\PassOptionsToPackage{hyperindex=false}{hyperref}% Because FM writes some almost % explicit indexing commands where he uses `encapsulating' i.e., % a~command to encapsulate the page number, which would interfere with % \pk{hyperref}'s default \verb+|hyperpage+. \documentclass[countalllines, codespacesblank, outeroff, pagella, fontspec=quiet]{gmdocc} \usepackage{array} \VisSpacesGrey \def\BasePath{/home/natror/texmf/source/latex/base/}% Of course, % you should change it to the respective path on your computer. \ltxLookSetup \gmdoccMargins \olddocIncludes% This is the crucial declaration. \twocoltoc \DeleteShortVerb\| \OldMakeShortVerb*\| \HideAllDefining \makeatletter \author{Frank Mittelbach \and David Carlisle} \title{The \pk{doc} and \pk{shortvrb} Packages\\ and\\ the \pk{ltxdoc} Class} \date{Typeset with the \pk{gmdoc} package by Natror\\\today} \begin{document} \smartunder \maketitle \addtocontents{toc}{% to discard |\begin{multicols}{2}| of one % included document. (Table of contents is declared twocolumn with % |\twocoltoc| above.) \let\protect\begin\protect\@gobbletwo \protect\StoreMacro\protect\end \def\protect\end{\protect\RestoreMacro\protect\end\protect\@gobble}% }% Because one document has a~\env{multicols} twocolumn table of % contents and the other has usual one column, this will put entire % toc in(to) \env{multicols}. \tableofcontents %^^A TODO Old comments i.e. authomatic verbatimization of all the cs's %^^A met in the comment layer. \makeatletter \AfterMacrocode{161}{% it's for a~tiny little typo in line 3299: They % forgot to wrap |\@tempb| and |\@tempc| in shortverbs. \def\@tempb{\cs{@tempb} }\def\@tempc{\cs{@tempc} }} \AtBegInputOnce{% \chschange{v2.1b}{2006/10/20}{2126}% \let\CheckSum\gobble % \par Of course, none of the documents is not loaded, so we give the % fileinfo explicitly. \def\filedate{2004/02/09}\def\fileversion{v2.1b}% % \label{explicit fileinfo} \let\GetFileInfo\relax \addtomacro\IndexParms{\arraybackslash}}% because |\IndexParms| use % |\raggedright| and FM executes |\IndexParms| inside a~\env{tabular}. \DocInclude[\BasePath]{doc} \AtBegInputOnce{% \chschange{v2.0u}{2006/10/20}{410}% \let\CheckSum\gobble \def\filedate{1999/08/08} \def\fileversion{v2.0u}% see line % \ref{explicit fileinfo}. \let\GetFileInfo\relax % The rest of this |\AtBegInputOnce|'s contents is necessary since % DC wrote it not commented out, which with \pk{doc} results with % printing it both to the package (class) and the documentation, but % with \pk{gmdoc} it puts this stuff in the code layer that'll be % only printed verbatim. \providecommand\dst{\expandafter{\normalfont\scshape docstrip}} \title{The file \texttt{ltxdoc.dtx} for use with \LaTeXe.\thanks{This file has version number \fileversion, dated \filedate.}\\[2pt] It contains the code for \texttt{ltxdoc.cls}} \date{\filedate} \author{David Carlisle} \maketitle} \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltxdoc}% \gmdocIncludes \AtBegInputOnce{% \title{\pk{doc_by_gmdoc.tex} The Driver\thanks{As mentioned in the title, I~typeset these package and class with the \pk{gmdoc} package, for which are they a~great inspiration and the base. The typesetting needed only a~few tricks, so here i~give the %^^A( code of the `driver': a~snake eats its tail ;-) .}} \author{Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski}% \date{\today}% \maketitle} \SelfInclude \typeout{% Produce change log with^^J% makeindex -r -s gmglo.ist -o \jobname.gls \jobname.glo^^J (gmglo.ist should be put into some texmf/makeindex directory.)^^J} \PrintChanges \typeout{% Produce index with^^J% makeindex -r \jobname^^J} \PrintIndex \end{document} % MakeIndex shell commands: makeindex -r doc_gmdoc makeindex -r -s gmglo.ist -o doc_gmdoc.gls doc_gmdoc.glo % \NoEOF % \_ {\bf bf: \_} {\bfseries bfseries \_} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: