\documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[xindy,nonumberlist,style=listgroup]{glossaries} \makeglossaries % Note that because the é is the first letter of the % name, it needs to be grouped or it will cause a % problem for \makefirstuc due to expansion issues. \newglossaryentry{elite}{name={{é}lite}, description={select group or class}} \newglossaryentry{elephant}{name=elephant, description={large animal with trunk and tusks}} \newglossaryentry{elk}{name=elk, description=large deer} \newglossaryentry{mannerly}{name=mannerly, description=polite} % The œ is not the first letter, so it doesn't need to % be grouped. \newglossaryentry{manoeuvre}{name={manœuvre}, description=planned and controlled movement} \newglossaryentry{manor}{name=manor, description=large landed estate or its house} \newglossaryentry{odometer}{name=odometer, description=instrument for measuring distance travelled by a wheeled vehicle} \newglossaryentry{oesophagus}{name={{œ}sophagus}, description={canal from mouth to stomach}} \newglossaryentry{ogre}{name=ogre, description=man-eating giant} \begin{document} \null % ensure that the first run produces some output \glsaddall \printglossaries \end{document}