% arara: pdflatex % arara: makeglossaries % arara: pdflatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{glossaries} \makeglossaries \glsaddstoragekey{abbrtype}{word}{\abbrtype} \setacronymstyle{long-short} \newcommand*{\newabbr}[1][]{% \newacronym[abbrtype=initials,#1]} \newabbr{eg}{e.g.}{exempli gratia} \newabbr{ie}{i.e.}{id est} \newabbr{bsc}{B.Sc.}{Bachelor of Science} \newabbr{ba}{B.A.}{Bachelor of Arts} \newabbr{agm}{A.G.M.}{annual general meeting} \newacronym{laser}{laser}{light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation} % See the sample-initialisms.tex example file provided with % glossaries-extra.sty for a better way of doing this. \makeatletter \renewcommand{\glspostlinkhook}{% \ifglsfieldeq{\glslabel}{abbrtype}{initials}% {\new@ifnextchar.\doendsentence\doendword} {}% } \makeatother \newcommand{\doendsentence}[1]{\spacefactor=10000{}} \newcommand{\doendword}{\spacefactor=1000{}} \begin{document} This is a sample document that illustrates abbreviations with full stops (periods) and abbreviations that are words (i.e.\ acronyms). The examples switch to a typewriter font to make it easier to see the inter-word and inter-sentence spaces. The extension package glossaries-extra.sty provides a better way of doing this. First use: \gls{laser} \gls{eg} \gls{ie} \gls{bsc} \gls{ba} \gls{agm} end of sentence. End of sentence use: \ttfamily \gls{laser}. \gls{eg}. \gls{ie}. \gls{bsc}. \gls{ba}. \gls{agm}. Done. laser. e.g. i.e. B.Sc. B.A\@. A.G.M\@. Done. \rmfamily Mid-sentence use: \ttfamily \gls{laser} \gls{eg} \gls{ie} \gls{bsc} \gls{ba} \gls{agm} Done. laser e.g.\ i.e.\ B.Sc.\ B.A. A.G.M. Done. \rmfamily Check other sentence terminators: \ttfamily \gls{laser}? \gls{eg}? \gls{ie}? \gls{bsc}! \gls{ba}! \gls{agm}? Done. laser? e.g.? i.e.? B.Sc.! B.A.! A.G.M.? Done. \rmfamily \glsresetall Reset. End of sentence use: \ttfamily \gls{laser}. \gls{eg}. \gls{ie}. \gls{bsc}. \gls{ba}. \gls{agm}. Done. \rmfamily \printglossaries \end{document}