1.08 (2016-12-13): * Added record option * New commands: - \glsxtrresourcefile - \printunsrtglossary - \printunsrtglossaries * Fixed bug that occurs with undefaction=warn and an undefined \glslabel in the post-link hook 1.07 (2016-08-15): * New commands \glsxtrp etc. * New command \glsxtrabbrvfootnote used by the footnote abbreviation styles (instead of hard-coding \footnote into the style). * Fixed bug in footnote styles that used \glsfirstlongfont instead of \glsfirstlongfootnotefont. * Fixed "first" and "firstplural" keys in the postfootnote style (was causing repeated footnotes). * Fixed "text" key in the long-short-desc and short-long-desc abbreviation styles, and fixed misspelling of \glsabbrvfont in the "plural" key. * Fixed \glsfirst, \Glsfirst and \GLSfirst to ensure they honour the nohyperfirst attribute. * Fixed bug in \RestoreAcronyms www.dickimaw-books.com/cgi-bin/bugtracker.cgi?action=view&key=113 1.06 (2016-06-18): * Added docdefs=restricted (don't use .glsdefs file, document definitions allowed provided they come before the glossary in which they belong is displayed) * New command \glsxtrusesee 1.05 (2016-06-10): * Added \glsfirstlongfootnotefont and \glslongfootnotefont (Bug fix http://www.dickimaw-books.com/cgi-bin/bugtracker.cgi?action=view&key=110) * Bug fix in short-em-long style (corrected long form font command) * glossaries-extra-stylemods.sty: provided supplementary alttree commands. 1.04 (2016-05-02): * Added \GlsXtrEnablePreLocationTag * Added check for category \glsxtrpostname... in \glxstrpostnamehook * Added new abbreviation styles: - long-short-user - long-short-user-desc - short-long-user - short-long-user-desc and their accompanying commands \glsxtruserfield, \glsxtruserparen, \glsabbrvuserfont and \glsxtrusersuffix. * Added new abbreviation styles: - long-em-short-em - long-em-short-em-desc - short-em-long-em - short-em-long-em-desc and their accompanying commands \glsabbrvemfont and \glsfirstlongemfont * Fixed sort in long-short-desc abbreviation style. * Reorganised naming scheme of abbreviation styles. (Backward-compatible synonyms provided.) * Added \glsxtrregularfont * Added \glslongfont and \glslongdefaultfont * Added glossdescfont and glossnamefont attribute checks in \glossentryname, \Glossentryname and \glossentrydesc * Tidied up accessibility support * Modified \glstext, \glsfirst, \glsplural, \glsfirstplural (and case-changing variants) to set the abbreviation style if required. 1.03 (2016-04-27): * Fixed bug in \glsxtrtitleshortpl (www.dickimaw-books.com/cgi-bin/bugtracker.cgi?action=view&key=107) * Fixed bugs in \glsplural, \Glsplural, \GLSplural, \Glsfirstplural, \GLSfirstplural, \glsxtrtitlelongpl 1.02 (2016-04-25): * Added \ifglsxtrinsertinside * Added \glsfmtlong, \glsfmtlongpl, \Glsfmtlong, \Glsfmtlongpl, \glsfmtfull, \glsfmtfullpl, \Glsfmtfull, \Glsfmtfullpl * Added package glossaries-extra-stylemods.sty 1.01 (2016-02-02): * Added retainfirstuseperiod attribute * bug fix for "short-desc" style: fixed typo in \glsxtrinlinefullformat and added missing second argument 1.0 (2016-01-24 First stable release): * indexcrossrefs is now initially set to false but will be automatically switched on if the "see" key is used. 0.5.4 (2015-12-15): * Modified \glsdohyperlink and \glsdonohyperlink to ameliorate the problems resulted from nested link-text. * Added per unit entry counting. * Modified \cglsformat etc to check for the regular attribute. * Added \GlsXtrEnableOnTheFly * Added \GlsXtrSetAltModifier and \GlsXtrSetDefaultGlsOpts * Added \glsxtrprotectlinks to deal with nested \gls etc. * Added \glsxtrpostunset, \glsxtrpostlocalunset, \glsxtrpostreset and \gslxtrpostlocalreset * Added checks for entry's existence in shortcut tests \glshasattribute and \glsifattribute and in \glspostlinkhook * Added \glsxtrdowrglossaryhook * Added package option indexcrossrefs * Fixed \@newglossaryentryposthook so that it will add an empty see value if not set. Added "see" element to field map \@gls@keymap. * Added redefinition of \@gls@setdefault@glslink@opts to set the default index value. * \MakeAcronymsAbbreviations now disables \setacronymstyle 0.5.3 (2015-12-08): * Fixed bug in "abbreviations" package option. * Added support for "indexname" and "dualindex" attributes with associated new commands. * Added provision for language modules (but none provided). * Removed \GlsXtrNoGlsWarningNoAutoMakeMain (identical to \GlsXtrNoGlsWarningEmptyMain) * Added check for \glsdescwidth and \glspagelistwidth and fixed adjustment for \glslistdottedwidth. 0.5.2 (2015-12-08): * Modified the "nonumberlist" key (\printglossary) so that it saves the number list. * Added \GlsXtrFormatLocationList * New command \GlsXtrEnableInitialTagging * Added \glsxtrfieldtitlecase * Modified \glossentrydesc to check for "glossdesc" attribute. * Modified \glossentryname to check for "glossname" attribute. * Fixed misspelt glossaries-accsupp (final letter was missing) in \@ifpackageloaded * Modified commands like \@glstext@ to use \glsaccess... instead of \glsentry... if glossaries-accsupp loaded. * Added: \GLSaccessname \GLSaccesstext \GLSaccessplural \GLSaccessfirst \GLSaccessfirstplural \GLSaccesssymbol \GLSaccesssymbolplural \GLSaccessdesc \GLSaccessdescplural \GLSaccessshort \GLSaccessshortpl \GLSaccesslong \glsaccesslongpl \Glsaccesslongpl \GLSaccesslongpl * Removed \glsxtrabbrvfmt and moved \glssetabbrvfmt{\glscategory{\glslabel}} to \glsentryfmt * Added check for post-definition style switch. * Added \glsxtrnewabbrevpresetkeyhook 0.5.1 (2015-12-07): * Removed \ifglsxtruseuchead Now implemented through the "headuc" attribute. Commands like \glsxtrheadshort modified to accommodate this. * Added: \Glsaccessname \Glsaccesstext \Glsaccessplural \Glsaccessfirst \Glsaccessfirstplural \Glsaccesssymbol \Glsaccesssymbolplural \Glsaccessdesc \Glsaccessdescplural * Abbreviation styles (non-regular) now switch off regular attribute if it has been set. (In case the style is switched for a given category, e.g the "acronym" category.) 0.5 (2015-12-07): * Renamed \glsentryfmtshort -> \glsfmtshort etc These now use new commands \glsxtrtitleshort and \glsxtrheadmarkshort etc to work better in page headers that convert to upper case. * Added new commands for use in section headings: \glsfmttext, \Glsfmttext, \glsfmtplural, \Glsfmtplural, \glsfmtfirst, \Glsfmtfirst, \glsfmtfirstpl, \Glsfmtfirstpl * New commands \glshascategoryattribute and \glshasattribute * Added \glsfirstabbrvdefaultfont and \glsfirstlongdefaultfont Styles now set \glsfirstabbrvfont and \glsfirstlongfont * \markright and \markboth redefined so that they use \glsxtrmarkhook (use \glsxtrRevertMarks to restore original definitions). * Redefined \glsenableentrycount and added \glsxtrifcounttrigger (support for "entrycount" attribute). Added \GlsXtrEnableEntryCounting * Changed default behaviour of commands like \cgls so they don't produce a warning if used without \glsenableentrycount. Instead a warning is triggered if \glsenableentrycount is used without setting the "entrycount" attribute. * Added \cGLS, \cGLSpl * \acronymfont and \firstacronymfont redefined to use \glsabbrvfont and \glsfirstabbrvfont (switched back with \RestoreAcronyms). * New abbreviation styles: footnote-sc, postfootnote-sc, long-short-sm, long-short-sm-desc, short-sm-long, short-sm-long-desc, short-sm, short-sm-desc, short-desc, long-sm, long-desc-sm, footnote-sm, postfootnote-sm, long-short-em, long-short-em-desc, short-em-long, short-em-long-desc, short-em, short-em-desc, short-desc, long-em, long-desc-em, footnote-em, postfootnote-em. * New command \glsxtrsmfont for use in *-sm abbreviation styles and \glsxtrsmsuffix for the default short plural suffix. * New command \glsxtrscfont for use in *-sc abbreviation styles and \glsxtrscsuffix for the default short plural suffix. 0.4 (2015-12-03): * The "abbreviations" option redefines \acronymtype if the "acronym" option hasn't been used. * Redefinition of \newacronym sets the default type to \acronymtype * Added \glsxtrifemptyglossary * \glsxtrnewsymbol and \glsxtrnewnumber adjusted so that the name and label need to be supplied. * Fixed bug in \newterm * Changed \glsentryfmtshort etc to use \glsxtrshort etc 0.3 (2015-12-03): * Added \glsxtrNoGlossaryWarning and "nomissingglstext" option. * Added \glsshortpltok and \glslongpltok. Abbreviation styles now additionally set the first, firstplural and plural keys even if the regular attribute isn't set to true. (Allows the use of commands like \glsfirst, although limitations apply.) * Added \glsxtrpostlinkAddDescOnFirstUse and \glsxtrpostlinkAddSymbolOnFirstUse * \glsentryfmt also checks for the presence of the short key. * Added support for insertdots attribute. * Added \glsxtrpostlinkendsentence * Added \glsxtrshortpl etc. * Renamed \abbrvdefaultfont -> \glsabbrvdefaultfont * Added abbreviation plural shortcuts. * Added glossaries-accsupp support. * Bug fix in long-short-desc and short-long-desc abbreviation styles - argument of \glsxtrfullformat should be \the\glslabeltok not \the\glsshorttok * Bug fix in *-sc abbreviation styles 0.2 (2015-11-30): * Name changes: \glsxtrlongfont -> \glsfirstlongfont \abbrvfont -> \glsabbrvfont \firstabbrvfont -> \glsfirstabbrvfont * "short" abbreviation style uses "short (long)" for the inline full style. 0.1 (2015-11-22): Initial experimental release.