glossaries change log: v1.2: * Fixed ngerman caption bug in glossaries-babel.sty v1.19: * changed \acronymfont to use \textsmaller instead of \smaller (for "smaller" package option) * Added \glsdisp (similar to \glslink except that it uses \glsdisplay/glsdisplayfirst and unsets the first use flag) * Added experimental package glossaries-accsupp which requires accsupp package. v1.18: * fixed missing closing } in glossaries-babel.sty * added \glstarget so that glossary styles can be modified in the document without using internal commands. * glossary-super.sty isn't loaded if supertabular.sty isn't installed. * added nolong, nosuper, nolist, notree and nostyles package options to prevent loading unnecessary packages. * added \oldacronym (emulates the old glossary package's \newacronym command). * added sublistdotted style. * fixed bug caused by misspelt \glspagewidthlist (should be \glspagelistwidth). * fixed border in super4colheaderborder and altsuper4colheaderborder styles. * fixed sort sanitization when package option sanitize={name=false} is used. v1.17: * changed definition of \@glossary to prevent conflict with memoir * added check to determine if \printglossary is defined. (If it is, issue warning and redefine.) * provided means to suppress number list for specific entries * provided means to suppress description terminator for specific entries * added cross-referencing support * added hierarchical support * added xindy support * modified \glshypernumber to support \nohyperpage (code provided by Heiko Oberdiek) * added 2 and 3-page suffix support * added "order" package option to set word/letter ordering (only has an effect in combination with makeglossaries script) * added Brazilian dictionary (supplied by Thiago de Melo) v1.16 : * fixed bug that causes footnote option to remove hyperlink for first use entries in glossaries other than the list of acronyms. (footnote option should only affect entries in \acronymtype glossary.) * Raised hypertarget so that links to glossary entries don't scroll off the top of the page. * Fixed expansion-related bug (thanks to fix provided by Ulrich Diez) v1.15 : * added \glslabel * added altlong4col* and altsuper4col* styles * fixed PDF encoding problem caused when both translator and hyperref packages are being used * fixed bug when using smallcaps and smaller options that causes the long form in the list of acronyms to be the same for each entry * Added warnings when rerun required when using glossary group hyper navigation glossaries.perl v1.04: * add do_cmd_glslabel * changed links to the start of the relevant glossary entry rather than the entry's backlink * added implementation of starred forms of \gls etc * added frame related code if has been loaded v1.14 : * Fixed bug in \glsnavhyperlink that causes an error when used with hyperref and translator packages. * Added \glsautoprefix (specifies a prefix to the automatically generated label) * Added nonumberlist and numberedsection keys to \printglossary * Changed \glsnavigation so that it only lists the groups that are present. (This prevents unknown target warnings.) * Amended documentation. mfirstuc v1.02 (18 June 2008): * Fixed bug that transfered grouping, (e.g \makefirstuc{\emph{abc}xyz} moved the xyz into the \emph) * If group following initial command is empty, \MakeUppercase is applied to the command, e.g. \makefirstuc{\ae{}bc} now produces \MakeUppercase\ae{}bc. v1.13 : * Fixed bug in long4colheaderborder that puts an extra row at the end of the glossary. * Fixed bug in \glstext etc that ignored 3rd argument (thanks to Franz Fischer for pointing this out). * Removed only preamble restriction on \newglossaryentry and \newacronym. * Added \glspluralsuffix. * Changed firstplural default so that it takes its value from the plural key if the first key is omitted. * Added \acrshortpl, \Acrshortpl, \ACRshortpl, \acrlongpl, \Acrlongpl, \ACRlongpl, \acrfullpl, \Acrfullpl, \ACRfullpl. * Fixed bugs in \Acrshort etc. * Add package options "smaller" and "shortcuts". * Acronym default plural forms now implemented for the additional acronym styles. * Fixed makeglossaries to allow filenames with spaces. * Fixed error in documentation describing \glsaddall - optional argument should be a key=value list. * Added Polish support (thanks to Piotr Formella for supplying the translations). * If babel is loaded and translator package is found on TeX's path, then the translator package will now be automatically loaded. mfirstuc v1.01 (13 May 2008): * Added \xmakefirstuc (expands argument before applying \makefirstuc) v1.12 (8 March 2008): * Fixed bug that causes \glspl to print the plural short form on first use instead of the plural long form. * Added descriptionplural and symbolplural keys. * Added \glsshortkey, \glsshortpluralkey, \glslongkey and \glslongpluralkey. * Fixed bugs in \glsname, \glstext, \glsdesc etc. * Added a check for \hypertarget in addition to checking for \hyperlink (in the event that \hyperlink is defined but not \hypertarget). * Changed #! line in makeglossaries to use /usr/bin/env * Added package mfirstuc.sty which provides the command \makefirstuc{} which makes the first object of uppercase unless starts with a control sequence followed by a group, in which case the first object in the group is converted to uppercase. Examples: \makefirstuc{abc} -> Abc \makefirstuc{\emph{abc}} -> \emph{Abc} \makefirstuc{{\'a}bc} -> {\'A}bc \makefirstuc{\ae bc} -> \AE bc \makefirstuc{{\ae}bc} -> {\AE}bc (but don't do \makefirstuc{\ae{}bc} which produces \ae Bc.) v1.11 (2 March 2008): * Fixed error in manual (glossary style is set using \glossarystyle not \setglossarystyle). * Changed the way the package is archived to make it compatible with TeX Live. * Improved error handling of makeglossaries and added --version and --help options. v1.1 (22 Feb 2008): * New package options: - numberline: inserts \numberline{} in \addcontentsline when used with the toc option. - numberedsection: puts glossaries in numbered chapters/sections - translate: translate=false option prevents glossaries package from using pre-supplied translations. - description: changes definition of \newacronym to allow a description - footnote: changes definition of \newacronym to use a footnote on first use - smallcaps: changes definition of \newacronym to set acronyms in small capitals - dua: changes definition of \newacronym to always expand acronyms * Added \setglossarysection - changes the section type used by the glossaries * Added listdotted glossary style. * No longer uses xspace package; uses amsgen instead. * Added \glsname, \glsdesc, \glssymbol, \glsfirst, \glstext, \glsplural and \glsfirstplural. * Added support for translator package. v1.08 (13 Oct 2007): * Added multilingual support * Fixed bug in listgroup and altlistgroup styles so that \glsgroupheading uses \glsgetgrouptitle to get the group title instead of displaying the label * Fixed typo in error message text when the description key is missing to \newglossaryentry. v1.07 (13 Sep 2007): * Fixed bug causing incorrect page number for entries in the first paragraph of a page. v1.06 (21 Aug 2007): * Changed the license text v1.05 (10 Aug 2007): * Changed the default value of the sort key to just use the name key * Added \@mkboth to \glossarysection v1.04 (3 Aug 2007): * Added \glstextformat v1.03 (4 July 2007): * Added \glspostdescription v1.02 (25 May 2007): * Added overview section in the documentation v1.01 (17 May 2007): * Added number range facility (equivalent to makeindex's |( and |) formatting commands.) * Added a space after \delimN and \delimR in the ist file. v1.0 (16 May 2007): Initial release