\documentclass{book} \synctex=1 \usepackage[default]{fontsetup} \newfontfamily\newcmgreekguillemots[CharacterVariant=4]{NewCM10-Book.otf} \newcommand\quoteleft{\char"201C} \newcommand\quoteright{\char"201E} \usepackage{graphicx,fullpage,supertabular} \AtBeginDocument{\def\varnothing{\char"2300}\def\emptyset{\char"2205}} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\LARGE The \texttt{fontsetup} package}\\[1ex] \textit{by}\\[1ex] {\large Antonis Tsolomitis}\\ University of the Aegean\\ Department of Mathematics\\[1ex] \textsc{9} Dec \textsc{2021}\\[1ex] Version 1.1, \textsc{gpl3} \end{center} This package is a simple wrapper-type package that makes the setup of fonts easy and quick for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. You just load the package using one of the supported fonts as an option. The target is to provide easy access to fonts with a matching Mathematics font available in TeX distributions plus a few commercial if available. The package will include more font combinations in the future, however there are some restrictions. The fonts must have some commercial-level quality and must support Mathematics. Starting with version 1.01 the package is split in two; the main package called ``fontsetup'' and the fontsetup-nonfree package that contains the support and sample files for the non-free fonts. This facilitates the installation for users of texlive since the latter does not install the support for non-free fonts. For a user who wants to install the support for non-free fonts (Cambria, Lucida, Adobe-Minion, MS-Garamond, and Linotype-Palatino) it can be easily done following the guide for the contrib repository here: https://contrib.texlive.info The main package will load the style files for the nonfree fonts if the fontsetup-nonfree package is installed; that is, there is no other package that the user needs to load in the TeX file. The options (in alphabetic order after the default option) are as follows: \begin{description} \item[default] Loads the NewComputerModern fonts (in Book weight), which is an assembly of cm fonts plus more fonts to support Greek (cbgreek) and Cyrillic languages. It also provides \begin{itemize} \item the option ``upint'' for switching to upright integrals in mathmode. \item the option ``varnothing'' for changing the default symbol for the empty set ($\emptyset$) to the \verb|\varnothing| symbol ($\varnothing$) in mathmode. \item commands to access prosgegrammeni instead of ypogegrammeni for capitals and small capitals, by writing \verb|\textprosgegrammeni{}| or \verb|{\prosgegrammeni }|. \item commands to access 4th and 6th century bce Greek by writing \verb|\textivbce{}| or \verb|{\ivbce }| and \verb|\textvibce{}| or \verb|{\vibce }|. For example, write \verb|\textivbce{ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΟΣ}| to get \textivbce{ΕΠΙΚΟΥΡΟΣ}. \item commands to access Sans Greek (upright and oblique) in math mode although these are not included in the unicode standard. The commands follow the unicode-math.sty notation, so to get $\msansLambda$ and $\mitsanspi$ you write \verb|$\msansLambda$| and \verb|$\mitsanspi$|. \item commands to access the Ancient Greek Numbers (Unicode u10140--u1018E) documented in the Appendix \item commands to access the negation of uniform convergence symbols \verb|\nrightrightarrows| for $\nrightrightarrows$ and \verb|\nleftleftarrows| for $\nleftleftarrows$. \item commands to access the IPA symbols. These are \verb|\ipatext| and \verb|\ipatextsans| to select the fonts properly or \verb|\textipa{...}| and \verb|\textsansipa{...}| to select the fonts for IPA symbols locally. Compare \textipa{ðŋβθχ} (produced with \verb|\textipa{ðŋβθχ}|) with ðŋβθχ. \item If the xgreek package is loaded before fontsetup this will be detected and the package will load the fonts with correct anoteleia, greek guillemots and proper apostrophe for Greek. It will also enable the commands \verb|\quoteleft| and \verb|\quoteright| for proper quotes inside quotes. For an example, writing \verb|«φώναζε: \quoteleft απ' έξω την προπαίδεια\quoteright»· σαν εκδίκηση ακουγόταν\ldots| will give \begin{center} {\newcmgreekguillemots «φώναζε: \quoteleft απ' έξω την προπαίδεια\quoteright»· σαν εκδίκηση ακουγόταν\ldots} \end{center} For more information and references see the documentation of the NewComputerModern font family. \item commands to access ``up'' versions of Greek letters for Chemistry: Use \verb|chemalpha|, \verb|\chembeta|, \verb|\chemgamma| etc and similarly for uppercase (\verb|\chemAlpha| etc). For example, \verb|\chembeta-gucan| gives ``\chembeta-gucan'' and \verb|\chemkappa-component| gives ``\chemkappa-component''. \item commands for Medieval Latin and Uncial Greek: use \verb|{\uncial text}| or \verb|\textuncial{text}|. \end{itemize} \item[olddefault] Loads the NewComputerModern fonts (in Regular weight) similarly to the default option. \item[cambria] Loads the Cambria fonts of Microsoft. These must be already installed as a system font (in \verb|C:\Windows\Fonts| in MS-Windows, in \verb|/home/user/.fonts/| in Linux or elsewhere by the system administratior). This option works only if fontsetup-nonfree is installed. \item[ebgaramond] Loads the EB-Garamond fonts with Garamond-Math. \item[fira] Loads the Fira family, a sans-serif font. \item[gfsartemisia] Loads the GFSArtemisia, a font family designed to be used as a Times replacement. The Mathematics is from stix2 but latin and greek letters are substituted from GFSArtemisia to provide a better match. \item[gfsdidotclassic] Uses the GFSDidotClassic for Greek with GFSPorson for italic. The latin part is URW garamond. The Mathematics is from Garamond-Math but the greek letters are substituted from GFSDidotClassic to provide a better match. Notice that the Bold versions of the Greek fonts are faked using fontspec mechanism as the Greek part does not have bold versions. \item[gfsdidot] Loads the GFSDidot fonts. NewCMMath-Book is the Mathematics font, but latin and greek letters are substituted from GFSdidot to provide a better match. \item[gfsneohellenic] Loads the GFSNeohellenic family with GFSNeohellenic-Math. \item[kerkis] Loads the kerkis font family and texgyrebonum-math. \item[libertinus] Loads the Libertinus and LibertinusMath fonts. \item[lucida] Loads the Lucida font family if available (a commercial font). This option works only if fontsetup-nonfree is installed. \item[minion] Loads the MinionPro family. To install it, find the fonts MinionPro and MyriadPro from the installation of Adobe PDF Reader and install the fonts to your system (in \verb|C:\Windows\Fonts| in MS-Windows, in \verb|/home/user/.fonts/| in Linux or elsewhere by the system administratior). Moreover, install the supplied fspmnscel.otf as a system font to have access to Greek small caps. Mathematics is from stix2 with letters replaced from MinionPro. Sans is MyriadPro. This option works only if fontsetup-nonfree is installed. \item[msgaramond] Loads the MS-Garamond fonts. These must be system installed (in \verb|C:\Windows\Fonts| in MS-Windows, in \verb|/home/user/.fonts/| in Linux or elsewhere by the system administratior). Mathematics is from Garamond-Math with letters replaced from MS-Garamond. This option works only if fontsetup-nonfree is installed. \item[neoeuler] Loads the Concrete fonts with the Euler for Mathematics. Needs euler.otf to be instaled in the TeX installation. \item[palatino] Loads the Linotype Palatino Fonts available from some versions of Windows. Thefonts must be system installed (in \verb|C:\Windows\Fonts| in MS-Windows, in \verb|/home/user/.fonts/| in Linux or elsewhere by the system administratior). The supplied fsplpscel.otf must be also system-installed to allow access to Greek small caps. Mathematics font is texgyrepagella-math. This option works only if fontsetup-nonfree is installed. \item[stixtwo] Loads the stix2 fonts, a Times-type font. \item[times] Loads the FreeSerifb fonts, a Times font and stix2 for Mathematics with letters replaced from FreeSerifb. \end{description} You do not need to load \verb|fontspec|. This, as well as \verb|unicode-math|, are automatically loaded. A minimal file is \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[default]{fontsetup} \begin{document} ... \end{document} \end{verbatim} The switch to another font is trivial. You just change the option of \verb|fontsetup| to another among the supported ones. \bigskip \textbf{Summary of installation steps to support all fonts} \medskip For accessing the free fonts there is nothing to install (provided you have a full installation of TeX system) unless you want to access the \verb|neoeuler| option. For this you have to install \verb|euler.otf| in your TeX tree from here: \verb|https://github.com/khaledhosny/euler-otf| \medskip To access commercial fonts supported by this package check the documentation of the fontsetup-nonfree package. \medskip You can indeed suggest a new combination of fonts and I will add them. However, I do reserve the right to reject them if the font quality is bad or if Mathematics is not supported with a matching font. Samples for the free fonts follow. Samples for the nonfree fonts can be found in \noindent fontsetup-nonfree/doc/fontsetup-nonfree-doc.pdf \newpage \begin{center} {\Large ComputerModern fonts (Book weight): option \verb|default|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-newdefault.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large ComputerModern fonts (old Regular weight): option \verb|olddefault|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-cmr.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large EB-Garamond and Garamond-Math fonts: option \verb|ebgaramond|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-ebgaramond.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large Fira fonts: option \verb|fira|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-fira.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large GFSArtemisia and Stix2Math fonts: option \verb|gfsartemisia|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-gfsartemisia.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large GFSDidotClassic, GFSPorson Italic, and Garamond-Math fonts: option \verb|gfsdidotclassic|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-gfsdidotclassic.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large GFSDidot and NewCMMath-Book: option \verb|gfsdidot|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-gfsdidot.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large GFSNeohellenic and GFSNeohellenic-Math: option \verb|gfsneohellenic|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-gfsneohellenic.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large Kerkis and texgyrebonum-math: option \verb|kerkis|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-kerkis.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large Libertinus and LibertinusMath: option \verb|libertinus|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-libertinus.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large Concrete fonts and NeoEuler Math: option \verb|neoeuler|}\\ NeoEuler font must be installed in TeX tree\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-neoeuler.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large Stix2 and Stix2Math: option \verb|stixtwo|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-stixtwo.pdf} \end{center} \newpage \begin{center} {\Large FreeSerifb and Stix2Math: option \verb|times|}\\[1cm] \includegraphics[scale=1.2]{fspsample-times.pdf} \end{center} \appendix \chapter{Ancient Greek Numbers} The following table lists the commands and the symbol produced for the Unicode range \texttt{u10140--u1018E}. \begin{center}\enlargethispage{1cm} \begin{supertabular}{|l|l||l|l|} \hline \verb|\atticonequarter| & \atticonequarter &\verb|\hermionianfifty| & \hermionianfifty \\ \hline \verb|\atticonehalf| & \atticonehalf &\verb|\thespianfifty| & \thespianfifty \\ \hline \verb|\atticonedrachma| & \atticonedrachma &\verb|\thespianonehundred| & \thespianonehundred \\ \hline \verb|\atticfive| & \atticfive &\verb|\thespianthreehundred| & \thespianthreehundred \\ \hline \verb|\atticfifty| & \atticfifty &\verb|\epidaurianfivehundred| & \epidaurianfivehundred \\ \hline \verb|\atticfivehundred| & \atticfivehundred &\verb|\troezenianfivehundred| & \troezenianfivehundred \\ \hline \verb|\atticfivethousand| & \atticfivethousand &\verb|\thespianfivehundred| & \thespianfivehundred \\ \hline \verb|\atticfiftythousand| & \atticfiftythousand &\verb|\carystianfivehundred| & \carystianfivehundred \\ \hline \verb|\atticfivetalents| & \atticfivetalents &\verb|\naxianfivehundred| & \naxianfivehundred \\ \hline \verb|\attictentalents| & \attictentalents &\verb|\thespianonethousand| & \thespianonethousand \\ \hline \verb|\atticfiftytalents| & \atticfiftytalents &\verb|\thespianfivethousand| & \thespianfivethousand \\ \hline \verb|\atticonehundredtalents| & \atticonehundredtalents &\verb|\delphicfivemnas| & \delphicfivemnas \\ \hline \verb|\atticfivehundredtalents| & \atticfivehundredtalents &\verb|\stratianfiftymnas| & \stratianfiftymnas \\ \hline \verb|\atticonethousandtalents| & \atticonethousandtalents &\verb|\greekonehalfsign| & \greekonehalfsign \\ \hline \verb|\atticfivethousandtalents| & \atticfivethousandtalents &\verb|\greekonehalfsignalt| & \greekonehalfsignalt \\ \hline \verb|\atticfivestaters| & \atticfivestaters &\verb|\greektwothirdssign| & \greektwothirdssign \\ \hline \verb|\attictenstaters| & \attictenstaters &\verb|\greekthreequarterssign| & \greekthreequarterssign \\ \hline \verb|\atticfiftystaters| & \atticfiftystaters &\verb|\greekyearsign| & \greekyearsign \\ \hline \verb|\atticonehundredstaters| & \atticonehundredstaters &\verb|\greektalentsign| & \greektalentsign \\ \hline \verb|\atticfivehundredstaters| & \atticfivehundredstaters &\verb|\greekdrachmasign| & \greekdrachmasign \\ \hline \verb|\atticonethousandstaters| & \atticonethousandstaters &\verb|\greekobolsign| & \greekobolsign \\ \hline \verb|\attictenthousandstaters| & \attictenthousandstaters &\verb|\greektwoobolssign| & \greektwoobolssign \\ \hline \verb|\atticfiftythousandstaters| & \atticfiftythousandstaters &\verb|\greekthreeobolssign| & \greekthreeobolssign \\ \hline \verb|\attictenmnas| & \attictenmnas &\verb|\greekfourobolssign| & \greekfourobolssign \\ \hline \verb|\heraleumoneplethron| & \heraleumoneplethron &\verb|\greekfiveobolssign| & \greekfiveobolssign \\ \hline \verb|\thespianone| & \thespianone &\verb|\greekmetretessign| & \greekmetretessign \\ \hline \verb|\ermionianone| & \ermionianone &\verb|\greekkyathosbasesign| & \greekkyathosbasesign \\ \hline \verb|\epidauriantwo| & \epidauriantwo &\verb|\greeklytrasign| & \greeklytrasign \\ \hline \verb|\thespiantwo| & \thespiantwo &\verb|\greekounkiasign| & \greekounkiasign \\ \hline \verb|\cyrenaictwodrachmas| & \cyrenaictwodrachmas &\verb|\greekxestessign| & \greekxestessign \\ \hline \verb|\epidauriantwodrachmas| & \epidauriantwodrachmas &\verb|\greekartabesign| & \greekartabesign \\ \hline \verb|\troezenianfive| & \troezenianfive &\verb|\greekarourasign| & \greekarourasign \\ \hline \verb|\troezenianten| & \troezenianten &\verb|\greekgrammasign| & \greekgrammasign \\ \hline \verb|\troezeniantenalt| & \troezeniantenalt &\verb|\greektryblionbasesign| & \greektryblionbasesign \\ \hline \verb|\hermionianten| & \hermionianten &\verb|\greekzerosign| & \greekzerosign \\ \hline \verb|\messenianten| & \messenianten &\verb|\greekonequartersign| & \greekonequartersign \\ \hline \verb|\thespianten| & \thespianten &\verb|\greeksinusoidsign| & \greeksinusoidsign \\ \hline \verb|\thespianthirty| & \thespianthirty &\verb|\greekindictionsign| & \greekindictionsign \\ \hline \verb|\troezenianfifty| & \troezenianfifty &\verb|\nomismasign| & \nomismasign \\ \hline \verb|\troezenianfiftyalt| & \troezenianfiftyalt & & \\ \hline \end{supertabular} \end{center} \end{document}