% This is a minimal file for testing and debugging % the glossaries package. Change the class file as % desired, and add the relevant package options to % both the class file and the glossaries package. % Change the sample glossary entry and acronym if % required. If the problem occurs with an additional % glossary, add in the relevant \newglossary command % and a sample entry. % % Only add extra packages or commands if they % contribute to whatever problem you are trying to % test. % % Remember that the document will not be complete % until you have successfully completed all of the % following steps: % 1. latex minimalgls % 2. makeglossaries minimalgls (note no extension) % 3. latex minimalgls % A further run through LaTeX will be required to ensure that % the table of contents is up to date if the toc option % is used. \documentclass{article} \listfiles \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{glossaries} % acronym will go in main glossary %\usepackage[acronym]{glossaries} % make a separate list of acronyms \makeglossaries \newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample}, description={a sample entry}} % This contrived acronym has non-standard plural forms. % These are specified in the optional argument. \newacronym[\glsshortpluralkey=cas,\glslongpluralkey=contrived acronyms]{aca}{aca}{a contrived acronym} \begin{document} A \gls{sample} entry and \gls{aca}. Second use: \gls{aca}. Plurals: \glspl{sample}. Reset acronym\glsreset{aca}. First use: \glspl{aca}. Second use: \glspl{aca}. \printglossaries \end{document}