----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gzt --- SMF bundle of classes for the French journal "La Gazette des Math'ematiciens", version 0.9 E-mail: denis.bitouze@lmpa.univ-littoral.fr Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- `gzt' is a new SMF bundle of classes for the French journal "La gazette des math'ematiciens". Installation ------------ The classes are supplied in dtx format. If you want to unpack the dtx yourself, running 'xetex gzt.dtx' will extract the two classes gzt.cls and gztarticle.cls whereas 'pdflatex gzt.tex' will typeset the gztarticle.cls' documentation. Typesetting the documentation also requires a number of packages in addition to those needed to use the gzt class. To compile the documentation without error, you will need, among others, my personal package denisbdoc.sty for documenting packages which can be found on CTAN.