% arara: pdflatex % arara: makeglossaries % arara: pdflatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{cmap} \usepackage[accsupp,% use glossaries-accsupp %nonumberlist,% suppress location list in glossary nopostdot=false% insert dot after description in glossary ]{glossaries-extra} \makeglossaries % Change the format of the location lists: \renewcommand{\GlsXtrFormatLocationList}[1]{Page list: #1.} % Default uses "ActualText" instead of "E". Redefine if required. % Support in PDF viewers is variable. %\renewcommand*{\glsaccsupp}[2]{% % \BeginAccSupp{E=#1}#2\EndAccSupp{}% %} \newabbreviation [% add accessibility information: %shortaccess={specific learning difference},% short access %access={specific learning difference},% name access textaccess={specific learning difference},% text access ] {spld}{SpLD}{specific learning difference} % \ensuremath is required in the following as the % accessibility support clashes with math-mode. % The firstaccess key defaults to the access key if omitted. % This means that on first use if firstaccess hasn't been % set but access has been set it will use the access text % that's used for the name field in the glossary (not the % value of the textaccess field). If this is inappropriate % you need to explicitly add the firstaccess key. \newglossaryentry{R}{name={\ensuremath{\Re}}, access={set of real numbers symbol},% name access textaccess={set of real numbers},% text access %firstaccess={set of real numbers},% first access description={set of real numbers}} \newglossaryentry{in}{name={\ensuremath{\in}}, access={is element of set symbol},% name access textaccess={in},% text access %firstaccess={in},% first access description={is an element of}} \begin{document} This is a sample document testing the accsupp option. If your PDF viewer doesn't provide a text-to-speech facility try copying the text on this page and pasting to a text file to see the difference. \section{An Abbreviation} First use: \gls{spld}. Next use: \gls{spld}. Access text: \glsentrytextaccess{spld}. Access short: \glsentryshortaccess{spld}. If the access field isn't set in the above, no replacement text is used in the corresponding \verb|\glstext|, \verb|\glsaccesstext| etc commands. Text field: \glstext{spld} (\glsaccesstext{spld}). Short field: \glsxtrshort{spld} (\glsaccessshort{spld}). \section{A Symbol} First use: \gls{R}. Next use: \gls{R}. Text field: \glstext{R}. Name field: \glsname{R}. First use: \gls{in}. Next use: \gls{in}. Text field: \glstext{in}. Name field: \glsname{in}. Now test in math-mode: \[ x \gls{in} \gls{R} \] The ``firstaccess'' field is used on first use. If this hasn't been set the ``access'' field is used instead. The ``textaccess'' field is used on subsequent use. If this hasn't been set the ``access'' field is used instead. The ``access'' field is used for the entry name in the glossary list. Access field: \glsentryaccess{R}. First Access field: \glsentryfirstaccess{R}. Text Access field: \glsentrytextaccess{R}. Access field: \glsentryaccess{in}. First Access field: \glsentryfirstaccess{in}. Text Access field: \glsentrytextaccess{in}. \printglossaries \end{document}