mfirstuc.sty v1.08: uppercasing first letter

mfirstuc.sty v1.08: uppercasing first letter

Nicola L.C. Talbot
Dickimaw Books


The glossaries bundle is supplied with the package mfirstuc which provides the command:

\makefirstuc  \makefirstuc{<stuff>}

This makes the first object of <stuff> uppercase unless <stuff> starts with a control sequence followed by a non-empty group, in which case the first object in the group is converted to uppercase. Examples:

Note that non-Latin or accented characters appearing at the start of the text must be placed in a group (even if you are using the inputenc package) due to expansion issues.

In version 1.02 of mfirstuc, a bug fix resulted in a change in output if the first object is a control sequence followed by an empty group. Prior to version 1.02, \makefirstuc{\ae{}bc} produced æBc. However as from version 1.02, it now produces Æbc.

Note also that


produces: ABC. This is because the first object in the argument of \makefirstuc is \abc, so it does \MakeUppercase{\abc}. Whereas:


produces: Abc. There is a short cut command which will do this:

\xmakefirstuc  \xmakefirstuc{<stuff>}

This is equivalent to \expandafter\makefirstuc\expandafter{<stuff>}. So


produces: Abc.

\xmakefirstuc only performs one level expansion on the first object in its argument. It does not fully expand the entire argument.

If you use mfirstuc without the glossaries package, the standard \MakeUppercase command is used. If used with glossaries, \MakeTextUppercase (defined by textcase the package) is used instead. If you are using mfirstuc without the glossaries package and want to use \MakeTextUppercase instead, you can redefine

\glsmakefirstuc  \glsmakefirstuc{<text>}

For example:

\renewcommand{\glsmakefirstuc}[1]{\MakeTextUppercase #1}

Remember to also load textcase (glossaries loads this automatically).

New to mfirstuc v1.06:

\capitalisewords  \capitalisewords{<text>}

This command apply \makefirstuc to each word in <text> where the space character is used as the word separator. Note that it has to be a plain space character, not another form of space, such as ~ or \space. Note that no expansion is performed on <text>.

\xcapitalisewords  \xcapitalisewords{<text>}

This is a short cut for \expandafter\capitalisewords\expandafter{<text>}.

If you are using hyperref and want to use \capitalisewords or \makefirstuc (or \xcapitalisewords/\xmakefirstuc) in a section heading, the PDF bookmarks won’t be able to use the command as it’s not expandable, so you will get a warning that looks like:

Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):  
(hyperref)                removing ‘\capitalisewords’

If you want to provide an alternative for the PDF bookmark, you can use hyperref’s \texorpdfstring command. See the hyperref manual for further details.


  1. \capitalisewords{a book of rhyme.}

    produces: A Book Of Rhyme.

  2. \capitalisewords{a book\space of rhyme.}

    produces: A Book of Rhyme.

  3. \newcommand{\mytitle}{a book\space of rhyme.}  

    produces: A BOOK OF RHYME. (No expansion is performed on \mytitle, so <text> consists of just one “word”.) Compare with next example:

  4. \newcommand{\mytitle}{a book\space of rhyme.}  

    produces: A Book of Rhyme.