# [Unreleased] # [1.0.0] - 2020-03-17 ## Added - CHANGELOG file (following https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/). - Semantic versionning (following https://semver.org/). ## Changed - Compilation date displayed only if the issue number is not specified (`gztarticle` classonly). - Prevent column breaks within items of "Comité de rédaction" (at the price of unbalanced columns). ## Fixed - Track changes in `expl3`. - Superflous uppercases removed. - Index directive in `latexmk` config file modernized. # [0.98] - 2018-04-09 ## Changed - Support for `biblatex` 3.8 changes. - Track changes in `expl3`. - Special editions implemented. ## Fixed - Several bug fixes. # [0.96] - 2017-04-07 ## Changed - Figures and tables: - with recurrent label and number but without any caption, - with caption but without any recurrent label nor numbered, implemented. - Frames without any label, number nor caption implemented. - Track changes in `expl3`. # [0.9] - 2015-05-02 - Initial CTAN release of the `gzt` bundle.