% This file is public domain % If you want to use arara, you need the following directives: % arara: pdflatex % arara: makeglossaries % arara: pdflatex \documentclass{report} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{glossaries} \makeglossaries \glsaddstoragekey{chapter}{0}{\glschapnum} \loadglsentries{example-glossaries-brief} \renewcommand*{\glslinkpostsetkeys}{% \edef\currentchap{\arabic{chapter}}% \ifnum\currentchap=\glschapnum{\glslabel}\relax % Already used this entry in the current chapter, so switch % off the hyperlink. \setkeys{glslink}{hyper=false}% \else % Hasn't been used in the current chapter. Update the value % of the "chapter" field unless the hyperlink has been switched % off. \glsifhyperon {% \glsfieldxdef{\glslabel}{chapter}{\currentchap}% }% {}% \fi } \begin{document} \chapter{Sample} Use all entries: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls{\thislabel}. } Use them again: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls{\thislabel}. } \chapter{Another} Use all entries: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls{\thislabel}. } Use them again: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls{\thislabel}. } \chapter{Start with a Star} Use all entries but suppress hyperlink: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls*{\thislabel}. } Use all entries: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls{\thislabel}. } Use them again: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls{\thislabel}. } \printglossaries \end{document}