %% TABLE OF CONTENTS LAYOUT %% %% All document divisions up to the subsections are included in the table %% of contents. If you want a more detailled table of contents, change %% the following two commands so they match the level of detail you want %% in your TOC. %% \setsecnumdepth{subsection} % Numerotation des sous-sections / Subsection numbering \settocdepth{subsection} % Inclusion des sous-sections dans la TDM / Including subsections in the TOC %% %% DOCUMENT METADATA %% %% The title of your work. If the title is too long, use the \\ command %% to output the title in multiple lines. \HECtitle{Dissertation or thesis title} %% The subtitle of your work. If there is no subtitle, empty the contents %% from the curly braces. \HECsubtitle{Dissertation or thesis subtitle} %% The author is you... \HECauthor{FirstName LastName} %% Name of the M.Sc. or Ph.D. option \HECoption{Option Name} %% Month of the work's final submission \HECsubMonth{May} %% Year of the work's final submission \HECsubYear{2018} %% The complete name of the research director and her gender (M or F) \HECresearchDirector{FirstName LastName}{M or F} %% %% PACKAGE OPTIONS %% %% If your packages need to have options loaded before the document's %% beginning, write them hereafter. If you want to override preloaded %% packages' options, read the class documentation to learn how. %% %% Fichier contenant les références bibliographiques pour biblatex / %% references file for biblatex \addbibresource{biblio.bib} %% Options du package hyperref (inclure les metadonnees pdf dans les options) / %% hyperref package option (including pdf metadata) \hypersetup{% colorlinks=true, allcolors=black, pdfauthor=\HECpdfauteur, pdftitle=\HECpdftitre } %% Options de babel / babel options \frenchbsetup{% og=«, fg=» % caracteres « et » sont les guillemets } %% %% BEGINNING OF THE DISSERTATION OR THESIS %% \begin{document} %% Pages liminaires / frontmatter \frontmatter %% Page de garde / cover page \mbox{} \thispagestyle{empty} \cleardoublepage %% Page de titre \HECtitlepages %% Resume francais / french abstract \include{abstract-french} %% Resume anglais / english abstract \include{abstract-english} %% Table des matieres (* pour ne pas inclure la TDM dans la TDM) / %% Table of contents (* for excluding the TOC from the TOC) \tableofcontents* \cleardoublepage %% Liste des tableaux / list of table \listoftables \cleardoublepage %% Liste des figures / list of figures \listoffigures \cleardoublepage %% Liste des abreviations / acronyms list \include{acronym-list} %% Avant-propos / preface \include{preface} %% Remerciements / acknowledgements \include{acknowledgements} %% Partie principale de la these ou du memoire / mainmatter \mainmatter %% Introduction \include{introduction} %% Revue de la litterature / literature review \include{literature-review} %% Chapitres de developpement / chapters \include{chapter-1} \include{chapter-2} \include{chapter-3} %% Conclusion \include{conclusion} %% Index analytique / analytical index \printindex %% BIBLIOGRAPHIE / BIBLIOGRAPHY \printbibliography[title=Bibliography, heading=bibintoc] \backmatter %% Retour a la pagination romaine / Back to roman page numbering \pagenumbering{roman} %% Annexes / appendices \appendix \include{appendix} %% Page de garde de fin / back cover page \mbox{} \thispagestyle{empty} \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `template-msc-classic.tex'.