% arara: pdflatex % arara: makeglossaries % arara: pdflatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[nogroupskip]{glossaries-extra} \makeglossaries \setabbreviationstyle[acronym]{long-short-user} % Translations are stored in the user1 key in the sample file % (loaded below). % This is the default for the long-short-user style so % \glsxtruserfield doesn't need changing, but let's illustrate % changing the font style for the short form: \renewcommand{\glsabbrvuserfont}[1]{\textsc{\MakeLowercase{#1}}} \renewcommand*{\glsxtrusersuffix}{\glsxtrscsuffix} \loadglsentries{example-glossaries-acronyms-lang} % The entries in the above file are all defined using % \newacronym, which automatically sets the category % to "acronym" (which is why the abbreviation style needs % to use "acronym" in the optional argument). The glossary % can be adapted by using the post-description hook for this % category. % \glscurrentfieldvalue only works with glossaries v4.23 (and above) \renewcommand{\glsxtrpostdescacronym}{% \ifglshasfield{\glsxtruserfield}{\glscurrententrylabel}% { (English: \glscurrentfieldvalue)}% {}% } \begin{document} \section{Sample} First use: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls{\thislabel}. } Next use: \forglsentries{\thislabel}{\gls{\thislabel}. } \printglossaries \end{document}