% This file is public domain \documentclass[a4paper]{report} \usepackage[colorlinks,plainpages=false]{hyperref} \usepackage[style=long,% use 'long' style for the glossary toc,% add glossary to table of contents smallcaps% Use small caps for acronyms ]{glossaries} \makeglossaries \newacronym{svm}% label {svm}% abbreviation {support vector machine}% long form \newacronym{ksvm}{ksvm}{kernel support vector machine} \newacronym{rna}{rna}{ribonukleins\"aure} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \chapter{Support Vector Machines} \Glspl{svm} are used widely in the area of pattern recognition. Subsequent use: \gls{svm}. Short version: \acrshort{svm}. Long version: \acrlong{svm}. Full version: \acrfull{svm}. Description: \glsentrydesc{svm}. This is the entry in uppercase: \GLS{svm}. \chapter{Kernel Support Vector Machines} The \gls{ksvm} is \ifglsused{svm}{an}{a} \gls{svm} that uses the so called ``kernel trick''. Plural: \glspl{ksvm}. Resetting acronyms. \glsresetall Possessive: \gls{ksvm}['s]. Make the glossary entry number bold for this one \gls[format=hyperbf]{ksvm}. \chapter{Short, Long and Full Forms} These commands don't affect the first use flag: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lll} & Unstarred & Starred\\ acrshort & \acrshort{svm} & \acrshort*{svm}\\ Acrshort & \Acrshort{svm} & \Acrshort*{svm}\\ ACRshort & \ACRshort{svm} & \ACRshort*{svm}\\ acrlong & \acrlong{svm} & \acrlong*{svm}\\ Acrlong & \Acrlong{svm} & \Acrlong*{svm}\\ ACRlong & \ACRlong{svm} & \ACRlong*{svm}\\ acrfull & \acrfull{svm} & \acrfull*{svm}\\ Acrfull & \Acrfull{svm} & \Acrfull*{svm}\\ ACRfull & \ACRfull{svm} & \ACRfull*{svm}\\ \\ & Insert Unstarred & Insert Starred\\ acrshort & \acrshort{svm}['s] & \acrshort*{svm}['s]\\ Acrshort & \Acrshort{svm}['s] & \Acrshort*{svm}['s]\\ ACRshort & \ACRshort{svm}['s] & \ACRshort*{svm}['s]\\ acrlong & \acrlong{svm}['s] & \acrlong*{svm}['s]\\ Acrlong & \Acrlong{svm}['s] & \Acrlong*{svm}['s]\\ ACRlong & \ACRlong{svm}['s] & \ACRlong*{svm}['s]\\ acrfull & \acrfull{svm}['s] & \acrfull*{svm}['s]\\ Acrfull & \Acrfull{svm}['s] & \Acrfull*{svm}['s]\\ ACRfull & \ACRfull{svm}['s] & \ACRfull*{svm}['s] \end{tabular} \end{center} \chapter{Another chapter} You don't need to worry about makeindex's special characters: \gls{rna}. \printglossary[title={List of Acronyms}] \end{document}