#!/usr/bin/perl # File : makeglos # Author : Nicola Talbot # Version : 1.4 (2005/11/19) # Description: simple Perl script that calls makeindex. # Intended for use with "glossary.sty" (saves having to remember # all the various switches) use Getopt::Std; if ($#ARGV < 0) { die "Syntax : $0 [-ilqrcgm] [-s sty] [-o gls] [-t log] [-p num] \n"; } getopt('sotp'); getopts('ilqrcgm'); # define known extensions %exttype = ( glossary => {in=>'glo', out=>'gls', 'log'=>'glg'}, ); $ext = ''; if (length(@ARGV[0]) < 4) { $name = @ARGV[0]; } elsif (substr(@ARGV[0],-4,1) eq ".") { $name = substr(@ARGV[0],0,length(@ARGV[0])-4); $ext = substr(@ARGV[0],-3,3); } else { $name = @ARGV[0]; } # check log file for other glossary types if (open AUXFILE, "$name.aux") { while () { if (m/\\\@newglossarytype\s*\[(.*)\]{(.*)}{(.*)}{(.*)}/) { $exttype{$2}{'in'} = $3; $exttype{$2}{'out'} = $4; $exttype{$2}{'log'} = $1; if (!$opt_q) { print "added glossary type '$2' ($3,$4,$1)\n"; } } } close AUXFILE; } else { print "unable to open $name.aux\n"; } # save all the general makeindex switches $mkidxopts = ''; if ($opt_i) { $mkidxopts .= " -i"; } if ($opt_l) { $mkidxopts .= " -l"; } if ($opt_q) { $mkidxopts .= " -q"; } if ($opt_r) { $mkidxopts .= " -r"; } if ($opt_c) { $mkidxopts .= " -c"; } if ($opt_g) { $mkidxopts .= " -g"; } unless ($opt_p eq "") { $mkidxopts .= " -p $opt_p"; } if ($opt_s eq "") { $istfile = "$name.ist"; } else { $istfile = $opt_s; } if ($ext ne '') { %thistype = %{$exttype{'glossary'}}; #default foreach $type (keys %exttype) { if ($exttype{$type}{'in'} eq $ext) { %thistype = %{$exttype{$type}}; last; } } if ($opt_o eq "") { $outfile = "$name.$thistype{out}"; } else { $outfile = $opt_o; } if ($opt_t eq "") { $transcript = "$name.$thistype{'log'}"; } else { $transcript = $opt_t; } &makeindex("$name.$ext",$outfile,$transcript,$istfile, $mkidxopts,$opt_q,$opt_m); } else { foreach $type (keys %exttype) { %thistype = %{$exttype{$type}}; $inputfile = "$name.$thistype{in}"; if (-r $inputfile) { if ($opt_o eq "") { $outfile = "$name.$thistype{out}"; } else { $outfile = $opt_o; } if ($opt_t eq "") { $transcript = "$name.$thistype{'log'}"; } else { $transcript = $opt_t; } &makeindex($inputfile,$outfile,$transcript, $istfile,$mkidxopts,$opt_q,$opt_m); } elsif (!$opt_q) { print "no read access for '$inputfile'\n"; } } } sub makeindex{ local($in,$out,$trans,$ist,$rest,$quiet,$merge) = @_; local($name,$cmdstr,$buffer,$n,$i,$j); local(@stuff,@item); if ($merge) { $cmdstr = "$rest -s $ist -t $trans -o tmp_$out $in"; } else { $cmdstr = "$rest -s $ist -t $trans -o $out $in"; } unless ($quiet) { print "makeindex $cmdstr\n"; } `makeindex $cmdstr`; if ($merge) { print "Merging entries\n"; open INPUT, ") { $buffer .= $_; } close INPUT; open OUTPUT, ">$out"; @stuff = split /\\gloitem /, $buffer; $n = scalar(@stuff); if ($n < 2) { print OUTPUT $buffer; } else { print OUTPUT $stuff[0]; for ($i = 1, $j=-1; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($stuff[$i]=~s/{\\glosslabel{(.+)}{(.+)}}//) { $name = $&; if ($j==-1) { $j = 0; $item[0]{'name'} = $name; $item[0]{'desc'} = $stuff[$i]; } else { # makeindex has already sorted the entries # alphabetically, so duplicate entries # will be one after the other if ($item[$j]{'name'} eq $name) { $item[$j]{'desc'} .= $stuff[$i]; print "collating $name\n"; } else { $j++; $item[$j]{'name'} = $name; $item[$j]{'desc'} = $stuff[$i]; } } } else { print STDERR "unable to extract name from glossary item:\n", $stuff[$i]; } } for ($i=0; $i <= $j; $i++) { # remove all but the last \delimT while ($item[$i]{'desc'}=~s/\\delimT/$&/sg > 1) { $item[$i]{'desc'}=~s/\\delimT//s; } print OUTPUT "\\gloitem ", $item[$i]{'name'}, $item[$i]{'desc'}; } } close OUTPUT; print "Output written in $out\n"; unlink "tmp_$out" or print "Can't delete tmp_$out: $!\n"; } } 1;