\documentclass{gatech-thesis} %% %% This example is adapted from ucthesis.tex, a part of the %% UCTHESIS class package... %% \title{The Elements of Thesis} \author{Perry H. Disdainful} \principaladviser{Professor Alpha Betic} \committeechair{Professor Ignatius Arrogant} \firstreader{Professor Ivory Insular} \secondreader{Professor General Reference\\(Another Department)} \thirdreader{Professor Earl Grey} \fourthreader{Professor Darjeeling Sweet} \department{School of Electrical and Computer Engineering} \degree{Doctor of Philosophy} \copyrightyear{2001} \submitdate{January 2001} \bibfiles{example-thesis} %% The following are the defaults %% \titlepagetrue %% \signaturepagetrue %% \copyrightfalse %% \figurespagetrue %% \tablespagetrue %% \contentspagetrue %% \dedicationheadingfalse \bibpagetrue %% \thesisproposalfalse %% \strictmarginstrue \begin{document} \bibliographystyle{gatech-thesis} %% \begin{preliminary} \begin{dedication} \null\vfil {\large \begin{center} To myself,\\\vspace{12pt} Perry H. Disdainful,\\\vspace{12pt} the only person worthy of my company. \end{center}} \vfil\null \end{dedication} \begin{preface} Theses have elements. Isn't that nice? \end{preface} \begin{acknowledgements} I want to ``thank'' my committee, without whose ridiculous demands, I would have graduated so, so, very much faster. \end{acknowledgements} % print table of contents, figures and tables here. \contents % if you need a "List of Symbols or Abbreviations" look into % gatech-thesis-gloss.sty. \begin{summary} Why should I provide a summary? Just read the thesis. \end{summary} \end{preliminary} %% \chapter{Introduction} Every dissertation should have an introduction. You might not realize it, but the introduction should introduce the concepts, backgrouand, and goals of the dissertation. \begin{table} \caption{A table, centered.} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|r|} \hline Title & Author \\ \hline War And Peace & Leo Tolstoy \\ The Great Gatsby & F. Scott Fitzgerald \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} %% \chapter{Previous Work} Some other research was once performed. \begin{figure} \caption{A first figure.} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{A second figure.} \end{figure} %% \chapter{Conclusion} \nocite{*} %% We need this since this file doesn't ACTUALLY \cite anything... %% \appendix \chapter{Some Ancillary Stuff} Ancillary material should be put in appendices, which appear just before the bibliography. \begin{postliminary} \references \postfacesection{Index}{% %% ... generate an index here %% look into gatech-thesis-index.sty } \begin{vita} Perry H. Disdainful was born in an insignificant town whose only claim to fame is that it produced such a fine specimen of a researcher. \end{vita} \end{postliminary} \end{document}