glossaries.sty v2.06: LaTeX2εPackage to Assist Generating Glossaries

glossaries.sty v2.06: LATEX2ε Package to Assist Generating Glossaries

Nicola L.C. Talbot
School of Computing Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich. Norfolk
NR4 7TJ. United Kingdom.


This is the user manual for the glossaries package. Other documents accompanying this manual:

See the file INSTALL for installation instructions. Related web resources:


1 Introduction
 1.1 Sample Documents
 1.2 Multi-Lingual Support
  1.2.1 Changing the Fixed Names
 1.3 Generating the Associated Glossary Files
  1.3.1 Using the makeglossaries Perl Script
  1.3.2 Using xindy explicitly
  1.3.3 Using makeindex explicitly
  1.3.4 Note to Front-End and Script Developers
 1.4 Troubleshooting
2 Overview of Main User Commands
 2.1 Package Options
 2.2 Defining Glossary Entries
  2.2.1 Plurals
  2.2.2 Sub-Entries
  2.2.3 Loading Entries From a File
 2.3 Number lists
 2.4 Links to Glossary Entries
  2.4.1 Changing the format of the link text
  2.4.2 Enabling and disabling hyperlinks to glossary entries
 2.5 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text
 2.6 Cross-Referencing Entries
 2.7 Using Glossary Terms Without Links
 2.8 Displaying a glossary
  2.8.1 Changing the way the entry name appears in the glossary
  2.8.2 Xindy
 2.9 Defining New Glossaries
 2.10 Acronyms
  2.10.1 Defining A Custom Acronym Style
  2.10.2 Upgrading From the glossary Package
 2.11 Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags
 2.12 Glossary Styles
  2.12.1 List Styles
  2.12.2 Longtable Styles
  2.12.3 Longtable Styles (Ragged Right)
  2.12.4 Supertabular Styles
  2.12.5 Supertabular Styles (Ragged Right)
  2.12.6 Tree-Like Styles
 2.13 Defining your own glossary style
  2.13.1 Example: creating a completely new style
  2.13.2 Example: creating a new glossary style based on an existing style
  2.13.3 Example: creating a glossary style that uses the user1, …, user6 keys
 2.14 Accessibility Support
3 Mfirstuc Package

1 Introduction

The glossaries package is provided to assist generating glossaries. It has a certain amount of flexibility, allowing the user to customize the format of the glossary and define multiple glossaries. It also supports acronyms and glossary styles that include symbols (in addition to a name and description) for glossary entries. There is provision for loading a database of glossary terms. Only those terms used1 in the document will be added to the glossary.

This package replaces the glossary package which is now obsolete. Please see the document “Upgrading from the glossary package to the glossaries package” for assistance in upgrading.

One of the strengths of this package is its flexibility, however the drawback of this is the necessity of having a large manual that can cover all the various settings. If you are daunted by the size of the manual, try starting off with the much shorter guide for beginners.

The glossaries package comes with a Perl script called makeglossaries. This provides a convenient interface to makeindex or xindy. It is strongly recommended that you use this script, but it is not essential. If you are reluctant to install Perl, or for any other reason you don’t want to use makeglossaries, you can called makeindex or xindy explicitly. See §1.3 Generating the Associated Glossary Files for further details.

This manual is structured as follows:

The PDF version of this manual also describes more advanced commands in the documented code section (such as determining if an entry or a glossary exists and commands that iterate through defined terms or glossaries).

The remainder of this introductory section covers the following:


1.1 Sample Documents

The glossaries package is provided with some sample documents that illustrate the various functions. These should be located in the samples subdirectory (folder) of the glossaries documentation directory. This location varies according to your operating system and TEX distribution. You can use texdoc to locate the main glossaries documentation. For example, in a terminal or command prompt, type:
texdoc -l glossaries

This should display the full pathname of the file glossaries.pdf. View the contents of that directory and see if it contains the samples subdirectory.

If you can’t find the sample files, they are available in the subdirectory doc/latex/glossaries/samples/ in the archive which can be downloaded from CTAN.

The sample documents are as follows:

This document is a minimal working example. You can test your installation using this file. To create the complete document you will need to do the following steps:
  1. Run minimalgls.tex through LATEX either by typing
    latex minimalgls

    in a terminal or by using the relevant button or menu item in your text editor or front-end. This will create the required associated files but you will not see the glossary. If you use PDFLATEX you will also get warnings about non-existent references. These warnings may be ignored on the first run.

    If you get a Missing \begin{document} error, then it’s most likely that your version of xkeyval is out of date. Check the log file for a warning of that nature. If this is the case, you will need to update the xkeyval package.

  2. Run makeglossaries on the document. This can be done on a terminal either by typing
    makeglossaries minimalgls

    or by typing
    perl makeglossaries minimalgls

    If your system doesn’t recognise the command perl then it’s likely you don’t have Perl installed. In which case you will need to use makeindex directly. You can do this in a terminal by typing (all on one line):
    makeindex -s -t minimalgls.glg -o minimalgls.gls minimalgls.glo

    (See §1.3.3 Using makeindex explicitly for further details on using makeindex explicitly.)

    Note that if you need to specify the full path and the path contains spaces, you will need to delimit the file names with the double-quote character.

  3. Run minimalgls.tex through LATEX again (as step 1)

You should now have a complete document. The number following each entry in the glossary is the location number. By default, this is the page number where the entry was referenced.

This document illustrates a four column glossary where the entries have a symbol in addition to the name and description. To create the complete document, you need to do:
latex sample4col
makeglossaries sample4col
latex sample4col

As before, if you don’t have Perl installed, you will need to use makeindex directly instead of using makeglossaries. The vertical gap between entries is the gap created at the start of each group. This can be suppressed by redefining \glsgroupskip after the glossary style has been set:


This document has some sample acronyms. It also adds the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra run through LATEX is required to ensure the document is up to date:
latex sampleAcr
makeglossaries sampleAcr
latex sampleAcr
latex sampleAcr

This is similar to the previous example, except that the acronyms have an associated description. As with the previous example, the glossary is added to the table of contents, so an extra run through LATEX is required:
latex sampleAcrDesc
makeglossaries sampleAcrDesc
latex sampleAcrDesc
latex sampleAcrDesc

This is similar to the previous example, except that it defines the acronyms using \newglossaryentry instead of \newacronym. As with the previous example, the glossary is added to the table of contents, so an extra run through LATEX is required:
latex sampleDesc
makeglossaries sampleDesc
latex sampleDesc
latex sampleDesc

This document illustrates how to define your own acronym style if the predefined styles don’t suit your requirements.
latex sample-custom-acronym
makeglossaries sample-custom-acronym
latex sample-custom-acronym

This document illustrates how to load external files containing the glossary definitions. It also illustrates how to define a new glossary type. This document has the number list suppressed and uses \glsaddall to add all the entries to the glossaries without referencing each one explicitly. To create the document do:
latex sampleDB
makeglossaries sampleDB
latex sampleDB

The glossary definitions are stored in the accompanying files database1.tex and database2.tex. Note that if you don’t have Perl installed, you will need to use makeindex twice instead of a single call to makeglossaries:

  1. Create the main glossary:
    makeindex -s -t sampleDB.glg -o sampleDB.gls sampleDB.glo

  2. Create the secondary glossary:
    makeindex -s -t sampleDB.nlg -o sampleDB.not sampleDB.ntn

This document illustrates how to change the location to something other than the page number. In this case, the equation counter is used since all glossary entries appear inside an equation environment. To create the document do:
latex sampleEq
makeglossaries sampleEq
latex sampleEq

This is similar to the previous example, but the number lists are a mixture of page numbers and equation numbers. This example adds the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra LATEX run is required:
latex sampleEqPg
makeglossaries sampleEqPg
latex sampleEqPg
latex sampleEqPg

This document also illustrates how to change the location to something other than the page number. In this case, the section counter is used. This example adds the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra LATEX run is required:
latex sampleSec
makeglossaries sampleSec
latex sampleSec
latex sampleSec

This document illustrates how to create an additional glossary type. This example adds the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra LATEX run is required:
latex sampleNtn
makeglossaries sampleNtn
latex sampleNtn
latex sampleNtn

Note that if you don’t have Perl installed, you will need to use makeindex twice instead of a single call to makeglossaries:

  1. Create the main glossary:
    makeindex -s -t sampleNtn.glg -o sampleNtn.gls sampleNtn.glo

  2. Create the secondary glossary:
    makeindex -s -t sampleNtn.nlg -o sampleNtn.not sampleNtn.ntn

This document illustrates some of the basics, including how to create child entries that use the same name as the parent entry. This example adds the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra LATEX run is required:
latex sample
makeglossaries sample
latex sample
latex sample

You can see the difference between word and letter ordering if you substitute order=word with order=letter. (Note that this will only have an effect if you use makeglossaries. If you use makeindex explicitly, you will need to use the -l switch to indicate letter ordering.)

This document illustrates a hierarchical glossary structure where child entries have different names to their corresponding parent entry. To create the document do:
latex sampletree
makeglossaries sampletree
latex sampletree

This document illustrates how to use the glossaries package with xindy instead of makeindex. The document uses UTF8 encoding (with the inputenc package). The encoding is picked up by makeglossaries. By default, this document will create a xindy style file called samplexdy.xdy, but if you uncomment the lines

it will set the style file to samplexdy-mc.xdy instead. This provides an additional letter group for entries starting with “Mc” or “Mac”. If you use makeglossaries, you don’t need to supply any additional information. If you don’t use makeglossaries, you will need to specify the required information. Note that if you set the style file to samplexdy-mc.xdy you must also specify \noist, otherwise the glossaries package will overwrite samplexdy-mc.xdy and you will lose the “Mc” letter group.

To create the document do:
latex samplexdy
makeglossaries samplexdy
latex samplexdy

If you don’t have Perl installed, you will have to call xindy explicitly instead of using makeglossaries. If you are using the default style file samplexdy.xdy, then do (no line breaks):
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M samplexdy -t samplexdy.glg -o samplexdy.gls samplexdy.glo

otherwise, if you are using samplexdy-mc.xdy, then do (no line breaks):
xindy -I xindy -M samplexdy-mc -t samplexdy.glg -o samplexdy.gls samplexdy.glo

This is another example that uses xindy. Unlike makeindex, xindy can cope with accented or non-Latin characters. This document uses UTF8 encoding. To create the document do:
latex sampleutf8
makeglossaries sampleutf8
latex sampleutf8

If you don’t have Perl installed, you will have to call xindy explicitly instead of using makeglossaries (no line breaks):
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M sampleutf8 -t sampleutf8.glg -o sampleutf8.gls sampleutf8.glo

If you remove the xindy option from sampleutf8.tex and do:
latex sampleutf8
makeglossaries sampleutf8
latex sampleutf8

you will see that the entries that start with a non-Latin character now appear in the symbols group, and the word “manœuvre” is now after “manor” instead of before it. If you are unable to use makeglossaries, the call to makeindex is as follows (no line breaks):
makeindex -s -t sampleutf8.glg -o sampleutf8.gls sampleutf8.glo

This document uses the experimental glossaries-accsupp package. The symbol is set to the replacement text. Note that some PDF viewers don’t use the accessibility support. Information about the glossaries-accsupp package can be found in §2.14 Accessibility Support.


1.2 Multi-Lingual Support

As from version 1.17, the glossaries package can now be used with xindy as well as makeindex. If you are writing in a language that uses accented characters or non-Latin characters it is recommended that you use xindy as makeindex is hard-coded for Latin languages. This means that you are not restricted to the A, …, Z letter groups. If you want to use xindy, remember to use the xindy package option. For example:


If you use an accented or other expandable character at the start of an entry name, you must place it in a group, or it will cause a problem for commands that convert the first letter to uppercase (e.g. \Gls) due to expansion issues. For example:

description={select group or class}}

If you use the inputenc package, makeglossaries will pick up the encoding from the auxiliary file. If you use xindy explicitly instead of via makeglossaries, you may need to specify the encoding using the -C option. Read the xindy manual for further details.


1.2.1 Changing the Fixed Names

As from version 1.08, the glossaries package now has limited multi-lingual support, thanks to all the people who have sent me the relevant translations either via email or via comp.text.tex. However you must load babel or polyglossia before glossaries to enable this. Note that if babel is loaded and the translator package is detected on TEX’s path, then the translator package will be loaded automatically. However, it may not pick up on the required languages so, if the predefined text is not translated, you may need to explicitly load the translator package with the required languages. For example:


Alternatively, specify the language as a class option rather than a package option. For example:


If you want to use ngerman or german instead of babel, you will need to include the translator package to provide the translations. For example:


The languages are currently supported by the glossaries package are listed in table 1.

Table 1: Supported Languages

Language As from version
Brazilian Portuguese 1.17
Danish 1.08
Dutch 1.08
English 1.08
French 1.08
German 1.08
Irish 1.08
Italian 1.08
Hungarian 1.08
Polish 1.13
Serbian 2.06
Spanish 1.08

The language dependent commands and translator keys used by the glossaries package are listed in table 2.

Table 2: Customised Text

Command Name Translator Key Word


\glossaryname Glossary

Title of the main glossary.

\acronymname Acronyms

Title of the list of acronyms (when used with package option acronym).

\entryname Notation (glossaries)

Header for first column in the glossary (for 2, 3 or 4 column glossaries that support headers).

\descriptionname Description (glossaries)

Header for second column in the glossary (for 2, 3 or 4 column glossaries that support headers).

\symbolname Symbol (glossaries)

Header for symbol column in the glossary for glossary styles that support this option.

\pagelistname Page List (glossaries)

Header for page list column in the glossary for glossaries that support this option.

\glssymbolsgroupnameSymbols (glossaries)

Header for symbols section of the glossary for glossary styles that support this option.

\glsnumbersgroupnameNumbers (glossaries)

Header for numbers section of the glossary for glossary styles that support this option.

Due to the varied nature of glossaries, it’s likely that the predefined translations may not be appropriate. If you are using the babel package and do not have the translator package installed, you need to be familiar with the advice given in changing the words babel uses. If you have the translator package installed, then you can provide your own dictionary with the necessary modifications (using \deftranslation) and load it using \usedictionary. Note that the dictionaries are loaded at the beginning of the document, so it won’t have any effect if you put \deftranslation in the preamble. It should be put in your personal dictionary instead. See the translator documentation for further details.

If you are using babel and don’t want to use the translator interface, you can suppress it using the package option translate=false, and either load glossaries-babel after glossaries or specify you’re own translations. For example:



    \renewcommand*{\glossaryname}{List of Terms}%  
    \renewcommand*{\acronymname}{List of Acronyms}%  
    \renewcommand*{\pagelistname}{Page List}%  

If you are using polyglossia instead of babel, glossaries-polyglossia will automatically be loaded unless you specify the package option translate=false.

Note that xindy provides much better multi-lingual support than makeindex, so it’s recommended that you use xindy if you have glossary entries that contain diacritics or non-Roman letters. See §2.8.2 Xindy for further details.


1.3 Generating the Associated Glossary Files

In order to generate a sorted glossary with compact location lists, it is necessary to use an external indexing application as an intermediate step. It is this application that creates the file containing the code that typesets the glossary. If this step is omitted, the glossaries will not appear in your document. The two indexing applications that are most commonly used with LATEX are makeindex and xindy. As from version 1.17, the glossaries package can be used with either of these applications. Previous versions were designed to be used with makeindex only. Note that xindy has much better multi-lingual support than makeindex, so xindy is recommended if you’re not writing in English. Commands that only have an effect when xindy is used are described in §2.8.2 Xindy.

The glossaries package comes with the Perl script makeglossaries which will run makeindex or xindy on all the glossary files using a customized style file (which is created by \makeglossaries). See §1.3.1 Using the makeglossaries Perl Script for further details. Perl is stable, cross-platform, open source software that is used by a number of TEX-related applications. Further information is available at However, whilst it is strongly recommended that you use the makeglossaries script, it is possible to use the glossaries package without having Perl installed. In which case, if you have used the xindy package option, you will need to use xindy (see §1.3.2 Using xindy explicitly), otherwise you will need to use makeindex (see §1.3.3 Using makeindex explicitly). Note that some commands and package options have no effect if you don’t use makeglossaries. These are listed in table 3.

Note that if any of your entries use an entry that is not referenced outside the glossary, you will need to do an additional makeglossaries, makeindex or xindy run, as appropriate. For example, suppose you have defined the following entries:

\newglossaryentry{citrusfruit}{name={citrus fruit},  
description={fruit of any citrus tree. (See also  
description={an orange coloured fruit.}}

and suppose you have \gls{citrusfruit} in your document but don’t reference the orange entry, then the orange entry won’t appear in your glossary until you first create the glossary and then do another run of makeglossaries, makeindex or xindy. For example, if the document is called myDoc.tex, then you must do:
latex myDoc
makeglossaries myDoc
latex myDoc
makeglossaries myDoc
latex myDoc

Likewise, an additional makeglossaries and LATEX run may be required if the document pages shift with re-runs. For example, if the page numbering is not reset after the table of contents, the insertion of the table of contents on the second LATEX run may push glossary entries across page boundaries, which means that the number lists in the glossary may need updating.

The examples in this document assume that you are accessing makeglossaries, xindy or makeindex via a terminal. Windows users can use the MSDOS Prompt which is usually accessed via the Start->All Programs menu or Start->All Programs->Accessories menu.

Alternatively, your text editor may have the facility to create a function that will call the required application. The article “Glossaries, Nomenclature, List of Symbols and Acronyms” in the LATEX Community’s Know How section describes how to do this for TeXnicCenter, and the thread “Executing Glossaries’ makeindex from a WinEdt macro” on the comp.text.tex newsgroup describes how to do it for WinEdt. For other editors see the editor’s user manual for further details.

If any problems occur, remember to check the transcript files (e.g. .glg or .alg) for messages.

Table 3: Commands and package options that have no effect when using xindy or makeindex explicitly
Command or Package Option makeindexxindy
order=letter use -l use -M ord/letorder
order=word default default
xindy={language=lang,codename=code}N/A use -L lang-C code
\GlsSetXdyLanguage{lang} N/A use -L lang
\GlsSetXdyCodePage{code} N/A use -C code


1.3.1 Using the makeglossaries Perl Script

The makeglossaries script picks up the relevant information from the auxiliary (.aux) file and will either call xindy or makeindex, depending on the supplied information. Therefore, you only need to pass the document’s name without the extension to makeglossaries. For example, if your document is called myDoc.tex, type the following in your terminal:
latex myDoc
makeglossaries myDoc
latex myDoc

You may need to explicitly load makeglossaries into Perl:
perl makeglossaries myDoc

There is a batch file called makeglossaries.bat which does this for Windows users, but you must have Perl installed to be able to use it.

The makeglossaries script contains POD (Plain Old Documentation). If you want, you can create a man page for makeglossaries using pod2man and move the resulting file onto the man path.


1.3.2 Using xindy explicitly

If you want to use xindy to process the glossary files, you must make sure you have used the xindy package option:


This is required regardless of whether you use xindy explicitly or whether it’s called implicitly via makeglossaries. This causes the glossary entries to be written in raw xindy format, so you need to use -I xindy not -I tex.

To run xindy type the following in your terminal (all on one line):
xindy -L language-C encoding-I xindy -M style-t base.glg -o base.gls base.glo

where languageis the required language name, encodingis the encoding, baseis the name of the document without the .tex extension and styleis the name of the xindy style file without the .xdy extension. The default name for this style file is base.xdy but can be changed via \setStyleFile{style}. You may need to specify the full path name depending on the current working directory. If any of the file names contain spaces, you must delimit them using double-quotes.

For example, if your document is called myDoc.tex and you are using UTF8 encoding in English, then type the following in your terminal:
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M myDoc -t myDoc.glg -o myDoc.gls myDoc.glo

Note that this just creates the main glossary. You need to do the same for each of the other glossaries (including the list of acronyms if you have used the acronym package option), substituting .glg, .gls and .glo with the relevant extensions. For example, if you have used the acronym package option, then you would need to do:
xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M myDoc -t myDoc.alg -o myDoc.acr myDoc.acn

For additional glossaries, the extensions are those supplied when you created the glossary with \newglossary.

Note that if you use makeglossaries instead, you can replace all those calls to xindy with just one call to makeglossaries:
makeglossaries myDoc

Note also that some commands and package options have no effect if you use xindy explicitly instead of using makeglossaries. These are listed in table 3.


1.3.3 Using makeindex explicitly

If you want to use makeindex explicitly, you must make sure that you haven’t used the xindy package option or the glossary entries will be written in the wrong format. To run makeindex, type the following in your terminal:
makeindex -s -t base.glg -o base.gls base.glo

where baseis the name of your document without the .tex extension and is the name of the makeindex style file. By default, this is, but may be changed via \setStyleFile{style}. Note that there are other options, such as -l (letter ordering). See the makeindex manual for further details.

For example, if your document is called myDoc.tex, then type the following at the terminal:
makeindex -s -t myDoc.glg -o myDoc.gls myDoc.glo

Note that this only creates the main glossary. If you have additional glossaries (for example, if you have used the acronym package option) then you must call makeindex for each glossary, substituting .glg, .gls and .glo with the relevant extensions. For example, if you have used the acronym package option, then you need to type the following in your terminal:
makeindex -s -t myDoc.alg -o myDoc.acr myDoc.acn

For additional glossaries, the extensions are those supplied when you created the glossary with \newglossary.

Note that if you use makeglossaries instead, you can replace all those calls to makeindex with just one call to makeglossaries:
makeglossaries myDoc

Note also that some commands and package options have no effect if you use makeindex explicitly instead of using makeglossaries. These are listed in table 3.


1.3.4 Note to Front-End and Script Developers

The information needed to determine whether to use xindy or makeindex and the information needed to call those applications is stored in the auxiliary file. This information can be gathered by a front-end, editor or script to make the glossaries where appropriate. This section describes how the information is stored in the auxiliary file.

The file extensions used by each defined glossary are given by

\@newglossary \@newglossary{label}{log}{out-ext}{in-ext}

where in-extis the extension of the indexing application’s input file (the output file from the glossaries package’s point of view), out-extis the extension of the indexing application’s output file (the input file from the glossaries package’s point of view) and logis the extension of the indexing application’s transcript file. The label for the glossary is also given for information purposes only, but is not required by the indexing applications. For example, the information for the main glossary is written as:


The indexing application’s style file is specified by

\@istfilename \@istfilename{filename}

The file extension indicates whether to use makeindex (.ist) or xindy (.xdy). Note that the glossary information is formatted differently depending on which indexing application is supposed to be used, so it’s important to call the correct one.

Word or letter ordering is specified by:

\@glsorder \@glsorder{order}

where ordercan be either word or letter.

If xindy should be used, the language and code page for each glossary is specified by

\@xdylanguage \@gls@codepage \@xdylanguage{label}{language}

where labelidentifies the glossary, languageis the root language (e.g. english) and codeis the encoding (e.g. utf8). These commands are omitted if makeindex should be used.


1.4 Troubleshooting

The glossaries package comes with a minimal file called minimalgls.tex which can be used for testing. This should be located in the samples subdirectory (folder) of the glossaries documentation directory. The location varies according to your operating system and TEX installation. For example, on my Linux partition it can be found in /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/doc/latex/glossaries/. Further information on debugging LATEX code is available at

Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions. For other queries, consult the glossaries FAQ at

  1. Q. I get the error message:
    Missing \begin{document}

    A. Check you are using an up to date version of the xkeyval package.

  2. Q. I’ve used the smallcaps option, but the acronyms are displayed in normal sized upper case letters.

    A. The smallcaps package option uses \textsc to typeset the acronyms. This command converts lower case letters to small capitals, while upper case letters remain their usual size. Therefore you need to specify the acronym in lower case letters.

  3. Q. My acronyms won’t break across a line when they’re expanded.

    A. PDFLATEX can break hyperlinks across a line, but LATEX can’t. If you can’t use PDFLATEX then disable the first use links using the package option hyperfirst=false.

  4. Q. How do I change the font that the acronyms are displayed in?

    A. The easiest way to do this is to specify the smaller package option and redefine \acronymfont to use the required typesetting command. For example, suppose you would like the acronyms displayed in a sans-serif font, then you can do:


  5. Q. How do I change the font that the acronyms are displayed in on first use?

    A. The easiest way to do this is to specify the smaller package option and redefine \firstacronymfont to use the required command. Note that if you don’t want the acronym on subsequent use to use \textsmaller, you will also need to redefine \acronymfont, as above. For example to make the acronym emphasized on first use, but use the surrounding font for subsequent use, you can do:


  6. Q. I don’t have Perl installed, do I have to use makeglossaries?

    A. Although it is strongly recommended that you use makeglossaries, you don’t have to use it. For further details, read §1.3.2 Using xindy explicitly or §1.3.3 Using makeindex explicitly, depending on whether you want to use xindy or makeindex.

  7. Q. I’m used to using the glossary package: are there any instructions on migrating from the glossary package to the glossaries package?

    A. Read “Upgrading from the glossary package to the glossaries package” which should be available from the same location as this document.

  8. Q. I’m using babel but the fixed names haven’t been translated.

    A. The glossaries package currently only supports the following languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Serbian and Spanish. If you want to add another language, send me the translations, and I’ll add them to the next version.

    If you are using one of the above languages, but the text hasn’t been translated, try adding the translator package with the required languages explicitly (before you load the glossaries package). For example:


    Alternatively, you can add the language as a global option to the class file. Check the translator package documentation for further details.

  9. Q. My acronyms contain strange characters when I use commands like \acrlong.

    A. Switch off the sanitization:


    and protect fragile commands.

  10. Q. My glossaries haven’t appeared.

    A. Remember to do the following:

    Check the log files (.log, .glg etc) for any warnings.

  11. Q. It is possible to change the rules used to sort the glossary entries?

    A. If it’s for an individual entry, then you can use the entry’s sort key to sort it according to a different term. If it’s for the entire alphabet, then you will need to use xindy (instead of makeindex) and use an appropriate xindy language module. Writing xindy modules or styles is beyond the scope of this manual. Further information about xindy can be found at the Xindy Web Site. There is also a link to the xindy mailing list from that site.


2 Overview of Main User Commands

This section is an overview of the main user commands and package options. If you find this too complicated, try starting out with the guide for beginners.


2.1 Package Options

The glossaries package options are as follows:

This suppresses all warnings generated by the glossaries package.
This suppresses the creation of the main glossary. Note that if you use this option, you must create another glossary in which to put all your entries (either via the acronym package option described below or via \newglossary described in §2.9 Defining New Glossaries).
Add the glossaries to the table of contents. Note that an extra LATEX run is required with this option. Alternatively, you can switch this function on and off using

\glstoctrue \glstoctrue


\glstocfalse \glstocfalse

When used with toc, this will add \numberline{} in the final argument of \addcontentsline. This will align the table of contents entry with the numbered section titles. Note that this option has no effect if the toc option is omitted. If toc is used without numberline, the title will be aligned with the section numbers rather than the section titles.
This creates a new glossary with the label acronym. This is equivalent to:

If the acronym package option is used, \acronymtype is set to acronym otherwise it is set to main.2 Entries that are defined using \newacronym are placed in the glossary whose label is given by \acronymtype, unless another glossary is explicitly specified.

By default, only the acronym glossary is considered to be a list of acronyms. If you have other lists of acronyms, you can specify them as a comma-separated list in the value of acronymlists. For example, if you want the main glossary to also contain a list of acronyms, you can do:

No check is performed to determine if the listed glossaries exist, so you can add glossaries you haven’t defined yet. For example:

\newglossary[alg2]{acronym2}{acr2}{acn2}{Statistical Acronyms}

This is a key=valueoption. Its value should be the name of a sectional unit (e.g. chapter). This will make the glossaries appear in the named sectional unit, otherwise each glossary will appear in a chapter, if chapters exist, otherwise in a section. Unnumbered sectional units will be used by default. Example:

You can omit the value if you want to use sections, i.e. 


is equivalent to


You can change this value later in the document using

\setglossarysection \setglossarysection{name}

where nameis the sectional unit.

The start of each glossary adds information to the page header via

\glossarymark \glossarymark{glossary title}

This defaults to \@mkboth, but you may need to redefine it. For example, to only change the right header:


or to prevent it from changing the headers:


Occasionally you may find that another package defines \cleardoublepage when it is not required. This may cause an unwanted blank page to appear before each glossary. This can be fixed by redefining \glsclearpage:


The glossaries are placed in unnumbered sectional units by default, but this can be changed using numberedsection. This option can take three possible values: false (no number, i.e. use starred form), nolabel (numbered, i.e. unstarred form, but not labelled) and autolabel (numbered with automatic labelling). If numberedsection=autolabel is used, each glossary is given a label that matches the glossary type, so the main (default) glossary is labelled main, the list of acronyms is labelled acronym3 and additional glossaries are labelled using the value specified in the first mandatory argument to \newglossary. For example, if you load glossaries using:

then each glossary will appear in a numbered section, and can be referenced using something like:

The main glossary is in section~\ref{main} and the list of  
acronyms is in section~\ref{acronym}.

If you can’t decide whether to have the acronyms in the main glossary or a separate list of acronyms, you can use \acronymtype which is set to main if the acronym option is not used and is set to acronym if the acronym option is used. For example:

The list of acronyms is in section~\ref{\acronymtype}.

As from version 1.14, you can add a prefix to the label by redefining

\glsautoprefix \glsautoprefix

For example:


will add glo: to the automatically generated label, so you can then, for example, refer to the list of acronyms as follows:

The list of acronyms is in section~\ref{glo:\acronymtype}.

Or, if you are undecided on a prefix:

The list of acronyms is in section~\ref{\glsautoprefix\acronymtype}.

This is a key=valueoption. Its value should be the name of the glossary style to use. Predefined glossary styles are listed in §2.12 Glossary Styles.
This prevents the glossaries package from automatically loading glossary-long (which means that the longtable package also won’t be loaded). This reduces overhead by not defining unwanted styles and commands. Note that if you use this option, you won’t be able to use any of the glossary styles defined in the glossary-long package.
This prevents the glossaries package from automatically loading glossary-super (which means that the supertabular package also won’t be loaded). This reduces overhead by not defining unwanted styles and commands. Note that if you use this option, you won’t be able to use any of the glossary styles defined in the glossary-super package.
This prevents the glossaries package from automatically loading glossary-list. This reduces overhead by not defining unwanted styles. Note that if you use this option, you won’t be able to use any of the glossary styles defined in the glossary-list package. Note that since the default style is list, you will also need to use the style option to set the style to something else.
This prevents the glossaries package from automatically loading glossary-tree. This reduces overhead by not defining unwanted styles. Note that if you use this option, you won’t be able to use any of the glossary styles defined in the glossary-tree package.
This prevents all the predefined styles from being loaded. This option is provided in the event that the user has custom styles that are not dependent on the styles provided by the glossaries package. Note that if you use this option, you can’t use the style package option. Instead you must either use \glossarystyle{style} or the style key in the optional argument to \printglossary.
This option will suppress the associated number lists in the glossaries (see also §2.3 Number lists).
This is a key=valueoption. The value should be the name of the default counter to use in the number lists.

This is a key=valueoption whose value is also a key=valuelist. By default, the glossaries package sanitizes the values of the name, description and symbol keys used when defining a new glossary entry. This means that you can use fragile commands in those keys, but it may lead to unexpected results if you try to display these values within the document text. This sanitization can be switched off using the sanitize package option. For example, to switch off the sanitization for the description and name keys, but not for the symbol key, do:

You can use sanitize=none as a shortcut for

Note: this sanitization only applies to the name, description and symbol keys. It doesn’t apply to any of the other keys (except the sort key which is always sanitized) so fragile commands contained in the value of the other keys must always be protected using \protect. Since the value of the text key is obtained from the name key, you will still need to protect fragile commands in the name key if you don’t use the text key.

This option changes the definition of \newacronym to allow a description. See §2.10 Acronyms for further details.
This option changes the definition of \newacronym and the way that acronyms are displayed. See §2.10 Acronyms for further details.
This option changes the definition of \newacronym and the way that acronyms are displayed. See §2.10 Acronyms for further details.
This option changes the definition of \newacronym and the way that acronyms are displayed. If you use this option, you will need to include the relsize package or otherwise define \textsmaller or redefine \acronymfont. See §2.10 Acronyms for further details.
This option changes the definition of \newacronym so that acronyms are always expanded. See §2.10 Acronyms for further details.
This option provides shortcut commands for acronyms. See §2.10 Acronyms for further details.
(Default) The glossary information and indexing style file will be written in makeindex format. If you use makeglossaries, it will automatically detect that it needs to call makeindex. If you don’t use makeglossaries, you need to remember to use makeindex not xindy. The indexing style file will been given a .ist extension.
The glossary information and indexing style file will be written in xindy format. If you use makeglossaries, it will automatically detect that it needs to call xindy. If you don’t use makeglossaries, you need to remember to use xindy not makeindex. The indexing style file will been given a .xdy extension.

The xindy package option may additionally have a value that is a key=value comma-separated list to override the language and codepage. For example:


You can also specify whether you want a number group in the glossary. This defaults to true, but can be suppressed. For example:


See §2.8.2 Xindy for further details on using xindy with the glossaries package.

This may take two values: word or letter. The default is word ordering. Note that this option has no effect if you don’t use makeglossaries.
This is a boolean option. The default is true if babel, polyglossia or translator have been loaded, otherwise the default value is false.

If babel has been loaded and the translator package is installed, translator will be loaded and the translations will be provided by the translator package interface. You can modify the translations by providing your own dictionary. If the translator package isn’t installed and babel is loaded, the glossaries-babel package will be loaded and the translations will be provided using babel’s \addto\captionlanguage mechanism. If polyglossia has been loaded, glossaries-polyglossia will be loaded.
Don’t provide translations, even if babel or polyglossia has been loaded. You can then provide you’re own translations or explicitly load glossaries-babel or glossaries-polyglossia.

See §1.2.1 Changing the Fixed Names for further details.

This is a boolean option that specifies whether each term has a hyperlink on first use. The default is hyperfirst=true (terms on first use have a hyperlink, unless explicitly suppressed using starred versions of commands such as \gls*).


2.2 Defining Glossary Entries

All glossary entries must be defined before they are used, so it is better to define them in the preamble to ensure this.4 However only those entries that occur in the document (using any of the commands described in §2.4 Links to Glossary Entries, §2.5 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text or §2.6 Cross-Referencing Entries) will appear in the glossary. Each time an entry is used in this way, a line is added to an associated glossary file (.glo), which then needs to be converted into a corresponding .gls file which contains the typeset glossary which is input by \printglossary or \printglossaries. The Perl script makeglossaries can be used to call makeindex or xindy, using a customised indexing style file, for each of the glossaries that are defined in the document. Note that there should be no need for you to explicitly edit or input any of these external files. See §1.3 Generating the Associated Glossary Files for further details.

The command

\makeglossaries \makeglossaries

must be placed in the preamble in order to create the customised makeindex (.ist) or xindy (.xdy) style file and to ensure that glossary entries are written to the appropriate output files. If you omit \makeglossaries none of the glossaries will be created.

Note that some of the commands provided by the glossaries package must be placed before \makeglossaries as they are required when creating the customised style file. If you attempt to use those commands after \makeglossaries you will generate an error.

You can suppress the creation of the customised xindy or makeindex style file using

\noist \noist

Note that this command must be used before \makeglossaries.

The default name for the customised style file is given by \ (for makeindex) or \jobname.xdy (for xindy). This name may be changed using:

\setStyleFile \setStyleFile{name}

where nameis the name of the style file without the extension. Note that this command must be used before \makeglossaries.

Each glossary entry is assigned a number list that lists all the locations in the document where that entry was used. By default, the location refers to the page number but this may be overridden using the counter package option. The default form of the location number assumes a full stop compositor (e.g. 1.2), but if your location numbers use a different compositor (e.g. 1-2) you need to set this using

\glsSetCompositor \glsSetCompositor{symbol}

For example:


Note that this command must be used before \makeglossaries.

If you use xindy, you can have a different compositor for page numbers starting with an uppercase alphabetical character using:

\glsSetAlphaCompositor \glsSetAlphaCompositor{symbol}

Note that this command has no effect if you haven’t used the xindy package option. For example, if you want number lists containing a mixture of A-1 and 2.3 style formats, then do:

\glsSetCompositor{.} \glsSetAlphaCompositor{-}

See §2.3 Number lists for further information about number lists.

New glossary entries are defined using the command:

\newglossaryentry \newglossaryentry{label}{key-val list}

The first argument, label, must be a unique label with which to identify this entry. The second argument, key-val list, is a key=valuelist that supplies the relevant information about this entry. There are two required fields: description and either name or parent. Available fields are listed below:

The name of the entry (as it will appear in the glossary). If this key is omitted and the parent key is supplied, this value will be the same as the parent’s name.
A brief description of this term (to appear in the glossary). Within this value, you can use

\nopostdesc \nopostdesc

to suppress the description terminator for this entry. For example, if this entry is a parent entry that doesn’t require a description, you can do description={\nopostdesc}. If you want a paragraph break in the description use

\glspar \glspar

However, note that not all glossary styles support multi-line descriptions. If you are using one of the tabular-like glossary styles that permit multi-line descriptions, use \newline not \\ if you want to force a line break.

The label of the parent entry. Note that the parent entry must be defined before its sub-entries. See §2.2.2 Sub-Entries for further details.
The plural form of the description (as passed to \glsdisplay and \glsdisplayfirst by \glspl, \Glspl and \GLSpl). If omitted, the value is set to the same as the description key.
How this entry will appear in the document text when using \gls (or one of its uppercase variants). If this field is omitted, the value of the name key is used.
How the entry will appear in the document text the first time it is used with \gls (or one of its uppercase variants). If this field is omitted, the value of the text key is used.
How the entry will appear in the document text when using \glspl (or one of its uppercase variants). If this field is omitted, the value is obtained by appending \glspluralsuffix to the value of the text field. The default value of \glspluralsuffix is the letter “s”.
How the entry will appear in the document text the first time it is used with \glspl (or one of its uppercase variants). If this field is omitted, the value is obtained from the plural key, if the first key is omitted, or by appending \glspluralsuffix to the value of the first field, if the first field is present.

Note: prior to version 1.13, the default value of firstplural was always taken by appending “s” to the first key, which meant that you had to specify both plural and firstplural, even if you hadn’t used the first key.

This field is provided to allow the user to specify an associated symbol. If omitted, the value is set to \relax. Note that not all glossary styles display the symbol.
This is the plural form of the symbol (as passed to \glsdisplay and \glsdisplayfirst by \glspl, \Glspl and \GLSpl). If omitted, the value is set to the same as the symbol key.
This value indicates how makeindex or xindy should sort this entry. If omitted, the value is given by the name field.
This specifies the label of the glossary in which this entry belongs. If omitted, the default glossary is assumed. The list of acronyms type is given by \acronymtype which will either be main or acronym, depending on whether the acronym package option was used.
user1, …, user6
Six additional keys provided for any additional information the user may want to specify. (For example, an associated dimension or an alternative plural.)
Suppress the number list for this entry.
Cross-reference another entry. Using the see key will automatically add this entry to the glossary, but will not automatically add the cross-referenced entry. The referenced entry should be supplied as the value to this key. If you want to override the “see” tag, you can supply the new tag in square brackets before the label. For example see=[see also]{anotherlabel}. For further details, see §2.6 Cross-Referencing Entries.

Note that if the name starts with an accented letter or non-Latin character, you must group the accented letter, otherwise it will cause a problem for commands like \Gls and \Glspl. For example:

description={select group or class}}

Note that the same applies if you are using the inputenc package:

description={select group or class}}

Note that in both of the above examples, you will also need to supply the sort key if you are using makeindex whereas xindy is usually able to sort accented letters correctly.


2.2.1 Plurals

You may have noticed from above that you can specify the plural form when you define a term. If you omit this, the plural will be obtained by appending

\glspluralsuffix \glspluralsuffix

to the singular form. This command defaults to the letter “s”. For example:

\newglossaryentry{cow}{name=cow,description={a fully grown  
female of any bovine animal}}

defines a new entry whose singular form is “cow” and plural form is “cows”. However, if you are writing in archaic English, you may want to use “kine” as the plural form, in which case you would have to do:

description={a fully grown female of any bovine animal}}

If you are writing in a language that supports multiple plurals (for a given term) then use the plural key for one of them and one of the user keys to specify the other plural form. For example:

\newglossaryentry{cow}{name=cow,description={a fully grown  
female of any bovine animal (plural cows, archaic plural kine)},  

You can then use \glspl{cow} to produce “cows” and \glsuseri{cow} to produce “kine”. You can, of course, define an easy to remember synonym. For example:


Then you don’t have to remember which key you used to store the alternative plural.

If you are using a language that usually forms plurals by appending a different letter, or sequence of letters, you can redefine \glspluralsuffix as required. However, this must be done before the entries are defined. For languages that don’t form plurals by simply appending a suffix, all the plural forms must be specified using the plural key (and the firstplural key where necessary).


2.2.2 Sub-Entries

As from version 1.17, it is possible to specify sub-entries. These may be used to order the glossary into categories, in which case the sub-entry will have a different name to its parent entry, or it may be used to distinguish different definitions for the same word, in which case the sub-entries will have the same name as the parent entry. Note that not all glossary styles support hierarchical entries and may display all the entries in a flat format. Of the styles that support sub-entries, some display the sub-entry’s name whilst others don’t. Therefore you need to ensure that you use a suitable style. See §2.12 Glossary Styles for a list of predefined styles.

Note that the parent entry will automatically be added to the glossary if any of its child entries are used in the document. If the parent entry is not referenced in the document, it will not have a number list.


Hierarchical Categories To arrange a glossary with hierarchical categories, you need to first define the category and then define the sub-entries using the relevant category entry as the value of the parent key. For example, suppose I want a glossary of mathematical symbols that are divided into Greek letters and Roman letters. Then I can define the categories as follows:

\newglossaryentry{greekletter}{name={Greek letters},  
\newglossaryentry{romanletter}{name={Roman letters},  

Note that in this example, the category entries don’t need a description so I have set the descriptions to \nopostdesc. This gives a blank description and suppresses the description terminator.

I can now define my sub-entries as follows:

description={ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter},  
description={Euler’s constant},  


Homographs Sub-entries that have the same name as the parent entry, don’t need to have the name key. For example, the word “glossary” can mean a list of technical words or a collection of glosses. In both cases the plural is “glossaries”. So first define the parent entry:


Again, the parent entry has no description, so the description terminator needs to be suppressed using \nopostdesc.

Now define the two different meanings of the word:

description={1) list of technical words},  
description={2) collection of glosses},  

Note that if I reference the parent entry, the location will be added to the parent’s number list, whereas if I reference any of the child entries, the location will be added to the child entry’s number list. Note also that since the sub-entries have the same name, the sort key is required.

In the above example, the plural form for both of the child entries is the same as the parent entry, so the plural key was not required for the child entries. However, if the sub-entries have different plurals, they will need to be specified. For example:

\newglossaryentry{bravocry}{description={1) cry of approval (pl.\ bravos)},  
\newglossaryentry{bravoruffian}{description={2) hired ruffian or  
killer (pl.\ bravoes)},  


2.2.3 Loading Entries From a File

You can store all your glossary entry definitions in another file and use:

\loadglsentries \loadglsentries[type]{filename}

where filenameis the name of the file containing all the \newglossaryentry commands. The optional argument typeis the name of the glossary to which those entries should belong, for those entries where the type key has been omitted (or, more specifically, for those entries whose type has been specified by \glsdefaulttype, which is what \newglossaryentry uses by default). For example, suppose I have a file called myentries.tex which contains:

description={A scripting language}}  
description={A typesetting language},sort={TeX}}  
description={A mark up language}}

and suppose in my document preamble I use the command:


then this will add the entries tex and html to the glossary whose type is given by languages, but the entry perl will be added to the main glossary, since it explicitly sets the type to main.

Note: if you use \newacronym (see §2.10 Acronyms) the type is set as type=\acronymtype unless you explicitly override it. For example, if my file myacronyms.tex contains:

\newacronym{aca}{aca}{a contrived acronym}

then (supposing I have defined a new glossary type called altacronym)


will add aca to the glossary type acronym, if the package option acronym has been specified, or will add aca to the glossary type altacronym, if the package option acronym is not specified.5 In this instance, it is better to change myacronyms.tex to:

\newacronym[type=\glsdefaulttype]{aca}{aca}{a contrived acronym}

and now


will add aca to the glossary type altacronym, regardless of whether or not the package option acronym is used.

Note that only those entries that have been used in the text will appear in the relevant glossaries. Note also that \loadglsentries may only be used in the preamble.


2.3 Number lists

Each entry in the glossary has an associated number list. By default, these numbers refer to the pages on which that entry has been used (using any of the commands described in §2.4 Links to Glossary Entries and §2.5 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text). The number list can be suppressed using the nonumberlist package option, or an alternative counter can be set as the default using the counter package option. The number list is also referred to as the location list.

Both makeindex and xindy concatenate a sequence of 3 or more consecutive pages into a range. With xindy you can vary the minimum sequence length using \GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength{n} where nis either an integer or the keyword none which indicates that there should be no range formation.

Note that \GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength must be used before \makeglossaries and has no effect if \noist is used.

With both makeindex and xindy, you can replace the separator and the closing number in the range using:

\glsSetSuffixF \glsSetSuffixF{suffix}

\glsSetSuffixFF \glsSetSuffixFF{suffix}

where the former command specifies the suffix to use for a 2 page list and the latter specifies the suffix to use for longer lists. For example:


Note that if you use xindy, you will also need to set the minimum range length to 1 if you want to change these suffixes:


Note that if you use the hyperref package, you will need to use \nohyperpage in the suffix to ensure that the hyperlinks work correctly. For example:


Note that \glsSetSuffixF and \glsSetSuffixFF must be used before \makeglossaries and have no effect if \noist is used.


2.4 Links to Glossary Entries

Once you have defined a glossary entry using \newglossaryentry, you can refer to that entry in the document using one of the commands listed in this section. The text which appears at that point in the document when using one of these commands is referred to as the link text (even if there are no hyperlinks). The commands in this section also add a line to an external file that is used by makeindex or xindy to generate the relevant entry in the glossary. This information includes an associated location that is added to the number list for that entry. By default, the location refers to the page number. For further information on number lists, see §2.3 Number lists.

It is strongly recommended that you don’t use the commands defined in this section in the arguments of sectioning or caption commands.

The above warning is particularly important if you are using the glossaries package in conjunction with the hyperref package. Instead, use one of the commands listed in §2.7 Using Glossary Terms Without Links (such as \glsentrytext) or provide an alternative via the optional argument to the sectioning/caption command. Examples:

\section{An overview of \glsentrytext{perl}}  
\section[An overview of Perl]{An overview of \gls{perl}}

The way the link text is displayed depends on

\glstextformat \glstextformat{text}

For example, to make all link text appear in a sans-serif font, do:


Each entry has an associated conditional referred to as the first use flag. This determines whether \gls, \glspl (and their uppercase variants) should use the value of the first or text keys. Note that an entry can be used without affecting the first use flag (for example, when used with \glslink). See §2.11 Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags for commands that unset or reset this conditional.

The command:

\glslink \glslink[options]{label}{text}

will place \glstextformat{text} in the document at that point and add a line into the associated glossary file for the glossary entry given by label. If hyperlinks are supported, textwill be a hyperlink to the relevant line in the glossary. (Note that this command doesn’t affect the first use flag: use \glsdisp instead.) The optional argument optionsmust be a key=valuelist which can take any of the following keys:

This specifies how to format the associated location number for this entry in the glossary. This value is equivalent to the makeindex encap value, and (as with \index) the value needs to be the name of a command without the initial backslash. As with \index, the characters ( and ) can also be used to specify the beginning and ending of a number range. Again as with \index, the command should be the name of a command which takes an argument (which will be the associated location). Be careful not to use a declaration (such as bfseries) instead of a text block command (such as textbf) as the effect is not guaranteed to be localised. If you want to apply more than one style to a given entry (e.g. bold and italic) you will need to create a command that applies both formats, e.g. 

and use that command.

In this document, the standard formats refer to the standard text block commands such as \textbf or \emph or any of the commands listed in table 4.

If you use xindy instead of makeindex, you must specify any non-standard formats that you want to use with the format key using \GlsAddXdyAttribute{name}. So if you use xindy with the above example, you would need to add:


Note that unlike \index, you can’t have anything following the command name, such as an asterisk or arguments. If you want to cross-reference another entry, either use the see key when you define the entry or use \glssee (described in §2.6 Cross-Referencing Entries).

If you are using hyperlinks and you want to change the font of the hyperlinked location, don’t use \hyperpage (provided by the hyperref package) as the locations may not refer to a page number. Instead, the glossaries package provides number formats listed in table 4.

Table 4: Predefined Hyperlinked Location Formats
hyperrm serif hyperlink
hypersf sans-serif hyperlink
hypertt monospaced hyperlink
hyperbf bold hyperlink
hypermd medium weight hyperlink
hyperit italic hyperlink
hypersl slanted hyperlink
hyperup upright hyperlink
hypersc small caps hyperlink
hyperemphemphasized hyperlink

Note that if the \hyperlink command hasn’t been defined, the hyperxx formats are equivalent to the analogous textxxfont commands (and hyperemph is equivalent to emph). If you want to make a new format, you will need to define a command which takes one argument and use that. For example, if you want the location number to be in a bold sans-serif font, you can define a command called, say, \hyperbsf:


and then use hyperbsf as the value for the format key. Remember that if you use xindy, you will need to add this to the list of location attributes:


This specifies which counter to use for this location. This overrides the default counter used by this entry. (See also §2.3 Number lists.)
This is a boolean key which can be used to enable/disable the hyperlink to the relevant entry in the glossary. (Note that setting hyper=true will have no effect if \hyperlink has not been defined.) The default value is hyper=true.

There is also a starred version:

\glslink* \glslink*[options]{label}{text}

which is equivalent to \glslink, except it sets hyper=false. Similarly, all the following commands described in this section also have a starred version that disables the hyperlink.

The command:

\gls \gls[options]{label}[insert]

is the same as \glslink, except that the link text is determined from the values of the text and first keys supplied when the entry was defined using \newglossaryentry. If the entry has been marked as having been used, the value of the text key will be used, otherwise the value of the first key will be used. On completion, \gls will mark the entry’s first use flag as used.

There are two uppercase variants:

\Gls \Gls[options]{label}[insert]


\GLS \GLS[options]{label}[insert]

which make the first letter of the link text or all the link text uppercase, respectively.

The final optional argument insert, allows you to insert some additional text into the link text. By default, this will append insertat the end of the link text, but this can be changed (see §2.4.1 Changing the format of the link text).

The first optional argument optionsis the same as the optional argument to \glslink. As with \glslink, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

There are also analogous plural forms:

\glspl \glspl[options]{label}[insert]

\Glspl \Glspl[options]{label}[insert]

\GLSpl \GLSpl[options]{label}[insert]

These determine the link text from the plural and firstplural keys supplied when the entry was first defined. As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

Note that \glslink doesn’t use or affect the first use flag, nor does it use \glsdisplay or \glsdisplayfirst (see §2.4.1 Changing the format of the link text). Instead, you can use:

\glsdisp \glsdisp[options]{label}{link text}

This behaves in the same way as \gls, except that it uses link textinstead of the value of the first or text key. (Note that this command always sets insertto nothing.) This command affects the first use flag, and uses \glsdisplay or \glsdisplayfirst.

The command:

\glstext \glstext[options]{label}[insert]

is similar to \gls except that it always uses the value of the text key and does not affect the first use flag. Unlike \gls, the inserted text insertis always appended to the link text since \glstext doesn’t use \glsdisplay or \glsdisplayfirst. (The same is true for all the following commands described in this section.)

There are also analogous commands:

\Glstext \Glstext[options]{text}[insert]

\GLStext \GLStext[options]{text}[insert]

As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

The command:

\glsfirst \glsfirst[options]{label}[insert]

is similar to \glstext except that it always uses the value of the first key. Again, insertis always appended to the end of the link text and does not affect the first use flag.

There are also analogous commands:

\Glsfirst \Glsfirst[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSfirst \GLSfirst[options]{text}[insert]

As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

The command:

\glsplural \glsplural[options]{label}[insert]

is similar to \glstext except that it always uses the value of the plural key. Again, insertis always appended to the end of the link text and does not mark the entry as having been used.

There are also analogous commands:

\Glsplural \Glsplural[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSplural \GLSplural[options]{text}[insert]

As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

The command:

\glsfirstplural \glsfirstplural[options]{label}[insert]

is similar to \glstext except that it always uses the value of the firstplural key. Again, insertis always appended to the end of the link text and does not mark the entry as having been used.

There are also analogous commands:

\Glsfirstplural \Glsfirstplural[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSfirstplural \GLSfirstplural[options]{text}[insert]

As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

The command:

\glsname \glsname[options]{label}[insert]

is similar to \glstext except that it always uses the value of the name key. Again, insertis always appended to the end of the link text and does not mark the entry as having been used. Note: if you want to use this command and the name key contains commands, you will have to disable the sanitization of the name key and protect fragile commands.

There are also analogous commands:

\Glsname \Glsname[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSname \GLSname[options]{text}[insert]

As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

The command:

\glssymbol \glssymbol[options]{label}[insert]

is similar to \glstext except that it always uses the value of the symbol key. Again, insertis always appended to the end of the link text and does not mark the entry as having been used. Note: if you want to use this command and the symbol key contains commands, you will have to disable the sanitization of the symbol key and protect fragile commands.

There are also analogous commands:

\Glssymbol \Glssymbol[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSsymbol \GLSsymbol[options]{text}[insert]

As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

The command:

\glsdesc \glsdesc[options]{label}[insert]

is similar to \glstext except that it always uses the value of the description key. Again, insertis always appended to the end of the link text and does not mark the entry as having been used. Note: if you want to use this command and the description key contains commands, you will have to disable the sanitization of the description key and protect fragile commands.

There are also analogous commands:

\Glsdesc \Glsdesc[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSdesc \GLSdesc[options]{text}[insert]

As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink.

The command:

\glsuseri \glsuseri[options]{label}[insert]

is similar to \glstext except that it always uses the value of the user1 key. Again, insertis always appended to the end of the link text and does not mark the entry as having been used.

There are also analogous commands:

\Glsuseri \Glsuseri[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSuseri \GLSuseri[options]{text}[insert]

As before, these commands also have a starred version that disable the hyperlink. Similarly for the other user keys:

\glsuserii \glsuserii[options]{text}[insert]

\Glsuserii \Glsuserii[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSuserii \GLSuserii[options]{text}[insert]

\glsuseriii \glsuseriii[options]{text}[insert]

\Glsuseriii \Glsuseriii[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSuseriii \GLSuseriii[options]{text}[insert]

\glsuseriv \glsuseriv[options]{text}[insert]

\Glsuseriv \Glsuseriv[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSuseriv \GLSuseriv[options]{text}[insert]

\glsuserv \glsuserv[options]{text}[insert]

\Glsuserv \Glsuserv[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSuserv \GLSuserv[options]{text}[insert]

\glsuservi \glsuservi[options]{text}[insert]

\Glsuservi \Glsuservi[options]{text}[insert]

\GLSuservi \GLSuservi[options]{text}[insert]


2.4.1 Changing the format of the link text

The format of the link text for \gls, \glspl and their uppercase variants is governed by two commands:

\glsdisplayfirst \glsdisplayfirst{first/first plural}{description}{symbol}{insert}

which is used the first time a glossary entry is used in the text and

\glsdisplay \glsdisplay{text/plural}{description}{symbol}{insert}

which is used subsequently. Both commands take four arguments: the first is either the singular or plural form given by the text, plural, first or firstplural keys (set when the term was defined) depending on context; the second argument is the term’s description (as supplied by the description or descriptionplural keys); the third argument is the symbol associated with the term (as supplied by the symbol or symbolplural keys) and the fourth argument is the additional text supplied in the final optional argument to \gls or \glspl (or their uppercase variants). The default definitions of \glsdisplay and \glsdisplayfirst simply print the first argument immediately followed by the fourth argument. The remaining arguments are ignored.

If required, you can access the label for the given entry via

\glslabel \glslabel

so it is possible to use this label in the definition of \glsdisplay or \glsdisplayfirst to supply additional information using any of the commands described in §2.7 Using Glossary Terms Without Links, if required.

Note that \glsdisplay and \glsdisplayfirst are not used by \glslink. If you want to supply your own link text, you need to use \glsdisp instead.

For example, suppose you want a glossary of measurements and units, you can use the symbol key to store the unit:

description={The length between two points},  

and now suppose you want \gls{distance} to produce “distance (km)” on first use, then you can redefine \glsdisplayfirst as follows:

\renewcommand{\glsdisplayfirst}[4]{#1#4 (#3)}

Note that the additional text is placed after #1, so \gls{distance}[’s] will produce “distance’s (km)” rather than “distance (km)’s” which looks a bit odd (even though it may be in the context of “the distance (km) is measured between the two points” — but in this instance it would be better not to use a contraction).

Note also that all of the link text will be formatted according to \glstextformat (described earlier). So if you do, say:

\renewcommand{\glsdisplayfirst}[4]{#1#4 (#3)}

then \gls{distance} will produce “distance (km)”.

If you have multiple glossaries, changing \glsdisplayfirst and \glsdisplay will change the way entries for all of the glossaries appear when using the commands \gls, \glspl, their uppercase variants and \glsdisp. If you only want the change to affect entries for a given glossary, then you need to use

\defglsdisplay \defglsdisplay[type]{definition}


\defglsdisplayfirst \defglsdisplayfirst[type]{definition}

instead of redefining \glsdisplay and \glsdisplayfirst.

Both \defglsdisplay and \defglsdisplayfirst take two arguments: the first (which is optional) is the glossary’s label6 and the second is how the term should be displayed when it is invoked using commands \gls, \glspl, their uppercase variants and \glsdisp. This is similar to the way \glsdisplayfirst was redefined above.

For example, suppose you have created a new glossary called notation and you want to change the way the entry is displayed on first use so that it includes the symbol, you can do:

\defglsdisplayfirst[notation]{#1#4 (denoted #3)}

Now suppose you have defined an entry as follows:

  description={A collection of objects},  

The first time you reference this entry it will be displayed as: “set (denoted S)” (assuming \gls was used).

Remember that if you use the symbol key, you need to use a glossary style that displays the symbol, as many of the styles ignore it. In addition, if you want either the description or symbol to appear in the link text, you will have to disable the sanitization of these keys and protect fragile commands.


2.4.2 Enabling and disabling hyperlinks to glossary entries

If you load the hyperref or html packages prior to loading the glossaries package, commands such as \glslink and \gls, described above, will automatically have hyperlinks to the relevant glossary entry, unless the hyper option has been set to false. You can disable or enable links using:

\glsdisablehyper \glsdisablehyper


\glsenablehyper \glsenablehyper

respectively. The effect can be localised by placing the commands within a group. Note that you should only use \glsenablehyper if the commands \hyperlink and \hypertarget have been defined (for example, by the hyperref package).

You can disable just the first use links using the package option hyperfirst=false. Note that this option only affects commands that recognise the first use flag, for example \gls, \glspl and \glsdisp but not \glslink.


2.5 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text

It is possible to add a line in the glossary file without generating any text at that point in the document using:

\glsadd \glsadd[options]{label}

This is similar to \glslink, only it doesn’t produce any text (so therefore, there is no hyper key available in optionsbut all the other options that can be used with \glslink can be passed to \glsadd). For example, to add a page range to the glossary number list for the entry whose label is given by set:

Lots of text about sets spanning many pages.  

To add all entries that have been defined, use:

\glsaddall \glsaddall[options]

The optional argument is the same as for \glsadd, except there is also a key types which can be used to specify which glossaries to use. This should be a comma separated list. For example, if you only want to add all the entries belonging to the list of acronyms (specified by the glossary type \acronymtype) and a list of notation (specified by the glossary type notation) then you can do:



2.6 Cross-Referencing Entries

There are several ways of cross-referencing entries in the glossary:

  1. You can use commands such as \gls in the entries description. For example:
    description={firm, round fruit. See also \gls{pear}}}

    Note that with this method, if you don’t use the cross-referenced term in the glossary, you will need two runs of makeglossaries:
    latex filename
    makeglossaries filename
    latex filename
    makeglossaries filename
    latex filename

  2. As described in §2.2 Defining Glossary Entries, you can use the see key when you define the entry. For example:
    \newglossaryentry{MaclaurinSeries}{name={Maclaurin series},  
    description={Series expansion}, see={TaylorsTheorem}}

    Note that in this case, the entry with the see key will automatically be added to the glossary, but the cross-referenced entry won’t. You therefore need to ensure that you use the cross-referenced term with the commands described in §2.4 Links to Glossary Entries or §2.5 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text.

    You can optionally override the “see” tag using square brackets at the start of the see value. For example:

    \newglossaryentry{MaclaurinSeries}{name={Maclaurin series},  
    description={Series expansion},  
    see=[see also]{TaylorsTheorem}}

  3. After you have defined the entry, use

    \glssee \glssee[tag]{label}{xr label list}

    where xr label listis a comma-separated list of entry labels to be cross-referenced, labelis the label of the entry doing the cross-referencing and tagis the “see” tag. For example:

    \glssee[see also]{series}{FourierSeries,TaylorsTheorem}

    Note that this automatically adds the entry given by labelto the glossary but doesn’t add the cross-referenced entries (specified by xr label list) to the glossary.

In both cases 2 and 3 above, the cross-referenced information appears in the number list, whereas in case 1, the cross-referenced information appears in the description. In cases 2 and 3, the default text for the “see” tag is given by \seename.


2.7 Using Glossary Terms Without Links

The commands described in this section display entry details without adding any information to the glossary. They don’t use \glstextformat, they don’t have any optional arguments, they don’t affect the first use flag and, apart from \glshyperlink, they don’t produce hyperlinks.

\glsentryname \glsentryname{label}

\Glsentryname \Glsentryname{label}

These commands display the name of the glossary entry given by label, as specified by the name key. \Glsentryname makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentrytext \glsentrytext{label}

\Glsentrytext \Glsentrytext{label}

These commands display the subsequent use text for the glossary entry given by label, as specified by the text key. \Glsentrytext makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentryplural \glsentryplural{label}

\Glsentryplural \Glsentryplural{label}

These commands display the subsequent use plural text for the glossary entry given by label, as specified by the plural key. \Glsentryplural makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentryfirst \glsentryfirst{label}

\Glsentryfirst \Glsentryfirst{label}

These commands display the first use text for the glossary entry given by label, as specified by the first key. \Glsentryfirst makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentryfirstplural \glsentryfirstplural{label}

\Glsentryfirstplural \Glsentryfirstplural{label}

These commands display the plural form of the first use text for the glossary entry given by label, as specified by the firstplural key. \Glsentryfirstplural makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentrydesc \glsentrydesc{label}

\Glsentrydesc \Glsentrydesc{label}

These commands display the description for the glossary entry given by label. \Glsentrydesc makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentrydescplural \glsentrydescplural{label}

\Glsentrydescplural \Glsentrydescplural{label}

These commands display the plural description for the glossary entry given by label. \Glsentrydescplural makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentrysymbol \glsentrysymbol{label}

\Glsentrysymbol \Glsentrysymbol{label}

These commands display the symbol for the glossary entry given by label. \Glsentrysymbol makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentrysymbolplural \glsentrysymbolplural{label}

\Glsentrysymbolplural \Glsentrysymbolplural{label}

These commands display the plural symbol for the glossary entry given by label. \Glsentrysymbolplural makes the first letter uppercase.

\glsentryuseri \glsentryuseri{label}

\Glsentryuseri \Glsentryuseri{label}

\glsentryuserii \glsentryuserii{label}

\Glsentryuserii \Glsentryuserii{label}

\glsentryuseriii \glsentryuseriii{label}

\Glsentryuseriii \Glsentryuseriii{label}

\glsentryuseriv \glsentryuseriv{label}

\Glsentryuseriv \Glsentryuseriv{label}

\glsentryuserv \glsentryuserv{label}

\Glsentryuserv \Glsentryuserv{label}

\glsentryuservi \glsentryuservi{label}

\Glsentryuservi \Glsentryuservi{label}

These commands display the value of the user keys for the glossary entry given by label.

\glshyperlink \glshyperlink[link text]{label}

This command provides a hyperlink to the glossary entry given by labelbut does not add any information to the glossary file. The link text is given by \glsentryname{label} by default, but can be overridden using the optional argument.

If you use \glshyperlink, you need to ensure that the relevant entry has been added to the glossary using any of the commands described in §2.4 Links to Glossary Entries or §2.5 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text otherwise you will end up with a broken link.

For further information see the section “Displaying entry details without adding information to the glossary” in the document glossaries.pdf.


2.8 Displaying a glossary

The command

\printglossaries \printglossaries

will display all the glossaries in the order in which they were defined. Note that no glossaries will appear until you have either used the Perl script makeglossaries or have directly used makeindex or xindy (as described in §1.3 Generating the Associated Glossary Files). If the glossary still does not appear after you re-LATEX your document, check the makeindex/xindy log files to see if there is a problem. Remember that you also need to use the command \makeglossaries in the preamble to enable the glossaries.

An individual glossary can be displayed using:

\printglossary \printglossary[options]

where optionsis a key=valuelist of options. The following keys are available:

The value of this key specifies which glossary to print. If omitted, the default glossary is assumed. For example, to print the list of acronyms:

This is the glossary’s title (overriding the title specified when the glossary was defined).
This is the title to use for the table of contents (if the toc package option has been used). It may also be used for the page header, depending on the page style. If omitted, the glossary title is used.
This specifies which glossary style to use for this glossary, overriding the effect of the style package option or \glossarystyle.
This specifies whether to use a numbered section for this glossary, overriding the effect of the numberedsection package option. This key has the same syntax as the numberedsection package option, described in §2.1 Package Options.
Unlike the package option of the same name, this key is a boolean key. If true (nonumberlist=true) the numberlist is suppressed for this glossary. If false (nonumberlist=false) the numberlist is displayed for this glossary. If no value is supplied, true is assumed.

By default, the glossary is started either by \chapter* or by \section*, depending on whether or not \chapter is defined. This can be overridden by the section package option or the \setglossarysection command. Numbered sectional units can be obtained using the numberedsection package option. Each glossary sets the page header via the command \glossarymark. If this mechanism is unsuitable for your chosen class file or page style package, you will need to redefine \glossarymark. Further information about these options and commands is given in §2.1 Package Options.

Information can be added to the start of the glossary (after the title and before the main body of the glossary) by redefining

\glossarypreamble \glossarypreamble

For example:

\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{Numbers in italic indicate  
primary definitions.}

This needs to be done before the glossary is displayed using \printglossaries or \printglossary. Note that if you want a different preamble for each glossary, you will need to use a separate \printglossary for each glossary and change the definition of \glossarypreamble between each glossary. For example:

\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{Numbers in italic indicate  
primary definitions.}  

Alternatively, you can do something like:

\renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{Numbers in italic indicate  
primary definitions.\gdef\glossarypreamble{}}  

which will print the preamble text for the first glossary and change the preamble to do nothing for subsequent glossaries. (Note that \gdef is required as the glossary is placed within a group.)

There is an analogous command called

\glossarypostamble \glossarypostamble

which is placed at the end of each glossary.


2.8.1 Changing the way the entry name appears in the glossary

Within each glossary, each entry name is formatted according to

\glsnamefont \glsnamefont{name}

which takes one argument: the entry name. This command is always used regardless of the glossary style. By default, \glsnamefont simply displays its argument in whatever the surrounding font happens to be. This means that in the list-like glossary styles (defined in the glossary-list style file) the name will appear in bold, since the name is placed in the optional argument of \item, whereas in the tabular styles (defined in the glossary-long and glossary-super style files) the name will appear in the normal font. The hierarchical glossary styles (defined in the glossary-tree style file) also set the name in bold.

For example, suppose you want all the entry names to appear in medium weight small caps, then you can do:

\renewcommand{\glsnamefont}[1]{\textsc{\mdseries #1}}


2.8.2 Xindy

If you want to use xindy to sort the glossary, you must use the package option xindy:


This ensures that the glossary information is written in xindy syntax.

§1.3 Generating the Associated Glossary Files covers how to use the external indexing application. This section covers the commands provided by the glossaries package that allow you to adjust the xindy style file (.xdy) and parameters.

To assist writing information to the xindy style file, the glossaries package provides the following commands:

\glsopenbrace \glsopenbrace

\glsclosebrace \glsclosebrace

which produce an open and closing brace. (This is needed because \{ and \} don’t expand to a simple brace character when written to a file.)

In addition, if you are using a package that makes the double quote character active (e.g. ngerman) you can use:

\glsquote \glsquote{text}

which will produce "text". Alternatively, you can use \string" to write the double-quote character. This document assumes that the double quote character has not been made active, so the examples just use " for clarity.

If you want greater control over the xindy style file than is available through the LATEX commands provided by the glossaries package, you will need to edit the xindy style file. In which case, you must use \noist to prevent the style file from being overwritten by the glossaries package. For additional information about xindy, read the xindy documentation.


Language and Encodings When you use xindy, you need to specify the language and encoding used (unless you have written your own custom xindy style file that defines the relevant alphabet and sort rules). If you use makeglossaries, this information is obtained from the document’s auxiliary (.aux) file. The glossaries package attempts to find the root language, but in the event that it gets it wrong or if xindy doesn’t support that language, then you can specify the language using:

\GlsSetXdyLanguage \GlsSetXdyLanguage[glossary type]{language}

where languageis the name of the language. The optional argument can be used if you have multiple glossaries in different languages. If glossary typeis omitted, it will be applied to all glossaries, otherwise the language setting will only be applied to the glossary given by glossary type.

If the inputenc package is used, the encoding will be obtained from the value of \inputencodingname. Alternatively, you can specify the encoding using:

\GlsSetXdyCodePage \GlsSetXdyCodePage{code}

where codeis the name of the encoding. For example:


Note that you can also specify the language and encoding using the package option xindy={language=lang,codepage=code}. For example:


If you write your own custom xindy style file that includes the language settings, you need to set the language to nothing:


(and remember to use \noist to prevent the style file from being overwritten).

The commands \GlsSetXdyLanguage and \GlsSetXdyCodePage have no effect if you don’t use makeglossaries. If you call xindy without makeglossaries you need to remember to set the language and encoding using the -L and -C switches.


Locations and Number lists The most likely attributes used in the format key (textrm, hyperrm etc) are automatically added to the xindy style file, but if you want to use another attribute, you need to add it using:

\GlsAddXdyAttribute \GlsAddXdyAttribute{name}

where nameis the name of the attribute, as used in the format key. For example, suppose I want a bold, italic, hyperlinked location. I first need to define a command that will do this:


but with xindy, I also need to add this as an allowed attribute:


Note that \GlsAddXdyAttribute has no effect if \noist is used or if \makeglossaries is omitted.

\GlsAddXdyAttribute must be used before \makeglossaries.

If the location numbers don’t get expanded to a simple Arabic or Roman number or a letter from a, …, z or A, …, Z, then you need to add a location style in the appropriate format.

For example, suppose you want the page numbers written as words rather than digits and you use the fmtcount package to do this. You can redefine \thepage as follows:


This gets expanded to \protect \Numberstringnum {n} where nis the Arabic page number. This means that you need to define a new location that has that form:

\GlsAddXdyLocation{Numberstring}{:sep "\string\protect\space  
  "arabic-numbers" :sep "\glsclosebrace"}

Note that it’s necessary to use \space to indicate that spaces also appear in the format, since, unlike TEX, xindy doesn’t ignore spaces after control sequences.

Note that \GlsAddXdyLocation has no effect if \noist is used or if \makeglossaries is omitted.

\GlsAddXdyLocation must be used before \makeglossaries.

In the number list, the locations are sorted according to type. The default ordering is: roman-page-numbers (e.g. i), arabic-page-numbers (e.g. 1), arabic-section-numbers (e.g. 1.1 if the compositor is a full stop or 1-1 if the compositor is a hyphen7), alpha-page-numbers (e.g. a), Roman-page-numbers (e.g. I), Alpha-page-numbers (e.g. A), Appendix-page-numbers (e.g. A.1 if the Alpha compositor is a full stop or A-1 if the Alpha compositor is a hyphen8), user defined location names (as specified by \GlsAddXdyLocation in the order in which they were defined), see (cross-referenced entries). This ordering can be changed using:

\GlsSetXdyLocationClassOrder \GlsSetXdyLocationClassOrder{location names}

where each location name is delimited by double quote marks and separated by white space. For example:


Note that \GlsSetXdyLocationClassOrder has no effect if \noist is used or if \makeglossaries is omitted.

\GlsSetXdyLocationClassOrder must be used before \makeglossaries.

If a number list consists of a sequence of consecutive numbers, the range will be concatenated. The number of consecutive locations that causes a range formation defaults to 2, but can be changed using:

\GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength \GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength{n}

For example:


The argument may also be the keyword none, to indicate that there should be no range formations. See the xindy manual for further details on range formations.

Note that \GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength has no effect if \noist is used or if \makeglossaries is omitted.

\GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength must be used before \makeglossaries.

See §2.3 Number lists for further details.


Glossary Groups The glossary is divided into groups according to the first letter of the sort key. The glossaries package also adds a number group by default, unless you suppress it in the xindy package option. For example:


Any entry that doesn’t go in one of the letter groups or the number group is placed in the default group.

If you have a number group, the default behaviour is to locate it before the “A” letter group. If you are not using a Roman alphabet, you can change this using

Note that \GlsSetXdyFirstLetterAfterDigits has no effect if \noist is used or if \makeglossaries is omitted.

\GlsSetXdyFirstLetterAfterDigits must be used before \makeglossaries.


2.9 Defining New Glossaries

A new glossary can be defined using:

\newglossary \newglossary[log-ext]{name}{in-ext}{out-ext}{title}[counter]

where nameis the label to assign to this glossary. The arguments in-extand out-extspecify the extensions to give to the input and output files for that glossary, titleis the default title for this new glossary and the final optional argument counterspecifies which counter to use for the associated number lists (see also §2.3 Number lists). The first optional argument specifies the extension for the makeindex or xindy transcript file (this information is only used by makeglossaries which picks up the information from the auxiliary file).

Note that the main (default) glossary is automatically created as:


so it can be identified by the label main (unless the nomain package option is used). Using the acronym package option is equivalent to:


so it can be identified by the label acronym. If you are not sure whether the acronym option has been used, you can identify the list of acronyms by the command \acronymtype \acronymtype which is set to acronym, if the acronym option has been used, otherwise it is set to main. Note that if you are using the main glossary as your list of acronyms, you need to declare it as a list of acronyms using the package option acronymlists.

All glossaries must be defined before \makeglossaries to ensure that the relevant output files are opened.


2.10 Acronyms

You may have noticed in §2.2 Defining Glossary Entries that when you specify a new entry, you can specify alternate text to use when the term is first used in the document. This provides a useful means to define acronyms. For convenience, the glossaries package defines the command:

\newacronym \newacronym[key-val list]{label}{abbrv}{long}

By default, this is equivalent to:
firstplural={long\glspluralsuffix\space (abbrv\glspluralsuffix)},
key-val list}
As mentioned in the previous section, the command \acronymtype is the name of the glossary in which the acronyms should appear. If the acronym package option has been used, this will be acronym, otherwise it will be main. The acronyms can then be used in exactly the same way as any other glossary entry. If you want more than one list of acronyms, you must identify the others using the package options acronymlists. This ensures that options such as footnote and smallcaps work for the additional lists of acronyms.

Note: since \newacronym sets type=\acronymtype, if you want to load a file containing acronym definitions using \loadglsentries[type]{filename}, the optional argument typewill not have an effect unless you explicitly set the type as type=\glsdefaulttype in the optional argument to \newacronym. See §2.2.3 Loading Entries From a File.

For example, the following defines the acronym IDN:

\newacronym{idn}{IDN}{identification number}

This is equivalent to:

description={identification number},  
first={identification number (IDN)},  
firstplural={identification numbers (IDNs)}}

so \gls{idn} will produce “identification number (IDN)” on first use and “IDN” on subsequent uses.

This section describes acronyms that have been defined using \newacronym. If you prefer to define your acronyms using \newglossaryentry explicitly, then you should skip this section and ignore the package options: smallcaps, smaller, description, dua and footnote, as these options change the definition of \newacronym for common acronym formats as well as the way that the link text is displayed (see §2.4.1 Changing the format of the link text). Likewise you should ignore the package option shortcuts and the new commands described in this section, such as \acrshort, as they vary according to the definition of \newacronym.

If you want to define your own custom acronym style, see §2.10.1 Defining A Custom Acronym Style.

If you try using \newglossaryentry for entries in a designated list of acronyms in combination with any of the above named package options you are likely to get unexpected results such as empty brackets or empty footnotes.

If you use any of the package options smallcaps, smaller, description or footnote, the acronyms will be displayed in the document using:

\acronymfont \acronymfont{text}


\firstacronymfont \firstacronymfont{text}

where \firstacronymfont is applied on first use and \acronymfont is applied on subsequent use. Note that if you don’t use any of the above package options, changing the definition of \acronymfont or \firstacronymfont will have no effect. In this case, the recommended route is to use either the smaller or the smallcaps package option and redefine \acronymfont and \firstacronymfont as required. (The smallcaps option sets the default plural suffix in an upright font to cancel the effect of \textsc, whereas smaller sets the suffix in the surrounding font.) For example, if you want acronyms in a normal font on first use and emphasized on subsequent use, do:


(Note that it is for this reason that the relsize package is not automatically loaded when selecting the smaller package option.)

Table 5 lists the package options that govern the acronym styles and how the \newglossaryentry keys are used to store long(the long form) and abbrv(the short form). Note that the smallcaps option redefines \acronymfont so that it sets its argument using \textsc (so you should use lower case characters in abbrv) and the smaller option redefines \acronymfont to use \textsmaller,9 otherwise \acronymfont simply displays its argument in the surrounding font.

Table 5: Package options governing \newacronym and how the information is stored in the keys for \newglossaryentry

Package Optionfirst key text keydescription keysymbol key
description,footnoteabbrvabbrvuser supplied long
description,dua longlonguser supplied abbrv
description longabbrvuser supplied abbrv
footnote abbrvabbrvlong
smallcaps longabbrvlongabbrv
smaller longabbrvlongabbrv
dua longlonglongabbrv
None of the above long(abbrv)abbrvlong

In case you can’t remember which key stores the long or short forms (or their plurals) the glossaries package provides the commands:

These can be used in the optional argument of \newacronym to override the defaults. For example:

\newacronym[\glslongpluralkey={diagonal matrices}]{dm}{DM}{diagonal  

If the first use uses the plural form, \glspl{dm} will display: diagonal matrices (DMs).

Each of the package options smallcaps, smaller, footnote, dua and description use \defglsdisplay and \defglsdisplayfirst (described in §2.4.1 Changing the format of the link text) to change the way the link text is displayed. This means that these package options only work for the glossary type given by \acronymtype. If you have multiple lists of acronyms, you will need to make the appropriate changes for each additional glossary type.

When these two package options are used together, the first use displays the entry as:
while subsequent use displays the entry as:
where insertindicates the text supplied in the final optional argument to \gls, \glspl or their uppercase variants.

In this case, the long form is stored in the symbol key. This means that the long form will not be displayed in the list of acronyms unless you use a glossary style that displays the entry’s symbol (for example, the index style). Entries will be sorted according to the short form.

Note also that when these two package options are used (in the given order), the glossaries package additionally implements the sanitize option using sanitize={description=false,symbol=false}, so remember to protect fragile commands when defining acronyms.

The dua package option always displays the expanded form and so may not be used with footnote, smaller or smallcaps. Both first use and subsequent use displays the entry in the form:

If the description package option is also used, the name key is set to the long form, otherwise the name key is set to the short form and the description key is set to the long form. In both cases the symbol is set to the short form. Therefore, if you use the description package option and you want the short form to appear in the list of acronyms, you will need to use a glossary style that displays the entry’s symbol (for example, the index style). Entries will be sorted according to the long form if the description option is used, otherwise they will be sorted according to the short form (unless overridden by the sort key in the optional argument of \newacronym).

This package option displays the entry on first use as:
while subsequent use displays the entry as:
Note also that if this package option is used, the glossaries package additionally implements the option sanitize={symbol=false}, so remember to protect fragile commands when defining acronyms.

Note that with this option, you need to specify the description using the description key in the optional argument of \newacronym. When this option is used without the footnote or dua options, the name field is specified as

\acrnameformat \acrnameformat{short}{long}

This defaults to \acronymfont{short}, which means that the long form will not appear in the list of acronyms by default. To change this, you need to redefine \acrnameformat as appropriate. For example, to display the long form followed by the short form in parentheses do:

\renewcommand*{\acrnameformat}[2]{#2 (\acronymfont{#1})}

Note that even if you redefine \acrnameformat, the entries will be sorted according to the short form, unless you override this using the sort key in the optional argument to \newacronym.

This package option displays the entry on first use as:
while subsequent use displays the entry as:
Acronyms will be sorted according to the short form.

Note also that if this package option is used, the glossaries package additionally implements the option sanitize={description=false}, so remember to protect fragile commands when defining acronyms.

Note that on first use, it is the long form in the footnote that links to the relevant glossary entry (where hyperlinks are enabled), whereas on subsequent use, the acronym links to the relevant glossary entry. It is possible to change this to make the acronym on first use have the hyperlink instead of the footnote, but since the footnote marker will also be a hyperlink, you will have two hyperlinks in immediate succession. This can be ambiguous where the hyperlinks are coloured rather than boxed. The code required to change the first use to make the acronym a hyperlink is as follows:


Note that this involves using internal commands (i.e. commands whose name contains an @ character), so if this code is place in a .tex file it needs to be placed within a \makeatletter … \makeatother pair. (See \@ and @ in macro names for further details.)

If neither the footnote nor description options have been set, this option displays the entry on first use as:
while subsequent use displays the entry as:
where \acronymfont is set to \textsc{#1}.

Note that since the acronym is displayed using \textsc, the short form, abbrv, should be specified in lower case.

Note also that if this package option is used, the glossaries package additionally implements the option sanitize={symbol=false}, so remember to protect fragile commands when defining acronyms.

If neither the footnote nor description options have been set, this option displays the entry on first use as:
while subsequent use displays the entry as:
where \acronymfont is set to \textsmaller{#1}.10 The entries will be sorted according to the short form.

Remember to load a package that defines \textsmaller (such as relsize) if you want to use this option, unless you want to redefine \acronymfont to use some other formatting command.

Note also that if this package option is used, the glossaries package additionally implements the option sanitize={symbol=false}, so remember to protect fragile commands when defining acronyms.

None of the above
If none of the package options smallcaps, smaller, footnote, dua or description are used, then on first use the entry is displayed as:
while subsequent use displays the entry as:
Entries will be sorted according to the short form. Note that if none of the acronym-related package options are used, the sanitize option will not be affected.

Recall from §2.4 Links to Glossary Entries that you can access the values of individual keys using commands like \glstext, so it is possible to use these commands to print just the long form or just the abbreviation without affecting the flag that determines whether the entry has been used. However the keys that store the long and short form vary depending on the acronym style, so the glossaries package provides commands that are set according to the package options. These are as follows:

\acrshort \acrshort[options]{label}[insert]

\Acrshort \ACRshort[options]{label}[insert]

\ACRshort \ACRshort[options]{label}[insert]

Print the abbreviated version with (if required) a hyperlink to the relevant entry in the glossary. This is usually equivalent to \glstext (or its uppercase variants) but may additionally put the link text within the argument to \acronymfont.

\acrlong \acrlong[options]{label}[insert]

\Acrlong \ACRlong[options]{label}[insert]

\ACRlong \ACRlong[options]{label}[insert]

Print the long version with (if required) a hyperlink to the relevant entry in the glossary. This is may be equivalent to \glsdesc, \glssymbol or \glsfirst (or their uppercase variants), depending on package options.

\acrfull \acrfull[options]{label}[insert]

\Acrfull \ACRfull[options]{label}[insert]

\ACRfull \ACRfull[options]{label}[insert]

Print the long version followed by the abbreviation in brackets with (if required) a hyperlink to the relevant entry in the glossary.

Note that if any of the above commands produce unexpected output and you haven’t used any of the acronym-related package options, you will need to switch off the sanitization. For example:


However, if you do this, you must remember to protect fragile commands when defining acronyms or glossary entries.

Note that if you change the definition of \newacronym, you may additionally need to change the above commands as well as changing the way the text is displayed using \defglsdisplay and \defglsdisplayfirst.

The package option shortcuts provides the synonyms listed in table 6. If any of those commands generate an “undefined control sequence” error message, check that you have enabled the shortcuts using the shortcuts package option. Note that there are no shortcuts for the commands that produce all upper case text.

Table 6: Synonyms provided by the package option shortcuts

Shortcut CommandEquivalent Command
\acs \acrshort
\Acs \Acrshort
\acsp \acrshortpl
\Acsp \Acrshortpl
\acl \acrlong
\Acl \Acrlong
\aclp \acrlongpl
\Aclp \Acrlongpl
\acf \acrfull
\Acf \Acrfull
\acfp \acrfullpl
\Acfp \Acrfullpl
\ac \gls
\Ac \Gls
\acp \glspl
\Acp \Glspl


2.10.1 Defining A Custom Acronym Style

You may find that the predefined acronyms styles that come with the glossaries package don’t suit your requirements. In this case you can define your own style. This is done by redefining the following commands:

\CustomAcronymFields \CustomAcronymFields

This command sets up the keys for \newglossaryentry when you define an acronym using \newacronym. Within the definition of \CustomAcronymFields, you may use \the\glslongtok to access the long form, \the\glsshorttok to access the short form and \the\glslabeltok to access the label. This command is typically used to set the name, first, firstplural, text and plural keys. It may also be used to set the symbol or description keys depending on your requirements.

\SetCustomDisplayStyle \SetCustomDisplayStyle{type}

This is used to set up the display style for the glossary given by type. This should typically just use \defglsdisplayfirst and \defglsdisplay.

Once you have redefined \CustomAcronymFields and \SetCustomDisplayStyle, you must then switch to this style using

\SetCustomStyle \SetCustomStyle

Note that you may still use the shortcuts package option with your custom style.

If you omit \SetCustomStyle, or use it before you redefine \CustomAcronymFields and \SetCustomDisplayStyle, your new style won’t be correctly implemented. You must set up the custom style before defining new acronyms. The acronyms must be defined using \newacronym not \newglossaryentry.

As an example, suppose I want my acronym on first use to have the short form in the text and the long form with the description in a footnote. Suppose also that I want the short form to be put in small caps in the main body of the document, but I want it in normal capitals in the list of acronyms. In my list of acronyms, I want the long form as the name with the short form in brackets followed by the description.

First, I need to redefine \CustomAcronymFields so that \newacronym will correctly set the name, text and plural keys. I want the long form to be stored in the name and the short form to be stored in text. In addition, I’m going to set the symbol to the short form in upper case so that it will appear in the list of acronyms.


Note that in this case I haven’t bothered with \acrpluralsuffix and have just inserted an “s”.

When I use the custom acronym style, the short form is stored in user1, the plural short form is stored in user2, the long form is stored in user3 and the plural long form is stored in user4. So when I use \defglsdisplayfirst and \defglsdisplay, I can use \glsentryuseriii to access the long form. Recall from §2.4.1 Changing the format of the link text, that the optional argument to \defglsdisplayfirst and \defglsdisplay indicates the glossary type. This is passed to \SetCustomDisplayStyle. The mandatory argument sets up the definition of \glsdisplayfirst and \glsdisplay for the given glossary, where the first argument corresponds to the first, firstplural, text or plural, as appropriate, the second argument corresponds to the description, the third corresponds to the symbol and the fourth argument is the inserted text.

    \glsentryuseriii{\glslabel}: ##2%  

Since we have a definition inside a definition, #1 refers to the argument of \SetCustomDisplayStyle, and ##1, …, ##4, refer to the arguments of \glsdisplayfirst and \glsdisplay.

Now that I’ve redefined \CustomAcronymFields and \SetCustomDisplayStyle, I can set this style using


and now I can define my acronyms:

\newacronym[description={set of tags for use in developing hypertext  
documents}]{html}{html}{Hyper Text Markup Language}  
\newacronym[description={language used to describe the layout of a  
document written in a markup language}]{css}{css}{Cascading Style  

Note that since I’ve used the description in the main body of the text, I need to switch off the sanitization otherwise any commands within the description won’t get interpreted. Also I want to use the hyperref package, but this will cause a problem on first use as I’ll get nested hyperlinks, so I need to switch off the hyperlinks on first use. In addition, I want to use a glossary style that displays the symbol. Therefore, in my preamble I have:

\usepackage[acronym,         % create list of acronyms  
            nomain,          % don’t need main glossary for this example  
            style=tree,      % need a style that displays the symbol  
            hyperfirst=false,% don’t hyperlink first use  
            sanitize=none    % switch off sanitization as description  
                             % will be used in the main text  

Note that I haven’t used the description or footnote package options.


2.10.2 Upgrading From the glossary Package

Users of the obsolete glossary package may recall that the syntax used to define new acronyms has changed with the replacement glossaries package. In addition, the old glossary package created the command \acr-namewhen defining the acronym acr-name.

In order to facilitate migrating from the old package to the new one, the glossaries package11 provides the command:

\oldacronym \oldacronym[label]{abbrv}{long}{key-val list}

This uses the same syntax as the glossary package’s method of defining acronyms. It is equivalent to:
\newacronym[key-val list]{label}{abbrv}{long}
In addition, \oldacronym also defines the commands \label, which is equivalent to \gls{label}, and \label*, which is equivalent to \Gls{label}. If labelis omitted, abbrvis used. Since commands names must consist only of alphabetical characters, labelmust also only consist of alphabetical characters. Note that \labeldoesn’t allow you to use the first optional argument of \gls or \Gls — you will need to explicitly use \gls or \Gls to change the settings.

Recall that, in general, LATEX ignores spaces following command names consisting of alphabetical characters. This is also true for \labelunless you additionally load the xspace package.

The glossaries package doesn’t load the xspace package since there are both advantages and disadvantages to using \xspace in \label. If you don’t use the xspace package you need to explicitly force a space using \␣ (backslash space) however you can follow \labelwith additional text in square brackets (the final optional argument to \gls). If you use the xspace package you don’t need to escape the spaces but you can’t use the optional argument to insert text (you will have to explicitly use \gls).

To illustrate this, suppose I define the acronym “abc” as follows:

\oldacronym{abc}{example acronym}{}

This will create the command \abc and its starred version \abc*. Table 7 illustrates the effect of \abc (on subsequent use) according to whether or not the xspace package has been loaded. As can be seen from the final row in the table, the xspace package prevents the optional argument from being recognised.

Table 7: The effect of using xspace with \oldacronym
Code With xspaceWithout xspace
\abc. abc. abc.
\abc xyz abc xyz abcxyz
\abc\ xyz abc xyz abc xyz
\abc* xyz Abc xyz Abc xyz
\abc[’s] xyzabc [’s] xyz abc’s xyz


2.11 Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags

When using \gls, \glspl and their uppercase variants it is possible that you may want to use the value given by the first key, even though you have already used the glossary entry. Conversely, you may want to use the value given by the text key, even though you haven’t used the glossary entry. The former can be achieved by one of the following commands:

\glsreset \glsreset{label}

\glslocalreset \glslocalreset{label}

while the latter can be achieved by one of the following commands:

\glsunset \glsunset{label}

\glslocalunset \glslocalunset{label}

You can also reset or unset all entries for a given glossary or list of glossaries using:

\glsresetall \glsresetall[glossary list]

\glslocalresetall \glslocalresetall[glossary list]

\glsunsetall \glsunsetall[glossary list]

\glslocalunsetall \glslocalunsetall[glossary list]

where glossary listis a comma-separated list of glossary labels. If omitted, all defined glossaries are assumed. For example, to reset all entries in the main glossary and the list of acronyms:


You can determine whether an entry’s first use flag is set using:

\ifglsused \ifglsused{label}{true part}{false part}

where labelis the label of the required entry. If the entry has been used, true part will be done, otherwise false partwill be done.


2.12 Glossary Styles

The glossaries package comes with some pre-defined glossary styles. Note that the styles are suited to different types of glossaries: some styles ignore the associated symbol; some styles are not designed for hierarchical entries, so they display sub-entries in the same way as they display top level entries; some styles are designed for homographs, so they ignore the name for sub-entries. You should therefore pick a style that suits your type of glossary. See table 8 for a summary of the available styles.

Table 8: Glossary Styles. An asterisk in the style name indicates anything that matches that doesn’t match any previously listed style (e.g. long3col* matches long3col, long3colheader, long3colborder and long3colheaderborder). A maximum level of 0 indicates a flat glossary (sub-entries are displayed in the same way as main entries). Where the maximum level is given as — there is no limit, but note that makeindex imposes a limit of 2 sub-levels. If the homograph column is checked, then the name is not displayed for sub-entries. If the symbol column is checked, then the symbol will be displayed if it has been defined.
Style Maximum LevelHomographSymbol
listdotted 0
sublistdotted 1
list* 1
altlist* 1
long*3col* 1
long4col* 1
altlong*4col* 1
long* 1
super*3col* 1
super4col* 1
altsuper*4col* 1
super* 1
index* 2

The glossary style can be set using the style key in the optional argument to \printglossary or using the command:

\glossarystyle \glossarystyle{style-name}

Some of the glossary styles may also be set using the style package option, it depends if the package in which they are defined is automatically loaded by the glossaries package.

The tabular-like styles that allow multi-line descriptions and page lists use the length \glsdescwidth \glsdescwidth to set the width of the description column and the length \glspagelistwidth \glspagelistwidth to set the width of the page list column.12 These will need to be changed using \setlength if the glossary is too wide. Note that the long4col and super4col styles (and their header and border variations) don’t use these lengths as they are designed for single line entries. Instead you should use the analogous altlong4col and altsuper4col styles. If you want to explicitly create a line-break within a multi-line description in a tabular-like style you should use \newline instead of \\.

Note that if you use the style key in the optional argument to \printglossary, it will override any previous style settings for the given glossary, so if, for example, you do


then the new definition of \glsgroupskip will not have an affect for this glossary, as \glsgroupskip is redefined by style=long. Likewise, \glossarystyle will also override any previous style definitions, so, again


will reset \glsgroupskip back to its default definition for the named glossary style (long in this case). If you want to modify the styles, either use \newglossarystyle (described in the next section) or make the modifications after \glossarystyle, e.g.:


All the styles except for the three- and four-column styles and the listdotted style use the command

\glspostdescription \glspostdescription

after the description. This simply displays a full stop by default. To eliminate this full stop (or replace it with something else, say, a comma) you will need to redefine \glspostdescription before the glossary is displayed. Alternatively, you can suppress it for a given entry by placing \nopostdesc in the entry’s description.


2.12.1 List Styles

The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-list. Since they all use the description environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. These styles all ignore the entry’s symbol. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the nolist or nostyles package options.

The list style uses the description environment. The entry name is placed in the optional argument of the \item command (so it will appear in bold by default). The description follows, and then the associated number list for that entry. The symbol is ignored. If the entry has child entries, the description and number list follows (but not the name) for each child entry. Groups are separated using \indexspace.
The listgroup style is like list but the glossary groups have headings.
The listhypergroup style is like listgroup but has a navigation line at the start of the glossary with links to each group that is present in the glossary. This requires an additional run through LATEX to ensure the group information is up to date. In the navigation line, each group is separated by

\glshypernavsep \glshypernavsep

which defaults to a vertical bar with a space on either side. For example, to simply have a space separating each group, do:


Note that the hyper-navigation line is now (as from version 1.14) set inside the optional argument to \item instead of after it to prevent a spurious space at the start. This can be changed by redefining \glossaryheader, but note that this needs to be done after the glossary style has been set.

The altlist style is like list but the description starts on the line following the name. (As with the list style, the symbol is ignored.) Each child entry starts a new line, but as with the list style, the name associated with each child entry is ignored.
The altlistgroup style is like altlist but the glossary groups have headings.
The altlisthypergroup style is like altlistgroup but has a set of links to the glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for listhypergroup, described above.
This style uses the description environment.13 Each entry starts with \item[], followed by the name followed by a dotted line, followed by the description. Note that this style ignores both the number list and the symbol. The length

\glslistdottedwidth \glslistdottedwidth

governs where the description should start. This is a flat style, so child entries are formatted in the same way as the parent entries.

This is a variation on the listdotted style designed for hierarchical glossaries. The main entries have just the name displayed. The sub entries are displayed in the same manner as listdotted.


2.12.2 Longtable Styles

The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-long. Since they all use the longtable environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the nolong or nostyles package options. These styles fully justify the description and page list columns. If you want ragged right formatting instead, use the analogous styles described in §2.12.3 Longtable Styles (Ragged Right).

The long style uses the longtable environment (defined by the longtable package). It has two columns: the first column contains the entry’s name and the second column contains the description followed by the number list. The entry’s symbol is ignored. Sub groups are separated with a blank row. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of the second column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth. Child entries have a similar format to the parent entries except that their name is suppressed.
The longborder style is like long but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The longheader style is like long but has a header row.
The longheaderborder style is like longheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The long3col style is like long but has three columns. The first column contains the entry’s name, the second column contains the description and the third column contains the number list. The entry’s symbol is ignored. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column, the width of the second column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth, and the width of the third column is governed by the length \glspagelistwidth.
The long3colborder style is like the long3col style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The long3colheader style is like long3col but has a header row.
The long3colheaderborder style is like long3colheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The long4col style is like long3col but has an additional column in which the entry’s associated symbol appears. This style is used for brief single line descriptions. The column widths are governed by the widest entry in the given column. Use altlong4col for multi-line descriptions.
The long4colborder style is like the long4col style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The long4colheader style is like long4col but has a header row.
The long4colheaderborder style is like long4colheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The altlong4col style is like long4col but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists. The width of the description column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth and the width of the page list column is governed by the length \glspagelistwidth. The widths of the name and symbol columns are governed by the widest entry in the given column.
The altlong4colborder style is like the long4colborder but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.
The altlong4colheader style is like long4colheader but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.
The altlong4colheaderborder style is like long4colheaderborder but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.


2.12.3 Longtable Styles (Ragged Right)

The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-longragged. These styles are analogous to those defined in glossary-long but the multiline columns are left justified instead of fully justified. Since these styles all use the longtable environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. The glossary-longragged package additionally requires the array package. Note that these styles will only be available if you explicitly load glossary-longragged:


Note that you can’t set these styles using the style package option since the styles aren’t defined until after the glossaries package has been loaded.

The longragged style has two columns: the first column contains the entry’s name and the second column contains the (left-justified) description followed by the number list. The entry’s symbol is ignored. Sub groups are separated with a blank row. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of the second column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth. Child entries have a similar format to the parent entries except that their name is suppressed.
The longraggedborder style is like longragged but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The longraggedheader style is like longragged but has a header row.
The longraggedheaderborder style is like longraggedheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The longragged3col style is like longragged but has three columns. The first column contains the entry’s name, the second column contains the (left justified) description and the third column contains the (left justified) number list. The entry’s symbol is ignored. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column, the width of the second column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth, and the width of the third column is governed by the length \glspagelistwidth.
The longragged3colborder style is like the longragged3col style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The longragged3colheader style is like longragged3col but has a header row.
The longragged3colheaderborder style is like longragged3colheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The altlongragged4col style is like longragged3col but has an additional column in which the entry’s associated symbol appears. The width of the description column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth and the width of the page list column is governed by the length \glspagelistwidth. The widths of the name and symbol columns are governed by the widest entry in the given column.
The altlongragged4colborder style is like the altlongragged4col but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The altlongragged4colheader style is like altlongragged4col but has a header row.
The altlongragged4colheaderborder style is like altlongragged4colheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.


2.12.4 Supertabular Styles

The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-super. Since they all use the supertabular environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the nosuper or nostyles package options. In general, the longtable environment is better, but there are some circumstances where it is better to use supertabular.14 These styles fully justify the description and page list columns. If you want ragged right formatting instead, use the analogous styles described in §2.12.5 Supertabular Styles (Ragged Right).

The super style uses the supertabular environment (defined by the supertabular package). It has two columns: the first column contains the entry’s name and the second column contains the description followed by the number list. The entry’s symbol is ignored. Sub groups are separated with a blank row. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of the second column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth. Child entries have a similar format to the parent entries except that their name is suppressed.
The superborder style is like super but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The superheader style is like super but has a header row.
The superheaderborder style is like superheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The super3col style is like super but has three columns. The first column contains the entry’s name, the second column contains the description and the third column contains the number list. The entry’s symbol is ignored. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of the second column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth. The width of the third column is governed by the length \glspagelistwidth.
The super3colborder style is like the super3col style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The super3colheader style is like super3col but has a header row.
The super3colheaderborder style is like super3colheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The super4col style is like super3col but has an additional column in which the entry’s associated symbol appears. This style is designed for entries with brief single line descriptions. The column widths are governed by the widest entry in the given column. Use altsuper4col for multi-line descriptions.
The super4colborder style is like the super4col style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The super4colheader style is like super4col but has a header row.
The super4colheaderborder style is like super4colheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The altsuper4col style is like super4col but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists. The width of the description column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth and the width of the page list column is governed by the length \glspagelistwidth. The width of the name and symbol columns is governed by the widest entry in the given column.
The altsuper4colborder style is like the super4colborder style but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.
The altsuper4colheader style is like super4colheader but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.
The altsuper4colheaderborder style is like super4colheaderborder but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.


2.12.5 Supertabular Styles (Ragged Right)

The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-superragged. These styles are analogous to those defined in glossary-super but the multiline columns are left justified instead of fully justified. Since these styles all use the supertabular environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that environment. The glossary-superragged package additionally requires the array package. Note that these styles will only be available if you explicitly load glossary-superragged:


Note that you can’t set these styles using the style package option since the styles aren’t defined until after the glossaries package has been loaded.

The superragged style uses the supertabular environment (defined by the supertabular package). It has two columns: the first column contains the entry’s name and the second column contains the (left justified) description followed by the number list. The entry’s symbol is ignored. Sub groups are separated with a blank row. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of the second column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth. Child entries have a similar format to the parent entries except that their name is suppressed.
The superraggedborder style is like superragged but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The superraggedheader style is like superragged but has a header row.
The superraggedheaderborder style is like superraggedheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The superragged3col style is like superragged but has three columns. The first column contains the entry’s name, the second column contains the (left justified) description and the third column contains the (left justified) number list. The entry’s symbol is ignored. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of the second column is governed by the length \glsdescwidth. The width of the third column is governed by the length \glspagelistwidth.
The superragged3colborder style is like the superragged3col style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The superragged3colheader style is like superragged3col but has a header row.
The superragged3colheaderborder style is like superragged3colheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The altsuperragged4col style is like superragged3col but has an additional column in which the entry’s associated symbol appears. The column widths for the name and symbol column are governed by the widest entry in the given column.
The altsuperragged4colborder style is like the altsuperragged4col style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
The altsuperragged4colheader style is like altsuperragged4col but has a header row.
The altsuperragged4colheaderborder style is like altsuperragged4colheader but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.


2.12.6 Tree-Like Styles

The styles described in this section are all defined in the package glossary-tree. These styles are designed for hierarchical glossaries but can also be used with glossaries that don’t have sub-entries. These styles will display the entry’s symbol if it exists. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the notree or nostyles package options.

The index style is similar to the way indices are usually formatted in that it has a hierarchical structure up to three levels (the main level plus two sub-levels). The name is typeset in bold, and if the symbol is present it is set in parentheses after the name and before the description. Sub-entries are indented and also include the name, the symbol in brackets (if present) and the description. Groups are separated using \indexspace.
The indexgroup style is similar to the index style except that each group has a heading.
The indexhypergroup style is like indexgroup but has a set of links to the glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for listhypergroup, described above.
The tree style is similar to the index style except that it can have arbitrary levels. (Note that makeindex is limited to three levels, so you will need to use xindy if you want more than three levels.) Each sub-level is indented by \glstreeindent \glstreeindent. Note that the name, symbol (if present) and description are placed in the same paragraph block. If you want the name to be apart from the description, use the alttree style instead. (See below.)
The treegroup style is similar to the tree style except that each group has a heading.
The treehypergroup style is like treegroup but has a set of links to the glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for listhypergroup, described above.
The treenoname style is like the tree style except that the name for each sub-entry is ignored.
The treenonamegroup style is similar to the treenoname style except that each group has a heading.
The treenonamehypergroup style is like treenonamegroup but has a set of links to the glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for listhypergroup, described above.
The alttree style is similar to the tree style except that the indentation for each level is determined by the width of the text specified by

\glssetwidest \glssetwidest[level]{text}

The optional argument levelindicates the level, where 0 indicates the top-most level, 1 indicates the first level sub-entries, etc. If \glssetwidest hasn’t been used for a given sub-level, the level 0 widest text is used instead. If levelis omitted, 0 is assumed.

For each level, the name is placed to the left of the paragraph block containing the symbol (optional) and the description. If the symbol is present, it is placed in parentheses before the description.

The alttreegroup is like the alttree style except that each group has a heading.
The alttreehypergroup style is like alttreegroup but has a set of links to the glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for listhypergroup, described above.


2.13 Defining your own glossary style

If the predefined styles don’t fit your requirements, you can define your own style using:

\newglossarystyle \newglossarystyle{name}{definitions}

where nameis the name of the new glossary style (to be used in \glossarystyle). The second argument definitionsneeds to redefine all of the following:

theglossary theglossary

This environment defines how the main body of the glossary should be typeset. Note that this does not include the section heading, the glossary preamble (defined by \glossarypreamble) or the glossary postamble (defined by \glossarypostamble). For example, the list style uses the description environment, so the theglossary environment is simply redefined to begin and end the description environment.

\glossaryheader \glossaryheader

This macro indicates what to do at the start of the main body of the glossary. Note that this is not the same as \glossarypreamble, which should not be affected by changes in the glossary style. The list glossary style redefines \glossaryheader to do nothing, whereas the longheader glossary style redefines \glossaryheader to do a header row.

\glsgroupheading \glsgroupheading{label}

This macro indicates what to do at the start of each logical block within the main body of the glossary. If you use makeindex the glossary is sub-divided into a maximum of twenty-eight logical blocks that are determined by the first character of the sort key (or name key if the sort key is omitted). The sub-divisions are in the following order: symbols, numbers, A, …, Z. If you use xindy, the sub-divisions depend on the language settings.

Note that the argument to \glsgroupheading is a label not the group title. The group title can be obtained via

\glsgetgrouptitle \glsgetgrouptitle{label}

This obtains the title as follows: if \labelgroupname exists, this is taken to be the title, otherwise the title is just label.

A navigation hypertarget can be created using

\glsnavhypertarget \glsnavhypertarget{label}{text}

For further details about \glsnavhypertarget, see the documented code of glossary-hypernav in glossaries.pdf.

Most of the predefined glossary styles redefine \glsgroupheading to simply ignore its argument. The listhypergroup style redefines \glsgroupheading as follows:


See also \glsgroupskip below. (Note that command definitions within \newglossarystyle must use ##1 instead of #1 etc.)

\glsgroupskip \glsgroupskip

This macro determines what to do after one logical group but before the header for the next logical group. The list glossary style simply redefines \glsgroupskip to be \indexspace, whereas the tabular-like styles redefine \glsgroupskip to produce a blank row.

\glossaryentryfield \glossaryentryfield{label}{formatted name}{description}{symbol} {number list}

This macro indicates what to do for a given glossary entry. Note that formatted name will always be in the form \glsnamefont{name}. This allows the user to set a given font for the entry name, regardless of the glossary style used. Note that labelis the label used when the glossary entry was defined via either \newglossaryentry or \newacronym.

Each time you use a glossary entry it creates a hyperlink (if hyperlinks are enabled) to the relevant line in the glossary. Your new glossary style must therefore redefine \glossaryentryfield to set the appropriate target. This is done using

\glstarget \glstarget{label}{text}

where labelis the entry’s label. Note that you don’t need to worry about whether the hyperref package has been loaded, as \glstarget won’t create a target if \hypertarget hasn’t been defined.

For example, the list style defines \glossaryentryfield as follows:

\item[\glstarget{##1}{##2}] ##3\glspostdescription\space ##5}

Note also that number listwill always be of the form
\setentrycounter{counter name}\glsnumberformat{number(s)}}
where number(s)may contain \delimN (to delimit individual numbers) and/or \delimR (to indicate a range of numbers). There may be multiple occurrences of \setentrycounter{counter name}\glsnumberformat{number(s)}, but note that the entire number list is enclosed within the argument to \glossaryentrynumbers. The user can redefine this to change the way the entire number list is formatted, regardless of the glossary style. However the most common use of \glossaryentrynumbers is to provide a means of suppressing the number list altogether. (In fact, the nonumberlist option redefines \glossaryentrynumbers to ignore its argument.) Therefore, when you define a new glossary style, you don’t need to worry about whether the user has specified the nonumberlist package option.

\glossarysubentryfield \glossarysubentryfield{level}{label}{formatted name}{description}{symbol} {number list}

This is new to version 1.17, and is used to display sub-entries. The first argument, level, indicates the sub-entry level. This must be an integer from 1 (first sub-level) onwards. The remaining arguments are analogous to those for \glossaryentryfield described above.

For further details of these commands, see the documented code in glossaries.pdf.


2.13.1 Example: creating a completely new style

If you want a completely new style, you will need to redefine all of the commands and the environment listed above.

For example, suppose you want each entry to start with a bullet point. This means that the glossary should be placed in the itemize environment, so theglossary should start and end that environment. Let’s also suppose that you don’t want anything between the glossary groups (so \glsgroupheading and \glsgroupskip should do nothing) and suppose you don’t want anything to appear immediately after \begin{theglossary} (so \glossaryheader should do nothing). In addition, let’s suppose the symbol should appear in brackets after the name, followed by the description and last of all the number list should appear within square brackets at the end. Then you can create this new glossary style, called, say, mylist, as follows:

 % put the glossary in the itemize environment:  
 % have nothing after \begin{theglossary}:  
 % have nothing between glossary groups:  
 % set how each entry should appear:  
 \item % bullet point  
 \glstarget{##1}{##2}% the entry name  
 \space (##4)% the symbol in brackets  
 \space ##3% the description  
 \space [##5]% the number list in square brackets  
 % set how sub-entries appear:  

Note that this style creates a flat glossary, where sub-entries are displayed in exactly the same way as the top level entries.


2.13.2 Example: creating a new glossary style based on an existing style

If you want to define a new style that is a slightly modified version of an existing style, you can use \glossarystyle within the second argument of \newglossarystyle followed by whatever alterations you require. For example, suppose you want a style like the list style but you don’t want the extra vertical space created by \indexspace between groups, then you can create a new glossary style called, say, mylist as follows:

\glossarystyle{list}% base this style on the list style  
\renewcommand{\glsgroupskip}{}% make nothing happen between groups  


2.13.3 Example: creating a glossary style that uses the user1, …, user6 keys

Since \glossaryentryfield and \glossarysubentryfield provide the label for the entry, it’s also possible to access the values of the generic user keys, such as user1. For example, suppose each entry not only has an associated symbol, but also units (stored in user1) and dimension (stored in user2). Then you can define a glossary style that displays each entry in a longtable as follows:

 % put the glossary in a longtable environment:  
 % Set the table’s header:  
  \bfseries Term & \bfseries Description & \bfseries Symbol &  
  \bfseries Units & \bfseries Dimensions & \bfseries Page List  
 % No heading between groups:  
 % Main (level 0) entries displayed in a row:  
    \glstarget{##1}{##2}% Name  
    & ##3% Description  
    & ##4% Symbol  
    & \glsentryuseri{##1}% Units  
    & \glsentryuserii{##1}% Dimensions  
    & ##5% Page list  
    \\% end of row  
 % Sub entries treated the same as level 0 entries:  
 % Nothing between groups:  


2.14 Accessibility Support

Limited accessibility support is provided by the accompanying glossaries-accsupp package, but note that this package is experimental and it requires the accsupp package which is also listed as experimental. This package defines additional keys that may be used when defining glossary entries. The keys are as follows:

The replacement text corresponding to the name key.
The replacement text corresponding to the text key.
The replacement text corresponding to the first key.
The replacement text corresponding to the plural key.
The replacement text corresponding to the firstplural key.
The replacement text corresponding to the symbol key.
The replacement text corresponding to the symbolplural key.
The replacement text corresponding to the description key.
The replacement text corresponding to the descriptionplural key.

For example:

\newglossaryentry{tex}{name={\TeX},description={Document preparation  

Now \gls{tex} will be equivalent to


See the section “glossaries-accsupp code” in the document glossaries.pdf for further details. It is recommended that you also read the accsupp documentation.


3 Mfirstuc Package

The glossaries bundle is supplied with the package mfirstuc which provides the command:

\makefirstuc \makefirstuc{stuff }

which makes the first object of stuff uppercase unless stuff starts with a control sequence followed by a non-empty group, in which case the first object in the group is converted to uppercase. Examples:

Note that non-Latin or accented characters appearing at the start of the text must be placed in a group (even if you are using the inputenc package) due to expansion issues.

In version 1.02 of mfirstuc, a bug fix resulted in a change in output if the first object is a control sequence followed by an empty group. Prior to version 1.02, \makefirstuc{\ae{}bc} produced æBc. However as from version 1.02, it now produces Æbc.

Note also that


produces: ABC. This is because the first object in the argument of \makefirstuc is \abc, so it does \MakeUppercase\abc. Whereas:


produces: Abc. There is a short cut command which will do this:

\xmakefirstuc \xmakefirstuc{stuff }

This is equivalent to \expandafter\makefirstuc\expandafter{stuff }. So


produces: Abc.

If you want to use an alternative command to convert to uppercase, for example \MakeTextUppercase,15 you can redefine the internal command \@gls@makefirstuc. For example:

\renewcommand{\@gls@makefirstuc}[1]{\MakeTextUppercase #1}

(Remember that command names that contain the @ character must either be placed in packages or be placed between \makeatletter and \makeatother.)




\@gls@codepage  1
\@glsorder  2
\@istfilename  3
\@newglossary  4
\@xdylanguage  5

A \Ac  6
\ac  7
accsupp package  8, 9
\Acf  10
\acf  11
\Acfp  12
\acfp  13
\Acl  14
\acl  15
\Aclp  16
\aclp  17
\Acp  18
\acp  19
\ACRfull  20
\Acrfull  21, 22
\acrfull  23, 24
\Acrfullpl  25
\acrfullpl  26
\ACRlong  27
\Acrlong  28, 29
\acrlong  30, 31, 32
\Acrlongpl  33
\acrlongpl  34
\acrnameformat  35, 36, 37
\acronymfont  38, 39, 40, 41, 42
\acronymname  43
\acronymtype  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
\acrpluralsuffix  52
\ACRshort  53
\Acrshort  54, 55
\acrshort  56, 57, 58
\Acrshortpl  59
\acrshortpl  60
\Acs  61
\acs  62
\Acsp  63
\acsp  64
array package  65, 66

B babel package  67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77

C \CustomAcronymFields  78, 79, 80

D \defglsdisplay  81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86
\defglsdisplayfirst  87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92
description environment  93, 94, 95, 96, 97
\descriptionname  98

E \emph  99
\entryname  100
    theglossary  101
equation environment  102

F file types
    .alg  103
    .aux  104, 105
    .glg  106, 107, 108, 109
    .glo  110, 111, 112
    .gls  113, 114, 115
    .ist  116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121
    .log  122
    .tex  123, 124
    .xdy  125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131
first use  132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153
    flag  154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163
    text  164, 165, 166, 167
\firstacronymfont  168
flowfram package  169
fmtcount package  170

G german package  171
glossaries-accsupp package  172, 173
glossaries-babel package  174, 175, 176
glossaries-polyglossia package  177, 178, 179
glossary package  180, 181, 182, 183, 184
glossary styles:
    altlist  185, 186
    altlistgroup  187, 188
    altlisthypergroup  189
    altlong4col  190, 191, 192
    altlong4colborder  193
    altlong4colheader  194
    altlong4colheaderborder  195
    altlongragged4col  196, 197, 198
    altlongragged4colborder  199
    altlongragged4colheader  200, 201
    altlongragged4colheaderborder  202
    altsuper4col  203, 204, 205
    altsuper4colborder  206
    altsuper4colheader  207
    altsuper4colheaderborder  208
    altsuperragged4col  209, 210, 211
    altsuperragged4colborder  212
    altsuperragged4colheader  213, 214
    altsuperragged4colheaderborder  215
    alttree  216, 217, 218
    alttreegroup  219, 220
    alttreehypergroup  221
    index  222, 223, 224, 225, 226
    indexgroup  227, 228
    indexhypergroup  229
    list  230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240
    listdotted  241, 242, 243
    listgroup  244, 245
    listhypergroup  246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252
    long  253, 254, 255, 256, 257
    long3col  258, 259, 260, 261, 262
    long3colborder  263, 264
    long3colheader  265, 266, 267
    long3colheaderborder  268, 269
    long4col  270, 271, 272, 273, 274
    long4colborder  275, 276
    long4colheader  277, 278, 279
    long4colheaderborder  280, 281
    longborder  282
    longheader  283, 284, 285
    longheaderborder  286
    longragged  287, 288, 289, 290
    longragged3col  291, 292, 293, 294
    longragged3colborder  295
    longragged3colheader  296, 297
    longragged3colheaderborder  298
    longraggedborder  299
    longraggedheader  300, 301
    longraggedheaderborder  302
    super  303, 304, 305, 306
    super3col  307, 308, 309, 310
    super3colborder  311
    super3colheader  312, 313
    super3colheaderborder  314
    super4col  315, 316, 317, 318, 319
    super4colborder  320, 321
    super4colheader  322, 323, 324
    super4colheaderborder  325, 326
    superborder  327
    superheader  328, 329
    superheaderborder  330
    superragged  331, 332, 333, 334
    superragged3col  335, 336, 337, 338
    superragged3colborder  339
    superragged3colheader  340, 341
    superragged3colheaderborder  342
    superraggedborder  343
    superraggedheader  344, 345
    superraggedheaderborder  346
    tree  347, 348, 349, 350
    treegroup  351, 352
    treehypergroup  353
    treenoname  354, 355
    treenonamegroup  356, 357
    treenonamehypergroup  358
glossary-hypernav package  359
glossary-list package  360, 361, 362
glossary-long package  363, 364, 365, 366
glossary-longragged package  367, 368, 369
glossary-super package  370, 371, 372, 373
glossary-superragged package  374, 375, 376
glossary-tree package  377, 378, 379
\glossaryentryfield  380, 381, 382
\glossaryentrynumbers  383
\glossaryheader  384, 385, 386
\glossarymark  387, 388, 389
\glossaryname  390
\glossarypostamble  391
\glossarypreamble  392
\glossarystyle  393, 394, 395, 396, 397
\glossarysubentryfield  398, 399
\GLS  400
\Gls  401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406
\gls  407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424
\glsadd  425
\glsaddall  426, 427
\glsaddall options
    types  428
\GlsAddXdyAttribute  429, 430
\GlsAddXdyLocation  431
\glsautoprefix  432
\glsclearpage  433
\glsclosebrace  434
\glsdefaulttype  435, 436
\GLSdesc  437
\Glsdesc  438
\glsdesc  439, 440
\glsdescwidth  441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452
\glsdisablehyper  453
\glsdisp  454, 455, 456, 457, 458
\glsdisplay  459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466
\glsdisplayfirst  467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474
\glsenablehyper  475
\Glsentrydesc  476
\glsentrydesc  477
\Glsentrydescplural  478
\glsentrydescplural  479
\Glsentryfirst  480
\glsentryfirst  481
\Glsentryfirstplural  482
\glsentryfirstplural  483
\Glsentryname  484
\glsentryname  485, 486
\Glsentryplural  487
\glsentryplural  488
\Glsentrysymbol  489
\glsentrysymbol  490
\Glsentrysymbolplural  491
\glsentrysymbolplural  492
\Glsentrytext  493
\glsentrytext  494
\Glsentryuseri  495
\glsentryuseri  496
\Glsentryuserii  497
\glsentryuserii  498
\Glsentryuseriii  499
\glsentryuseriii  500, 501
\Glsentryuseriv  502
\glsentryuseriv  503
\Glsentryuserv  504
\glsentryuserv  505
\Glsentryuservi  506
\glsentryuservi  507
\GLSfirst  508
\Glsfirst  509
\glsfirst  510, 511
\GLSfirstplural  512
\Glsfirstplural  513
\glsfirstplural  514
\glsgetgrouptitle  515
\glsgroupheading  516, 517
\glsgroupskip  518, 519, 520, 521
\glshyperlink  522, 523
\glshypernavsep  524
\glslabel  525
\glslabeltok  526
\glslink  527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532
\glslink options
    counter  533
    format  534, 535, 536, 537
    hyper  538, 539, 540
\glslink*  541
\glslistdottedwidth  542
\glslocalreset  543
\glslocalresetall  544
\glslocalunset  545
\glslocalunsetall  546
\glslongkey  547
\glslongpluralkey  548
\glslongtok  549
\GLSname  550
\Glsname  551
\glsname  552
\glsnamefont  553
\glsnavhypertarget  554
\glsnumbersgroupname  555
\glsopenbrace  556
\glspagelistwidth  557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564
\glspar  565
\GLSpl  566, 567, 568
\Glspl  569, 570, 571, 572
\glspl  573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583
\GLSplural  584
\Glsplural  585
\glsplural  586
\glspluralsuffix  587, 588, 589
\glspostdescription  590
\glsquote  591
\glsreset  592
\glsresetall  593
\glssee  594, 595, 596
\glsSetAlphaCompositor  597
\glsSetCompositor  598
\glsSetSuffixF  599
\glsSetSuffixFF  600
\glssetwidest  601
\GlsSetXdyCodePage  602, 603
\GlsSetXdyLanguage  604, 605
\GlsSetXdyLocationClassOrder  606
\GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength  607, 608
\glsshortkey  609
\glsshortpluralkey  610
\glsshorttok  611
\GLSsymbol  612
\Glssymbol  613
\glssymbol  614, 615
\glssymbolsgroupname  616
\glstarget  617
\GLStext  618
\Glstext  619
\glstext  620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629
\glstextformat  630, 631
\glstocfalse  632
\glstoctrue  633
\glstreeindent  634
\glsunset  635
\glsunsetall  636
\GLSuseri  637
\Glsuseri  638
\glsuseri  639
\GLSuserii  640
\Glsuserii  641
\glsuserii  642
\GLSuseriii  643
\Glsuseriii  644
\glsuseriii  645
\GLSuseriv  646
\Glsuseriv  647
\glsuseriv  648
\GLSuserv  649
\Glsuserv  650
\glsuserv  651
\GLSuservi  652
\Glsuservi  653
\glsuservi  654

H html package  655
\hyperbf  656
\hyperemph  657
\hyperit  658
\hyperlink  659, 660
\hypermd  661
\hyperpage  662
hyperref package  663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669
\hyperrm  670, 671
\hypersc  672
\hypersf  673
\hypersl  674
\hypertarget  675
\hypertt  676
\hyperup  677

I \ifglsused  678
\indexspace  679
inputenc package  680, 681, 682, 683, 684
\inputencodingname  685
itemize environment  686

J \jobname  687, 688

L link text  689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695
\loadglsentries  696
location list  see number list
longtable environment  698, 699, 700, 701, 702
longtable package  703, 704

M \makefirstuc  705, 706
makeglossaries  707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756
\makeglossaries  757, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773
makeindex  774, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830
\MakeUppercase  831
mfirstuc package  832

N \newacronym  833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 852
\newglossary  853, 854, 855, 856
\newglossaryentry  857, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865
\newglossaryentry options
    access  866
    description  867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882
    descriptionaccess  883
    descriptionplural  884, 885, 886
    descriptionpluralaccess  887
    first  888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905
    firstaccess  906
    firstplural  907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917
    firstpluralaccess  918
    format  919
    name  920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940
    nonumberlist  941
    parent  942, 943, 944, 945
    plural  946, 947, 948, 949, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959
    pluralaccess  960
    see  961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967
    sort  968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976
    symbol  977, 978, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987, 988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994
    symbolaccess  995
    symbolplural  996, 997, 998
    symbolpluralaccess  999
    text  1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018
    textaccess  1019
    type  1020, 1021
    user1  1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028
    user2  1029, 1030
    user3  1031
    user4  1032
    user6  1033, 1034, 1035
\newglossarystyle  1036, 1037
\newline  1038, 1039
ngerman package  1040, 1041
\nohyperpage  1042
\noist  1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053
\nopostdesc  1054, 1055, 1056, 1057
number list  1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085

O \oldacronym  1086, 1087

P package options:
    acronym  1088, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108
    acronymlists  1109, 1110, 1111, 1112
    counter  1113, 1114, 1115
    description  1116, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131
    dua  1132, 1133, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140
    footnote  1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1155
    hyperfirst  1156
        false  1157, 1158
        true  1159
    makeindex  1160
    nolist  1161, 1162
    nolong  1163, 1164, 1165
    nomain  1166, 1167
    nonumberlist  1168, 1169, 1170, 1171
    nostyles  1172, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1176, 1177
    nosuper  1178, 1179, 1180
    notree  1181, 1182
    nowarn  1183
    numberedsection  1184, 1185, 1186, 1187, 1188
        autolabel  1189, 1190
        false  1191
        nolabel  1192
    numberline  1193, 1194
    order  1195
        letter  1196, 1197, 1198
        word  1199, 1200, 1201
    sanitize  1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206
        description  1207, 1208
        none  1209
        symbol  1210, 1211, 1212, 1213
    section  1214, 1215
    shortcuts  1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221
    smallcaps  1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235
    smaller  1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249
    style  1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256
    toc  1257, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1261
    translate  1262
        false  1263, 1264, 1265, 1266
        true  1267, 1268
    xindy  1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279
\pagelistname  1280
pod2man  1281
polyglossia package  1282, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286
\printglossaries  1287, 1288, 1289
\printglossary  1290, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1295
\printglossary options
    nonumberlist  1296
    numberedsection  1297
    style  1298, 1299, 1300, 1301
    title  1302
    toctitle  1303
    type  1304

R relsize package  1305, 1306, 1307

S \seename  1308
\setAlphaCompositor  1309
\setCompositor  1310
\SetCustomDisplayStyle  1311, 1312, 1313, 1314
\SetCustomStyle  1315
\setglossarysection  1316
\setStyleFile  1317, 1318, 1319
\smaller  1320
supertabular environment  1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325
supertabular package  1326, 1327, 1328
\symbolname  1329

T \textbf  1330
\textrm  1331
\textsc  1332
\textsmaller  1333, 1334, 1335
theglossary (environment)  1336
theglossary environment  1337, 1338, 1339
\thepage  1340
translator package  1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1355

X xindy  1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1396, 1397, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417, 1418, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1438, 1439
xkeyval package  1440, 1441
\xmakefirstuc  1442
\xspace  1443
xspace package  1444, 1445, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1449


1that is, if the term has been referenced using any of the commands described in §2.4 Links to Glossary Entries, §2.5 Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text or via \glssee (or the see key)

2Actually it sets \acronymtype to \glsdefaulttype if the acronym package option is not used, but \glsdefaulttype usually has the value main.

3if the acronym option is used, otherwise the list of acronyms is the main glossary

4The only preamble restriction on \newglossaryentry and \newacronym was removed in version 1.13, but the restriction remains for \loadglsentries.

5This is because \acronymtype is set to \glsdefaulttype if the acronym package option is not used.

6main for the main (default) glossary, \acronymtype for the list of acronyms, or the name supplied in the first mandatory argument to \newglossary for additional glossaries.

7see \setCompositor described in §2.2 Defining Glossary Entries

8see \setAlphaCompositor described in §2.2 Defining Glossary Entries

9you will need to load a package, such as relsize, that defines \textsmaller if you use this option.

10not that this was change from using \smaller to \textsmaller as declarations cause a problem for \makefirstuc.

11as from version 1.18

12these lengths will not be available if you use both the nolong and nosuper package options or if you use the nostyles package option unless you explicitly load the relevant package.

13This style was supplied by Axel Menzel.

14e.g. with the flowfram package.

15defined in the textcase package