%% A simple template for a term report using the Hagenberg setup %% based on the standard LaTeX 'report' class %% äöüÄÖÜß <-- no German Umlauts here? Use an UTF-8 compatible editor! %%% Magic comments for setting the correct parameters in compatible IDEs % !TeX encoding = utf8 % !TeX program = pdflatex % !TeX spellcheck = en_US % !BIB program = biber \documentclass[notitlepage,english,smartquotes]{hgbreport} \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} % remove when using lualatex oder xelatex! \graphicspath{{images/}} % where are the images? \bibliography{references} % requires file 'references.bib' %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \author{Peter A.\ Wiseguy} % your name \title{CS799 Ridiculously Advanced Systems\\ % the name of the course or project Term Report} % or "Project Report" \date{\today} %%%---------------------------------------------------------- %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \maketitle \begin{abstract}\noindent This document is a simple template for a typical term or semester paper (lab/course report, "Übungsbericht", \etc) based on the \textsf{HagenbergThesis} \latex package.% \footnote{See \url{https://github.com/Digital-Media/HagenbergThesis} for the most current version and additional examples. This repository also provides a good introduction and useful hints for authoring academic texts with LaTeX.} The structure and chapter titles have been formulated to provide a good starting point for a typical \emph{project report}. This document uses the custom class \textsf{hgbreport} which is based on \latex's standard \textsf{report} document class with \texttt{chapter} as the top structuring element. If you wish to write this report in German you should substitute the line \begin{quote} \verb!\documentclass[english]{hgbreport}! \end{quote} at the top of this document by \begin{quote} \verb!\documentclass[german]{hgbreport}!. \end{quote} In addition, the \texttt{smartquotes} document option is used in this document for simplified insertion of quotes. To omit the default \textbf{title page} (as in this document) use the \texttt{notitlepage} option, \eg, \begin{quote} \verb!\documentclass[notitlepage,english]{hgbreport}!. \end{quote} Also, you may want to place the text of the individual chapters in separate files and include them using \verb!\include{..}!. \bigskip \noindent Use the abstract to provide a short summary of the contents in the document. \end{abstract} %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \tableofcontents %%%---------------------------------------------------------- %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \chapter{Aims and Context} %%%---------------------------------------------------------- Describe the initial goals and situation that lead to this project, requirements, as well as references to related work (\eg, \cite{Higham1998}). %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \chapter{Project Details} %%%---------------------------------------------------------- Describe important project steps, \eg, the rationale of the chosen architecture or technology stack, design decisions, algorithms used, interesting challenges faced on the way, lessons learned \etc %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \chapter{System Documentation} %%%---------------------------------------------------------- Give a well-structured description of the architecture and the technical design o your implementation, with sufficient granularity to enable an external person to continue working on the project. %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \chapter{Summary} %%%---------------------------------------------------------- Give a concise (and honest) summary of what has been accomplished and what not. Point out issues that may warrant further investigation. \appendix %%%----------------------------------------------- %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \chapter{Supplementary Materials} %%%---------------------------------------------------------- The appendix is a good place to attach a user guide, screenshots, installation instructions etc. Add a separate chapter for each major item. %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \MakeBibliography[nosplit] %%%---------------------------------------------------------- \end{document}