%% File containing the acronyms list. You'll find below and example list. The %% HECabbreviations environment takes as an argument the longest acronym. On %% compilation, a list with two aligned columns is generated. \chapter*{\HECtdmAbreviations} \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\HECtdmAbreviations} \begin{HECabbreviations}{ABBR} \item[ABBR] Abr\'{e}viation \item[BAA] Baccalaur\'{e}at en administration des affaires \item[DESS] Dipl\^{o}me d'\'{e}tudes sup\'{e}rieures sp\'{e}cialis\'{e}es \item[HEC] Hautes \'{e}tudes commerciales \item[MBA] Ma\^{i}trise en administration des affaires \item[MSc] Ma\^{i}trise \item[PhD] Doctorat \end{HECabbreviations}