This is the README file for gastex package. GasTeX: Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX GasTeX is a set of LaTeX macros which allow to draw very easily graphs, automata, nets, diagrams, etc... under the picture environment of LaTeX. Author: ------- Paul Gastin Copyright: 2006 by Paul Gastin ---------- This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. Installation: ------------- In order to use gastex you only need two files: - gastex.sty which contains the definition of all the LaTeX macros (this file could be in your working folder or where other .sty files are). - which contains all the postscript procedures (this file could be in your working folder but it is best placed where the file is). Usage: latex+dvips(+ps2pdf) ------ - Compile the source file with latex (not pdflatex) and generate the ps file with dvips. One may then use ps2pdf to get a pdf file. Remarks: -------- - gastex mainly generates postscript code so the pictures cannot be seen with a dvi-viewer. One has to generate a ps file (latex+dvips) and view it with a ps-viewer. One can also generate a pdf file (latex+dvips+ps2pdf) and view it with a pdf-viewer. - gastex does not work with pdflatex since it produces postscript code which cannot be interpreted by a pdf viewer. Instead, one should generate the pdf file with latex+dvips+ps2pdf. Examples: --------- - Several examples are provided on the gastex web page at - ex-gastex.tex contains some examples to learn gastex and to test your installation. - ex-beamer-gastex.tex shows how gastex may be used with beamer in order to produce very nice animated slides. You have to compile the file through latex-dvips-ps2pdf (not pdflatex). Documentation: -------------- See The best is to learn with the examples (see above). Comments in the file gastex.sty provide documentation for all macros. Enjoy!