The glossaries package provides a means to define terms or abbreviations or symbols that can be referenced within your document. Sorted lists with collated locations can be generated either using TEX or using a supplementary indexing application.
Additional features not provided here may be available through the supplemental package glossaries-extra which, if required, needs to be installed separately. New features will be added to glossaries-extra. Versions of the glossaries package after v4.21 will mostly be just bug fixes.
If you require multilingual support you must also separately install the relevant language module. Each language module is called glossaries-⟨language⟩, where ⟨language⟩ is the root language name. For example, glossaries-french or glossaries-german. If a language module is required, the glossaries package will automatically try to load it and will give a warning if the module isn’t found. See §1.3 Multi-Lingual Support for further details.
The glossaries package requires a number of other packages including, but not limited to, tracklang, mfirstuc, etoolbox, xkeyval (at least version dated 2006/11/18), textcase, xfor, datatool-base (part of the datatool bundle) and amsgen. These packages are all available in the latest TEX Live and MikTEX distributions. If any of them are missing, please update your TEX distribution using your update manager. (For help on this see, for example, How do I update my TEX distribution? or Updating TEX on Linux.)
😱 If you’re freaking out at the size of this manual, start with glossariesbegin.pdf (“The glossaries package: a guide for beginnners”). You should find it in the same directory as this document or try texdoc glossariesbegin.pdf. Once you’ve got to grips with the basics, then come back to this manual to find out how to adjust the settings.
The glossaries bundle comes with the following documentation:
Related resources:
If you are using hyperref, it’s best to use pdflatex rather than latex (DVI format) as pdflatex deals with hyperlinks much better. If you use the DVI format, you will encounter problems where you have long hyperlinks or hyperlinks in subscripts or superscripts. This is an issue with the DVI format not with glossaries.
This glossary style was setup using:
\usepackage[ | xindy, |
nonumberlist, |
toc, |
nopostdot, |
style=altlist, |
nogroupskip]{glossaries} |
Earlier versions of glossaries used this technique to write information to the files
used by the indexing applications to prevent problems caused by fragile commands.
Now, this is only used for the sort key.
The glossaries package is provided to assist generating lists of terms, symbols or abbreviations (glossaries). It has a certain amount of flexibility, allowing the user to customize the format of the glossary and define multiple glossaries. It also supports glossary styles that include symbols (in addition to a name and description) for glossary entries. There is provision for loading a database of glossary terms. Only those terms used1.1 in the document will be added to the glossary.
This package replaces the glossary package which is now obsolete. Please see the document “Upgrading from the glossary package to the glossaries package” for assistance in upgrading.
One of the strengths of this package is its flexibility, however the drawback of this is the necessity of having a large manual that covers all the various settings. If you are daunted by the size of the manual, try starting off with the much shorter guide for beginners.
The basic idea behind the glossaries package is that you first define your entries (terms, symbols or abbreviations). Then you can reference these within your document (like \cite or \ref). You can also, optionally, display a list of the entries you have referenced in your document (the glossary). This last part, displaying the glossary, is the part that most new users find difficult. There are three options:
This is the simplest option but it’s slow and if you want a sorted list, it doesn’t work well for extended Latin alphabets or non-Latin alphabets. However, if you use the sanitizesort=false package option (the default for Option 1) then the standard LATEX accent commands will be ignored, so if an entry’s name is set to {\’e}lite then the sort will default to elite if sanitizesort=false is used and will default to \’elite if sanitizesort=true is used.
This option works best with the sort=def setting. For any other setting, be prepared for a long document build time, especially if you have a lot of entries defined. This option is intended as a last resort for alphabetical sorting. This option is not suitable for hierarchical glossaries.
where you want your list of entries to appear (described in §10 Displaying a glossary).
This option uses a command line interface (CLI) application called makeindex to sort the entries. This application comes with all modern TEX distributions, but it’s hard-coded for the non-extended Latin alphabet, so it doesn’t work well for extended Latin alphabets or non-Latin alphabets. This process involves making LATEX write the glossary information to a temporary file which makeindex reads. Then makeindex writes a new file containing the code to typeset the glossary. LATEX then reads this file in on the next run.
This option works best if you want to sort entries according to the English alphabet and you don’t want to install Perl.
This must be used before \makeglossaries. Note that if you are using babel, the shorthands aren’t enabled until the start of the document, so you won’t be able to use the shorthands in definitions made in the preamble.
where you want your list of entries to appear (described in §10 Displaying a glossary).
(Replace myDoc with the base name of your LATEX document file. Avoid spaces in the file name.) If you don’t know how to use the command prompt, then you can probably access makeindex via your text editor, but each editor has a different method of doing this, so I can’t give a general description. You will have to check your editor’s manual.
The default sort is word order (“sea lion” comes before “seal”). If you want letter ordering you need to add the -l switch:
(See §1.4.4 Using makeindex explicitly (Option 2) for further details on using makeindex explicitly.)
This is the default option (although you still need to use \makeglossaries to ensure the glossary files are created).
This option uses a CLI application called xindy to sort the entries. This application is more flexible than makeindex and is able to sort extended Latin alphabets or non-Latin alphabets. The xindy application comes with TEX Live and now also with MiKTEX. Since xindy is a Perl script, you will also need to install Perl, if you don’t already have it. In a similar way to Option 2, this option involves making LATEX write the glossary information to a temporary file which xindy reads. Then xindy writes a new file containing the code to typeset the glossary. LATEX then reads this file in on the next run.
This is the best option if you want to sort according to a language other than English or if you want non-standard location lists.
(Replace myDoc with the base name of your LATEX document file. Avoid spaces in the file name. If necessary, also replace english with the name of your language and utf8 with your input encoding, for example, -L german -C din5007-utf8.) If you don’t know how to use the command prompt, then you can probably access xindy via your text editor, but each editor has a different method of doing this, so I can’t give a general description. You will have to check your editor’s manual.
The default sort is word order (“sea lion” comes before “seal”). If you want letter ordering you need to add the order=letter package option:
(and return to the previous step.) See §1.4.3 Using xindy explicitly (Option 3) for further details on using xindy explicitly.
There is a fourth option available if you use the extension package glossaries-extra (as from v1.08). See the record package option in the glossaries-extra user manual for further details.
For Options 2 and 3, it can be difficult to remember all the parameters required for makeindex or xindy, so the glossaries package provides a Perl script called makeglossaries that reads the .aux file to determine what settings you have used and will then run makeindex or xindy. Again, this is a command line application and can be run in a terminal or command prompt. For example, if your LATEX document is in the file myDoc.tex, then run:
(Replace myDoc with the base name of your LATEX document file. Avoid spaces in the file name.) This is described in more detail in §1.4 Generating the Associated Glossary Files.
If you don’t have Perl installed you can use the Lua script instead:
This script doesn’t have the full functionality of the Perl script, but since modern TEX distributions come with Lua, you shouldn’t need to install anything extra to make it run. Remember that since xindy is also a Perl script, if you want to use xindy you’ll need Perl installed anyway, so there’s no point using this Lua script if you’re using xindy. Note that TEX Live creates a symbolic link called makeglossaries-lite (without the .lua extension) to the actual makeglossaries-lite.lua script, so you may not need to supply the extension.
An overview of these three options is given in table 1.1.
| Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 |
Requires an external application? | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ |
Requires Perl? | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
Can sort extended Latin alphabets or non-Latin alphabets? | ✘† | ✘ | ✔ |
Efficient sort algorithm? | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ |
Can use a different sort method for each glossary? | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ |
Can form ranges in the location lists? | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ |
Can have non-standard locations in the location lists? | ✔ | ✘ | ✔ |
Maximum hierarchical depth | Unlimited but unreliable | 3 | Unlimited |
✔ | ✘ | ✘ | |
✔ | ✘ | ✘ | |
Requires additional write registers? | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ |
false | true | true |
† Strips standard LATEX accents (that is, accents generated by core LATEX commands) so, for example, \AA is treated the same as A.
This document uses the glossaries package. For example, when viewing the PDF version of this document in a hyperlinked-enabled PDF viewer (such as Adobe Reader or Okular) if you click on the word “xindy” you’ll be taken to the entry in the glossary where there’s a brief description of the term “xindy”.
The remainder of this introductory section covers the following:
The glossaries package is provided with some sample documents that illustrate the
various functions. These should be located in the samples subdirectory (folder)
of the glossaries documentation directory. This location varies according to your
operating system and TEX distribution. You can use texdoc to locate the main
glossaries documentation. For example, in a terminal or command prompt, type:
texdoc -l glossaries
If you can’t find the sample files on your computer, they are also available from your nearest CTAN mirror at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/.
The sample documents are as follows1.2:
These warnings may be ignored on the first run.
If you get a Missing \begin{document} error, then it’s most likely that your version of xkeyval is out of date. Check the log file for a warning of that nature. If this is the case, you will need to update the xkeyval package.
perl makeglossaries minimalgls
makeindex -s minimalgls.ist -t minimalgls.glg -o minimalgls.gls
Note that if you need to specify the full path and the path contains spaces, you will need to delimit the file names with the double-quote character.
You should now have a complete document. The number following each entry in the glossary is the location number. By default, this is the page number where the entry was referenced.
There are three other files that can be used as a minimal working example: mwe-gls.tex, mwe-acr.tex and mwe-acr-desc.tex.
it will set the style file to samplexdy-mc.xdy instead. This provides an additional letter group for entries starting with “Mc” or “Mac”. If you use makeglossaries, you don’t need to supply any additional information. If you don’t use makeglossaries, you will need to specify the required information. Note that if you set the style file to samplexdy-mc.xdy you must also specify \noist, otherwise the glossaries package will overwrite samplexdy-mc.xdy and you will lose the “Mc” letter group.
To create the document do:
latex samplexdy
makeglossaries samplexdy
latex samplexdy
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M samplexdy -t samplexdy.glg -o
samplexdy.gls samplexdy.glo
xindy -I xindy -M samplexdy-mc -t samplexdy.glg -o samplexdy.gls
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M samplexdy2 -t samplexdy2.glg -o
samplexdy2.gls samplexdy2.glo
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M sampleutf8 -t sampleutf8.glg -o
sampleutf8.gls sampleutf8.glo
If you remove the xindy option from sampleutf8.tex and do:
latex sampleutf8
makeglossaries sampleutf8
latex sampleutf8
makeindex -s sampleutf8.ist -t sampleutf8.glg -o sampleutf8.gls
In addition to the sample files described above, glossaries also provides some files containing lorum ipsum dummy entries. These are provided for testing purposes and are on TEX’s path (in tex/latex/glossaries/test-entries) so they can be included via \input or \loadglsentries. The files are as follows:
The sample file glossary-lipsum-examples.tex in the doc/latex/glossaries/samples directory uses all these files. See also http://www.dickimaw-books.com/gallery/#glossaries.
As from version 1.17, the glossaries package can now be used with xindy as well as makeindex. If you are writing in a language that uses an extended Latin alphabet or non-Latin alphabet it is recommended that you use xindy as makeindex is hard-coded for the non-extended Latin alphabet. This means that you are not restricted to the A, …, Z letter groups. If you want to use xindy, remember to use the xindy package option. For example:
If you use a non-Latin character (or other expandable) character at the start of an entry name, you must place it in a group, or it will cause a problem for commands that convert the first letter to upper case (e.g. \Gls). For example:
(For further details, see the section “UTF-8” section in the mfirstuc user manual.)
If you use the inputenc package, makeglossaries will pick up the encoding from the auxiliary file. If you use xindy explicitly instead of via makeglossaries, you may need to specify the encoding using the -C option. Read the xindy manual for further details.
As from v4.24, if you are writing in German (for example, using the ngerman package or babel with the ngerman package option), and you want to use makeindex’s -g option, you’ll need to change makeindex’s quote character using:
Note that ⟨character⟩ may not be one of ? (question mark), | (pipe) or ! (exclamation mark). For example:
This must be done before \makeglossaries and any entry definitions. It’s only applicable for makeindex. This option in conjunction with ngerman will also cause makeglossaries to use the -g switch when invoking makeindex.
In general, it’s best not to use babel’s shorthands in entry definitions. For example:
The ngerman package has the shorthands on in the preamble, so they can be used if \GlsSetQuote has changed the makeindex quote character. Example:
The fixed names are produced using the commands listed in table 1.2. If you aren’t using a language package such as babel or polyglossia that uses caption hooks, you can just redefine these commands as appropriate. If you are using babel or polyglossia, you need to use their caption hooks to change the defaults. See changing the words babel uses or read the babel or polyglossia documentation. If you have loaded babel, then glossaries will attempt to load translator, unless you have used the notranslate, translate=false or translate=babel package options. If the translator package is loaded, the translations are provided by dictionary files (for example, glossaries-dictionary-English.dict). See the translator package for advice on changing translations provided by translator dictionaries. If you can’t work out how to modify these dictionary definitions, try switching to babel’s interface using translate=babel:
and then use babel’s caption hook mechanism. Note that if you pass the language options directly to babel rather that using the document class options or otherwise passing the same options to translator, then translator won’t pick up the language and no dictionaries will be loaded and babel’s caption hooks will be used instead.
As from version 4.12, multilingual support is provided by separate language modules that need to be installed in addition to installing the glossaries package. You only need to install the modules for the languages that you require. If the language module has an unmaintained status, you can volunteer to take over the maintenance by contacting me at http://www.dickimaw-books.com/contact.html. The translator dictionary files for glossaries are now provided by the appropriate language module. For further details about information specific to a given language, please see the documentation for that language module.
Examples of use:
Due to the varied nature of glossaries, it’s likely that the predefined translations may not be appropriate. If you are using the babel package and the glossaries package option translate=babel, you need to be familiar with the advice given in changing the words babel uses. If you are using the translator package, then you can provide your own dictionary with the necessary modifications (using \deftranslation) and load it using \usedictionary.
Your custom dictionary doesn’t have to be just a translation from English to another language. You may prefer to have a dictionary for a particular type of document. For example, suppose your institution’s in-house reports have to have the glossary labelled as “Nomenclature” and the page list should be labelled “Location”, then you can create a file called, say,
that contains the following:
You can now load it using:
(Make sure that myinstitute-glossaries-dictionary-English.dict can be found by TEX.) If you want to share your custom dictionary, you can upload it to CTAN.
If you are using babel and don’t want to use the translator interface, you can use the package option translate=babel. For example:
Note that xindy provides much better multi-lingual support than makeindex, so I recommend that you use xindy if you have glossary entries that contain non-Latin characters. See §11 Xindy (Option 3) for further details.
The glossaries package now uses the tracklang package to determine which language modules need to be loaded. If you want to create a new language module, you should first read the tracklang documentation.
To create a new language module, you need to at least create two files: glossaries-⟨lang⟩.ldf and glossaries-dictionary-⟨Lang⟩.dict where ⟨lang⟩ is the root language name (for example, english) and ⟨Lang⟩ is the language name used by translator (for example, English).
Here’s an example of glossaries-dictionary-English.dict:
You can use this as a template for your dictionary file. Change English to the translator name for your language (so that it matches the file name glossaries-dictionary-⟨Lang⟩.dict) and, for each \providetranslation, change the second argument to the appropriate translation.
Here’s an example of glossaries-english.ldf:
This is a somewhat longer file, but again you can use it as a template. Replace English with the translator language label ⟨Lang⟩ used for the dictionary file and replace english with the root language name ⟨lang⟩. Within the definition of \glossariescaptions⟨lang⟩, replace the English text (such as “Glossaries”) with the appropriate translation.
Note: the suffixes used to generate the plural forms when the plural hasn’t been specified are given by \glspluralsuffix (for general entries) and \glsupacrpluralsuffix for acronyms where the suffix needs to be set using \glstextup to counteract the effects of \textsc and \glsacrpluralsuffix for other acronym styles. These commands need to be set before the entry is defined and so the definitions aren’t included in the caption mechanism as that’s not switched on until the start of the document. This means that the suffix in effect will be for the last loaded language.
If you want to add a regional variation, create a file called glossaries-⟨iso lang⟩-⟨iso country⟩.ldf, where ⟨iso lang⟩ is the ISO language code and ⟨iso country⟩ is the ISO country code. For example, glossaries-en-GB.ldf. This file can load the root language file and make the appropriate changes, for example:
If the translations includes non-Latin characters, it’s necessary to provide code that’s independent of the input encoding. Remember that while some users may use UTF-8, others may use Latin-1 or any other supported encoding, but while users won’t appreciate you enforcing your preference on them, it’s useful to provide a UTF-8 version for XeLaTeX users.
The glossaries-irish.ldf file provides this as follows:
(Again you can use this as a template. Replace irish with your root language label and Irish with the translator dictionary label.)
There are now two extra files: glossaries-irish-noenc.ldf and glossaries-irish-utf8.ldf.
These both define \glossariescaptionsirish but the *-noenc.ldf uses LATEX accent commands:
whereas the *-utf8.ldf replaces the accent commands with the appropriate UTF-8 characters.
If this section seriously confuses you, and you can’t work out how to run makeglossaries or makeindex, you can try using the automake package option, described in §2.4 Sorting Options, but you will need TEX’s shell escape enabled.
In order to generate a sorted glossary with compact number lists, it is necessary to use an external indexing application as an intermediate step (unless you have chosen Option 1, which uses TEX to do the sorting). It is this application that creates the file containing the code that typesets the glossary. If this step is omitted, the glossaries will not appear in your document. The two indexing applications that are most commonly used with LATEX are makeindex and xindy. As from version 1.17, the glossaries package can be used with either of these applications. Previous versions were designed to be used with makeindex only. Note that xindy has much better multi-lingual support than makeindex, so xindy is recommended if you’re not writing in English. Commands that only have an effect when xindy is used are described in §11 Xindy (Option 3).
The glossaries package comes with the Perl script makeglossaries which will run makeindex or xindy on all the glossary files using a customized style file (which is created by \makeglossaries). See §1.4.1 Using the makeglossaries Perl Script for further details. Perl is stable, cross-platform, open source software that is used by a number of TEX-related applications. Most Unix-like operating systems come with a Perl interpreter. TEX Live also comes with a Perl interpreter. MiKTEX doesn’t come with a Perl interpreter so if you are a Windows MiKTEX user you will need to install Perl if you want to use makeglossaries. Further information is available at http://www.perl.org/about.html and MiKTeX and Perl scripts (and one Python script).
The advantages of using makeglossaries:
As from version 4.16, the glossaries package also comes with a Lua script called makeglossaries-lite.lua. This is a trimmed-down alternative to the makeglossaries Perl script. It doesn’t have some of the options that the Perl version has and it doesn’t attempt to diagnose any problems, but since modern TEX distributions come with LuaTEX (and therefore have a Lua interpreter) you don’t need to install anything else in order to use makeglossaries-lite.lua so it’s an alternative to makeglossaries if you want to use Option 2 (makeindex).
If things go wrong and you can’t work out why your glossaries aren’t being generated correctly, you can use makeglossariesgui as a diagnostic tool. Once you’ve fixed the problem, you can then go back to using makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite.lua.
Whilst I strongly recommended that you use the makeglossaries Perl script or the makeglossaries-lite.lua Lua script, it is possible to use the glossaries package without using those applications. However, note that some commands and package options have no effect if you explicitly run makeindex/xindy. These are listed in table 1.3.
Note that if any of your entries use an entry that is not referenced outside the glossary, you will need to do an additional makeglossaries, makeindex or xindy run, as appropriate. For example, suppose you have defined the following entries:1.4
and suppose you have \gls{citrusfruit} in your document but don’t reference
the orange entry, then the orange entry won’t appear in your glossary until you
first create the glossary and then do another run of makeglossaries, makeindex
or xindy. For example, if the document is called myDoc.tex, then you must do:
latex myDoc
makeglossaries myDoc
latex myDoc
makeglossaries myDoc
latex myDoc
Likewise, an additional makeglossaries and LATEX run may be required if the document pages shift with re-runs. For example, if the page numbering is not reset after the table of contents, the insertion of the table of contents on the second LATEX run may push glossary entries across page boundaries, which means that the number lists in the glossary may need updating.
The examples in this document assume that you are accessing makeglossaries, xindy or makeindex via a terminal. Windows users can use the MSDOS Prompt which is usually accessed via the Start->All Programs menu or Start->All Programs->Accessories menu.
Alternatively, your text editor may have the facility to create a function that will call the required application. The article “Glossaries, Nomenclature, List of Symbols and Acronyms” in the LATEX Community’s Know How section describes how to do this for TeXnicCenter, and the thread “Executing Glossaries’ makeindex from a WinEdt macro” on the comp.text.tex newsgroup describes how to do it for WinEdt. Section 1.1 (Building Your Document) of “Using LATEX to Write a PhD Thesis” describes how to do it for TeXWorks. For other editors see the editor’s user manual for further details.
If any problems occur, remember to check the transcript files (e.g. .glg or .alg) for messages.
The makeglossaries script picks up the relevant information from the auxiliary (.aux) file
and will either call xindy or makeindex, depending on the supplied information. Therefore,
you only need to pass the document’s name without the extension to makeglossaries. For
example, if your document is called myDoc.tex, type the following in your terminal:
latex myDoc
makeglossaries myDoc
latex myDoc
perl makeglossaries myDoc
Windows users: TEX Live on Windows has its own internal Perl interpreter and provides makeglossaries.exe as a convenient wrapper for the makeglossaries Perl script. MiKTeX also provides a wrapper makeglossaries.exe but doesn’t provide a Perl interpreter, which is still required even if you run MiKTeX’s makeglossaries.exe, so with MiKTeX you’ll need to install Perl. There’s more information about this at http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/158796/19862 on the TeX.SX site. Alternatively, there is a batch file called makeglossaries.bat that should be located in the same folder as the makeglossaries Perl script. This just explicitly loads the script into Perl. If you’ve installed Perl but for some reason your operating system can’t find perl.exe, you can edit the makeglossaries.bat file to include the full path to perl.exe (but take care as this file will be overwritten next time you update the glossaries package). If you move the .bat file to a new location, you will also need to supply the full path to the makeglossaries Perl script. (Don’t also move the Perl script as well or you may miss out on updates to makeglossaries.)
The makeglossaries script attempts to fork the makeindex/xindy process using open() on the piped redirection 2>&1 | and parses the processor output to help diagnose problems. If this method fails makeglossaries will print an “Unable to fork” warning and will retry without redirection. If you run makeglossaries on an operating system that doesn’t support this form of redirection, then you can use the -Q switch to suppress this warning or you can use the -k switch to make makeglossaries automatically use the fallback method without attempting the redirection. Without this redirection, the -q (quiet) switch doesn’t work as well.
You can specify in which directory the .aux, .glo etc files are located using the -d switch.
For example:
pdflatex -output-directory myTmpDir myDoc
makeglossaries -d myTmpDir myDoc
As from makeglossaries v2.18, if you are using makeindex, there’s a check for makeindex’s multiple encap warning. This is where different encap values (location formats) are used on the same location for the same entry. For example:
If you explicitly use makeindex, this will cause a warning and the location list will be “1, 1”. That is, the page number will be repeated with each format. As from v2.18, makeglossaries will check for this warning and, if found, will attempt to correct the problem by removing duplicate locations and retrying. There’s no similar check for xindy as xindy won’t produce any warning and will simply discard duplicates.
The makeglossaries script contains POD (Plain Old Documentation). If you want, you can create a man page for makeglossaries using pod2man and move the resulting file onto the man path. Alternatively do makeglossaries --help for a list of all options or makeglossaries --version for the version number.
The Lua alternative to the makeglossaries Perl script requires a Lua interpreter, which should already be available if you have a modern TEX distribution that includes LuaTEX. Lua is a light-weight, cross-platform scripting language, but because it’s light-weight it doesn’t have the full-functionality of heavy-weight scripting languages, such as Perl. The makeglossaries-lite.lua script is therefore limited by this and some of the options available to the makeglossaries Perl script aren’t available here. (In particular the -d option.)
The makeglossaries-lite.lua script can be invoked in the same way as makeglossaries.
For example, if your document is called myDoc.tex, then do
makeglossaries-lite.lua myDoc
makeglossaries-lite myDoc
Some of the options available with makeglossaries are also available with
makeglossaries-lite.lua. For a complete list of available options, do
makeglossaries-lite.lua --help
Xindy comes with TEX Live. It has also been added to MikTEX, but if you don’t have it installed, see How to use Xindy with MikTeX on TEX on StackExchange.
If you want to use xindy to process the glossary files, you must make sure you have used the xindy package option:
This is required regardless of whether you use xindy explicitly or whether it’s called implicitly via applications such as makeglossaries or makeglossariesgui. This causes the glossary entries to be written in raw xindy format, so you need to use -I xindy not -I tex.
To run xindy type the following in your terminal (all on one line):
xindy -L ⟨language⟩ -C ⟨encoding⟩ -I xindy -M ⟨style⟩ -t ⟨base⟩.glg -o ⟨base⟩.gls
For example, if your document is called myDoc.tex and you are using UTF8 encoding in
English, then type the following in your terminal:
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M myDoc -t myDoc.glg -o myDoc.gls
Note that this just creates the main glossary. You need to do the same for each of
the other glossaries (including the list of acronyms if you have used the acronym
package option), substituting .glg, .gls and .glo with the relevant extensions. For
example, if you have used the acronym package option, then you would need to do:
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M myDoc -t myDoc.alg -o myDoc.acr
Note that if you use makeglossaries instead, you can replace all those calls to xindy
with just one call to makeglossaries:
makeglossaries myDoc
If you want to use makeindex explicitly, you must make sure that you haven’t used the xindy
package option or the glossary entries will be written in the wrong format. To run makeindex,
type the following in your terminal:
makeindex -s ⟨style⟩.ist -t ⟨base⟩.glg -o ⟨base⟩.gls ⟨base⟩.glo
For example, if your document is called myDoc.tex, then type the following at the
makeindex -s myDoc.ist -t myDoc.glg -o myDoc.gls myDoc.glo
makeindex -s myDoc.ist -t myDoc.alg -o myDoc.acr myDoc.acn
Note that if you use makeglossaries instead, you can replace all those calls to makeindex
with just one call to makeglossaries:
makeglossaries myDoc
The information needed to determine whether to use xindy or makeindex and the information needed to call those applications is stored in the auxiliary file. This information can be gathered by a front-end, editor or script to make the glossaries where appropriate. This section describes how the information is stored in the auxiliary file.
The file extensions used by each defined glossary are given by
where ⟨in-ext⟩ is the extension of the indexing application’s input file (the output file from the glossaries package’s point of view), ⟨out-ext⟩ is the extension of the indexing application’s output file (the input file from the glossaries package’s point of view) and ⟨log⟩ is the extension of the indexing application’s transcript file. The label for the glossary is also given for information purposes only, but is not required by the indexing applications. For example, the information for the default main glossary is written as:
The indexing application’s style file is specified by
The file extension indicates whether to use makeindex (.ist) or xindy (.xdy). Note that the glossary information is formatted differently depending on which indexing application is supposed to be used, so it’s important to call the correct one.
Word or letter ordering is specified by:
where ⟨order⟩ can be either word or letter.
If xindy should be used, the language and code page for each glossary is specified by
where ⟨label⟩ identifies the glossary, ⟨language⟩ is the root language (e.g. english) and ⟨code⟩ is the encoding (e.g. utf8). These commands are omitted if makeindex should be used.
If Option 1 has been used, the .aux file will contain
for every time an entry has been referenced.
This section describes the available glossaries package options. You may omit the =true for boolean options. (For example, acronym is equivalent to acronym=true).
to show the hypertarget/hyperlink name in the margin when \glsdohypertarget is used by commands like \glstarget and when \glsdohyperlink is used by commands like \gls.
Consider the following example document:
Here, only the sample1 entry has been indexed, even though \glsadd{sample2} appears in the source code. This is because the associated file is opened by \makeglossaries, but \glsadd{sample2} has been used before this command. Since the file isn’t open yet, the information can’t be written to it, which is why the sample2 entry doesn’t appear in the glossary.
This situation doesn’t cause any errors or warnings as it’s perfectly legitimate for a user to want to use glossaries to format the entries (e.g. abbreviation expansion) but not display any lists of terms, abbreviations, symbols etc. Without \makeglossaries (or \makenoidxglossaries) the indexing is suppressed but, other than that, commands like \gls behave as usual.
The debug mode, enabled with the debug option, will write information to the log file when the indexing can’t occur because the associated file isn’t open. The message is written in the form
Package glossaries Info: wrglossary(⟨type⟩)(⟨line⟩) on input line ⟨line number⟩.
where ⟨type⟩ is the glossary label and ⟨line⟩ is the line of text that would’ve been written to the associated file if it had been open. So if any entries haven’t appeared in the glossary but you’re sure you used commands like \glsadd or \glsaddall, try switching on the debug option and see if any information has been written to the log file.
The sort value (#) must be sanitized before writing it to the glossary file, otherwise LATEX will try to interpret it as a parameter reference. If, on the other hand, you want the sort value expanded, you need to switch off the sanitization. For example, suppose you do:
and you actually want \mysortvalue expanded, so that the entry is sorted according to AAA, then use the package option sanitizesort=false.
The default for Options 2 and 3 is sanitizesort=true, and the default for Option 1 is sanitizesort=false.
You can also reduce the number of write registers by using Option 1 or by ensuring you define all your glossary entries in the preamble.
If translate is specified without a value, translate=true is assumed. If translate isn’t specified, translate=true is assumed if babel, polyglossia or translator have been loaded. Otherwise translate=false is assumed.
See §1.3.1 Changing the Fixed Names for further details.
The values must be fully expanded, so don’t try nohypertypes=\acronymtype. You may also use
instead or additionally. See §6 Links to Glossary Entries for further details.
The hyperfirst setting applies to all glossary types (unless identified by nohypertypes or defined with \newignoredglossary). It can be overridden on an individual basis by explicitly setting the hyper key when referencing an entry (or by using the plus or starred version of the referencing command).
It may be that you only want to apply this to just the acronyms (where the first use explains the meaning of the acronym) but not for ordinary glossary entries (where the first use is identical to subsequent uses). In this case, you can use hyperfirst=false and apply \glsunsetall to all the regular (non-acronym) glossaries. For example:
Alternatively you can redefine the hook
which is used by the commands that check the first use flag, such as \gls. Within the definition of this command, you can use \glslabel to reference the entry label and \glstype to reference the glossary type. You can also use \ifglsused to determine if the entry has been used. You can test if an entry is an acronym by checking if it has the long key set using \ifglshaslong. For example, to switch off the hyperlink on first use just for acronyms:
Note that this hook isn’t used by the commands that don’t check the first use flag, such as \glstext. (You can, instead, redefine \glslinkpostsetkeys, which is used by both the \gls-like and \glstext-like commands.)
You can customise this by redefining
where ⟨label⟩ is the entry’s label and ⟨wr-code⟩ is the code that writes the entry’s information to the external file. The default definition of \glswriteentry is:
This checks the indexonlyfirst package option (using \ifglsindexonlyfirst) and does ⟨wr-code⟩ if this is false otherwise it only does ⟨wr-code⟩ of the entry hasn’t been used.
For example, suppose you only want to index the first use for entries in the acronym glossary and not in the main (or any other) glossary:
Here I’ve used \ifthenelse to ensure the arguments of \equal are fully expanded before the comparison is made.
You can omit the value if you want to use sections, i.e.
is equivalent to
You can change this value later in the document using
where ⟨name⟩ is the sectional unit.
The start of each glossary adds information to the page header via
By default this uses \@mkboth2.2 but you may need to redefine it. For example, to only change the right header:
or to prevent it from changing the headers:
If you want \glsglossarymark to use \MakeUppercase in the header, use the ucmark option described below.
Occasionally you may find that another package defines \cleardoublepage when it is not required. This may cause an unwanted blank page to appear before each glossary. This can be fixed by redefining \glsclearpage \glsclearpage:
For example:
If memoir has been loaded and ucfirst is set, then memoir’s \memUChead is used.
where ⟨type⟩ is the label identifying that glossary. The default value of \glsautoprefix is empty. For example, if you load glossaries using:
then each glossary will appear in a numbered section, and can be referenced using something like:
If you can’t decide whether to have the acronyms in the main glossary or a separate list of acronyms, you can use \acronymtype which is set to main if the acronym option is not used and is set to acronym if the acronym option is used. For example:
You can redefine the prefix if the default label clashes with another label in your document. For example:
will add glo: to the automatically generated label, so you can then, for example, refer to the list of acronyms as follows:
Or, if you are undecided on a prefix:
Now \nameref{main} will display the (TOC) section title associated with the main glossary. As above, you can redefine \glsautoprefix to provide a prefix for the label.
If you use this option, you can reference the entry number within the document using
where ⟨label⟩ is the label associated with that glossary entry.
If you want the counter reset at the start of each glossary, you can redefine \glossarypreamble to use
which sets glossaryentry to zero:
or if you are using \setglossarypreamble, add it to each glossary preamble, as required. For example:
(See §15 Glossary Styles for further details.)
This is a ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ option where ⟨value⟩ may be one of the following:
Both sort=def and sort=use set the sort key to a six digit number via
(padded with leading zeros, where necessary). This can be redefined, if required, before the entries are defined (in the case of sort=def) or before the entries are used (in the case of sort=use).
Note that the group styles (such as listgroup) are incompatible with the sort=use and sort=def options.
The default is sort=standard. When the standard sort option is in use, you can hook into the sort mechanism by redefining:
where ⟨sort cs⟩ is a temporary control sequence that stores the sort value (which was either explicitly set via the sort key or implicitly set via the name key) before any escaping of the makeindex/xindy special characters is performed. By default \glsprestandardsort just does:
which sanitizes ⟨sort cs⟩ if the sanitizesort package option is set (or does nothing if the package option sanitizesort=false is used).
The other arguments, ⟨type⟩ and ⟨label⟩, are the glossary type and the entry label for the current entry. Note that ⟨type⟩ will always be a control sequence, but ⟨label⟩ will be in the form used in the first argument of \newglossaryentry.
Example 1 (Mixing Alphabetical and Order of Definition Sorting)
Suppose I have three glossaries: main, acronym and notation, and let’s suppose I want the main and acronym glossaries to be sorted alphabetically, but the notation type should be sorted in order of definition.
For Option 1, I just need to set the sort key in the optional argument of \printnoidxglossary:
For Options 2 or 3, I can set the sort to standard (which is the default, but can be explicitly set via the package option sort=standard), and I can either define all my main and acronym entries, then redefine \glsprestandardsort to set ⟨sort cs⟩ to an incremented integer, and then define all my notation entries. Alternatively, I can redefine \glsprestandardsort to check for the glossary type and only modify ⟨sort cs⟩ if ⟨type⟩ is notation.
The first option can be achieved as follows:
The second option can be achieved as follows:
(\ifdefstring is defined by the etoolbox package.) For a complete document, see the sample file sampleSort.tex.
Example 2 (Customizing Standard Sort (Options 2 or 3))
Suppose you want a glossary of people and you want the names listed as ⟨first-name⟩ ⟨surname⟩ in the glossary, but you want the names sorted by ⟨surname⟩, ⟨first-name⟩. You can do this by defining a command called, say, \name{⟨first-name⟩}{⟨surname⟩} that you can use in the name key when you define the entry, but hook into the standard sort mechanism to temporarily redefine \name while the sort value is being set.
First, define two commands to set the person’s name:
and \name needs to be initialised to \textname:
Now redefine \glsprestandardsort so that it temporarily sets \name to \sortname and expands the sort value, then sets \name to \textname so that the person’s name appears as ⟨first-name⟩ ⟨surname⟩ in the text:
(The somewhat complicate use of \expandafter etc helps to protect fragile commands, but care is still needed.)
Now the entries can be defined:
For a complete document, see the sample file samplePeople.tex.
If you use Option 1, this setting will be used if you use sort=standard in the optional argument of \printnoidxglossary:
Alternatively, you can specify the order for individual glossaries:
You may omit this package option if you are using Option 2 as this is the default. It’s available in case you need to override the effect of an earlier occurrence of xindy in the package option list.
This package option may additionally have a value that is a ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ comma-separated list to override the language and codepage. For example:
You can also specify whether you want a number group in the glossary. This defaults to true, but can be suppressed. For example:
If no value is supplied to this package option (either simply writing xindy or writing xindy={}) then the language, codepage and number group settings are unchanged. See §11 Xindy (Option 3) for further details on using xindy with the glossaries package.
Some distributions allow \write18 in a restricted mode. This mode has a limited number of trusted applications, which usually includes makeindex but may not include xindy. So if you have the restricted mode on, automake should work with makeindex but may not work with xindy.
However even in unrestricted mode this option may not work with xindy as xindy uses language names that don’t always correspond with \babel’s language names. (The makeglossaries script applies mappings to assist you.) Note that you still need at least two LATEX runs to ensure the document is up-to-date with this setting.
Since this package option attempts to run the indexing application on every LATEX run, its use should be considered a last resort for those who can’t work out how to incorporate the indexing application into their document build. The default value for this option is automake=false.
It will also define
that’s equivalent to
(unless that command is already defined before the beginning of the document or the package option compatible-3.07 is used).If you are using Option 1, you need to use
to display the list of acronyms.If the acronym package option is used, \acronymtype is set to acronym otherwise it is set to main.2.4 Entries that are defined using \newacronym are placed in the glossary whose label is given by \acronymtype, unless another glossary is explicitly specified.
No check is performed to determine if the listed glossaries exist, so you can add glossaries you haven’t defined yet. For example:
You can use
instead of or in addition to the acronymlists option. This will add the glossaries given in ⟨list⟩ to the list of glossaries that are identified as lists of acronyms. To replace the list of acronym lists with a new list use:
You can determine if a glossary has been identified as being a list of acronyms using:
The package options listed in this section are now deprecated but are kept for backward-compatibility. Use \setacronymstyle instead. See §13 Acronyms and Other Abbreviations for further details.
or (with footnote and smallcaps)
or (with footnote and smaller)
or (with description and footnote)
This option may be replaced by:
or (with description and footnote)
or (with smallcaps and description)
or (with smaller and description)
Other available options that don’t fit any of the above categories are:
It also defines
which is a synonym for
If you use Option 1, you need to use:
to display the list of symbols.
It also defines
which is a synonym for
If you use Option 1, you need to use:
to display the list of numbers.
It also defines
which is a synonym for
andwhich is a synonym for
If you use Option 1, you need to use:
to display this glossary.
Since the index isn’t designed for terms with descriptions, you might also want to
disable the hyperlinks for this glossary using the package option nohypertypes=index or
the command
The example file sample-index.tex illustrates the use of the index package option.
Some of the options described above may also be set after the glossaries package has been loaded using
The following package options can’t be used in \setupglossaries: xindy, xindygloss, xindynoglsnumbers, makeindex, nolong, nosuper, nolist, notree, nostyles, nomain, compatible-2.07, translate, notranslate, acronym. These options have to be set while the package is loading, except for the xindy sub-options which can be set using commands like \GlsSetXdyLanguage (see §11 Xindy (Option 3) for further details).
In the preamble you need to indicate whether you want to use Option 1, Option 2 or Option 3. It’s not possible to mix these options within a document.
The command
must be placed in the preamble. This sets up the internal commands required to make Option 1 work. If you omit \makenoidxglossaries none of the glossaries will be displayed.
The command
must be placed in the preamble in order to create the customised makeindex (.ist) or xindy (.xdy) style file (for Options 2 or 3, respectively) and to ensure that glossary entries are written to the appropriate output files. If you omit \makeglossaries none of the glossary files will be created.
Similarly, there are some commands that must not be used before \makeglossaries.
You can suppress the creation of the customised xindy or makeindex style file using
That this command must not be used after \makeglossaries.
The default name for the customised style file is given by \jobname.ist (Option 2) or \jobname.xdy (Option 3). This name may be changed using:
where ⟨name⟩ is the name of the style file without the extension. Note that this command must not be used after \makeglossaries.
Each glossary entry is assigned a number list that lists all the locations in the document where that entry was used. By default, the location refers to the page number but this may be overridden using the counter package option. The default form of the location number assumes a full stop compositor (e.g. 1.2), but if your location numbers use a different compositor (e.g. 1-2) you need to set this using
For example:
This command must not be used after \makeglossaries.
If you use Option 3, you can have a different compositor for page numbers starting with an upper case alphabetical character using:
This command has no effect if you use Option 2. For example, if you want number lists containing a mixture of A-1 and 2.3 style formats, then do:
See §5 Number lists for further information about number lists.
All glossary entries must be defined before they are used, so it is better to define them in the preamble to ensure this. In fact, some commands such as \longnewglossaryentry may only be used in the preamble. See §4.8 Drawbacks With Defining Entries in the Document Environment for a discussion of the problems with defining entries within the document instead of in the preamble.
Only those entries that are referenced in the document (using any of the commands described in §6 Links to Glossary Entries, §7 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text or §8 Cross-Referencing Entries) will appear in the glossary. See §10 Displaying a glossary to find out how to display the glossary.
New glossary entries are defined using the command:
This is a short command, so values in ⟨key-val list⟩ can’t contain any paragraph breaks. If you have a long description that needs to span multiple paragraphs, use
instead. Note that this command may only be used in the preamble. Be careful of unwanted spaces. \longnewglossaryentry will remove trailing spaces in the description (via \unskip) but won’t remove leading spaces (otherwise it would interfere with commands like \Glsentrydesc).
There are also commands that will only define the entry if it hasn’t already been defined:
(These are both preamble-only commands.)
For all the above commands, the first argument, ⟨label⟩, must be a unique label with which to identify this entry. This can’t contain any non-expandable commands or active characters. The reason for this restriction is that the label is used to construct internal commands that store the associated information (similarly to commands like \label) and therefore must be able to expand to a valid control sequence name.
The second argument, ⟨key=value list⟩, is a ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ list that supplies the relevant information about this entry. There are two required fields: description and either name or parent. The description is set in the third argument of \longnewglossaryentry and \longprovideglossaryentry. With the other commands it’s set via the description key. As is typical with ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ lists, values that contain a comma or equal sign must be enclosed in braces. Available fields are listed below:
to suppress the description terminator for this entry. For example, if this entry is a parent entry that doesn’t require a description, you can do description={\nopostdesc}. If you want a paragraph break in the description use
or, better, use \longnewglossaryentry. However, note that not all glossary styles support multi-line descriptions. If you are using one of the tabular-like glossary styles that permit multi-line descriptions, use \newline not \\ if you want to force a line break.
Note: prior to version 1.13, the default value of firstplural was always taken by appending “s” to the first key, which meant that you had to specify both plural and firstplural, even if you hadn’t used the first key.
Option 1 by default strips the standard LATEX accents (that is, accents generated by core LATEX commands) from the name key when it sets the sort key. So with Option 1:
This is equivalent to:
Unless you use the package option sanitizesort=true, in which case it’s equivalent to:
This will place the entry before the “A” letter group since the sort value starts with a symbol.
Similarly if you use the inputenc package:
With Options 2 and 3, the default value of sort will either be set to the name key (if sanitizesort=true) or it will set it to the expansion of the name key (if sanitizesort=false).
Take care if you use Option 1 and the name contains fragile commands. You will either need to explicitly set the sort key or use the sanitizesort=true package option (unless you use the def or use sort methods).
This key essentially provides a convenient shortcut that performs
If you use the see key, you may want to consider using the supplementary glossaries-extra package.
The following keys are reserved for \newacronym (see §13 Acronyms and Other Abbreviations): long, longplural, short and shortplural. Additional keys are provided by the glossaries-prefix (§17 Prefixes or Determiners) and the glossaries-accsupp (§18 Accessibility Support) packages. You can also define your own custom keys (see §4.3 Additional Keys).
Note that if the name starts with non-Latin character, you must group the character, otherwise it will cause a problem for commands like \Gls and \Glspl. For example:
Note that the same applies if you are using the inputenc package:
Note that in both of the above examples, you will also need to supply the sort key if you are using Option 2 whereas xindy (Option 3) is usually able to sort non-Latin characters correctly. Option 1 discards accents from standard LATEX extended Latin characters unless you use the sanitizesort=true.
You may have noticed from above that you can specify the plural form when you define a term. If you omit this, the plural will be obtained by appending
to the singular form. This command defaults to the letter “s”. For example:
defines a new entry whose singular form is “cow” and plural form is “cows”. However, if you are writing in archaic English, you may want to use “kine” as the plural form, in which case you would have to do:
If you are writing in a language that supports multiple plurals (for a given term) then use the plural key for one of them and one of the user keys to specify the other plural form. For example:
You can then use \glspl{cow} to produce “cows” and \glsuseri{cow} to produce “kine”. You can, of course, define an easy to remember synonym. For example:
Then you don’t have to remember which key you used to store the second plural. Alternatively, you can define your own keys using \glsaddkey, described in §4.3 Additional Keys.
If you are using a language that usually forms plurals by appending a different letter, or sequence of letters, you can redefine \glspluralsuffix as required. However, this must be done before the entries are defined. For languages that don’t form plurals by simply appending a suffix, all the plural forms must be specified using the plural key (and the firstplural key where necessary).
You can use the six user keys to provide alternatives, such as participles. For example:
With the above definitions, I can now define terms like this:
and use them in the text:
Alternatively, you can define your own keys using \glsaddkey, described below in §4.3 Additional Keys.
You can now also define your own custom keys using the commands described in this section. There are two types of keys: those for use within the document and those to store information used behind the scenes by other commands.
For example, if you want to add a key that indicates the associated unit for a term, you might want to reference this unit in your document. In this case use \glsaddkey described in §4.3.1 Document Keys. If, on the other hand, you want to add a key to indicate to a glossary style or acronym style that this entry should be formatted differently to other entries, then you can use \glsaddstoragekey described in §4.3.2 Storage Keys.
In both cases, a new command ⟨no link cs⟩ will be defined that can be used to access the value of this key (analogous to commands such as \glsentrytext). This can be used in an expandable context (provided any fragile commands stored in the key have been protected). The new keys must be added using \glsaddkey or \glsaddstoragekey before glossary entries are defined.
A custom key that can be used in the document is defined using:
The starred version of \glsaddkey switches on expansion for this key. The unstarred version doesn’t override the current expansion setting.
Example 3 (Defining Custom Keys)
Suppose I want to define two new keys, ed and ing, that default to the entry text followed by “ed” and “ing”, respectively. The default value will need expanding in both cases, so I need to use the starred form:
Now I can define some entries:
These entries can later be used in the document:
For a complete document, see the sample file sample-newkeys.tex.
A custom key that can be used for simply storing information is defined using:
where the arguments are as the first three arguments of \glsaddkey, described above in §4.3.1 Document Keys.
This is essentially the same as \glsaddkey except that it doesn’t define the additional commands. You can access or update the value of your new field using the commands described in §16.3 Fetching and Updating the Value of a Field.
Example 4 (Defining Custom Storage Key (Acronyms and Initialisms))
Suppose I want to define acronyms and other forms of abbreviations, such as initialisms, but I want them all in the same glossary and I want the acronyms on first use to be displayed with the short form followed by the long form in parentheses, but the opposite way round for other forms of abbreviations.4.1
Here I can define a new key that determines whether the term is actually an acronym rather than some other form of abbreviation. I’m going to call this key abbrtype (since type already exists):
Now I can define a style that looks up the value of this new key to determine how to display the full form:
Remember that the new style needs to be set before defining any terms:
Since it’s a bit confusing to use \newacronym for something that’s not technically an acronym, let’s define a new command for initialisms:
Now the entries can all be defined:
On first use, \gls{radar} will produce “radar (radio detecting and ranging)” but \gls{dsp} will produce “DSP (digital signal processing)”.
For a complete document, see the sample file sample-storage-abbr.tex.
In the above example, if \newglossaryentry is explicitly used (instead of through \newacronym) the abbrtype key will be set to its default value of “word” but the \ifglshaslong test in the custom acronym style will be false (since the long key hasn’t been set) so the display style will switch to that given by \glsgenentryfmt and they’ll be no test performed on the abbrtype field.
Example 5 (Defining Custom Storage Key (Acronyms and Non-Acronyms with Descriptions))
The previous example can be modified if the description also needs to be provided. Here I’ve changed “word” to “acronym”:
This may seem a little odd for non-abbreviated entries defined using \newglossaryentry directly, but \ifglshaslong can be used to determine whether or not to reference the value of this new abbrtype field.
The new acronym style has a minor modification that forces the user to specify a description. In the previous example, the line:
needs to be changed to:
Additionally, to accommodate the change in the default value of the abbrtype key, all instances of
need to be changed to:
Once this new style has been set, the new acronyms can be defined using the optional argument to set the description:
No change is required for the definition of \newinitialism but again the optional argument is required to set the description:
We can also accommodate contractions in a similar manner to the initialisms:
The contractions can similarly been defined using this new command:
Since the custom acronym style just checks if abbrtype is acronym, the contractions will be treated the same as the initialisms, but the style could be modified by a further test of the abbrtype value if required.
To test regular non-abbreviated entries, I’ve also defined a simple word:
Now for a new glossary style that provides information about the abbreviation (in addition to the description):
This uses \ifglshaslong to determine whether or not the term is an abbreviation. If it has an abbreviation, the full form is supplied in parentheses and \abbrtype (defined by \glsaddstoragekey earlier) is used to indicate the type of abbreviation.
With this style set, the apple entry is simply displayed in the glossary as
but the abbreviations are displayed in the form
(for acronyms) or
(for initalisms) or
(for contractions).
For a complete document, see the sample file sample-storage-abbr-desc.tex.
When you define new glossary entries expansion is performed by default, except for the name, description, descriptionplural, symbol, symbolplural and sort keys (these keys all have expansion suppressed via \glssetnoexpandfield).
You can switch expansion on or off for individual keys using
respectively, where ⟨field⟩ is the field tag corresponding to the key. In most cases, this is the same as the name of the key except for those listed in table 4.1.
Any keys that haven’t had the expansion explicitly set using \glssetexpandfield or \glssetnoexpandfield are governed by
If your entries contain any fragile commands, I recommend you switch off expansion via \glsnoexpandfields. (This should be used before you define the entries.)
As from version 1.17, it is possible to specify sub-entries. These may be used to order the glossary into categories, in which case the sub-entry will have a different name to its parent entry, or it may be used to distinguish different definitions for the same word, in which case the sub-entries will have the same name as the parent entry. Note that not all glossary styles support hierarchical entries and may display all the entries in a flat format. Of the styles that support sub-entries, some display the sub-entry’s name whilst others don’t. Therefore you need to ensure that you use a suitable style. (See §15 Glossary Styles for a list of predefined styles.) As from version 3.0, level 1 sub-entries are automatically numbered in the predefined styles if you use the subentrycounter package option (see §2.3 Glossary Appearance Options for further details).
Note that the parent entry will automatically be added to the glossary if any of its child entries are used in the document. If the parent entry is not referenced in the document, it will not have a number list. Note also that makeindex has a restriction on the maximum sub-entry depth.
To arrange a glossary with hierarchical categories, you need to first define the category and then define the sub-entries using the relevant category entry as the value of the parent key.
Example 6 (Hierarchical Categories—Greek and Roman Mathematical Symbols)
Suppose I want a glossary of mathematical symbols that are divided into Greek letters and Roman letters. Then I can define the categories as follows:
Note that in this example, the category entries don’t need a description so I have set the descriptions to \nopostdesc. This gives a blank description and suppresses the description terminator.
I can now define my sub-entries as follows:
For a complete document, see the sample file sampletree.tex.
Sub-entries that have the same name as the parent entry, don’t need to have the name key. For example, the word “glossary” can mean a list of technical words or a collection of glosses. In both cases the plural is “glossaries”. So first define the parent entry:
Again, the parent entry has no description, so the description terminator needs to be suppressed using \nopostdesc.
Now define the two different meanings of the word:
Note that if I reference the parent entry, the location will be added to the parent’s number list, whereas if I reference any of the child entries, the location will be added to the child entry’s number list. Note also that since the sub-entries have the same name, the sort key is required unless you are using the sort=use or sort=def package options (see §2.4 Sorting Options). You can use the subentrycounter package option to automatically number the first-level child entries. See §2.3 Glossary Appearance Options for further details.
In the above example, the plural form for both of the child entries is the same as the parent entry, so the plural key was not required for the child entries. However, if the sub-entries have different plurals, they will need to be specified. For example:
You can store all your glossary entry definitions in another file and use:
where ⟨filename⟩ is the name of the file containing all the \newglossaryentry or \longnewglossaryentry commands. The optional argument ⟨type⟩ is the name of the glossary to which those entries should belong, for those entries where the type key has been omitted (or, more specifically, for those entries whose type has been specified by \glsdefaulttype, which is what \newglossaryentry uses by default).
This is a preamble-only command. You may also use \input to load the file but don’t use \include.
Example 7 (Loading Entries from Another File)
Suppose I have a file called myentries.tex which contains:
and suppose in my document preamble I use the command:
then this will add the entries tex and html to the glossary whose type is given by languages, but the entry perl will be added to the main glossary, since it explicitly sets the type to main.
Note: if you use \newacronym (see §13 Acronyms and Other Abbreviations) the type is set as type=\acronymtype unless you explicitly override it. For example, if my file myacronyms.tex contains:
then (supposing I have defined a new glossary type called altacronym)
will add aca to the glossary type acronym, if the package option acronym has been specified, or will add aca to the glossary type altacronym, if the package option acronym is not specified.4.2
If you have used the acronym package option, there are two possible solutions to this problem:
and do:
Note that only those entries that have been used in the text will appear in the relevant glossaries. Note also that \loadglsentries may only be used in the preamble.
Remember that you can use \provideglossaryentry rather than \newglossaryentry. Suppose you want to maintain a large database of acronyms or terms that you’re likely to use in your documents, but you may want to use a modified version of some of those entries. (Suppose, for example, one document may require a more detailed description.) Then if you define the entries using \provideglossaryentry in your database file, you can override the definition by simply using \newglossaryentry before loading the file. For example, suppose your file (called, say, terms.tex) contains:
but suppose your document requires a more detailed description, you can do:
Now the mallard definition in the terms.tex file will be ignored.
As from version 3.02, you can move an entry from one glossary to another using:
where ⟨label⟩ is the unique label identifying the required entry and ⟨target glossary label⟩ is the unique label identifying the glossary in which to put the entry.
Note that no check is performed to determine the existence of the target glossary. If you want to move an entry to a glossary that’s skipped by \printglossaries, then define an ignored glossary with \newignoredglossary. (See §12 Defining New Glossaries.)
Originally, \newglossaryentry (and \newacronym) could only be used in the preamble. I reluctantly removed this restriction in version 1.13, but there are issues with defining commands in the document environment instead of the preamble, which is why the restriction is maintained for newer commands. This restriction is also reimposed for \newglossaryentry by the new Option 1. (The glossaries-extra package automatically reimposes this restriction for Options 2 and 3 but provides a package option to allow document definitions.)
To overcome the first two problems, as from version 4.0 the glossaries package modifies the definition of \newglossaryentry at the beginning of the document environment so that the definitions are written to an external file (\jobname.glsdefs) which is then read in at the start of the document on the next run. The entry will then only be defined in the document environment if it doesn’t already exist. This means that the entry can now be looked up in the glossary, even if the glossary occurs at the beginning of the document.
There are drawbacks to this mechanism: if you modify an entry definition, you need a second run to see the effect of your modification; this method requires an extra \newwrite, which may exceed TEX’s maximum allocation; unexpected expansion issues could occur; the see key isn’t stored, which means it can’t be added to the .glsdefs file when it’s created at the end of the document (and therefore won’t be present on subsequent runs).
The above section covers technical issues that can cause your document to have compilation errors or produce incorrect output. This section focuses on good writing practice. The main reason cited by users wanting to define entries within the document environment rather than in the preamble is that they want to write the definition as they type in their document text. This suggests a “stream of consciousness” style of writing that may be acceptable in certain literary genres but is inappropriate for factual documents.
When you write technical documents, regardless of whether it’s a PhD thesis or an article for a journal or proceedings, you must plan what you write in advance. If you plan in advance, you should have a fairly good idea of the type of terminology that your document will contain, so while you are planning, create a new file with all your entry definitions. If, while you’re writing your document, you remember another term you need, then you can switch over to your definition file and add it. Most text editors have the ability to have more than one file open at a time. The other advantage to this approach is that if you forget the label, you can look it up in the definition file rather than searching through your document text to find the definition.
Each entry in the glossary has an associated number list. By default, these numbers refer to the pages on which that entry has been used (using any of the commands described in §6 Links to Glossary Entries and §7 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text). The number list can be suppressed using the nonumberlist package option, or an alternative counter can be set as the default using the counter package option. The number list is also referred to as the location list.
Each location in the number list is encapsulated with a command. (The encap value.) By default this is the \glsnumberformat command, but may be overridden using the format key in the optional argument to commands like \gls. (See §6 Links to Glossary Entries.) For example, you may want the location to appear in bold to indicate the principle use of a term or symbol. Complications can arise if you use different encap values for the same location. For example, suppose on page 10 you have both the default \glsnumberformat and \textbf encaps. While it may seem apparent that \textbf should override \glsnumberformat in this situation, neither makeindex nor xindy know this. In the case of xindy, it only accepts one encap and discards the other for identical locations. The encap it chooses to keep may not necessarily be the one you want. In the case of makeindex, it accepts different encaps for the same location, but warns about it. This leads to a number list with the same location repeated in different fonts.
This is something you need to be careful about, but if you use the makeglossaries Perl script it will detect makeindex’s warning and attempt to fix the problem.5.1 Since xindy doesn’t generate a warning, makeglossaries won’t do anything about it if you are using xindy. With makeindex, makeglossaries will let the encaps override each other, similar to xindy, except that the \glsnumberformat encap will always have the least precedence. Other conflicting encaps will have the last one override earlier ones for the same location.
Due to the asynchronous nature of TEX’s output routine (see, for example, Finding if you’re on an odd or an even page) the page counter (represented internally as \c@page) can be unreliable. This can cause problems when glossary entries are referenced in a paragraph that spans a page break. The standard \label mechanism deals with this by deferring the write until the end of the paragraph, but the glossaries indexing mechanism needs to take into account the possibility that the location might contain any of xindy’s special characters which will need to be escaped before the write can be performed. (This isn’t a problem with makeindex as that places restrictions on the location format which prevent this from happening, but these very restrictions can make xindy preferable.)
To compensate, the glossaries package has to make some adjustments to ensure the location number is correct for this situation. By default, the adjustments only affect the counter styles: roman, Roman, alph, Alph and arabic. If you have a different numbering system where \⟨cs name⟩{page} expands to \⟨internal cs name⟩\c@page you need to use:
Note that the backslash must be omitted from ⟨internal cs name⟩ and the corresponding command must be able to process a count register as the (sole) argument.
For example, suppose you have a style samplenum that is implemented as follows:
(That is, it displays the value of the counter as a two-digit number.) Then to ensure the location is correct for entries in page-spanning paragraphs, you need to do:
(If you are using a different counter for the location, such as section or equation, you don’t need to worry about this.)
If the inner macro (as given by \⟨internal cs name⟩) contains non-expandable commands then you may need to redefine \gls⟨internal cs name⟩page after using \glsaddprotectedpagefmt{⟨internal cs name⟩}. This command doesn’t take any arguments as the location is assumed to be given by \c@page. For example, suppose now my page counter format uses small caps Roman numerals:
Again, the inner macro needs to be identified using:
However, since \textsc isn’t fully expandable, the location is written to the file as \textsc {i} (for page 1), \textsc {ii} (for page 2), etc. This format may cause a problem for the indexing application (particularly for makeindex). To compensate for this, the \gls⟨internal cs name⟩page command may be redefined so that it expands to a format that’s acceptable to the indexing application. For example:
While this modification means that the location list in the glossary won’t exactly match the format of the page numbers (displaying lower case Roman numbers instead of small cap Roman numerals) this method will at least work correctly for both makeindex and xindy. If you are using xindy, the following definition:
combined with
will now have lowercase Roman numerals in the location list. (This option may cause problems if your locations should be hyperlinks.)
Another possibility that will work with both makeindex and xindy is to redefine \gls⟨internal cs name⟩page (\gls@samplenumpage in this example) to just expand to the decimal page number and redefine \glsnumberformat to change the displayed format:
The mechanism that allows this to work temporarily redefines \the and \number while it processes the location. If this causes a problem you can disallow it using
Both makeindex and xindy (Options 2 and 3) concatenate a sequence of 3 or more consecutive pages into a range. With xindy (Option 3) you can vary the minimum sequence length using \GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength{⟨n⟩} where ⟨n⟩ is either an integer or the keyword none which indicates that there should be no range formation.
With both makeindex and xindy (Options 2 and 3), you can replace the separator and the closing number in the range using:
where the former command specifies the suffix to use for a 2 page list and the latter specifies the suffix to use for longer lists. For example:
Note that if you use xindy (Option 3), you will also need to set the minimum range length to 1 if you want to change these suffixes:
Note that if you use the hyperref package, you will need to use \nohyperpage in the suffix to ensure that the hyperlinks work correctly. For example:
Option 1 doesn’t form ranges. However, with this option you can iterate over an entry’s number list using:
where ⟨label⟩ is the entry’s label and ⟨handler cs⟩ is a handler control sequence of the form:
where ⟨prefix⟩ is the hyperref prefix, ⟨counter⟩ is the name of the counter used for the location, ⟨format⟩ is the format used to display the location (e.g. textbf) and ⟨location⟩ is the location. The third argument is the control sequence to use for any cross-references in the list. This handler should have the syntax:
where ⟨tag⟩ is the cross-referenced text (e.g. “see”) and ⟨xr list⟩ is a comma-separated list of labels. (This actually has a third argument but it’s always empty when used with Option 1.)
For example, if on page 12 I have used
and on page 18 I have used
will be equivalent to:
There is a predefined handler that’s used to display the number list in the glossary:
The predefined handler used for the cross-references in the glossary is:
which is described in §8.1 Customising Cross-reference Text.
As from version 4.24, there’s a hook that’s used near the end of \writeist before the file is closed. You can set the code to be performed then using:
If you want the ⟨code⟩ to write any information to the file, you need to use
Make sure you use the correct format within ⟨style information⟩. For example, if you are using makeindex:
This changes the page type precedence and the maximum line length used by makeindex.
Remember that if you switch to xindy, this will no longer be valid code.
Once you have defined a glossary entry using \newglossaryentry or \newacronym (see §13 Acronyms and Other Abbreviations), you can refer to that entry in the document using one of the commands listed in §6.1 The \gls-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried) or §6.2 The \glstext-Like Commands (First Use Flag Not Queried). The text which appears at that point in the document when using one of these commands is referred to as the link text (even if there are no hyperlinks). These commands also add a line to an external file that is used to generate the relevant entry in the glossary. This information includes an associated location that is added to the number list for that entry. By default, the location refers to the page number. For further information on number lists, see §5 Number lists. These external files need to be post-processed by makeindex or xindy unless you have chosen Option 1. If you don’t use \makeglossaries these external files won’t be created.
Note that repeated use of these commands for the same entry can cause the number list to become quite long, which may not be particular helpful to the reader. In this case, you can use the non-indexing commands described in §9 Using Glossary Terms Without Links or you can use the supplemental glossaries-extra package, which provides a means to suppress the automated indexing of the commands listed in this chapter.
Aside from problems with expansion issues, PDF bookmarks and possible nested hyperlinks in the table of contents (or list of whatever) any use of the commands described in §6.1 The \gls-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried) will have their first use flag unset when they appear in the table of contents (or list of whatever).
The above warning is particularly important if you are using the glossaries package in conjunction with the hyperref package. Instead, use one of the expandable commands listed in §9 Using Glossary Terms Without Links (such as \glsentrytext but not the non-expandable case changing versions like \Glsentrytext). Alternatively, provide an alternative via the optional argument to the sectioning/caption command or use hyperref’s \texorpdfstring. Examples:
If you want to retain the formatting that’s available through commands like \acrshort (for example, if you are using one of the small caps styles), then you might want to consider the glossaries-extra package which provides commands for this purpose.
If you want the link text to produce a hyperlink to the corresponding entry details in the glossary, you should load the hyperref package before the glossaries package. That’s what I’ve done in this document, so if you see a hyperlinked term, such as link text, you can click on the word or phrase and it will take you to a brief description in this document’s glossary.
These are limitations of the DVI format not of the glossaries package.
It may be that you only want terms in certain glossaries to have hyperlinks, but not for other glossaries. In this case, you can use the package option nohypertypes to identify the glossary lists that shouldn’t have hyperlinked link text. See §2.1 General Options for further details.
The way the link text is displayed depends on
For example, to make all link text appear in a sans-serif font, do:
Further customisation can be done via \defglsentryfmt or by redefining \glsentryfmt. See §6.3 Changing the format of the link text for further details.
Each entry has an associated conditional referred to as the first use flag. Some of the commands described in this chapter automatically unset this flag and can also use it to determine what text should be displayed. These types of commands are the \gls-like commands and are described in §6.1 The \gls-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried). The commands that don’t reference or change the first use flag are \glstext-like commands and are described in §6.2 The \glstext-Like Commands (First Use Flag Not Queried). See §14 Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags for commands that unset (mark the entry as having been used) or reset (mark the entry as not used) the first use flag without referencing the entries.
The \gls-like and \glstext-like commands all take a first optional argument that is a comma-separated list of ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ options, described below. They also have a star-variant, which inserts hyper=false at the start of the list of options and a plus-variant, which inserts hyper=true at the start of the list of options. For example \gls*{sample} is the same as \gls[hyper=false]{sample} and \gls+{sample} is the same as \gls[hyper=true]{sample}, whereas just \gls{sample} will use the default hyperlink setting which depends on a number of factors (such as whether the entry is in a glossary that has been identified in the nohypertypes list). You can override the hyper key in the variant’s optional argument, for example, \gls*[hyper=true]{sample} but this creates redundancy and is best avoided. The glossaries-extra package provides the option to add a third custom variant.
The following keys are available for the optional argument:
and use that command.
In this document, the standard formats refer to the standard text block commands such as \textbf or \emph or any of the commands listed in table 6.1.
See §11 Xindy (Option 3) for further details.
If you are using hyperlinks and you want to change the font of the hyperlinked location, don’t use \hyperpage (provided by the hyperref package) as the locations may not refer to a page number. Instead, the glossaries package provides number formats listed in table 6.1.
Note that if the \hyperlink command hasn’t been defined, the hyper⟨xx⟩ formats are equivalent to the analogous text⟨xx⟩ font commands (and hyperemph is equivalent to emph). If you want to make a new format, you will need to define a command which takes one argument and use that. For example, if you want the location number to be in a bold sans-serif font, you can define a command called, say, \hyperbsf:
and then use hyperbsf as the value for the format key. (See also “Displaying the glossary” in the documented code, glossaries-code.pdf.) Remember that if you use xindy, you will need to add this to the list of location attributes:
The glossaries-extra package provides an additional key. Please see the glossaries-extra user manual for further details.
This section describes the commands that unset (mark as used) the first use flag on completion, and in most cases they use the current state of the flag to determine the text to be displayed. As described above, these commands all have a star-variant (hyper=false) and a plus-variant (hyper=true) and have an optional first argument that is a ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ list.
These commands use \glsentryfmt or the equivalent definition provided by \defglsentryfmt to determine the automatically generated text and its format (see §6.3 Changing the format of the link text).
Apart from \glsdisp, the commands described in this section also have a final optional argument ⟨insert⟩ which may be used to insert material into the automatically generated text.
Don’t use any of the \gls-like or \glstext-like commands in the ⟨insert⟩ argument.
Take care using these commands within commands or environments that are processed multiple times as this can confuse the first use flag query and state change. This includes frames with overlays in beamer and the tabularx environment provided by tabularx. The glossaries package automatically deals with this issue in amsmath’s align environment. You can apply a patch to tabularx by placing the following command (new to v4.28) in the preamble:
This does nothing if tabularx hasn’t been loaded. There’s no patch available for beamer. See §14 Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags for more details.
This command typically determines the link text from the values of the text or first keys supplied when the entry was defined using \newglossaryentry. However, if the entry was defined using \newacronym and \setacronymstyle was used, then the link text will usually be determined from the long or short keys.
There are two upper case variants:
which make the first letter of the link text or all the link text upper case, respectively. For the former, the uppercasing of the first letter is performed by \makefirstuc.
The upper casing is performed as follows:
Then \Gls{sample} will set the link text to6.1
which will appear as Sample phrase.
Then \Gls{sample} will set the link text to
which will appear as Œ-ligature.
(Note the use of the sort key in the above examples.)
There are hundreds of LATEX packages that altogether define thousands of commands with various syntax and it’s impossible for mfirstuc to take them all into account. The above rules are quite simplistic and are designed for link text that starts with a text-block command (such as \emph) or a command that produces a character (such as \oe). This means that if your link text starts with something that doesn’t adhere to mfirstuc’s assumptions then things are likely to go wrong.
For example, starting with a math-shift symbol:
This falls into case 2 above, so the link text will be set to
This attempts to uppercase the math-shift $, which will go wrong. In this case it’s not appropriate to perform any case-changing, but it may be that you want to use \Gls programmatically without checking if the text contains any maths. In this case, the simplest solution is to insert an empty brace at the start:
Now the link text will be set to
and the \uppercase becomes harmless.
Another issue occurs when the link text starts with a command followed by an argument (case 1) but the argument is a label, identifier or something else that shouldn’t have a case-change. A common example is when the link text starts with one of the commands described in this chapter. (But you haven’t done that, have you? What with the warning not to do it at the beginning of the chapter.) Or when the link text starts with one of the non-linking commands described in §9 Using Glossary Terms Without Links. For example:
Now the link text will be set to:
This will generate an error because there’s no entry with the label given by \MakeUppercase sample. The best solution here is to write the term out in the text field and use the command in the name field. If you don’t use \glsname anywhere in your document, you can use \gls in the name field:
If the link text starts with a command that has an optional argument or with multiple arguments where the actual text isn’t in the first argument, then \makefirstuc will also fail. For example:
Now the link text will be set to:
This won’t work because \MakeUppercase blue isn’t a recognised colour name. In this case you will have to define a helper command where the first argument is the text. For example:
In fact, since the whole design ethos of LATEX is the separation of content and style, it’s better to use a semantic command. For example:
For further details see the mfirstuc user manual.
There are plural forms that are analogous to \gls:
These typically determine the link text from the plural or firstplural keys supplied when the entry was defined using \newglossaryentry or, if the entry is an abbreviation and \setacronymstyle was used, from the longplural or shortplural keys.
and later you use it in math mode:
This will result in Fα2 instead of Fα2. In this situation it’s best to bring the superscript into the hyperlink using the final ⟨insert⟩ optional argument:
This behaves in the same way as the above commands, except that the ⟨link text⟩ is explicitly set. There’s no final optional argument as any inserted material can be added to the ⟨link text⟩ argument.
This section describes the commands that don’t change or reference the first use flag. As described above, these commands all have a star-variant (hyper=false) and a plus-variant (hyper=true) and have an optional first argument that is a ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ list. These commands also don’t use \glsentryfmt or the equivalent definition provided by \defglsentryfmt (see §6.3 Changing the format of the link text). Additional commands for abbreviations are described in §13 Acronyms and Other Abbreviations.
Apart from \glslink, the commands described in this section also have a final optional argument ⟨insert⟩ which may be used to insert material into the automatically generated text. See the caveat above in §6.1 The \gls-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried).
This command explicitly sets the link text as given in the final argument.
This command always uses the value of the text key as the link text.
There are also analogous commands:
These convert the first character or all the characters to uppercase, respectively. See the note on \Gls above for details on the limitations of converting the first letter to upper case.
There’s no equivalent command for title-casing, but you can use the more generic command \glsentrytitlecase in combination with \glslink. For example:
(See §9 Using Glossary Terms Without Links.)
This command always uses the value of the first key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the plural key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the firstplural key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the name key as the link text. Note that this may be different from the values of the text or first keys. In general it’s better to use \glstext or \glsfirst instead of \glsname.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the symbol key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the description key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
If you want the title case version you can use
This command always uses the value of the user1 key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the user2 key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the user3 key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the user4 key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the user5 key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
This command always uses the value of the user6 key as the link text.
There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
The default format of the link text for the \gls-like commands is governed by6.2:
This may be redefined but if you only want the change the display style for a given glossary, then you need to use
instead of redefining \glsentryfmt. The optional first argument ⟨type⟩ is the glossary type. This defaults to \glsdefaulttype if omitted. The second argument is the entry format definition.
Within the ⟨definition⟩ argument of \defglsentryfmt, or if you want to redefine \glsentryfmt, you may use the following commands:
This is the label of the entry being referenced. As from version 4.08, you can also access the glossary entry type using:
This is defined using \edef so the replacement text is the actual glossary type rather than \glsentrytype{\glslabel}.
This is the custom text supplied in \glsdisp. It’s always empty for \gls, \glspl and their upper case variants. (You can use etoolbox’s \ifdefempty to determine if \glscustomtext is empty.)
The custom text supplied in the final optional argument to \gls, \glspl and their upper case variants.
If \glspl, \Glspl or \GLSpl was used, this command does ⟨true text⟩ otherwise it does ⟨false text⟩.
If \gls, \glspl or \glsdisp were used, this does ⟨no case⟩. If \Gls or \Glspl were used, this does ⟨first uc⟩. If \GLS or \GLSpl were used, this does ⟨all caps⟩.
This will do ⟨hyper true⟩ if the hyperlinks are on for the current reference, otherwise it will do ⟨hyper false⟩. The hyperlink may be off even if it wasn’t explicitly switched off with the hyper key or the use of a starred command. It may be off because the hyperref package hasn’t been loaded or because \glsdisablehyper has been used or because the entry is in a glossary type that’s had the hyperlinks switched off (using nohypertypes) or because it’s the first use and the hyperlinks have been suppressed on first use.
Note that \glsifhyper is now deprecated. If you want to know if the command used to reference this entry was used with the star or plus variant, you can use:
This will do ⟨unmodified⟩ if the unmodified version was used, or will do ⟨star⟩ if the starred version was used, or will do ⟨plus⟩ if the plus version was used. Note that this doesn’t take into account if the hyper key was used to override the default setting, so this command shouldn’t be used to guess whether or not the hyperlink is on for this reference.
Note that you can also use commands such as \ifglsused within the definition of \glsentryfmt (see §14 Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags).
The commands \glslabel, \glstype, \glsifplural, \glscapscase, \glscustomtext and \glsinsert are typically updated at the start of the \gls-like and \glstext-like commands so they can usually be accessed in the hook user commands, such as \glspostlinkhook and \glslinkpostsetkeys.
If you only want to make minor modifications to \glsentryfmt, you can use
This uses the above commands to display just the first, text, plural or firstplural keys (or the custom text) with the insert text appended.
Alternatively, if want to change the entry format for abbreviations (defined via \newacronym) you can use:
This uses the values from the long, short, longplural and shortplural keys, rather than using the text, plural, first and firstplural keys. The first use singular text is obtained via:
instead of from the first key, and the first use plural text is obtained via:
instead of from the firstplural key. In both cases, ⟨label⟩ is the entry’s label and ⟨insert⟩ is the insert text provided in the final optional argument of commands like \gls. The default behaviour is to do the long form (or plural long form) followed by ⟨insert⟩ and a space and the short form (or plural short form) in parentheses, where the short form is in the argument of \firstacronymfont. There are also first letter upper case versions:
By default these perform a protected expansion on their no-case-change equivalents and then use \makefirstuc to convert the first character to upper case. If there are issues caused by this expansion, you will need to redefine those commands to explicitly use commands like \Glsentrylong (which is what the predefined acronym styles, such as long-short, do). Otherwise, you only need to redefine \genacrfullformat and \genplacrfullformat to change the behaviour of \glsgenacfmt. See §13 Acronyms and Other Abbreviations for further details on changing the style of acronyms.
As from version 4.16, both the \gls-like and \glstext-like commands use
after the ⟨options⟩ are set. This macro does nothing by default but can be redefined. (For example, to switch off the hyperlink under certain conditions.) This version also introduces
which is done after the link text has been displayed and also after the first use flag has been unset (see example 24).
Example 8 (Custom Entry Display in Text)
Suppose you want a glossary of measurements and units, you can use the symbol key to store the unit:
and now suppose you want \gls{distance} to produce “distance (km)” on first use, then you can redefine \glsentryfmt as follows:
(Note that I’ve used \glsentrysymbol rather than \glssymbol to avoid nested hyperlinks.)
Note also that all of the link text will be formatted according to \glstextformat (described earlier). So if you do, say:
then \gls{distance} will produce “distance (km)”.
For a complete document, see the sample file sample-entryfmt.tex.
Example 9 (Custom Format for Particular Glossary)
Suppose you have created a new glossary called notation and you want to change the way the entry is displayed on first use so that it includes the symbol, you can do:
Now suppose you have defined an entry as follows:
The first time you reference this entry it will be displayed as: “set (denoted S)” (assuming \gls was used).
Alternatively, if you expect all the symbols to be set in math mode, you can do:
and define entries like this:
Remember that if you use the symbol key, you need to use a glossary style that displays the symbol, as many of the styles ignore it.
If you load the hyperref or html packages prior to loading the glossaries package, the \gls-like and \glstext-like commands will automatically have hyperlinks to the relevant glossary entry, unless the hyper option has been switched off (either explicitly or through implicit means, such as via the nohypertypes package option).
You can disable or enable links using:
respectively. The effect can be localised by placing the commands within a group. Note that you should only use \glsenablehyper if the commands \hyperlink and \hypertarget have been defined (for example, by the hyperref package).
You can disable just the first use links using the package option hyperfirst=false. Note that this option only affects the \gls-like commands that recognise the first use flag.
Example 10 (First Use With Hyperlinked Footnote Description)
Suppose I want the first use to have a hyperlink to the description in a footnote instead of hyperlinking to the relevant place in the glossary. First I need to disable the hyperlinks on first use via the package option hyperfirst=false:
Now I need to redefine \glsentryfmt (see §6.3 Changing the format of the link text):
Now the first use won’t have hyperlinked text, but will be followed by a footnote. See the sample file sample-FnDesc.tex for a complete document.
Note that the hyperfirst option applies to all defined glossaries. It may be that you only want to disable the hyperlinks on first use for glossaries that have a different form on first use. This can be achieved by noting that since the entries that require hyperlinking for all instances have identical first and subsequent text, they can be unset via \glsunsetall (see §14 Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags) so that the hyperfirst option doesn’t get applied.
Example 11 (Suppressing Hyperlinks on First Use Just For Acronyms)
Suppose I want to suppress the hyperlink on first use for acronyms but not for entries in the main glossary. I can load the glossaries package using:
Once all glossary entries have been defined I then do:
For more complex requirements, you might find it easier to switch off all hyperlinks via \glsdisablehyper and put the hyperlinks (where required) within the definition of \glsentryfmt (see §6.3 Changing the format of the link text) via \glshyperlink (see §9 Using Glossary Terms Without Links).
Example 12 (Only Hyperlink in Text Mode Not Math Mode)
This is a bit of a contrived example, but suppose, for some reason, I only want the \gls-like commands to have hyperlinks when used in text mode, but not in math mode. I can do this by adding the glossary to the list of nohypertypes and redefining \glsentryfmt:
Note that this doesn’t affect the \glstext-like commands, which will have the hyperlinks off unless they’re forced on using the plus variant.
See the sample file sample-nomathhyper.tex for a complete document.
Example 13 (One Hyper Link Per Entry Per Chapter)
Here’s a more complicated example that will only have the hyperlink on the first time an entry is used per chapter. This doesn’t involve resetting the first use flag. Instead it adds a new key using \glsaddstoragekey (see §4.3.2 Storage Keys) that keeps track of the chapter number that the entry was last used in:
This creates a new user command called \glschapnum that’s analogous to \glsentrytext. The default value for this key is 0. I then define my glossary entries as usual.
Next I redefine the hook \glslinkpostsetkeys (see §6.3 Changing the format of the link text) so that it determines the current chapter number (which is stored in \currentchap using \edef). This value is then compared with the value of the entry’s chapter key that I defined earlier. If they’re the same, this entry has already been used in this chapter so the hyperlink is switched off using xkeyval’s \setkeys command. If the chapter number isn’t the same, then this entry hasn’t been used in the current chapter. The chapter field is updated using \glsfieldxdef (§16.3 Fetching and Updating the Value of a Field) provided the user hasn’t switched off the hyperlink. (This test is performed using \glsifhyperon.
Note that this will be confused if you use \gls etc when the chapter counter is 0. (That is, before the first \chapter.)
See the sample file sample-chap-hyperfirst.tex for a complete document.
It is possible to add a line to the glossary file without generating any text at that point in the document using:
This is similar to the \glstext-like commands, only it doesn’t produce any text (so therefore, there is no hyper key available in ⟨options⟩ but all the other options that can be used with \glstext-like commands can be passed to \glsadd). For example, to add a page range to the glossary number list for the entry whose label is given by set:
To add all entries that have been defined, use:
The optional argument is the same as for \glsadd, except there is also a key types which can be used to specify which glossaries to use. This should be a comma separated list. For example, if you only want to add all the entries belonging to the list of acronyms (specified by the glossary type \acronymtype) and a list of notation (specified by the glossary type notation) then you can do:
There is now a variation of \glsaddall that skips any entries that have already been used:
This command uses \glsadd[format=@gobble] which will ignore this location in the number list. The optional argument ⟨list⟩ is a comma-separated list of glossary types. If omitted, it defaults to the list of all defined glossaries.
If you want to use \glsaddallunused, it’s best to place the command at the end of the document to ensure that all the commands you intend to use have already been used. Otherwise you could end up with a spurious comma or dash in the location list.
The example file sample-dual.tex makes use of \glsadd to allow for an entry that should appear both in the main glossary and in the list of acronyms. This example sets up the list of acronyms using the acronym package option:
A new command is then defined to make it easier to define dual entries:
This has the following syntax:
You can then define a new dual entry:Now you can reference the acronym with \gls{svm} or you can reference the entry in the main glossary with \gls{main-svm}.
There are several ways of cross-referencing entries in the glossary:
Note that with this method, if you don’t use the cross-referenced term in the main part of the document, you will need two runs of makeglossaries:
Note that in this case, the entry with the see key will automatically be added to the glossary, but the cross-referenced entry won’t. You therefore need to ensure that you use the cross-referenced term with the commands described in §6 Links to Glossary Entries or §7 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text.
The “see” tag is produce using \seename, but can be overridden in specific instances using square brackets at the start of the see value. For example:
Take care if you want to use the optional argument of commands such as \newacronym or \newterm as the value will need to be grouped. For example:
Similarly if the value contains a list. For example:
where ⟨xr label list⟩ is a comma-separated list of entry labels to be cross-referenced, ⟨label⟩ is the label of the entry doing the cross-referencing and ⟨tag⟩ is the “see” tag. (The default value of ⟨tag⟩ is \seename.) For example:
Note that this automatically adds the entry given by ⟨label⟩ to the glossary but doesn’t add the cross-referenced entries (specified by ⟨xr label list⟩) to the glossary.
In both cases 2 and 3 above, the cross-referenced information appears in the number list, whereas in case 1, the cross-referenced information appears in the description. (See the sample-crossref.tex example file that comes with this package.) This means that in cases 2 and 3, the cross-referencing information won’t appear if you have suppressed the number list. In this case, you will need to activate the number list for the given entries using nonumberlist=false. Alternatively, if you just use the see key instead of \glssee, you can automatically activate the number list using the seeautonumberlist package option.
When you use either the see key or the command \glssee, the cross-referencing information will be typeset in the glossary according to:
The default definition of \glsseeformat is:
\emph{⟨tag⟩} \glsseelist{⟨label-list⟩}
The list of labels is dealt with by \glsseelist, which iterates through the list and typesets each entry in the label. The entries are separated by
or (for the last pair)
These default to “,\space” and “\space\andname\space” respectively. The list entry text is displayed using:
This defaults to \glsentrytext{⟨label⟩}.8.3 For example, to make the cross-referenced list use small caps:
The commands described in this section display entry details without adding any information to the glossary. They don’t use \glstextformat, they don’t have any optional arguments, they don’t affect the first use flag and, apart from \glshyperlink, they don’t produce hyperlinks.
If you want to title case a field, you can use:
where ⟨label⟩ is the label identifying the glossary entry, ⟨field⟩ is the field label (see table 4.1). For example:
(If you want title-casing in your glossary style, you might want to investigate the glossaries-extra package.)
Note that this command has the same limitations as \makefirstuc which is used by commands like \Gls and \Glsentryname to upper-case the first letter (see the notes about \Gls in §6.1 The \gls-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried)).
These commands display the name of the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩, as specified by the name key. \Glsentryname makes the first letter upper case. Neither of these commands check for the existence of ⟨label⟩. The first form \glsentryname is expandable (unless the name contains unexpandable commands). Note that this may be different from the values of the text or first keys. In general it’s better to use \glsentrytext or \glsentryfirst instead of \glsentryname.
This is like \glsnamefont{\glsentryname{⟨label⟩}} but also checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩. This command is not expandable. It’s used in the predefined glossary styles, so if you want to change the way the name is formatted in the glossary, you can redefine \glsnamefont to use the required fonts. For example:
This is like \glossentryname but makes the first letter of the name upper case.
These commands display the subsequent use text for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩, as specified by the text key. \Glsentrytext makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the text contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
These commands display the subsequent use plural text for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩, as specified by the plural key. \Glsentryplural makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
These commands display the first use text for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩, as specified by the first key. \Glsentryfirst makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
These commands display the plural form of the first use text for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩, as specified by the firstplural key. \Glsentryfirstplural makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
These commands display the description for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩. \Glsentrydesc makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
This is like \glsentrydesc{⟨label⟩} but also checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩. This command is not expandable. It’s used in the predefined glossary styles to display the description.
This is like \glossentrydesc but converts the first letter to upper case. This command is not expandable.
These commands display the plural description for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩. \Glsentrydescplural makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
These commands display the symbol for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩. \Glsentrysymbol makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
This command doesn’t display anything. It merely fetches the value associated with the given field (where the available field names are listed in table 4.1) and stores the result in the control sequence ⟨cs⟩. For example, to store the description for the entry whose label is “apple” in the control sequence \tmp:
This is like \glsentrysymbol{⟨label⟩} but also checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩. This command is not expandable. It’s used in some of the predefined glossary styles to display the symbol.
This is like \glossentrysymbol but converts the first letter to upper case. This command is not expandable.
These commands display the plural symbol for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩. \Glsentrysymbolplural makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
These commands display the value of the user keys for the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩. The lower case forms are expandable (unless the value of the key contains unexpandable commands). The commands beginning with an upper case letter convert the first letter of the required value to upper case and are not expandable. None of these commands check for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
This command provides a hyperlink to the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩ but does not add any information to the glossary file. The link text is given by \glsentrytext{⟨label⟩} by default9.1, but can be overridden using the optional argument. Note that the hyperlink will be suppressed if you have used \glsdisablehyper or if you haven’t loaded the hyperref package.
The next two commands are only available with Option 1 or with the savenumberlist package option:
Both display the number list for the entry given by ⟨label⟩. When used with Option 1 a rerun is required to ensure this list is up-to-date, when used with Options 2 or 3 a run of makeglossaries (or makeindex/xindy) followed by one or two runs of LATEX is required.
The first command, \glsentrynumberlist, simply displays the number list as is. The second command, \glsdisplaynumberlist, formats the list using:
as the separator between all but the last two elements and
between the final two elements. The defaults are ,␣ and ␣\&␣, respectively.
For further information see “Displaying entry details without adding information to the glossary” in the documented code (glossaries-code.pdf).
These commands will display all the glossaries in the order in which they were defined. Note that, in the case of Options 2 and 3, no glossaries will appear until you have either used the Perl script makeglossaries or Lua script makeglossaries-lite.lua or have directly used makeindex or xindy (as described in §1.4 Generating the Associated Glossary Files). (While the external files are missing, these commands will just do \null for each missing glossary to assist dictionary style documents that just use \glsaddall without inserting any text.)
If the glossary still does not appear after you re-LATEX your document, check the makeindex/xindy log files to see if there is a problem. With Option 1, you just need two LATEX runs to make the glossaries appear, but you may need further runs to make the number lists up-to-date.
An individual glossary can be displayed using:
where ⟨options⟩ is a ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ list of options. (Again, when the associated external file is missing, \null is inserted into the document.)
The following keys are available:
Note that you can’t display an ignored glossary, so don’t try setting type to the name of a glossary that was defined using \newignoredglossary. (See §12 Defining New Glossaries.)
The word and letter order sort methods use datatool’s \dtlwordindexcompare and \dtlletterindexcompare handlers. The case-insensitive sort method uses datatool’s \dtlicompare handler. The case-sensitive sort method uses datatool’s \dtlcompare handler. See the datatool documentation for further details.
If you don’t get an error with sort=use and sort=def but you do get an error with one of the other sort options, then you probably need to use the sanitizesort=true package option or make sure none of the entries have fragile commands in their sort field.
By default, the glossary is started either by \chapter* or by \section*, depending on whether or not \chapter is defined. This can be overridden by the section package option or the \setglossarysection command. Numbered sectional units can be obtained using the numberedsection package option. Each glossary sets the page header via the command
If this mechanism is unsuitable for your chosen class file or page style package, you will need to redefine \glsglossarymark. Further information about these options and commands is given in §2.2 Sectioning, Headings and TOC Options.
Information can be added to the start of the glossary (after the title and before the main body of the glossary) by redefining
For example:
This needs to be done before the glossary is displayed.
If you want a different preamble per glossary you can use
If ⟨type⟩ is omitted, \glsdefaulttype is used.
For example:
This will print the given preamble text for the main glossary, but not have any preamble text for any other glossaries.
There is an analogous command to \glossarypreamble called
which is placed at the end of each glossary.
Example 15 (Switch to Two Column Mode for Glossary)
Suppose you are using the superheaderborder style10.1, and you want the glossary to be in two columns, but after the glossary you want to switch back to one column mode, you could do:
Within each glossary, each entry name is formatted according to
which takes one argument: the entry name. This command is always used regardless of the glossary style. By default, \glsnamefont simply displays its argument in whatever the surrounding font happens to be. This means that in the list-like glossary styles (defined in the glossary-list style file) the name will appear in bold, since the name is placed in the optional argument of \item, whereas in the tabular styles (defined in the glossary-long and glossary-super style files) the name will appear in the normal font. The hierarchical glossary styles (defined in the glossary-tree style file) also set the name in bold.
If you want to change the font for the description, or if you only want to change the name font for some types of entries but not others, you might want to consider using the glossaries-extra package.
Example 16 (Changing the Font Used to Display Entry Names in the Glossary)
Suppose you want all the entry names to appear in medium weight small caps in your glossaries, then you can do:
If you want to use xindy to sort the glossary, you must use the package option xindy:
This ensures that the glossary information is written in xindy syntax.
§1.4 Generating the Associated Glossary Files covers how to use the external indexing application. This section covers the commands provided by the glossaries package that allow you to adjust the xindy style file (.xdy) and parameters.
To assist writing information to the xindy style file, the glossaries package provides the following commands:
which produce an open and closing brace. (This is needed because \{ and \} don’t expand to a simple brace character when written to a file.) Similarly, you can write a percent character using:
and a tilde character using:
For example, a newline character is specified in a xindy style file using ~n so you can use \glstildechar n to write this correctly (or you can do \string~n). A backslash can be written to a file using
In addition, if you are using a package that makes the double quote character active (e.g. ngerman) you can use:
which will produce "⟨text⟩". Alternatively, you can use \string" to write the double-quote character. This document assumes that the double quote character has not been made active, so the examples just use " for clarity.
If you want greater control over the xindy style file than is available through the LATEX commands provided by the glossaries package, you will need to edit the xindy style file. In which case, you must use \noist to prevent the style file from being overwritten by the glossaries package. For additional information about xindy, read the xindy documentation. I’m sorry I can’t provide any assistance with writing xindy style files. If you need help, I recommend you ask on the xindy mailing list (http://xindy.sourceforge.net/mailing-list.html).
When you use xindy, you need to specify the language and encoding used (unless you have written your own custom xindy style file that defines the relevant alphabet and sort rules). If you use makeglossaries, this information is obtained from the document’s auxiliary (.aux) file. The makeglossaries script attempts to find the root language given your document settings, but in the event that it gets it wrong or if xindy doesn’t support that language, then you can specify the required language using:
where ⟨language⟩ is the name of the language. The optional argument can be used if you have multiple glossaries in different languages. If ⟨glossary type⟩ is omitted, it will be applied to all glossaries, otherwise the language setting will only be applied to the glossary given by ⟨glossary type⟩.
If the inputenc package is used, the encoding will be obtained from the value of \inputencodingname. Alternatively, you can specify the encoding using:
where ⟨code⟩ is the name of the encoding. For example:
Note that you can also specify the language and encoding using the package option xindy={language=⟨lang⟩,codepage=⟨code⟩}. For example:
If you write your own custom xindy style file that includes the language settings, you need to set the language to nothing:
(and remember to use \noist to prevent the style file from being overwritten).
If you use xindy, the glossaries package needs to know which counters you will be using in the number list in order to correctly format the xindy style file. Counters specified using the counter package option or the ⟨counter⟩ option of \newglossary are automatically taken care of, but if you plan to use a different counter in the counter key for commands like \glslink, then you need to identify these counters before \makeglossaries using:
where ⟨counter list⟩ is a comma-separated list of counter names.
The most likely attributes used in the format key (textrm, hyperrm etc) are automatically added to the xindy style file, but if you want to use another attribute, you need to add it using:
where ⟨name⟩ is the name of the attribute, as used in the format key.
Take care if you have multiple instances of the same location with different formats. The duplicate locations will be discarded according to the order in which the attributes are listed. Consider defining semantic commands to use for primary references. For example:
Then in the document:
This will give the format=primary instance preference over the next use that doesn’t use the format key.
Example 17 (Custom Font for Displaying a Location)
Suppose I want a bold, italic, hyperlinked location. I first need to define a command that will do this:
but with xindy, I also need to add this as an allowed attribute:
Now I can use it in the optional argument of commands like \gls:
(where sample is the label of the required entry).
If the location numbers include formatting commands, then you need to add a location style in the appropriate format using
where ⟨name⟩ is the name of the format and ⟨definition⟩ is the xindy definition. The optional argument ⟨prefix-location⟩ is needed if \theH⟨counter⟩ either isn’t defined or is different from \the⟨counter⟩. (See also \glsaddprotectedpagefmt described in §5 Number lists.)
Example 18 (Custom Numbering System for Locations)
Suppose I decide to use a somewhat eccentric numbering system for sections where I redefine \thesection as follows:
If I haven’t done counter=section in the package option, I need to specify that the counter will be used as a location number:
Next I need to add the location style (\thechapter is assumed to be the standard \arabic{chapter}):
Note that if I have further decided to use the hyperref package and want to redefine \theHsection as:
then I need to modify the \GlsAddXdyLocation code above to:
Since \Roman will result in an empty string if the counter is zero, it’s a good idea to add an extra location to catch this:
This example is illustrated in the sample file samplexdy2.tex.
Example 19 (Locations as Words not Digits)
Suppose I want the page numbers written as words rather than digits and I use the fmtcount package to do this. I can redefine \thepage as follows:
This gets expanded to \protect \Numberstringnum {⟨n⟩} where ⟨n⟩ is the Arabic page number. This means that I need to define a new location that has that form:
Note that it’s necessary to use \space to indicate that spaces also appear in the format, since, unlike TEX, xindy doesn’t ignore spaces after control sequences.
Note that \GlsAddXdyLocation{⟨name⟩}{⟨definition⟩} will define commands in the form:
for each counter that has been identified either by the counter package option, the ⟨counter⟩ option for \newglossary or in the argument of \GlsAddXdyCounters.
The first argument ⟨Hprefix⟩ is only relevant when used with the hyperref package and indicates that \the⟨Hcounter⟩ is given by \Hprefix.\the⟨counter⟩. The sample file samplexdy.tex, which comes with the glossaries package, uses the default page counter for locations, and it uses the default \glsnumberformat and a custom \hyperbfit format. A new xindy location called Numberstring, as illustrated above, is defined to make the page numbers appear as “One”, “Two”, etc. In order for the location numbers to hyperlink to the relevant pages, I need to redefine the necessary \glsX⟨counter⟩X⟨format⟩ commands:
In the number list, the locations are sorted according to type. The default ordering is: roman-page-numbers (e.g. i), arabic-page-numbers (e.g. 1), arabic-section-numbers (e.g. 1.1 if the compositor is a full stop or 1-1 if the compositor is a hyphen11.1), alpha-page-numbers (e.g. a), Roman-page-numbers (e.g. I), Alpha-page-numbers (e.g. A), Appendix-page-numbers (e.g. A.1 if the Alpha compositor is a full stop or A-1 if the Alpha compositor is a hyphen11.2), user defined location names (as specified by \GlsAddXdyLocation in the order in which they were defined), see (cross-referenced entries). This ordering can be changed using:
where each location name is delimited by double quote marks and separated by white space. For example:
If a number list consists of a sequence of consecutive numbers, the range will be concatenated. The number of consecutive locations that causes a range formation defaults to 2, but can be changed using:
For example:
The argument may also be the keyword none, to indicate that there should be no range formations. See the xindy manual for further details on range formations.
See §5 Number lists for further details.
The glossary is divided into groups according to the first letter of the sort key. The glossaries package also adds a number group by default, unless you suppress it in the xindy package option. For example:
Any entry that doesn’t go in one of the letter groups or the number group is placed in the default group.
If you have a number group, the default behaviour is to locate it before the “A” letter group. If you are not using a Roman alphabet, you can change this using:
A new glossary can be defined using:
where ⟨name⟩ is the label to assign to this glossary. The arguments ⟨in-ext⟩ and ⟨out-ext⟩ specify the extensions to give to the input and output files for that glossary, ⟨title⟩ is the default title for this new glossary and the final optional argument ⟨counter⟩ specifies which counter to use for the associated number lists (see also §5 Number lists). The first optional argument specifies the extension for the makeindex (Option 2) or xindy (Option 3) transcript file (this information is only used by makeglossaries which picks up the information from the auxiliary file). If you use Option 1, the ⟨log-ext⟩, ⟨in-ext⟩ and ⟨out-ext⟩ arguments are ignored.
There is also a starred version (new to v4.08):
which is equivalent to
which is equivalent to
It may be that you have some terms that are so common that they don’t need to be listed. In this case, you can define a special type of glossary that doesn’t create any associated files. This is referred to as an “ignored glossary” and it’s ignored by commands that iterate over all the glossaries, such as \printglossaries. To define an ignored glossary, use
where ⟨name⟩ is the name of the glossary (as above). This glossary type will automatically be added to the nohypertypes list, since there are no hypertargets for the entries in an ignored glossary. (The sample file sample-entryfmt.tex defines an ignored glossary.)
You can test if a glossary is an ignored one using:
This does ⟨true⟩ if ⟨name⟩ was defined as an ignored glossary, otherwise it does ⟨false⟩.
Note that the main (default) glossary is automatically created as:
so it can be identified by the label main (unless the nomain package option is used). Using the acronym package option is equivalent to:
so it can be identified by the label acronym. If you are not sure whether the acronym option has been used, you can identify the list of acronyms by the command \acronymtype \acronymtype which is set to acronym, if the acronym option has been used, otherwise it is set to main. Note that if you are using the main glossary as your list of acronyms, you need to declare it as a list of acronyms using the package option acronymlists.
The symbols package option creates a new glossary with the label symbols using:
The numbers package option creates a new glossary with the label numbers using:
The index package option creates a new glossary with the label index using:
See §1.3.1 Changing the Fixed Names if you want to redefine \glossaryname, especially if you are using babel or translator. (Similarly for \glssymbolsgroupname and \glsnumbersgroupname.) If you want to redefine \indexname, just follow the advice in How to change LaTeX’s “fixed names”.
The glossaries-extra package provides superior abbreviation handling. You may want to consider using that package instead of the commands described here.
You may have noticed in §4 Defining Glossary Entries that when you specify a new entry, you can specify alternate text to use when the term is first used in the document. This provides a useful means to define abbreviations. For convenience, the glossaries package defines the command:
This uses \newglossaryentry to create an entry with the given label in the glossary given by \acronymtype. You can specify a different glossary using the type key within the optional argument. The \newacronym command also uses the long, longplural, short and shortplural keys in \newglossaryentry to store the long and abbreviated forms and their plurals.
Note that the same restrictions on the entry ⟨label⟩ in \newglossaryentry also apply to \newacronym (see §4 Defining Glossary Entries).
The optional argument {⟨key-val list⟩} allows you to specify additional information. Any key that can be used in the second argument of \newglossaryentry can also be used here in ⟨key-val list⟩. For example, description (when used with one of the styles that require a description, described in §13.1 Changing the Abbreviation Style) or you can override plural forms of ⟨abbrv⟩ or ⟨long⟩ using the shortplural or longplural keys. For example:
If the first use uses the plural form, \glspl{dm} will display: diagonal matrices (DMs). If you want to use the longplural or shortplural keys, I recommend you use \setacronymstyle to set the display style rather than using one of the pre-version 4.02 acronym styles.
Since \newacronym uses \newglossaryentry, you can use commands like \gls and \glsreset as with any other glossary entry.
Example 20 (Defining an Abbreviation)
The following defines the abbreviation IDN:
\gls{idn} will produce “identification number (IDN)” on first use and “IDN” on subsequent uses. If you want to use one of the smallcaps acronym styles, described in §13.1 Changing the Abbreviation Style, you need to use lower case characters for the shortened form:
Now \gls{idn} will produce “identification number (idn)” on first use and “idn” on subsequent uses.
Recall from the warning in §4 Defining Glossary Entries that you should avoid using the \gls-like and \glstext-like commands within the value of keys like text and first due to complications arising from nested links. The same applies to abbreviations defined using \newacronym.
For example, suppose you have defined:
you may be tempted to do:
Don’t! This will break the case-changing commands, such as \Gls, it will cause inconsistencies on first use, and, if hyperlinks are enabled, will cause nested hyperlinks. It will also confuse the commands used by the entry formatting (such as \glslabel).
Instead, consider doing:
Similarly for the \glstext-like commands.
Other approaches are available with glossaries-extra. See the section “Nested Links” in the glossaries-extra user manual.
The optional arguments are the same as those for the \glstext-like commands, and there are similar star and plus variants that switch off or on the hyperlinks. As with the \glstext-like commands, the link text is placed in the argument of \glstextformat.
This sets the link text to the short form (within the argument of \acronymfont) for the entry given by ⟨label⟩. The short form is as supplied by the short key, which \newacronym implicitly sets.
There are also analogous upper case variants:
There are also plural versions:
The short plural form is as supplied by the shortplural key, which \newacronym implicitly sets.
This sets the link text to the long form for the entry given by ⟨label⟩. The long form is as supplied by the long key, which \newacronym implicitly sets.
There are also analogous upper case variants:
Again there are also plural versions:
The long plural form is as supplied by the longplural key, which \newacronym implicitly sets.
The commands below display the full form of the acronym, but note that this isn’t necessarily the same as the form used on first use. These full-form commands are shortcuts that use the above commands, rather than creating the link text from the complete full form. These full-form commands have star and plus variants and optional arguments that are passed to the above commands.
This is a shortcut for
which by default does
by default does ⟨long⟩ (⟨short⟩). This command is now deprecated for new acronym styles but is used by the default for backward compatibility if \setacronymstyle (§13.1 Changing the Abbreviation Style) hasn’t been used. (For further details of these format commands see the documented code, glossaries-code.pdf.)
There are also analogous upper case variants:
and plural versions:
If you find the above commands too cumbersome to write, you can use the shortcuts package option to activate the shorter command names listed in table 13.1.
It is also possible to access the long and short forms without adding information to the glossary using commands analogous to \glsentrytext (described in §9 Using Glossary Terms Without Links).
The long form can be accessed using:
or, with the first letter converted to upper case:
Plural forms:
Similarly, to access the short form:
or, with the first letter converted to upper case:
Plural forms:
And the full form can be obtained using:
These again use \acrfullformat by default, but the new styles described in the section below use different formatting commands.
It may be that the default style doesn’t suit your requirements in which case you can switch to another styles using
where ⟨style name⟩ is the name of the required style.
The glossaries package has the restriction that only one style may be in use that applies to all entries defined with \newacronym. If you need multiple abbreviation styles, then try using the glossaries-extra package, which has better abbreviation management.
Note that unlike the default behaviour of \newacronym, the styles used via \setacronymstyle don’t use the first or text keys, but instead they use \defglsentryfmt to set a custom format that uses the long and short keys (or their plural equivalents). This means that these styles cope better with plurals that aren’t formed by simply appending the singular form with the letter “s”. In fact, most of the predefined styles use \glsgenacfmt and modify the definitions of commands like \genacrfullformat.
Note that when you use \setacronymstyle the name key is set to
These commands are redefined by the acronym styles. However, you can redefine them again after the style has been set but before you use \newacronym. Protected expansion is performed on \acronymsort when the entry is defined.
The glossaries package provides a number of predefined styles. These styles apply
to the short form on first use and
on subsequent use. The styles modify the definition of \acronymfont as required, but \firstacronymfont is only set once by the package when it’s loaded. By default \firstacronymfont{⟨text⟩} is the same as \acronymfont{⟨text⟩}. If you want the short form displayed differently on first use, you can redefine \firstacronymfont independently of the acronym style.
The predefined styles that contain sc in their name (for example long-sc-short) redefine \acronymfont to use \textsc, which means that the short form needs to be specified in lower case.
The predefined styles that contain sm in their name (for example long-sm-short) redefine \acronymfont to use \textsmaller.
The remaining predefined styles redefine \acronymfont{⟨text⟩} to simply do its argument ⟨text⟩.
The following styles are supplied by the glossaries package:
With these three styles, acronyms are displayed in the form
on first use and
on subsequent use. They also set \acronymsort{⟨short⟩}{⟨long⟩} to just ⟨short⟩. This means that the acronyms are sorted according to their short form. In addition, \acronymentry {⟨label⟩} is set to just the short form (enclosed in \acronymfont) and the description key is set to the long form.
The long-sp-short style was introduced in version 4.16 and uses
for the space between the long and short forms. This defaults to a non-breakable space (~) if (\acronymfont{⟨short⟩}) is less than 3em, otherwise it uses a normal space. This may be redefined as required. For example, to always use a non-breakable space:
These three styles are analogous to the above three styles, except the display order is swapped to
on first use.
Note, however, that \acronymsort and \acronymentry are the same as for the ⟨long⟩ (⟨short⟩) styles above, so the acronyms are still sorted according to the short form.
These are like the long-short, long-sc-short, long-sm-short and long-sp-short styles described above, except that the description key must be supplied in the optional argument of \newacronym. They also redefine \acronymentry to {⟨long⟩} (\acronymfont {⟨short⟩}) and redefine \acronymsort{⟨short⟩}{⟨long⟩} to just ⟨long⟩. This means that the acronyms are sorted according to the long form, and in the list of acronyms the name field has the long form followed by the short form in parentheses. I recommend you use a glossary style such as altlist with these acronym styles to allow for the long name field.
These styles are analogous to the above three styles, but the first use display style is:
The definitions of \acronymsort and \acronymentry are the same as those for long-short-desc etc.
With these styles, the \gls-like commands always display the long form regardless of whether the entry has been used or not. However, \acrfull and \glsentryfull will display ⟨long⟩ (\acronymfont{⟨short⟩}). In the case of dua, the name and sort keys are set to the short form and the description is set to the long form. In the case of dua-desc, the name and sort keys are set to the long form and the description is supplied in the optional argument of \newacronym.
With these three styles, on first use the \gls-like commands display:
However, \acrfull and \glsentryfull are set to \acronymfont{⟨short⟩} (⟨long⟩). On subsequent use the display is:
The sort and name keys are set to the short form, and the description is set to the long form.
These three styles are similar to the previous three styles, but the description has to be supplied in the optional argument of \newacronym. The name key is set to the long form followed by the short form in parentheses and the sort key is set to the long form. This means that the acronyms will be sorted according to the long form. In addition, since the name will typically be quite wide it’s best to choose a glossary style that can accommodate this, such as altlist.
Example 21 (Adapting a Predefined Acronym Style)
Suppose I want to use the footnote-sc-desc style, but I want the name key set to the short form followed by the long form in parentheses and the sort key set to the short form. Then I need to specify the footnote-sc-desc style:
and then redefine \acronymsort and \acronymentry:
(I’ve used \space for extra clarity, but you can just use an actual space instead.)
Since the default Computer Modern fonts don’t support bold smallcaps, I’m also going to redefine \acronymfont so that it always switches to medium weight to ensure the smallcaps setting is used:
This isn’t necessary if you use a font that supports bold smallcaps.
The sample file sampleFnAcrDesc.tex illustrates this example.
You may find that the predefined acronyms styles that come with the glossaries package don’t suit your requirements. In this case you can define your own style using:
where ⟨style name⟩ is the name of the new style (avoid active characters). The second argument, ⟨display⟩, is equivalent to the mandatory argument of \defglsentryfmt. You can simply use \glsgenacfmt or you can customize the display using commands like \ifglsused, \glsifplural and \glscapscase. (See §6.3 Changing the format of the link text for further details.) If the style is likely to be used with a mixed glossary (that is entries in that glossary are defined both with \newacronym and \newglossaryentry) then you can test if the entry is an acronym and use \glsgenacfmt if it is or \glsgenentryfmt if it isn’t. For example, the long-short style sets ⟨display⟩ as
(You can use \ifglshasshort instead of \ifglshaslong to test if the entry is an acronym if you prefer.)
The third argument, ⟨definitions⟩, can be used to redefine the commands that affect the display style, such as \acronymfont or, if ⟨display⟩ uses \glsgenacfmt, \genacrfullformat and its variants.
Note that \setacronymstyle redefines \glsentryfull and \acrfullfmt to use \genacrfullformat (and similarly for the plural and upper case variants). If this isn’t appropriate for the style (as in the case of styles like footnote and dua) \newacronymstyle should redefine these commands within ⟨definitions⟩.
Within \newacronymstyle’s ⟨definitions⟩ argument you can also redefine
This is a list of additional fields to be set in \newacronym. You can use the following token registers to access the entry label, long form and short form: \glslabeltok \glslabeltok, \glslongtok \glslongtok and \glsshorttok \glsshorttok. As with all TEX registers, you can access their values by preceding the register with \the. For example, the long-short style does:
which sets the description field to the long form of the acronym whereas the long-short-desc style does:
since the description needs to be specified by the user.
It may be that you want to define a new acronym style that’s based on an existing style. Within ⟨display⟩ you can use
to use the ⟨display⟩ definition from the style given by ⟨style name⟩. Within ⟨definitions⟩ you can use
to use the ⟨definitions⟩ from the style given by ⟨style name⟩. For example, the long-sc-short acronym style is based on the long-short style with minor modifications (remember to use ## instead of # within ⟨definitions⟩):
(\glstextup \glstextup is used to cancel the effect of \textsc. This defaults to \textulc, if defined, otherwise \textup. For example, the plural of svm should be rendered as svms rather than svms.)
Example 22 (Defining a Custom Acronym Style)
Suppose I want my acronym on first use to have the short form in the text and the long
form with the description in a footnote. Suppose also that I want the short form to be put in
small caps in the main body of the document, but I want it in normal capitals in the list of
acronyms. In my list of acronyms, I want the long form as the name with the short form in
brackets followed by the description. That is, in the text I want \gls on first use to display:
\textsc{⟨abbrv⟩}\footnote{⟨long⟩: ⟨description⟩}
⟨long⟩ (⟨short⟩) ⟨description⟩
Let’s suppose it’s possible that I may have a mixed glossary. I can check this in the second argument of \newacronymstyle using:
This will use \glsgenentryfmt if the entry isn’t an acronym, otherwise it will use \glsgenacfmt. The third argument (⟨definitions⟩) of \newacronymstyle needs to redefine \genacrfullformat etc so that the first use displays the short form in the text with the long form in a footnote followed by the description. This is done as follows (remember to use ## instead of #):
If you think it inappropriate for the short form to be capitalised at the start of a sentence you can change the above to:
Another variation is to use \Glsentrylong and \Glsentrylongpl in the footnote instead of \glsentrylong and \glsentrylongpl.
Now let’s suppose that commands such as \glsentryfull and \acrfull shouldn’t use a footnote, but instead use the format: ⟨long⟩ (⟨short⟩). This means that the style needs to redefine \glsentryfull, \acrfullfmt and their plural and upper case variants.
First, the non-linking commands:
Now for the linking commands:
(This may cause problems with long hyperlinks, in which case adjust the definitions so that, for example, only the short form is inside the argument of \glslink.)
The style also needs to redefine \acronymsort so that the acronyms are sorted according to the long form:
If you prefer them to be sorted according to the short form you can change the above to:
The acronym font needs to be set to \textsc and the plural suffix adjusted so that the “s” suffix in the plural short form doesn’t get converted to smallcaps:
There are a number of ways of dealing with the format in the list of acronyms. The simplest way is to redefine \acronymentry to the long form followed by the upper case short form in parentheses:
(I’ve used \Glsentrylong instead of \glsentrylong to capitalise the name in the glossary.)
An alternative approach is to set \acronymentry to just the long form and redefine \GenericAcronymFields to set the symbol key to the short form and use a glossary style that displays the symbol in parentheses after the name (such as the tree style) like this:
I’m going to use the first approach and set \GenericAcronymFields to do nothing:
Finally, this style needs to switch off hyperlinks on first use to avoid nested links:
Putting this all together:
Now I need to specify that I want to use this new style:
I also need to use a glossary style that suits this acronym style, for example altlist:
Once the acronym style has been set, I can define my acronyms:
The sample file sample-custom-acronym.tex illustrates this example.
Example 23 (Italic and Upright Abbreviations)
Suppose I want to have some abbreviations in italic and some that just use the surrounding font. Hard-coding this into the ⟨short⟩ argument of \newacronym can cause complications.
This example uses \glsaddstoragekey to add an extra field that can be used to store the formatting declaration (such as \em).
This defines a new field/key called font, which defaults to nothing if it’s not explicitly set. This also defines a command called \entryfont that’s analogous to \glsentrytext. A new style is then created to format abbreviations that access this field.
There are two ways to do this. The first is to create a style that doesn’t use \glsgenacfmt but instead provides a modified version that doesn’t use \acronymfont{⟨short⟩} but instead uses {\entryfont{\glslabel}⟨short⟩}. The full format given by commands such as \genacrfullformat need to be similarly adjusted. For example:
This will deal with commands like \gls but not commands like \acrshort which still use \acronymfont. Another approach is to redefine \acronymfont to look up the required font declaration. Since \acronymfont doesn’t take the entry label as an argument, the following will only work if \acronymfont is used in a context where the label is provided by \glslabel. This is true in \gls, \acrshort and \acrfull. The redefinition is now:
So the new style can be defined as:
Remember the style needs to be set before defining the entries:
The complete document is contained in the sample file sample-font-abbr.tex.
Some writers and publishing houses have started to drop full stops (periods) from upper case initials but may still retain them for lower case abbreviations, while others may still use them for both upper and lower case. This can cause complications. Chapter 12 of The TEXbook discusses the spacing between words but, briefly, the default behaviour of TEX is to assume that an upper case character followed by a full stop and space is an abbreviation, so the space is the default inter-word space whereas a lower case character followed by a full stop and space is a word occurring at the end of a sentence. In the event that this isn’t true, you need to make a manual adjustment using ␣ (back slash space) in place of just a space character for an inter-word mid-sentence space and use \@ before the full stop to indicate the end of the sentence.
For example:
is typeset as
I was awarded a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. (From the same place.)
is typeset as
I was awarded a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. (From the same place.)
This situation is a bit problematic for glossaries. The full stops can form part of the ⟨short⟩ argument of \newacronym and the B.Sc.\␣ part can be dealt with by remembering to add \␣ (for example, \gls{bsc}\␣) but the end of sentence case is more troublesome as you need to omit the sentence terminating full stop (to avoid two dots) which can make the source code look a little strange but you also need to adjust the space factor, which is usually done by inserting \@ before the full stop.
The next example shows one way of achieving this. (Note that the supplemental glossaries-extra package provides a much simpler way of doing this, which you may prefer to use. See the initialisms example.)
Example 24 (Abbreviations with Full Stops (Periods))
As from version 4.16, there’s now a hook (\glspostlinkhook) that’s called at the very end of the \gls-like and \glstext-like commands. This can be redefined to check if the following character is a full stop. The amsgen package (which is automatically loaded by glossaries) provides an internal command called \new@ifnextchar that can be used to determine if the given character appears next. (For more information see the amsgen documentation.)
It’s possible that I may also want acronyms or contractions in my document, so I need some way to differentiate between them. Here I’m going to use the same method as in example 4 where a new field is defined to indicate the type of abbreviation:
Now I just use \newacronym for the acronyms, for example,
and my new command \newabbr for initials, for example,
Within \glspostlinkhook the entry’s label can be accessed using \glslabel and \ifglsfieldeq can be used to determine if the current entry has the new abbrtype field set to “initials”. If it doesn’t, then nothing needs to happen, but if it does, a check is performed to see if the next character is a full stop. If it is, this signals the end of a sentence otherwise it’s mid-sentence.
Remember that internal commands within the document file (rather than in a class or package) need to be placed between \makeatletter and \makeatother:
In the event that a full stop is found \doendsentence is performed but it will be followed by the full stop, which needs to be discarded. Otherwise \doendword will be done but it won’t be followed by a full stop so there’s nothing to discard. The definitions for these commands are:
Now, I can just do \gls{bsc} mid-sentence and \gls{phd}. at the end of the sentence. The terminating full stop will be discarded in the latter case, but it won’t be discarded in, say, \gls{laser}. as that doesn’t have the abbrtype field set to “initials”.
This also works on first use when the style is set to one of the ⟨long⟩ (⟨short⟩) styles but it will fail with the ⟨short⟩ (⟨long⟩) styles as in this case the terminating full stop shouldn’t be discarded. Since \glspostlinkhook is used after the first use flag has been unset for the entry, this can’t be fixed by simply checking with \ifglsused. One possible solution to this is to redefine \glslinkpostsetkeys to check for the first use flag and define a macro that can then be used in \glspostlinkhook.
The other thing to consider is what to do with plurals. One possibility is to check for plural use within \doendsentence (using \glsifplural) and put the full stop back if the plural has been used.
The complete document is contained in the sample file sample-dot-abbr.tex.
The list of acronyms is just like any other type of glossary and can be displayed on its own using:
(If you use the acronym package option you can also use
as a synonym for See §2.5 Acronym Options.)Alternatively the list of acronyms can be displayed with all the other glossaries using:
However, care must be taken to choose a glossary style that’s appropriate to your acronym style. Alternatively, you can define your own custom style (see §15.2 Defining your own glossary style for further details).
Users of the obsolete glossary package may recall that the syntax used to define new acronyms has changed with the replacement glossaries package. In addition, the old glossary package created the command \⟨acr-name⟩ when defining the acronym ⟨acr-name⟩.
In order to facilitate migrating from the old package to the new one, the glossaries package13.1 provides the command:
This uses the same syntax as the glossary package’s method of defining acronyms. It is
equivalent to:
\newacronym[⟨key-val list⟩]{⟨label⟩}{⟨abbrv⟩}{⟨long⟩}
The glossaries package doesn’t load the xspace package since there are both advantages and disadvantages to using \xspace in \⟨label⟩. If you don’t use the xspace package you need to explicitly force a space using \␣ (backslash space) however you can follow \⟨label⟩ with additional text in square brackets (the final optional argument to \gls). If you use the xspace package you don’t need to escape the spaces but you can’t use the optional argument to insert text (you will have to explicitly use \gls).
To illustrate this, suppose I define the acronym “abc” as follows:
This will create the command \abc and its starred version \abc*. Table 13.2 illustrates the effect of \abc (on subsequent use) according to whether or not the xspace package has been loaded. As can be seen from the final row in the table, the xspace package prevents the optional argument from being recognised.
Code | With xspace | Without xspace |
\abc. | abc. | abc. |
\abc xyz | abc xyz | abcxyz |
\abc\ xyz | abc xyz | abc xyz |
\abc* xyz | Abc xyz | Abc xyz |
\abc[’s] xyz | abc [’s] xyz | abc’s xyz |
When using the \gls-like commands it is possible that you may want to use the value given by the first key, even though you have already used the glossary entry. Conversely, you may want to use the value given by the text key, even though you haven’t used the glossary entry. The former can be achieved by one of the following commands:
while the latter can be achieved by one of the following commands:
You can also reset or unset all entries for a given glossary or list of glossaries using:
where ⟨glossary list⟩ is a comma-separated list of glossary labels. If omitted, all defined glossaries are assumed (except for the ignored ones). For example, to reset all entries in the main glossary and the list of acronyms:
You can determine whether an entry’s first use flag is set using:
where ⟨label⟩ is the label of the required entry. If the entry has been used, ⟨true part⟩ will be done, otherwise ⟨false part⟩ will be done.
For example, the frame environment in beamer processes its argument for each overlay. This means that the first use flag will be unset on the first overlay and subsequent overlays will use the non-first use form.
Consider the following example:
On the first overlay, \gls{svm} produces “support vector machine (SVM)” and then unsets the first use flag. When the second overlay is processed, \gls{svm} now produces “SVM”, which is unlikely to be the desired effect. I don’t know anyway around this and I can only offer two suggestions.
Firstly, unset all acronyms at the start of the document and explicitly use \acrfull when you want the full version to be displayed:
Secondly, explicitly reset each acronym on first use:
These are non-optimal, but the beamer class is too complex for me to provide a programmatic solution. Other potentially problematic environments are some tabular-like environments (but not tabular itself) that process the contents in order to work out the column widths and then reprocess the contents to do the actual typesetting.
The amsmath environments, such as align, also process their contents multiple times, but the glossaries package now checks for this. For tabularx, you need to explicitly patch it by placing \glspatchtabularx in the preamble (or anywhere before the problematic use of tabularx).
As from version 4.14, it’s now possible to keep track of how many times an entry is used. That is, how many times the first use flag is unset. Note that the supplemental glossaries-extra package improves this function and also provides per-unit counting, which isn’t available with the glossaries package.
To enable this function, use
before defining your entries. This adds two extra (internal) fields to entries: currcount and prevcount.
The currcount field keeps track of how many times \glsunset is used within the document. A local unset (using \glslocalunset) performs a local rather than global increment to currcount. Remember that not all commands use \glsunset. Only the \gls-like commands do this. The reset commands \glsreset and \glslocalreset reset this field back to zero (where \glslocalreset performs a local change).
The prevcount field stores the final value of the currcount field from the previous run. This value is read from the .aux file at the beginning of the document environment.
You can access these fields using
for the currcount field, and
for the prevcount field. These commands are only defined if you have used \glsenableentrycount.
For example:
On the first LATEX run, \glsentryprevcount{apple} produces 0. At the end of the document, \glsentrycurrcount{apple} produces 4. This is because the only commands that have incremented the entry count are those that use \glsunset. That is: \gls, \glsdisp and \Gls. The other commands used in the above example, \glsadd, \glsentrytext and \glslink, don’t use \glsunset so they don’t increment the entry count. On the next LATEX run, \glsentryprevcount{apple} now produces 4 as that was the value of the currcount field for the apple entry at the end of the document on the previous run.
When you enable the entry count using \glsenableentrycount, you also enable the following commands:
(no case-change, singular)
(no case-change, plural)
(first letter uppercase, singular), and
(first letter uppercase, plural). These all have plus and starred variants like the analogous \gls, \glspl, \Gls and \Glspl commands.
If you don’t use \glsenableentrycount, these commands behave like \gls, \glspl, \Gls and \Glspl, respectively, only there will be a warning that you haven’t enabled entry counting. If you have enabled entry counting with \glsenableentrycount then these commands test if \glsentryprevcount{⟨label⟩} equals 1. If it doesn’t then the analogous \gls etc will be used. If it does, then the first optional argument will be ignored and
This command is used by \cgls and defaults to
This command is used by \cglspl and defaults to
This command is used by \cGls and defaults to
This command is used by \cGlspl and defaults to
This means that if the previous count for the given entry was 1, the entry won’t be hyperlinked with the \cgls-like commands and they won’t add a line to the external glossary file. If you haven’t used any of the other commands that add information to glossary file (such as \glsadd or the \glstext-like commands) then the entry won’t appear in the glossary.
Remember that since these commands use \glsentryprevcount you need to run LATEX twice to ensure they work correctly. The document build order is now (at least): (pdf)latex, (pdf)latex, makeglossaries, (pdf)latex.
Example 25 (Don’t index entries that are only used once)
In this example, the abbreviations that have only been used once (on the previous run) only have their long form shown with \cgls.
After a complete document build (latex, latex, makeglossaries, latex) the list of abbrevaitions only includes the entries HTML, CSS and RDSMS. The entries SQL, RDBMS and XML only have their long forms displayed and don’t have a hyperlink.
Remember that if you don’t like typing \cgls you can create a synonym. For example
Glossaries vary from lists that simply contain a symbol with a terse description to lists of terms or phrases with lengthy descriptions. Some glossaries may have terms with associated symbols. Some may have hierarchical entries. There is therefore no single style that fits every type of glossary. The glossaries package comes with a number of pre-defined glossary styles, described in §15.1 Predefined Styles. You can choose one of these that best suits your type of glossary or, if none of them suit your document, you can defined your own style (see §15.2 Defining your own glossary style). There are some examples of glossary styles available at http://www.dickimaw-books.com/gallery/#glossaries.
The glossary style can be set using the style key in the optional argument to \printnoidxglossary (Option 1) or \printglossary (Options 2 and 3) or using the command:
(before the glossary is displayed).
Some of the predefined glossary styles may also be set using the style package option, it depends if the package in which they are defined is automatically loaded by the glossaries package.
You can use the lorum ipsum dummy entries provided in the accompanying example-glossaries-*.tex files (described in §1.2 Dummy Entries for Testing) to test the different styles.
The predefined styles can accommodate numbered level 0 (main) and level 1 entries. See the package options entrycounter, counterwithin and subentrycounter described in §2.3 Glossary Appearance Options. There is a summary of available styles in table 15.1. You can view samples of all the predefined styles at http://www.dickimaw-books.com/gallery/glossaries-styles/.
The group title is obtained using \glsgetgrouptitle{⟨label⟩}, which is described in §15.2 Defining your own glossary style.
Style | Maximum Level | Homograph | Symbol |
listdotted | 0 | ||
sublistdotted | 1 | ||
list* | 1 | ✓ | |
altlist* | 1 | ✓ | |
long*3col* | 1 | ✓ | |
long4col* | 1 | ✓ | ✓ |
altlong*4col* | 1 | ✓ | ✓ |
long* | 1 | ✓ | |
super*3col* | 1 | ✓ | |
super4col* | 1 | ✓ | ✓ |
altsuper*4col* | 1 | ✓ | ✓ |
super* | 1 | ✓ | |
*index* | 2 | ✓ | |
treenoname* | — | ✓ | ✓ |
*tree* | — | ✓ | |
*alttree* | — | ✓ | |
inline | 1 | ✓ |
The tabular-like styles that allow multi-line descriptions and page lists use the length \glsdescwidth \glsdescwidth to set the width of the description column and the length \glspagelistwidth \glspagelistwidth to set the width of the page list column.15.1 These will need to be changed using \setlength if the glossary is too wide. Note that the long4col and super4col styles (and their header and border variations) don’t use these lengths as they are designed for single line entries. Instead you should use the analogous altlong4col and altsuper4col styles. If you want to explicitly create a line-break within a multi-line description in a tabular-like style it’s better to use \newline instead of \\.
Note that if you use the style key in the optional argument to \printnoidxglossary (Option 1) or \printglossary (Options 2 and 3), it will override any previous style settings for the given glossary, so if, for example, you do
then the new definition of \glsgroupskip will not have an affect for this glossary, as \glsgroupskip is redefined by style=long. Likewise, \setglossarystyle will also override any previous style definitions, so, again
will reset \glsgroupskip back to its default definition for the named glossary style (long in this case). If you want to modify the styles, either use \newglossarystyle (described in the next section) or make the modifications after \setglossarystyle, e.g.:
As from version 3.03, you can now use the package option nogroupskip to suppress the gap between groups for the default styles instead of redefining \glsgroupskip.
All the styles except for the three- and four-column styles and the listdotted style use the command
after the description. This simply displays a full stop by default. To eliminate this full stop (or replace it with something else, say, a comma) you will need to redefine \glspostdescription before the glossary is displayed. Alternatively, you can suppress it for a given entry by placing \nopostdesc in the entry’s description.
As from version 3.03 you can now use the package option nopostdot to suppress this full stop. This is the better option if you want to use the glossaries-extra package.
The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-list. Since they all use the description environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. These styles all ignore the entry’s symbol. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the nolist or nostyles package options.
which defaults to a vertical bar with a space on either side. For example, to simply have a space separating each group, do:
Note that the hyper-navigation line is now (as from version 1.14) set inside the optional argument to \item instead of after it to prevent a spurious space at the start. This can cause a problem if the navigation line is too long. As from v4.22, if you need to adjust this, you can redefine
The default definition is \item[⟨navigation line⟩] but may be redefined independently of setting the style. For example:
You may prefer to use the tree-like styles, such as treehypergroup instead.
The closest matching non-list style is the index style with the following adjustment:
governs where the description should start. This is a flat style, so child entries are formatted in the same way as the parent entries.
A non-list alternative is to use the index style with
Note that this doesn’t use \glslistdottedwidth and causes the description to be flush-right and will display the symbol, if provided. (It also doesn’t suppress the number list, but that can be achieved with the nonumberlist option.)
The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-long. Since they all use the longtable environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the nolong or nostyles package options. These styles fully justify the description and page list columns. If you want ragged right formatting instead, use the analogous styles described in §15.1.3 Longtable Styles (Ragged Right). If you want to incorporate rules from the booktabs package, try the styles described in §15.1.4 Longtable Styles (booktabs).
The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-longragged. These styles are analogous to those defined in glossary-long but the multiline columns are left justified instead of fully justified. Since these styles all use the longtable environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. The glossary-longragged package additionally requires the array package. Note that these styles will only be available if you explicitly load glossary-longragged:
Note that you can’t set these styles using the style package option since the styles aren’t defined until after the glossaries package has been loaded. If you want to incorporate rules from the booktabs package, try the styles described in §15.1.4 Longtable Styles (booktabs).
The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-longbooktabs.
Since these styles all use the longtable environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. The glossary-longbooktabs package automatically loads the glossary-long (§15.1.2 Longtable Styles) and glossary-longragged (§15.1.3 Longtable Styles (Ragged Right)) packages. Note that these styles will only be available if you explicitly load glossary-longbooktabs:
Note that you can’t set these styles using the style package option since the styles aren’t defined until after the glossaries package has been loaded.
These styles are similar to the “header” styles in the glossary-long and glossary-ragged packages, but they add the rules provided by the booktabs package, \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule. Additionally these styles patch the longtable environment to check for instances of the group skip occurring at a page break. If you don’t want this patch to affect any other use of longtable in your document, you can scope the effect by only setting the style through the style key in the optional argument of \printglossary. (The nogroupskip package option is checked by these styles.)
Alternatively, you can restore the original longtable behaviour with:
For more information about the patch, see the documented code (glossaries-code.pdf).
The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-super. Since they all use the supertabular environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the nosuper or nostyles package options. In general, the longtable environment is better, but there are some circumstances where it is better to use supertabular.15.3 These styles fully justify the description and page list columns. If you want ragged right formatting instead, use the analogous styles described in §15.1.6 Supertabular Styles (Ragged Right).
The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-superragged. These styles are analogous to those defined in glossary-super but the multiline columns are left justified instead of fully justified. Since these styles all use the supertabular environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. The glossary-superragged package additionally requires the array package. Note that these styles will only be available if you explicitly load glossary-superragged:
Note that you can’t set these styles using the style package option since the styles aren’t defined until after the glossaries package has been loaded.
The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-tree. These styles are designed for hierarchical glossaries but can also be used with glossaries that don’t have sub-entries. These styles will display the entry’s symbol if it exists. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the notree or nostyles package options.
These styles all format the entry name using:
This defaults to \textbf{⟨name⟩}, but note that ⟨name⟩ includes \glsnamefont so the bold setting in \glstreenamefont may be counteracted by another font change in \glsnamefont (or in \acronymfont). The tree-like styles that also display the header use
to format the heading. This defaults to \glstreenamefmt{⟨text⟩}. The tree-like styles that display navigation links to the groups (such as indexhypergroup), format the navigation line using
which defaults to \glstreenamefmt{⟨text⟩}. Note that this is different from \glslistnavigationitem, provided with the styles such as listhypergroup, as that also includes \item.
With the exception of the alttree style (and those derived from it), the space before the description for top-level entries is produced with
This defaults to \space.
With the exception of the treenoname and alttree styles (and those derived from them), the space before the description for child entries is produced with
This defaults to \space.
Each main level item is started with
The level 1 entries are started with
The level 2 entries are started with
Note that the index style automatically sets
at the start of the glossary for backward compatibility.
The index style isn’t suitable for multi-paragraph descriptions, but this limitation can be overcome by redefining the above commands. For example:
The optional argument ⟨level⟩ indicates the level, where 0 indicates the top-most level, 1 indicates the first level sub-entries, etc. If \glssetwidest hasn’t been used for a given sub-level, the level 0 widest text is used instead. If ⟨level⟩ is omitted, 0 is assumed.
As from v4.22, the glossary-tree package also provides
This iterates over all parentless entries in the given glossary lists and determines the widest entry. If the optional argument is omitted, all glossaries are assumed (as per \forallglossaries).
For example, to have the same name width for all glossaries:
Alternatively, to compute the widest entry for each glossary before it’s displayed:
For each level, the name is placed to the left of the paragraph block containing the symbol (optional) and the description. If the symbol is present, it is placed in parentheses before the description.
The name is placed inside a left-aligned \makebox. As from v4.19, this can now be adjusted by redefining
where ⟨width⟩ is the width of the box and ⟨text⟩ is the contents of the box. For example, to make the name right-aligned:
The glossary-mcols package provides tree-like styles that are in the multicols environment (defined by the multicol package). The style names are as their analogous tree styles (as defined in §15.1.7 Tree-Like Styles) but are prefixed with “mcol”. For example, the mcolindex style is essentially the index style but put in a multicols environment. For the complete list, see table 15.2. The glossary-tree package is automatically loaded by glossary-mcols (even if the notree package option is used when loading glossaries). The formatting commands \glstreenamefmt, \glstreegroupheaderfmt and \glstreenavigationfmt are all used by the corresponding glossary-mcols styles.
The default number of columns is 2, but can be changed by redefining
to the required number. For example, for a three column glossary:
The styles with a navigation line, such as mcoltreehypergroup, now have a variant (as from v4.22) with “hypergroup” replaced with “spannav” in the style name. The original “hypergroup” styles place the navigation line at the start of the first column. The newer “spannav” styles put the navigation line in the optional argument of the multicols environment so that it spans across all the columns.
This section covers the glossary-inline package that supplies the inline style. This is a style that is designed for in-line use (as opposed to block styles, such as lists or tables). This style doesn’t display the number list.
You will most likely need to redefine \glossarysection with this style. For example, suppose you are required to have your glossaries and list of acronyms in a footnote, you can do:
Where you need to include your glossaries as a footnote you can do:
The inline style is governed by the following:
This defaults to “; ” and is used between main (i.e. level 0) entries.
This defaults to “, ” and is used between sub-entries.
This defaults to “: ” and is used between a parent main entry and its first sub-entry.
This defaults to “; ” and is used at the end of the glossary.
This is used to format the entry name and defaults to \glstarget{⟨label⟩}{⟨name⟩}, where ⟨name⟩ is provided in the form \glossentryname{⟨label⟩} and ⟨label⟩ is the entry’s label. For example, if you want the name to appear in smallcaps:
Sub-entry names are formatted according to
This defaults to \glstarget{⟨label⟩}{} so the sub-entry name is ignored.
If the description has been suppressed (according to \ifglsdescsuppressed) then
(which defaults to nothing) is used, otherwise the description is formatted according to
This defaults to just \space⟨description⟩ so the symbol and location list are ignored. If the description is missing (according to \ifglshasdesc), then \glsinlineemptydescformat is used instead.
For example, if you want a colon between the name and the description:
The sub-entry description is formatted according to:
This defaults to just ⟨description⟩.
If the predefined styles don’t fit your requirements, you can define your own style using:
where ⟨name⟩ is the name of the new glossary style (to be used in \setglossarystyle). The second argument ⟨definitions⟩ needs to redefine all of the following:
This environment defines how the main body of the glossary should be typeset. Note that this does not include the section heading, the glossary preamble (defined by \glossarypreamble) or the glossary postamble (defined by \glossarypostamble). For example, the list style uses the description environment, so the theglossary environment is simply redefined to begin and end the description environment.
This macro indicates what to do at the start of the main body of the glossary. Note that this is not the same as \glossarypreamble, which should not be affected by changes in the glossary style. The list glossary style redefines \glossaryheader to do nothing, whereas the longheader glossary style redefines \glossaryheader to do a header row.
This macro indicates what to do at the start of each logical block within the main body of the glossary. If you use makeindex the glossary is sub-divided into a maximum of twenty-eight logical blocks that are determined by the first character of the sort key (or name key if the sort key is omitted). The sub-divisions are in the following order: symbols, numbers, A, …, Z. If you use xindy, the sub-divisions depend on the language settings.
Note that the argument to \glsgroupheading is a label not the group title. The group title can be obtained via
This obtains the title as follows: if ⟨label⟩ consists of a single non-active character or ⟨label⟩ is equal to glssymbols or glsnumbers and \⟨label⟩groupname exists, this is taken to be the title, otherwise the title is just ⟨label⟩. (The “symbols” group has the label glssymbols, so the command \glssymbolsgroupname is used, and the “numbers” group has the label glsnumbers, so the command \glsnumbersgrouptitle is used.) If you are using xindy, ⟨label⟩ may be an active character (for example ø), in which case the title will be set to just ⟨label⟩. You can redefine \glsgetgrouptitle if this is unsuitable for your document.
A navigation hypertarget can be created using
This typically requires \glossaryheader to be redefined to use
which displays the navigation line.
For further details about \glsnavhypertarget, see the documented code (glossaries-code.pdf).
Most of the predefined glossary styles redefine \glsgroupheading to simply ignore its argument. The listhypergroup style redefines \glsgroupheading as follows:
See also \glsgroupskip below. (Note that command definitions within \newglossarystyle must use ##1 instead of #1 etc.)
This macro determines what to do after one logical group but before the header for the next logical group. The list glossary style simply redefines \glsgroupskip to be \indexspace, whereas the tabular-like styles redefine \glsgroupskip to produce a blank row.
As from version 3.03, the package option nogroupskip can be used to suppress this default gap for the predefined styles.
This macro indicates what to do for each top-level (level 0) glossary entry. The entry label is given by ⟨label⟩ and the associated number list is given by ⟨number list⟩. You can redefine \glossentry to use commands like \glossentryname{⟨label⟩}, \glossentrydesc{⟨label⟩} and \glossentrysymbol{⟨label⟩} to display the name, description and symbol fields, or to access other fields, use commands like \glsentryuseri{⟨label⟩}. (See §9 Using Glossary Terms Without Links for further details.) You can also use the following commands:
This macro will increment and display the associated counter for the main (level 0) entries if the entrycounter or counterwithin package options have been used. This macro is typically called by \glossentry before \glstarget. The format of the counter is controlled by the macro
Each time you use a glossary entry it creates a hyperlink (if hyperlinks are enabled) to the relevant line in the glossary. Your new glossary style must therefore redefine \glossentry to set the appropriate target. This is done using
where ⟨label⟩ is the entry’s label. Note that you don’t need to worry about whether the hyperref package has been loaded, as \glstarget won’t create a target if \hypertarget hasn’t been defined.
For example, the list style defines \glossentry as follows:
Note also that ⟨number list⟩ will always be of the form
where ⟨number(s)⟩ may contain \delimN (to delimit individual numbers) and/or \delimR (to indicate a range of numbers). There may be multiple occurrences of \setentrycounter [⟨Hprefix⟩]{⟨counter name⟩}⟨format cmd⟩{⟨number(s)⟩}, but note that the entire number list is enclosed within the argument of \glossaryentrynumbers. The user can redefine this to change the way the entire number list is formatted, regardless of the glossary style. However the most common use of \glossaryentrynumbers is to provide a means of suppressing the number list altogether. (In fact, the nonumberlist option redefines \glossaryentrynumbers to ignore its argument.) Therefore, when you define a new glossary style, you don’t need to worry about whether the user has specified the nonumberlist package option.
This is used to display sub-entries. The first argument, ⟨level⟩, indicates the sub-entry level. This must be an integer from 1 (first sub-level) onwards. The remaining arguments are analogous to those for \glossentry described above.
This macro will increment and display the associated counter for the level 1 entries if the subentrycounter package option has been used. This macro is typically called by \subglossentry before \glstarget. The format of the counter is controlled by the macro
Note that \printglossary (which \printglossaries calls) sets
to the current glossary label, so it’s possible to create a glossary style that varies according to the glossary type.
For further details of these commands, see “Displaying the glossary” in the documented code (glossaries-code.pdf).
Example 26 (Creating a completely new style)
If you want a completely new style, you will need to redefine all of the commands and the environment listed above.
For example, suppose you want each entry to start with a bullet point. This means that the glossary should be placed in the itemize environment, so theglossary should start and end that environment. Let’s also suppose that you don’t want anything between the glossary groups (so \glsgroupheading and \glsgroupskip should do nothing) and suppose you don’t want anything to appear immediately after \begin{theglossary} (so \glossaryheader should do nothing). In addition, let’s suppose the symbol should appear in brackets after the name, followed by the description and last of all the number list should appear within square brackets at the end. Then you can create this new glossary style, called, say, mylist, as follows:
Note that this style creates a flat glossary, where sub-entries are displayed in exactly the same way as the top level entries. It also hasn’t used \glsentryitem or \glssubentryitem so it won’t be affected by the entrycounter, counterwithin or subentrycounter package options.
Example 27 (Creating a new glossary style based on an existing style)
If you want to define a new style that is a slightly modified version of an existing style, you can use \setglossarystyle within the second argument of \newglossarystyle followed by whatever alterations you require. For example, suppose you want a style like the list style but you don’t want the extra vertical space created by \indexspace between groups, then you can create a new glossary style called, say, mylist as follows:
(In this case, you can actually achieve the same effect using the list style in combination with the package option nogroupskip.)
Example 28 (Example: creating a glossary style that uses the user1, …, user6 keys)
Suppose each entry not only has an associated symbol, but also units (stored in user1) and dimension (stored in user2). Then you can define a glossary style that displays each entry in a longtable as follows:
This section describes some utility commands. Additional commands can be found in the documented code (glossaries-code.pdf).
This iterates through ⟨glossary list⟩, a comma-separated list of glossary labels (as supplied when the glossary was defined). At each iteration ⟨cs⟩ (which must be a control sequence) is set to the glossary label for the current iteration and ⟨body⟩ is performed. If ⟨glossary list⟩ is omitted, the default is to iterate over all glossaries (except the ignored ones).
This is like \forallglossaries but only iterates over the lists of acronyms (that have previously been declared using \DeclareAcronymList or the acronymlists package option). This command doesn’t have an optional argument. If you want to explicitly say which lists to iterate over, just use the optional argument of \forallglossaries.
This iterates through all entries in the glossary given by ⟨glossary label⟩. At each iteration ⟨cs⟩ (which must be a control sequence) is set to the entry label for the current iteration and ⟨body⟩ is performed. If ⟨glossary label⟩ is omitted, \glsdefaulttype (usually the main glossary) is used.
This is like \forglsentries but for each glossary in ⟨glossary list⟩ (a comma-separated list of glossary labels). If ⟨glossary list⟩ is omitted, the default is the list of all defined glossaries (except the ignored ones). At each iteration ⟨cs⟩ is set to the entry label and ⟨body⟩ is performed. (The current glossary label can be obtained using \glsentrytype{⟨cs⟩} within ⟨body⟩.)
This checks if the glossary given by ⟨label⟩ exists. If it does ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩.
This checks if the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩ exists. If it does ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩. (Note that \ifglsentryexists will always be true after the containing glossary has been displayed via \printglossary or \printglossaries even if the entry is explicitly defined later in the document. This is because the entry has to be defined before it can be displayed in the glossary, see §4.8.1 Technical Issues for further details.)
Does ⟨code⟩ if the entry given by ⟨label⟩ exists. If it doesn’t exist, an error is generated. (This command uses \ifglsentryexists.)
Does the reverse of \glsdoifexists. (This command uses \ifglsentryexists.)
As \glsdoifexists but issues a warning rather than an error if the entry doesn’t exist.
Does ⟨code⟩ if the entry given by ⟨label⟩ exists otherwise generate an error and do ⟨else code⟩.
Does ⟨code⟩ if the entry given by ⟨label⟩ doesn’t exist otherwise generate an error and do ⟨else code⟩.
See §14 Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags.
This checks if the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩ has any sub-entries. If it does, ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩.
This checks if the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩ has a parent entry. If it does, ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩.
This checks if the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩ has had the symbol field set. If it has, ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩.
This checks if the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩ has had the long field set. If it has, ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩. This should be true for any entry that has been defined via \newacronym. There is no check for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
This checks if the glossary entry given by ⟨label⟩ has had the short field set. If it has, ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩. This should be true for any entry that has been defined via \newacronym. There is no check for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
This checks if the description field is non-empty for the entry given by ⟨label⟩. If it has, ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩. Compare with:
This checks if the description field has been set to just \nopostdesc for the entry given by ⟨label⟩. If it has, ⟨true part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨false part⟩. There is no check for the existence of ⟨label⟩.
For all other fields you can use:
This tests the value of the field given by ⟨field⟩ for the entry identified by ⟨label⟩. If the value is empty or the default value, then ⟨false part⟩ is performed, otherwise ⟨true part⟩ is performed. If the field supplied is unrecognised ⟨false part⟩ is performed and a warning is issued. Unlike the above commands, such as \ifglshasshort, an error occurs if the entry is undefined.
As from version 4.23, within ⟨true part⟩ you can use
to access the field value. This command is initially defined to nothing but has no relevance outside ⟨true part⟩. This saves re-accessing the field if the test is true. For example:
will insert a comma, space and the field value if the user1 key has been set for the entry whose label is sample.
You can test if the value of the field is equal to a given string using:
In this case the ⟨field⟩ must be the field name not the key (see table 4.1). If the field isn’t recognised, an error will occur. This command internally uses etoolbox’s \ifcsstring to perform the comparison. The string is not expanded during the test.
The result may vary depending on whether or not expansion is on for the given field (when the entry was defined). For example:
This will produce “TRUE” in both cases since expansion is on, so \foo was expanded to “FOO” when sample2 was defined. If the tests are changed to:
then this will produce “FALSE” in both cases. Now suppose expansion is switched off for the user1 key:
This now produces “TRUE” for the first case (comparing “FOO” with “FOO”) and “FALSE” for the second case (comparing “\foo” with “FOO”).
The reverse happens in the following:
This now produces “FALSE” for the first case (comparing “FOO” with “\foo”) and “TRUE” for the second case (comparing “\foo” with “\foo”).
You can test if the value of a field is equal to the replacement text of a command using:
This internally uses etoolbox’s \ifdefstrequal command to perform the comparison. The argument ⟨command⟩ must be a macro.
For example:
Here, the first case produces “TRUE” since the value of the useri field (“FOO”) is the same as the replacement text (definition) of \foo (“FOO”). We have the result “FOO” is equal to “FOO”.
The second case produces “FALSE” since the value of the useri field (“\foo”) is not the same as the replacement text (definition) of \foo (“FOO”). No expansion has been performed on the value of the useri field. We have the result “\foo” is not equal to “FOO”.
If we add:
we now get “TRUE” since the value of the useri field (“\foo”) is the same as the replacement text (definition) of \FOO (“\foo”). We have the result “\foo” is equal to “\foo”.
There is a similar command that requires the control sequence name (without the leading backslash) instead of the actual control sequence:
This internally uses etoolbox’s \ifcsstrequal command instead of \ifdefstrequal.
You can fetch the value of a given field and store it in a control sequence using:
where ⟨label⟩ is the label identifying the glossary entry, ⟨field⟩ is the field label (see table 4.1) and ⟨cs⟩ is the control sequence in which to store the value. Remember that ⟨field⟩ is the internal label and is not necessarily the same as the key used to set that field in the argument of \newglossaryentry (or the optional argument of \newacronym).
You can change the value of a given field using one of the following commands. Note that these commands only change the value of the given field. They have no affect on any related field. For example, if you change the value of the text field, it won’t modify the value given by the name, plural, first or any other related key.
In all the four related commands below, ⟨label⟩ and ⟨field⟩ are as above and ⟨definition⟩ is the new value of the field.
This uses \def to change the value of the field (so it will be localised by any grouping).
This uses \edef to change the value of the field (so it will be localised by any grouping). Any fragile commands contained in the ⟨definition⟩ must be protected.
This uses \gdef to change the value of the field.
This uses \xdef to change the value of the field. Any fragile commands contained in the ⟨definition⟩ must be protected.
The glossaries-prefix package that comes with the glossaries package provides additional keys that can be used as prefixes. For example, if you want to specify determiners (such as “a”, “an” or “the”). The glossaries-prefix package automatically loads the glossaries package and has the same package options.
The extra keys for \newglossaryentry are as follows:
Example 29 (Defining Determiners)
Here’s the start of my example document:
Note that I’ve simply replaced glossaries from previous sample documents with glossaries-prefix. Now for a sample definition17.1:
Note that I’ve had to explicitly insert a space after the prefix. This allows for the possibility of prefixes that shouldn’t have a space, such as:
Where a space is required at the end of the prefix, you must use a spacing command, such as \space, \␣ (backslash space) or ~ due to the automatic spacing trimming performed in ⟨key⟩=⟨value⟩ options.
The prefixes can also be used with acronyms. For example:
The glossaries-prefix package provides convenient commands to use these prefixes with commands such as \gls. Note that the prefix is not considered part of the link text, so it’s not included in the hyperlink (where hyperlinks are enabled). The options and any star or plus modifier are passed on to the \gls-like command. (See §6 Links to Glossary Entries for further details.)
This is inserts the value of the prefix key (or prefixfirst key, on first use) in front of \gls [⟨options⟩]{⟨label⟩}[⟨insert⟩].
If the prefix key (or prefixfirst, on first use) has been set, this displays the value of that key with the first letter converted to upper case followed by \gls[⟨options⟩]{⟨label⟩} [⟨insert⟩]. If that key hasn’t been set, this is equivalent to \Gls[⟨options⟩]{⟨label⟩} [⟨insert⟩].
As \pgls but converts the prefix to upper case and uses \GLS instead of \gls.
This is inserts the value of the prefixplural key (or prefixfirstplural key, on first use) in front of \glspl[⟨options⟩]{⟨label⟩}[⟨insert⟩].
If the prefixplural key (or prefixfirstplural, on first use) has been set, this displays the value of that key with the first letter converted to upper case followed by \glspl[⟨options⟩]{⟨label⟩} [⟨insert⟩]. If that key hasn’t been set, this is equivalent to \Glspl[⟨options⟩]{⟨label⟩} [⟨insert⟩].
As \pglspl but converts the prefix to upper case and uses \GLSpl instead of \glspl.
Continuing from Example 29, now that I’ve defined my entries, I can use them in the text via the above commands:
which produces:
First use: a support vector machine (SVM). Next use: an SVM. Singular: a sample, l’oeil. Plural: the samples, les yeux.
For a complete document, see sample-prefix.tex.
This package also provides the commands described below, none of which perform any check to determine the entry’s existence.
Does ⟨true part⟩ if the entry identified by ⟨label⟩ has a non-empty value for the prefix key.
This package also provides the following commands:
Does ⟨true part⟩ if the entry identified by ⟨label⟩ has a non-empty value for the prefixplural key.
Does ⟨true part⟩ if the entry identified by ⟨label⟩ has a non-empty value for the prefixfirst key.
Does ⟨true part⟩ if the entry identified by ⟨label⟩ has a non-empty value for the prefixfirstplural key.
Displays the value of the prefix key for the entry given by ⟨label⟩.
Displays the value of the prefixfirst key for the entry given by ⟨label⟩.
Displays the value of the prefixplural key for the entry given by ⟨label⟩. (No check is performed to determine if the entry exists.)
Displays the value of the prefixfirstplural key for the entry given by ⟨label⟩. (No check is performed to determine if the entry exists.)
There are also variants that convert the first letter to upper case17.2:
Example 31 (Adding Determiner to Glossary Style)
You can use the above commands to define a new glossary style that uses the determiner. For example, the following style is a slight modification of the list style that inserts the prefix before the name:
Limited accessibility support is provided by the accompanying glossaries-accsupp package, but note that this package is experimental and it requires the accsupp package which is also listed as experimental. This package defines additional keys that may be used when defining glossary entries. The keys are as follows:
For example:
Now \gls{tex} will be equivalent to
The sample file sampleaccsupp.tex illustrates the glossaries-accsupp package.
See the documented code (glossaries-code.pdf) for further details. I recommend that you also read the accsupp documentation.
The glossaries package comes with some minimal example files, minimalgls.tex, mwe-gls.tex, mwe-acr.tex and mwe-acr-desc.tex, which can be used for testing. These should be located in the samples subdirectory (folder) of the glossaries documentation directory. The location varies according to your operating system and TEX installation. For example, on my Linux partition it can be found in /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/doc/latex/glossaries/. Further information on debugging LATEX code is available at http://www.dickimaw-books.com/latex/minexample/.
If you have any problems, please first consult the glossaries FAQ. If that doesn’t help, try posting your query to somewhere like the comp.text.tex newsgroup, the LATEX Community Forum or TEX on StackExchange. Bug reports can be submitted via my package bug report form.
accsupp package 6, 7
\ACRfull 8
\Acrfull 9
\acrfull 10
\acrfullfmt 11
\acrfullformat 12
\ACRfullpl 13
\Acrfullpl 14
\acrfullpl 15
\ACRlong 16
\Acrlong 17
\acrlong 18
\ACRlongpl 19
\Acrlongpl 20
\acrlongpl 21
acronym styles:
dua 22, 23, 24, 25
dua-desc 26, 27
footnote 28, 29, 30
footnote-desc 31
footnote-sc 32
footnote-sc-desc 33, 34, 35, 36
footnote-sm 37
footnote-sm-desc 38
long-sc-short 39, 40, 41, 42
long-sc-short-desc 43
long-short 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
long-short-desc 50, 51, 52
long-sm-short 53, 54, 55
long-sm-short-desc 56
long-sp-short 57, 58, 59
long-sp-short-desc 60
sc-short-long 61
sc-short-long-desc 62
short-long 63
short-long-desc 64
sm-short-long 65
sm-short-long-desc 66
\acronymentry 67
\acronymfont 68
\acronymsort 69
\acronymtype 70
\ACRshort 71
\Acrshort 72
\acrshort 73
\ACRshortpl 74
\Acrshortpl 75
\acrshortpl 76
\altnewglossary 77
amsgen package 78, 79, 80
amsmath package 81, 82
arara 83
array package 84, 85
babel package 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112
beamer class 113, 114, 115, 116
beamer package 117
booktabs package 118, 119, 120
\cGls 121
\cgls 122
\cGlsformat 123
\cglsformat 124
\cGlspl 125
\cglspl 126
\cGlsplformat 127
\cglsplformat 128
classicthesis package 129, 130, 131, 132, 133
\currentglossary 134
datatool package 135, 136, 137, 138, 139
datatool-base package 140
\DeclareAcronymList 141
\defglsentryfmt 142
\DefineAcronymSynonyms 143
doc package 144, 145, 146
encap 147
entry location 148
theglossary 149
etex package 150
etoolbox package 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156
Extended Latin Alphabet 157
extended Latin character 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164
file types
.alg 165
.aux 166, 167, 168
.glg 169, 170, 171
.glg2 172
.glo 173, 174, 175
.gls 176, 177
.glsdefs 178, 179
.ist 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185
.tex 186, 187
.xdy 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195
glo2 196
gls2 197
first use 198
flag 199
text 200
\firstacronymfont 201
flowfram package 202
fmtcount package 203
fontspec package 204
\forallacronyms 205
\forallglossaries 206
\forallglsentries 207
\forglsentries 208
\Genacrfullformat 209
\genacrfullformat 210
\GenericAcronymFields 211
\Genplacrfullformat 212
\genplacrfullformat 213
glossaries package 214, 215, 216, 217, 218
glossaries-accsupp package 219, 220, 221, 222, 223
glossaries-babel package 224, 225
glossaries-extra package 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234
glossaries-polyglossia package 235
glossaries-prefix package 236, 237, 238, 239, 240
glossary counters:
glossaryentry 241
glossarysubentry 242
glossary package 243, 244, 245, 246, 247
glossary styles:
altlist 248, 249, 250, 251, 252
altlistgroup 253, 254
altlisthypergroup 255
altlong4col 256, 257, 258
altlong4col-booktabs 259
altlong4colborder 260
altlong4colheader 261, 262
altlong4colheaderborder 263
altlongragged4col 264, 265, 266
altlongragged4col-booktabs 267
altlongragged4colborder 268
altlongragged4colheader 269, 270, 271
altlongragged4colheaderborder 272
altsuper4col 273, 274, 275
altsuper4colborder 276
altsuper4colheader 277
altsuper4colheaderborder 278
altsuperragged4col 279, 280, 281
altsuperragged4colborder 282
altsuperragged4colheader 283, 284
altsuperragged4colheaderborder 285
alttree 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293
alttreegroup 294, 295, 296
alttreehypergroup 297, 298
index 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310
indexgroup 311, 312, 313
indexhypergroup 314, 315, 316
inline 317, 318, 319
list 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332
listdotted 333, 334, 335, 336, 337
listgroup 338, 339, 340, 341
listhypergroup 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349
long 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355
long-booktabs 356, 357
long3col 358, 359, 360, 361, 362
long3col-booktabs 363
long3colborder 364, 365
long3colheader 366, 367, 368, 369
long3colheaderborder 370, 371
long4col 372, 373, 374, 375, 376
long4col-booktabs 377
long4colborder 378, 379
long4colheader 380, 381, 382, 383
long4colheaderborder 384, 385
longborder 386
longheader 387, 388, 389, 390
longheaderborder 391, 392
longragged 393, 394, 395, 396
longragged-booktabs 397
longragged3col 398, 399, 400, 401
longragged3col-booktabs 402
longragged3colborder 403
longragged3colheader 404, 405, 406
longragged3colheaderborder 407
longraggedborder 408
longraggedheader 409, 410, 411
longraggedheaderborder 412
mcolalttree 413
mcolalttreegroup 414
mcolalttreehypergroup 415
mcolalttreespannav 416
mcolindex 417, 418
mcolindexgroup 419
mcolindexhypergroup 420
mcolindexspannav 421
mcoltree 422
mcoltreegroup 423
mcoltreehypergroup 424, 425
mcoltreenoname 426
mcoltreenonamegroup 427
mcoltreenonamehypergroup 428
mcoltreenonamespannav 429
mcoltreespannav 430
super 431, 432, 433, 434
super3col 435, 436, 437, 438
super3colborder 439
super3colheader 440, 441
super3colheaderborder 442
super4col 443, 444, 445, 446, 447
super4colborder 448, 449
super4colheader 450, 451, 452
super4colheaderborder 453, 454
superborder 455
superheader 456, 457
superheaderborder 458, 459
superragged 460, 461, 462, 463
superragged3col 464, 465, 466, 467
superragged3colborder 468
superragged3colheader 469, 470
superragged3colheaderborder 471
superraggedborder 472
superraggedheader 473, 474
superraggedheaderborder 475
tree 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482
treegroup 483, 484, 485
treehypergroup 486, 487, 488
treenoname 489, 490, 491, 492
treenonamegroup 493, 494, 495
treenonamehypergroup 496, 497
glossary-inline package 498, 499
glossary-list package 500, 501, 502, 503, 504
glossary-long package 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512
glossary-longbooktabs package 513, 514, 515
glossary-longragged package 516, 517, 518, 519
glossary-mcols package 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526
glossary-ragged package 527
glossary-super package 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533
glossary-superragged package 534, 535, 536
glossary-tree package 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544
glossaryentry (counter) 545, 546, 547, 548
\glossaryheader 549
\glossarypostamble 550
\glossarypreamble 551
glossarysubentry (counter) 552
\glossentry 553
\Glossentrydesc 554
\glossentrydesc 555
\Glossentryname 556
\glossentryname 557
\Glossentrysymbol 558
\glossentrysymbol 559
\GLS 560
\Gls 561
\gls 562
\glsacspace 563
\glsadd 564
\glsaddall 565
\glsaddall options
types 566
\glsaddallunused 567
\glsaddkey 568
\glsaddprotectedpagefmt 569
\glsaddstoragekey 570
\GlsAddXdyAttribute 571
\GlsAddXdyCounters 572
\GlsAddXdyLocation 573
\glsautoprefix 574
\glsbackslash 575
\glscapscase 576
\glsclearpage 577
\glsclosebrace 578
\glscurrentfieldvalue 579
\glscustomtext 580
\GLSdesc 581
\Glsdesc 582
\glsdesc 583
\glsdescwidth 584
\glsdisablehyper 585
\glsdisp 586
\glsdisplaynumberlist 587
\glsdoifexists 588
\glsdoifexistsordo 589
\glsdoifexistsorwarn 590
\glsdoifnoexists 591
\glsdoifnoexistsordo 592
\glsdosanitizesort 593
\glsenableentrycount 594
\glsenablehyper 595
\glsentrycounterlabel 596
\glsentrycurrcount 597
\Glsentrydesc 598
\glsentrydesc 599
\Glsentrydescplural 600
\glsentrydescplural 601
\Glsentryfirst 602
\glsentryfirst 603
\Glsentryfirstplural 604
\glsentryfirstplural 605
\glsentryfmt 606
\Glsentryfull 607
\glsentryfull 608
\Glsentryfullpl 609
\glsentryfullpl 610
\glsentryitem 611
\Glsentrylong 612
\glsentrylong 613
\Glsentrylongpl 614
\glsentrylongpl 615
\Glsentryname 616
\glsentryname 617
\glsentrynumberlist 618
\Glsentryplural 619
\glsentryplural 620
\Glsentryprefix 621
\glsentryprefix 622
\Glsentryprefixfirst 623
\glsentryprefixfirst 624
\Glsentryprefixfirstplural 625
\glsentryprefixfirstplural 626
\Glsentryprefixplural 627
\glsentryprefixplural 628
\glsentryprevcount 629
\Glsentryshort 630
\glsentryshort 631
\Glsentryshortpl 632
\glsentryshortpl 633
\Glsentrysymbol 634
\glsentrysymbol 635
\Glsentrysymbolplural 636
\glsentrysymbolplural 637
\Glsentrytext 638
\glsentrytext 639
\glsentrytitlecase 640
\Glsentryuseri 641
\glsentryuseri 642
\Glsentryuserii 643
\glsentryuserii 644
\Glsentryuseriii 645
\glsentryuseriii 646
\Glsentryuseriv 647
\glsentryuseriv 648
\Glsentryuserv 649
\glsentryuserv 650
\Glsentryuservi 651
\glsentryuservi 652
\glsexpandfields 653
\glsfielddef 654
\glsfieldedef 655
\glsfieldfetch 656
\glsfieldgdef 657
\glsfieldxdef 658
\glsfindwidesttoplevelname 659
\GLSfirst 660
\Glsfirst 661
\glsfirst 662
\GLSfirstplural 663
\Glsfirstplural 664
\glsfirstplural 665
\glsgenacfmt 666
\glsgenentryfmt 667
\glsgetgrouptitle 668
\glsglossarymark 669, 670
\glsgroupheading 671
\glsgroupskip 672
\glshyperlink 673
\glshypernavsep 674
\glsifhyperon 675
\glsIfListOfAcronyms 676
\glsifplural 677
\glsinlinedescformat 678
\glsinlineemptydescformat 679
\glsinlinenameformat 680
\glsinlineparentchildseparator 681
\glsinlineseparator 682
\glsinlinesubdescformat 683
\glsinlinesubnameformat 684
\glsinlinesubseparator 685
\glsinsert 686
\glslabel 687
\glslabeltok 688
\glsletentryfield 689
\glslink 690
\glslink options
counter 691, 692
format 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699
hyper 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706
local 707
\glslinkcheckfirsthyperhook 708
\glslinkpostsetkeys 709
\glslinkvar 710
\glslistdottedwidth 711
\glslistnavigationitem 712
\glslocalreset 713
\glslocalresetall 714
\glslocalunset 715
\glslocalunsetall 716
\glslongtok 717
\glsmcols 718
\glsmoveentry 719
\GLSname 720
\Glsname 721
\glsname 722
\glsnamefont 723
\glsnavhypertarget 724
\glsnavigation 725
\glsnoexpandfields 726
\glsnoidxdisplayloc 727
\glsnumberlistloop 728
\glsnumlistlastsep 729
\glsnumlistsep 730
\glsopenbrace 731
\glspagelistwidth 732
\glspar 733
\glspatchtabularx 734
\glspercentchar 735
\GLSpl 736
\Glspl 737
\glspl 738
\GLSplural 739
\Glsplural 740
\glsplural 741
\glspluralsuffix 742
\glspostdescription 743
\glspostinline 744
\glspostlinkhook 745
\glsprestandardsort 746
\glsquote 747
\glsrefentry 748
\glsreset 749
\glsresetall 750
\glsresetentrycounter 751
\glsrestoreLToutput 752
\glssee 753
\glsseeformat 754
\glsseeitemformat 755
\glsseelastsep 756
\glsseesep 757
\glsSetAlphaCompositor 758
\glsSetCompositor 759
\glssetexpandfield 760
\glssetnoexpandfield 761
\GlsSetQuote 762
\glsSetSuffixF 763
\glsSetSuffixFF 764
\glssetwidest 765
\GlsSetWriteIstHook 766
\GlsSetXdyCodePage 767
\GlsSetXdyFirstLetterAfterDigits 768
\GlsSetXdyLanguage 769
\GlsSetXdyLocationClassOrder 770
\GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength 771
\glsshorttok 772
\glsshowtarget 773
\glssortnumberfmt 774
\glssubentrycounterlabel 775
\glssubentryitem 776
\GLSsymbol 777
\Glssymbol 778
\glssymbol 779
\glstarget 780
\GLStext 781
\Glstext 782
\glstext 783
\glstextformat 784
\glstextup 785
\glstildechar 786
\glstocfalse 787
\glstoctrue 788
\glstreechildpredesc 789
\glstreegroupheaderfmt 790
\glstreeindent 791
\glstreeitem 792
\glstreenamebox 793
\glstreenamefmt 794
\glstreenavigationfmt 795
\glstreepredesc 796
\glstreesubitem 797
\glstreesubsubitem 798
\glstype 799
\glsunset 800
\glsunsetall 801
\GlsUseAcrEntryDispStyle 802
\GlsUseAcrStyleDefs 803
\GLSuseri 804
\Glsuseri 805
\glsuseri 806
\GLSuserii 807
\Glsuserii 808
\glsuserii 809
\GLSuseriii 810
\Glsuseriii 811
\glsuseriii 812
\GLSuseriv 813
\Glsuseriv 814
\glsuseriv 815
\GLSuserv 816
\Glsuserv 817
\glsuserv 818
\GLSuservi 819
\Glsuservi 820
\glsuservi 821
\glswrallowprimitivemodsfalse 822
\glswrite 823
\glswriteentry 824
html package 825
hyperref package 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848
\ifglossaryexists 849
\ifglsdescsuppressed 850
\ifglsentryexists 851
\ifglsfieldcseq 852
\ifglsfielddefeq 853
\ifglsfieldeq 854
\ifglshaschildren 855
\ifglshasdesc 856
\ifglshasfield 857
\ifglshaslong 858
\ifglshasparent 859
\ifglshasprefix 860
\ifglshasprefixfirst 861
\ifglshasprefixfirstplural 862
\ifglshasprefixplural 863
\ifglshasshort 864
\ifglshassymbol 865
\ifglsucmark 866
\ifglsused 867, 868
\ifignoredglossary 869
imakeidx package 870
index package 871
inputenc package 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877
latex 878, 879
latexmk 880
Latin alphabet 881, 882, 883
Latin character 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890
link text 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939
\loadglsentries 940
location list see number list
\longnewglossaryentry 942
\longprovideglossaryentry 943
longtable package 944, 945
makeglossaries 946, 947, 948, 949, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977, 978, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987, 988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030
-d 1031
-k 1032
-m 1033
-Q 1034
-q 1035
-x 1036
\makeglossaries 1037
makeglossaries-lite.lua 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046
makeglossariesgui 1047, 1048, 1049
makeidx package 1050
makeindex 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157
-g 1158, 1159, 1160
-l 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164
\makenoidxglossaries 1165
memoir class 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169
mfirstuc package 1170, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1176
multicol package 1177
mwe package 1178
nameref package 1179
\newacronym 1180
\newacronymstyle 1181
\newglossary 1182
\newglossary* 1183
\newglossaryentry 1184
\newglossaryentry options
access 1185
description 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1194, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1203
descriptionaccess 1204
descriptionplural 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208
descriptionpluralaccess 1209
entrycounter 1210, 1211
first 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236
firstaccess 1237
firstplural 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254
firstpluralaccess 1255
format 1256
long 1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1269
longaccess 1270
longplural 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279
longpluralaccess 1280
name 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315
nonumberlist 1316
parent 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320
plural 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335
pluralaccess 1336
prefix 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343
prefixfirst 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348
prefixfirstplural 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353
prefixplural 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359
see 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1375
short 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386
shortaccess 1387
shortplural 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1396
shortpluralaccess 1397
sort 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417, 1418, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429
subentrycounter 1430
symbol 1431, 1432, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1438, 1439, 1440, 1441, 1442
symbolaccess 1443
symbolplural 1444, 1445, 1446
symbolpluralaccess 1447
text 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1456, 1457, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1468
textaccess 1469
type 1470, 1471, 1472
user1 1473, 1474, 1475, 1476, 1477, 1478, 1479, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1483
user2 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487
user3 1488, 1489, 1490
user4 1491, 1492, 1493
user5 1494, 1495, 1496
user6 1497, 1498, 1499, 1500
\newglossarystyle 1501
\newignoredglossary 1502
\newterm 1503
ngerman package 1504, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508
\noist 1509
Non-Latin Alphabet 1510
non-Latin character 1511, 1512, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521
\nopostdesc 1522
number list 1523, 1524, 1525, 1526, 1527, 1528, 1529, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533, 1534, 1535, 1536, 1537, 1538, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554, 1555, 1556, 1557, 1558, 1559, 1560, 1561, 1562, 1563, 1564, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1573
\oldacronym 1574
package options:
acronym 1575, 1576, 1577, 1578, 1579, 1580, 1581, 1582, 1583, 1584, 1585, 1586, 1587, 1588, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1597, 1598
true 1599, 1600
acronymlists 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607
acronyms 1608, 1609
automake 1610, 1611, 1612
false 1613
compatible-2.07 1614, 1615, 1616
compatible-3.07 1617, 1618, 1619
counter 1620, 1621, 1622, 1623, 1624
page 1625
counterwithin 1626, 1627, 1628, 1629, 1630
debug 1631, 1632, 1633
showtargets 1634, 1635, 1636
true 1637, 1638, 1639
description 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1647, 1648
dua 1649, 1650
entrycounter 1651, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655
false 1656
true 1657
footnote 1658, 1659, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1663
hyperfirst 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667
false 1668, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672
true 1673, 1674
index 1675, 1676, 1677, 1678, 1679
indexonlyfirst 1680, 1681
false 1682
makeindex 1683, 1684, 1685
ngerman 1686
nogroupskip 1687, 1688, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694
false 1695
nohypertypes 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1703, 1704
index 1705
nolist 1706, 1707, 1708
nolong 1709, 1710, 1711, 1712
nomain 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1717, 1718, 1719, 1720
nonumberlist 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1728, 1729
nopostdot 1730, 1731
false 1732
noredefwarn 1733
nostyles 1734, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740
nosuper 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744
notranslate 1745, 1746, 1747
notree 1748, 1749, 1750, 1751
nowarn 1752, 1753, 1754
numberedsection 1755, 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759
autolabel 1760, 1761
false 1762
nameref 1763
nolabel 1764
numberline 1765, 1766
numbers 1767, 1768, 1769
order 1770, 1771, 1772
letter 1773, 1774, 1775, 1776
word 1777, 1778, 1779
sanitizesort 1780, 1781, 1782
false 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788
true 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796
savenumberlist 1797, 1798
false 1799
savewrites 1800, 1801, 1802
false 1803
section 1804, 1805
seeautonumberlist 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809
seenoindex 1810
ignore 1811
warn 1812
shortcuts 1813, 1814
smallcaps 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820
smaller 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825
sort 1826
def 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836
none 1837
standard 1838, 1839, 1840
use 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849
style 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857
index 1858
list 1859
subentrycounter 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865
false 1866
symbols 1867, 1868, 1869
toc 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874
translate 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878
babel 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884
false 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888
true 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892
ucfirst 1893
ucmark 1894, 1895
false 1896
true 1897
xindy 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911
xindygloss 1912, 1913
xindynoglsnumbers 1914, 1915
page (counter) 1916
page type precedence 1917
pdflatex 1918, 1919
\PGLS 1920
\Pgls 1921
\pgls 1922
\PGLSpl 1923
\Pglspl 1924
\pglspl 1925
pod2man 1926
polyglossia package 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933
\printacronyms 1934
\printglossaries 1935
\printglossary 1936
\printglossary options
entrycounter 1937
nogroupskip 1938
nonumberlist 1939
nopostdot 1940
numberedsection 1941
style 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946
subentrycounter 1947
title 1948, 1949, 1950
toctitle 1951
type 1952, 1953
\printindex 1954
\printnoidxglossaries 1955
\printnoidxglossary 1956
\printnoidxglossary options
sort 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960
\printnumbers 1961
\printsymbols 1962
\provideglossaryentry 1963
sanitize 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970
scrwfile package 1971
\SetAcronymLists 1972
\setacronymstyle 1973
\setglossarypreamble 1974
\setglossarysection 1975
\setglossarystyle 1976
\setStyleFile 1977
\setupglossaries 1978
\subglossentry 1979
supertabular package 1980, 1981, 1982
tabularx package 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986
textcase package 1987, 1988, 1989
theglossary (environment) 1990
tracklang package 1991, 1992, 1993
translator package 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
xfor package 2019
xindy 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2052, 2053, 2054, 2055, 2056, 2057, 2058, 2059, 2060, 2061, 2062, 2063, 2064, 2065, 2066, 2067, 2068, 2069, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2074, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2078, 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2087, 2088, 2089, 2090, 2091, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2097, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107, 2108, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2116, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2124, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2141, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2147, 2148, 2149, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2158
-C 2159, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2163
-I 2164, 2165
-L 2166, 2167, 2168, 2169
-M 2170
xkeyval package 2171, 2172, 2173
xspace package 2174, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2178, 2179, 2180
1.1That is, if the term has been referenced using any of the commands described in §6 Links to Glossary Entries and §7 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text or via \glssee (or the see key) or commands such as \acrshort.
1.2Note that although I’ve written latex in this section, it’s better to use pdflatex, where possible, for the reasons given earlier.
1.3Added to version makeglossaries 2.18.
1.4As from v3.01 \gls is no longer fragile and doesn’t need protecting.
2.1bug fix in v4.16 has corrected the code to ensure this.
2.2unless memoir is loaded, which case it uses \markboth
2.3Actually it uses \mfirstucMakeUppercase which is set to textcase’s \MakeTextUppercase by the glossaries package. This makes it consistent with \makefirstuc. (The textcase package is automatically loaded by glossaries.)
2.4Actually it sets \acronymtype to \glsdefaulttype if the acronym package option is not used, but \glsdefaulttype usually has the value main unless the nomain option has been used.
4.1The glossaries-extra package provides a simpler way of achieving this.
4.2This is because \acronymtype is set to \glsdefaulttype if the acronym package option is not used.
5.1This feature was introduced in makeglossaries version 2.18.
6.1I’ve used \MakeUppercase in all the examples for clarity, but it will actually use \mfirstucMakeUppercase.
6.2\glsdisplayfirst and \glsdisplay are now deprecated. Backwards compatibility should be preserved but you may need to use the compatible-3.07 option
8.1makeindex will always assign a location number, even if it’s not needed, so it needs to be discarded.
8.2If you redefine \glsseeformat, keep the default value of the optional argument as \seename as both see and \glssee explicitly write [\seename] in the output file if no optional argument is given.
8.3In versions before 3.0, \glsentryname was used, but this could cause problems when the name key was sanitized.
9.1versions before 3.0 used \glsentryname as the default, but this could cause problems when name had been sanitized.
10.1you can’t use the longheaderborder style for this example as you can’t use the longtable environment in two column mode.
11.1see \setCompositor described in §3 Setting Up
11.2see \setAlphaCompositor described in §3 Setting Up
13.1as from version 1.18
13.2See David Carlisle’sexplanation in http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/86565/drawbacks-of-xspace
15.1These lengths will not be available if you use both the nolong and nosuper package options or if you use the nostyles package option unless you explicitly load the relevant package.
15.2This style was supplied by Axel Menzel.
15.3e.g. with the flowfram package.
17.1Single letter words, such as “a” and “I” should typically not appear at the end of a line, hence the non-breakable space after “a” in the prefix field.
17.2The earlier caveats about initial non-Latin characters apply.