% arara: pdflatex % arara: biber % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % the GUITARCHORDSCHEMES package % % Guitar Chord and Scale Tablatures with TikZ % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Clemens Niederberger % Web: https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/guitarchordschemes/ % E-Mail: contact@mychemistry.eu % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright 2012--2013 Clemens Niederberger % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The guitarchordschemes package consists of the files % - guitarchordschemes.sty, % - guitarchordschemes_en.tex, % - guitarchordschemes_en.pdf, % - README % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please % feel free to contact me. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[load-preamble+]{cnltx-doc} \usepackage{guitarchordschemes} \usepackage[chordnames]{leadsheets} \setcnltx{ package = guitarchordschemes , authors = Clemens Niederberger , email = contact@mychemistry.eu , url = https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/guitarchordschemes/ , info = guitar chord schemes and fingering scales with \TikZ , add-cmds = { chordscheme, setchordscheme, scales } , add-silent-cmds = textsuperscript , abstract = {% \centering \chordscheme[ name = Gmi7 , position = II , barre = {2/2-4:3} , show-root = {4/4} , root = {2/6:2} , mute = {1,5} ]% } , index-setup = { othercode = \footnotesize , level = \addsec , noclearpage } , makeindex-setup = { columns = 3 , columnsep = 1em } } \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @online{web:pietsch:fonts, author = {Jochen Pietsch} , title = {Jazz Fonts} , url = {http://notation.jochenpietsch.de/index_e.html} , urldate = {2012-05-10} } @book{leavitt:mmfg:1, author = {William G. Leavitt}, title = {A Modern Method for Guitar}, volume = {1}, publisher = {Berklee Press Publications, Boston}, year = {1966} } \end{filecontents} \usepackage{ccicons} \setchordscheme{ finger-format+ = \biolinumLF , name-format+ = \libertineLF , chord-name-cs = \chordname } \newcommand*\TikZ{Ti\textit{k}Z} \begin{document} \section{License and Requirements} \license \guitarchordschemes{} loads the packages \TikZ~\cite{pkg:pgf}, \pkg{etoolbox}~\cite{pkg:etoolbox} and \pkg{pgfopts}~\cite{pkg:pgfopts}. It also loads the \TikZ{} libraries \code{shapes.misc}, \code{arrows} and \code{calc}. % Depending on an option it also loads % \pkg{realbookchords}~\cite{pkg:realbookchords}. This package is not yet % published on \CTAN{} and thus not part of any \TeX{} distribution. Until it is % you can find it at \url{https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/realbookchords/}. See % section~\ref{sec:realbookchords} for details on this option. \section{The Commands} This package more or less provides a single command: \begin{commands} \command{chordscheme}[\oarg{options}] Typeset a guitar chord scheme. \command{scales}[\oarg{option}] Typeset a fingering scale. \end{commands} These commands set the frame for the chord and scale tablatures and can be used to create sheets for manually writing down tablatures: \begin{example}[side-by-side] \chordscheme \end{example} Similarly \cs{scales} creates a frame with two more frets: \begin{example} \scales \end{example} \subsection{Options for \cs*{chordscheme}} The \meta{options} argument is where the actual details for a chord happen. These are the available ones for \cs{chordscheme}: \begin{options} \keyval{fret-number}{number}\Default{4} \sinceversion{0.6}The number of frets that are drawn. This number must be at least 4. The option should be set as first option since it influences other options. \keyval{name}{chordsymbol} Set the chord symbol. This option accepts a comma separated list of entries. \keyval{position}{position} Set the position for the first of the four frets. \keychoice{finger}{\meta{fret}/\meta{string}:\meta{label}} Specify the finger positions for a chord. This option accepts a comma separated list of entries. The \code{:\meta{label}} is optional. \keychoice{root}{\meta{fret}/\meta{string}:\meta{label}} The same as finger but uses a square instead of a circle to indicate that this finger is playing the root of the chord. This option accepts a comma separated list of entries. The \code{:\meta{label}} is optional. \keychoice{show-root}{\meta{fret}/\meta{string}} Specify positions of the root that are \emph{not} part of the actual chord but are somewhere in the vicinity of it on the guitar neck. This option accepts a comma separated list of entries. \keychoice{barre}{\meta{fret}/\meta{string range}:\meta{label}} Specify a barr\'e position for a chord. The \meta{string range} part must contain a two string numbers separated with a dash. This option accepts a list of entries. The \code{:\meta{label}} is optional. \keyval{ring}{string} Specify open strings. This option accepts a comma separatedlist of entries. \keyval{mute}{string} Specify muted/un-played strings. This option accepts a comma separated list of entries. \end{options} Let's take a look at a few examples: \begin{example}[side-by-side] \chordscheme[ name = G , position = I , finger = {2/5:1} , root = {3/6:2, 3/1:4} , ring = {2,3,4} ] \end{example} \makeatletter \setchordscheme{chord-name-cs=\@firstofone} \makeatother Or a more "`jazzy"' chord: \begin{example}[side-by-side] \chordscheme[ name = G\textsuperscript{6} , position = II , finger = {1/4:1, 3/3:4, 2/2:3} , root = 2/6:2 , show-root = 4/4 , mute = {1,5} ] \end{example} One with a barr\'e: \begin{example}[side-by-side] \chordscheme[ name = Gmi\textsuperscript{7} , position = II , barre = 2/2-4:3 , show-root = 4/4 , root = 2/6:2 , mute = {1,5} ] \end{example} \subsection{Options for \cs*{scales}} The \meta{options} argument for \cs{scales} are similar to the ones for \cs{chordscheme}: \begin{options} \keyval{fret-number}{number}\Default{6} \sinceversion{0.6}The number of frets that are drawn. This number must be at least 6. The option should be set as first option since it influences other options. \keyval{name}{title} Set a title for the scale. \keyval{position}{position} Set the position for the first of the six frets. \keychoice{finger}{\meta{fret}/\meta{string}:\meta{label}} Specify the finger positions for the scale. This option accepts a comma separated list of entries. The \code{:\meta{label}} is optional. \keychoice{root}{\meta{fret}/\meta{string}:\meta{label}} The same as finger but uses a square instead of a circle to indicate that this finger is playing the root of the scale. This option accepts a comma separated list of entries. The \code{:\meta{label}} is optional. \keyval{fret number}{integer}\Default{6} The number of frets displayed for a scale. The minimum number is 6. \keychoice{fingering}{type 1,type 1A,type 2,type 3,type 4} Set a whole predefined fingering. The types correspond to ones taught in \citeauthor{leavitt:mmfg:1}'s \citetitle{leavitt:mmfg:1}~\cite{leavitt:mmfg:1}. This option assumes an ionic scale a places the roots correspondingly. \keychoice{fingering*}{type 1,type 1A,type 2,type 3,type 4} The same as \option{fingering} but not scale is assumed and no roots are indicated. \keychoice{fingering?}{type 1,type 1A,type 2,type 3,type 4} The same as \option{fingering*} but also no labels for the fingers are given. \end{options} Let's see an example: \begin{example} \scales[ name = F-major (Fingering Type~1A) , position = I , fingering = type 1A ] \end{example} An example for \option{fingering*}: \begin{example} \scales[ name = Fingering Type~3 , fingering* = type 3 ] \end{example} Now an example for \option{fingering?}: \begin{example} \scales[ name = Fingering Type~2 , fingering? = type 2 ] \end{example} At last an example for an explicitly set scale: \begin{example} \scales[ finger = { 2/1:1, 5/1:4, 2/2:1, 5/2:4, 2/3:1, 4/3:3, 5/3:4, 2/4:1, 4/4:3, 2/5:1, 3/5:2, 4/5:3, 2/6:1, 5/6:4 } ] \end{example} \section{Options} There are quite a number of options determining the layout of the tablatures. They can either be set as package options or via the setup command: \begin{commands} \command{setchordscheme}{options} The setup command for \guitarchordschemes. \end{commands} Below every option and its corresponding default setting is described. \begin{options} \keyval{x-unit}{dim}\Default{.8cm} The basic $x$ unit for the \TikZ{} picture the chord scheme is set in. \keyval{y-unit}{dim}\Default{.8cm} The basic $y$ unit for the \TikZ{} picture the chord scheme is set in. \keyval{finger-format}{\TeX{} code}\Default{\cs*{sffamily}\cs*{small}} The format the numbers for the fingers are typeset with. \keyval{finger-format+}{\TeX{} code}\Default Code to be appended to \option{finger-format}. \keyval{position-format}{\TeX{} code}\Default{\cs*{sffamily}} The format the number for the position is typeset with. \keyval{position-format+}{\TeX{} code}\Default Code to be appended to \option{position-format}. \keyval{name-format}{\TeX{} code}\Default{\cs*{large}} The format the chord name/symbol is typeset with. \keyval{name-format+}{\TeX{} code}\Default Code to be appended to \option{name-format}. \keyval{chord-name-format}{cs}\Default{\cs*{@firstofone}} \sinceversion{0.5}The command that is used to parse the chord name. \meta{cs} needs to be a command that takes a mandatory argument. \keyval{scales-name-format}{cs}\Default{\cs*{@firstofone}} \sinceversion{0.5}The command that is used to parse the scales name. \meta{cs} needs to be a command that takes a mandatory argument. \keyval{string-name-format}{\TeX{} code}\Default{\cs*{sffamily}\cs*{small}} The format the names of the strings are typeset with. \keyval{string-name-format+}{\TeX{} code}\Default Code to be appended to \option{string-name-format}. \keyval{chord-frets}{number}\Default{4} \sinceversion{0.6}The default number of frets of a chord scheme. \meta{number} must be at least 4. \keyval{scales-frets}{number}\Default{6} \sinceversion{0.6}The default number of frets of a scales scheme. \meta{number} must be at least 6. \keyval{line-width}{dim}\Default{1pt} The line width used for all lines drawn in the chord scheme. \keyval{finger-radius}{num}\Default{.1875} The radius of the circles that represent the fingers in multiples of \option{x-unit}. Also determines the size of the root markers and the barr\'e. \keyval{finger-x-offset}{num}\Default{.375} The $x$ offset of the number with respect to the circle in multiples of \option{x-unit}. \keyval{finger-y-offset}{num}\Default{.375} The $y$ offset of the number with respect to the circle in multiples of \option{y-unit}. \keyval{finger-style}{\TikZ{} style}\Default{fill} The \TikZ{} style the circles representing the fingers are drawn with. This is equivalent to \cs*{tikzset}\Marg{finger style/.style=\{\meta{\TikZ{} style}\}}. \keyval{root-style}{\TikZ{} style}\Default{fill} The \TikZ{} style the squares representing the roots are drawn with. This is equivalent to \cs*{tikzset}\Marg{root style/.style=\{\meta{\TikZ{} style}\}}. \keyval{show-root-style}{\TikZ{} style}\Default{draw} The \TikZ{} style the squares representing the "`ghost roots"' are drawn with. This is equivalent to \cs*{tikzset}\Marg{show root style/.style=\{\meta{\TikZ{} style}\}}. \keyval{ringing-style}{\TikZ{} style}\Default{draw} The \TikZ{} style the circles representing the open string markers are drawn with. This is equivalent to \cs*{tikzset}\Marg{ringing style/.style=\{\meta{\TikZ{} style}\}}. \keyval{muted-style}{\TikZ{} style}\Default{cross out,draw} The \TikZ{} style the nodes representing muted strings are drawn with. This is equivalent to \cs*{tikzset}\Marg{muted style/.style=\{\meta{\TikZ{} style}\}}. \keyval{tuning}{comma separated list of string names}\Default{E,B,G,D,A,E} The tuning. \end{options} \end{document}