# File : fmtcount.perl # Author : Nicola Talbot # Date : 3 Mar 2005 # Version : 1.02 # Description : LaTeX2HTML implementation of fmtcount package package main; sub do_fmtcount_raise{ local($tmp)=""; $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_fmtord{'; $tmp .= 'local($_) = @_;'; $tmp .= 'local($num) = &missing_braces unless ((s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2));'; $tmp .= 'join("", "",$num,"",$_);'; $tmp .='}'; eval($tmp); } sub do_fmtcount_level{ local($tmp)=""; $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_fmtord{'; $tmp .= 'local($_) = @_;'; $tmp .= 'local($num) = &missing_braces unless ((s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2));'; $tmp .= 'join("", $num,$_);'; $tmp .='}'; eval($tmp); } if (not defined &do_cmd_fmtord) { &do_fmtcount_raise(@_); } $frenchdialect = 'france'; $ordinalabbrv = 0; sub get_ordinal_suffix_english{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($suffix); if ((($num % 10) == 1) && ($num%100 != 11)) { $suffix = 'st'; } elsif ((($num % 10) == 2) && ($num%100 != 12)) { $suffix = 'nd'; } elsif ((($num % 10) == 3) && ($num%100 != 13)) { $suffix = 'rd'; } else { $suffix = 'th'; } $suffix; } sub get_ordinal_suffix_french{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($_); if ($ordinalabbrv > 0) { $_ = 'e'; } else { if ($num == 1) { $_ = ($gender eq 'f' ? 'ere' : 'er'); } else { $_ = 'eme'; } } } sub get_ordinal_suffix_spanish{ local($num,$gender) = @_; ($gender eq 'f' ? 'a' : 'o'); } sub get_ordinal_suffix_portuges{ local($num,$gender) = @_; ($gender eq 'f' ? 'a' : 'o'); } sub get_ordinal_suffix{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($suffix,$suffixsub); $suffixsub = "get_ordinal_suffix_$default_language"; if (defined ($suffixsub)) { $suffix = &$suffixsub($num,$gender); } else { $suffix = &get_ordinal_suffix_english($num,$gender); } $suffix; } sub getordinal{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($suffix) = &get_ordinal_suffix($num,$gender); if ($suffix eq '') { $num; } else { local($br_id) = ++$global{'max_id'}; $num . "\\fmtord${OP}$br_id${CP}$suffix${OP}$br_id${CP}"; } } sub do_cmd_ordinalnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); local($gender)='m'; local($suffix)=''; if ($_[0]=~s/\[([mf])\]//) { $gender = $1; } $suffix = &get_ordinal_suffix($num,$gender); local($br_id) = ++$global{'max_id'}; join('', $num, "\\fmtord${OP}$br_id${CP}$suffix${OP}$br_id${CP}", $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_FCordinal{ &do_cmd_ordinal; } sub do_cmd_ordinal{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); local($gender)='m'; $_[0] =~ s/${OP}$id${CP}$ctr${OP}$id${CP}//; if ($_[0]=~s/\[(.)\]//) { $gender = $1; } if ($ctr eq 'DAY' or $ctr eq 'MONTH' or $str eq 'YEAR') { # this is a cludge to make it work with newdateformat join('', '{ORDINAL{', $ctr, '}}', $_[0]); } else { join('', &getordinal($val, $gender), $_[0]); } } @unitthstring = ('zeroth', 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth', 'sixth', 'seventh', 'eighth', 'ninth'); @tenthstring = ('', 'tenth', 'twentieth', 'thirtieth', 'fortieth', 'fiftieth', 'sixtieth', 'seventieth', 'eightieth', 'ninetieth'); @teenthstring = ('tenth', 'eleventh', 'twelfth', 'thirteenth', 'fourteenth', 'fifteenth', 'sixteenth', 'seventeenth', 'eighteenth', 'nineteenth'); @unitstring = ('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'); @teenstring = ('ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'); @tenstring = ('', 'ten', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'); $hundredname = "hundred"; $hundredthname = "hundredth"; $thousandname = "thousand"; $thousandthname = "thousandth"; sub get_numberstringenglish{ local($num) = @_; local($name)=""; unless (($num >= 1000000) || ($num < 0)) { if ($num >= 1000) { local($thousands) = &get_numberstringenglish($num/1000); $name .= $thousands . " $thousandname"; $num = $num%1000; } if ($num >= 100) { if ($_[0] >= 1000) { $name .= " "; } local($hundreds) = &get_numberstringenglish($num/100); $name .= $hundreds . " $hundredname"; $num = $num%100; } if (($_[0] > 100) && ($_[0]%100 > 0)) { $name .= " and "; } if ($num >= 20) { $name .= $tenstring[$num/10]; if ($num%10 > 0) { $name .= '-'; } } if (($num >= 10) && ($num < 20)) { $name .= $teenstring[$num%10]; } elsif (($num%10 > 0) || ($_[0] == 0)) { $name .= $unitstring[$num%10]; } } $name; } @unitthstringfrench = ('zeroi\`eme', 'uni\`eme', 'deuxi\`eme', 'troisi\`eme', 'quatri\`eme', 'cinqui\`eme', 'sixi\`eme', 'septi\`eme', 'huiti\`eme', 'neuvi\`eme'); @tenthstringfrench = ('', 'dixi\`eme', 'vingti\`eme', 'trentri\`eme', 'quaranti\`eme', 'cinquanti\`eme', 'soixanti\`eme', 'septenti\`eme', 'huitanti\`eme', 'nonenti\`eme'); @teenthstringfrench = ('dixi\`eme', 'onzi\`eme', 'douzi\`eme', 'treizi\`eme', 'quatorzi\`eme', 'quinzi\`eme', 'seizi\`eme', 'dix-septi\`eme', 'dix-huiti\`eme', 'dix-neuvi\`eme'); @unitstringfrench = ('zero', 'un', 'deux', 'trois', 'quatre', 'cinq', 'six', 'sept', 'huit', 'neuf'); @teenstringfrench = ('dix', 'onze', 'douze', 'treize', 'quatorze', 'quinze', 'seize', 'dix-sept', 'dix-huit', 'dix-neuf'); @tenstringfrench = ('', 'dix', 'vingt', 'trente', 'quarante', 'cinquante', 'soixante', 'septente', 'huitante', 'nonente'); $hundrednamefrench = "cent"; $hundredthnamefrench = "centi\\`eme"; $thousandnamefrench = "mille"; $thousandthnamefrench = "mili\\`eme"; @unitthstringspanish = ('cero', 'primero', 'segundo', 'tercero', 'cuarto', 'quinto', 'sexto', 's\\\'eptimo', 'octavo', 'noveno'); @tenthstringspanish = ('', 'd\\\'ecimo', 'vig\\\'esimo', 'trig\\\'esimo', 'cuadrag\\\'esimo', 'quincuag\\\'esimo', 'sexag\\\'esimo', 'septuag\\\'esimo', 'octog\\\'esimo', 'nonag\\\'esimo'); @teenthstringspanish = ('d\\\'ecimo', 'und\\\'ecimo', 'duod\\\'ecimo', 'decimotercero', 'decimocuarto', 'decimoquinto', 'decimosexto', 'decimos\\\'eptimo', 'decimoctavo', 'decimonoveno'); @hundredthstringspanish = ('', 'cent\\\'esimo', 'ducent\\\'esimo', 'tricent\\\'esimo', 'cuadringent\\\'esimo', 'quingent\\\'esimo', 'sexcent\\\'esimo', 'septing\\\'esimo', 'octingent\\\'esimo', 'noningent\\\'esimo'); @unitstringspanish = ('cero', 'uno', 'dos', 'tres', 'cuatro', 'cinco', 'seis', 'siete', 'ocho', 'nueve'); @teenstringspanish = ('diez', 'once', 'doce', 'trece', 'catorce', 'quince', 'diecis\\\'eis', 'diecisiete', 'dieciocho', 'diecinueve'); @twentystringspanish = ('viente', 'vientiuno', 'vientid\\\'os', 'vientitr\\\'es', 'vienticuatro', 'vienticinco', 'vientis\\\'eis', 'vientisiete', 'vientiocho', 'vientinueve'); @tenstringspanish = ('', 'diez', 'viente', 'treinta', 'cuarenta', 'cincuenta', 'sesenta', 'setenta', 'ochenta', 'noventa'); @hundredstringspanish = ('', 'ciento', 'doscientos', 'trescientos', 'cuatrocientos', 'quinientos', 'seiscientos', 'setecientos', 'ochocientos', 'novecientos'); $hundrednamespanish = "cien"; $hundredthnamespanish = "centi\\`eme"; $thousandnamespanish = "mil"; $thousandthnamespanish = "mil\\'esimo"; @unitthstringportuges = ('zero', 'primeiro', 'segundo', 'terceiro', 'quatro', 'quinto', 'sexto', 's\\\'etimo', 'oitavo', 'nono'); @tenthstringportuges = ('', 'd\\\'ecimo', 'vig\\\'esimo', 'trig\\\'esimo', 'quadrag\\\'esimo', 'q\"uinquag\\\'esimo', 'sexag\\\'esimo', 'setuag\\\'esimo', 'octog\\\'esimo', 'nonag\\\'esimo'); @hundredthstringportuges = ('', 'cent\\\'esimo', 'ducent\\\'esimo', 'trecent\\\'esimo', 'quadringent\\\'esimo', 'q\"uingent\\\'esimo', 'seiscent\\\'esimo', 'setingent\\\'esimo', 'octingent\\\'esimo', 'nongent\\\'esimo'); @unitstringportuges = ('zero', 'um', 'dois', 'tr\`es', 'quatro', 'cinco', 'seis', 'sete', 'oito', 'nove'); @teenstringportuges = ('dez', 'onze', 'doze', 'treze', 'quatorze', 'quinze', 'dezesseis', 'dezessete', 'dezoito', 'dezenove'); @tenstringportuges = ('', 'dez', 'vinte', 'trinta', 'quaranta', 'cinq\"uenta', 'sessenta', 'setenta', 'oitenta', 'noventa'); @hundredstringportuges = ('', 'cento', 'duzentos', 'trezentos', 'quatrocentos', 'quinhentos', 'seiscentos', 'setecentos', 'oitocentos', 'novecentos'); $hundrednameportuges = "cem"; $thousandnameportuges = "mil"; $thousandthnameportuges = "mil\\'esimo"; sub get_numberstringfrench{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($name)=""; if ($gender eq 'f') { $unitstringfrench[1] = 'une'; } else { $unitstringfrench[1] = 'un'; } unless (($num >= 1000000) || ($num < 0)) { if ($num >= 1000) { local($thousands) = ''; if ($num >= 2000) { $thousands = &get_numberstringfrench($num/1000,$gender).' '; } $name .= $thousands . $thousandnamefrench; $num = $num%1000; } if ($num >= 100) { if ($_[0] >= 1000) { $name .= " "; } local($hundreds) = ''; if ($num >= 200) { $hundreds = &get_numberstringfrench($num/100,$gender).' '; } $name .= $hundreds . $hundrednamefrench; $num = $num%100; if (($_[0]%100 == 0) && ($_[0]/100 > 1)) { $name .= 's'; } } if (($_[0] > 100) && ($_[0]%100 > 0)) { $name .= " "; } if ($num >= 20) { if ($frenchdialect eq 'france' and $num >= 70) { if ($num < 80) { $name .= $tenstringfrench[6]; if ($num%10 == 1) { $name .= ' et '; } else { $name .= '-'; } $num = 10+($num%10); } else { $name .= 'quatre-vingt' . ($num==80?'s':'-'); if ($num >= 90) { $num = 10+($num%10); } } } elsif ($frenchdialect eq 'belgian' && ($num >= 80) && ($num < 90)) { $name .= 'quatre-vingt' . ($num==80?'s':'-'); } else { $name .= $tenstringfrench[$num/10]; if ($num%10 == 1) { $name .= ' et ';} elsif ($num%10 > 0) { $name .= '-'; } } } if (($num >= 10) && ($num < 20)) { $name .= $teenstringfrench[$num%10]; } elsif (($num%10 > 0) || ($_[0] == 0)) { $name .= $unitstringfrench[$num%10]; } } $name; } sub get_numberstringspanish{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($name)=""; if ($gender eq 'f') { $unitstringspanish[1] = 'una'; } else { $unitstringspanish[1] = 'uno'; } unless (($num >= 1000000) || ($num < 0)) { if ($num >= 1000) { local($thousands) = ''; if ($num >= 2000) { $thousands = &get_numberstringspanish($num/1000,$gender).' '; } $name .= $thousands . $thousandnamespanish; $num = $num%1000; } if ($num >= 100) { if ($_[0] >= 1000) { $name .= " "; } local($hundreds) = ''; if ($num > 100) { $hundreds = $hundredstringspanish[$num/100]; } else { $hundreds = 'cien'; } $name .= $hundreds; $num = $num%100; } if (($_[0] > 100) && ($_[0]%100 > 0)) { $name .= " y "; } if ($num >= 30) { $name .= $tenstringspanish[$num/10]; if ($num%10 > 0) { $name .= ' y '; } } if (($num >=20) && ($num < 30)) { $name .= $twentystringspanish[$num%10]; } elsif (($num >= 10) && ($num < 20)) { $name .= $teenstringspanish[$num%10]; } elsif (($num%10 > 0) || ($_[0] == 0)) { $name .= $unitstringspanish[$num%10]; } } $name; } sub get_numberstringportuges{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($name)=""; if ($gender eq 'f') { $unitstringportuges[0] = 'zera'; $unitstringportuges[1] = 'uma'; $unitstringportuges[2] = 'duas'; } else { $unitstringportuges[0] = 'zero'; $unitstringportuges[1] = 'um'; $unitstringportuges[2] = 'dois'; } unless (($num >= 1000000) || ($num < 0)) { if ($num >= 1000) { local($thousands) = ''; if ($num >= 2000) { $thousands = &get_numberstringportuges($num/1000,$gender).' '; } $name .= $thousands . $thousandnameportuges; $num = $num%1000; } if ($num >= 100) { if ($_[0] >= 1000) { $name .= " "; } local($hundreds) = ''; if ($num > 100) { $hundreds = $hundredstringportuges[$num/100]; if ($gender eq 'f') { $hundreds =~s/o(s?)$/a\1/; } } else { $hundreds = $hundrednameportuges; } $name .= $hundreds; $num = $num%100; } if (($_[0] > 100) && ($_[0]%100 > 0)) { $name .= " e "; } if ($num >= 20) { $name .= $tenstringportuges[$num/10]; if ($num%10 == 1) { $name .= ' e ';} elsif ($num%10 > 0) { $name .= ' '; } } if (($num >= 10) && ($num < 20)) { $name .= $teenstringportuges[$num%10]; } elsif (($num%10 > 0) || ($_[0] == 0)) { $name .= $unitstringportuges[$num%10]; } } $name; } sub get_numberstring{ local($val,$gender) = @_; if ($default_language eq 'french') { &get_numberstringfrench($val,$gender); } elsif ($default_language eq 'spanish') { &get_numberstringspanish($val,$gender); } elsif ($default_language eq 'portuges') { &get_numberstringportuges($val,$gender); } else { &get_numberstringenglish($val); } } sub do_cmd_numberstringnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num,$gender); $num = &missing_braces unless (($_[0]=~s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); if ($_[0] =~ s/\[(m|f)\]//) { $gender = $1; } else { $gender = 'm'; } join('', &get_numberstring($num,$gender), $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_numberstring{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); local($gender)='m'; $_[0] =~ s/${OP}$id${CP}$ctr${OP}$id${CP}//; if ($_[0]=~s/\[(.)\]//) { $gender = $1; } if ($ctr eq 'DAY' or $ctr eq 'MONTH' or $ctr eq 'YEAR') { # this is a cludge to make it work with newdateformat join('', '{NUMBERSTRING{', $ctr, '}}', $_[0]); } else { join('', &get_numberstring($val, $gender), $_[0]); } } sub get_Numberstring{ local($val,$gender) = @_; local($string) = &get_numberstring($val,$gender); $string =~ s/([a-z])([^\s\-]+)/\u\1\2/g; if ($default_language eq 'french') { $string =~ s/ Et / et /g; } elsif ($default_language eq 'spanish') { $string =~ s/ Y / y /g; } elsif ($default_language eq 'portuges') { $string =~ s/ E / e /g; } else { $string =~ s/ And / and /g; } $string; } sub do_cmd_Numberstringnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num,$gender); $num = &missing_braces unless (($_[0]=~s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); if ($_[0] =~ s/\[(m|f)\]//) { $gender = $1; } else { $gender = 'm'; } join('', &get_Numberstring($num,$gender), $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_Numberstring{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); local($gender)='m'; $_[0] =~ s/${OP}$id${CP}$ctr${OP}$id${CP}//; if ($_[0]=~s/\[(.)\]//) { $gender = $1; } if ($ctr eq 'DAY' or $ctr eq 'MONTH' or $ctr eq 'YEAR') { # this is a cludge to make it work with newdateformat join('', '{NNUMBERSTRING{', $ctr, '}}', $_[0]); } else { join('', &get_Numberstring($val, $gender), $_[0]); } } sub get_ordinalstringenglish{ local($num) = @_; local($name)=""; unless (($num >= 1000000) || ($num < 0)) { if ($num >= 1000) { local($thousands) = &get_numberstring($num/1000); $name .= $thousands; if ($num%1000 > 0) { $name .= " $thousandname"; } else { $name .= " $thousandthname"; } $num = $num%1000; } if ($num >= 100) { if ($_[0] >= 1000) { $name .= " "; } local($hundreds) = &get_numberstring($num/100); $name .= $hundreds; if ($num%100 > 0) { $name .= " $hundredname"; } else { $name .= " $hundredthname"; } $num = $num%100; } if (($_[0] > 100) && ($_[0]%100 > 0)) { $name .= " and "; } if ($num >= 20) { if ($num%10 > 0) { $name .= $tenstring[$num/10] . '-'; } else { $name .= $tenthstring[$num/10]; } } if (($num >= 10) && ($num < 20)) { $name .= $teenthstring[$num%10]; } elsif (($num%10 > 0) || ($_[0] == 0)) { $name .= $unitthstring[$num%10]; } } $name; } sub get_ordinalstringfrench{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($name)=""; unless (($num >= 1000000) || ($num < 0)) { if ($num >= 1000) { local($thousands) = ''; if ($num >= 2000) { $thousands = &get_numberstringfrench($num/1000,$gender).' '; } $num = $num%1000; if ($num > 0) { $name .= $thousands . $thousandnamefrench; } else { $name .= $thousands . $thousandthnamefrench; } } if ($num >= 100) { if ($_[0] >= 1000) { $name .= " "; } local($hundreds) = ''; if ($num >= 200) { $hundreds = &get_numberstringfrench($num/100,$gender).' '; } $num = $num%100; if ($num > 0) { $name .= $hundreds . $hundrednamefrench; } else { $name .= $hundreds . $hundredthnamefrench; } } if (($_[0] > 100) && ($_[0]%100 > 0)) { $name .= " "; } if ($num >= 20) { if ($frenchdialect eq 'france' and $num >= 70) { if ($num < 80) { if ($num%10 > 0) { $name .= $tenstringfrench[6]; } else { $name .= $tenthstringfrench[6]; } if ($num%10 == 1) { $name .= ' et '; } else { $name .= '-'; } $num = 10+($num%10); } else { $name .= 'quatre-vingt' . ($num==80?'i\`eme':'-'); if ($num >= 90) { $num = 10+($num%10); } } } elsif ($frenchdialect eq 'belgian' and $num >= 80) { $name .= 'quatre-vingt' . ($num==80?'i\`eme':'-'); if ($num >= 90) { $num = 10+($num%10); } } else { if ($num%10 > 0) { $name .= $tenstringfrench[$num/10]; } else { $name .= $tenthstringfrench[$num/10]; } if ($num%10 == 1) { $name .= ' et ';} elsif ($num%10 > 0) { $name .= '-'; } } } if (($num >= 10) && ($num < 20)) { $name .= $teenthstringfrench[$num%10]; } elsif ($_[0] == 1) { $name = 'premi\`ere'; } elsif (($num%10 > 0) || ($_[0] == 0)) { $name .= $unitthstringfrench[$num%10]; } } $name; } sub get_ordinalstringspanish{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($name)=""; local($str); unless (($num >= 1000000) || ($num < 0)) { if ($num >= 1000) { if ($num >= 2000) { local($thousands) = &get_ordinalstringspanish($num/1000); if ($gender eq 'f') { $thousands =~s/o(s?)$/a\1/; } $name .= $thousands. " "; } else { $name = ""; } $name .= "$thousandthnamespanish"; if ($gender eq 'f') { $name =~s/o$/a/; } $num = $num%1000; } if ($num >= 100) { if ($_[0] >= 1000) { $name .= " "; } local($hundreds) = $hundredthstringspanish[$num/100]; if ($gender eq 'f') { $hundreds =~s/o$/a/; } $name .= $hundreds; $num = $num%100; } if (($_[0] > 100) && ($_[0]%100 > 0)) { $name .= " "; } local($lastbit)=""; if ($num >= 20) { $lastbit = $tenthstringspanish[$num/10]; if ($num%10 > 0) { $lastbit .= ' '; } if ($gender eq 'f') { $lastbit =~s/o([ s]*)$/a\1/; } $name .= $lastbit; $lastbit = ""; } if (($num >= 10) && ($num < 20)) { $lastbit = $teenthstringspanish[$num%10]; } elsif (($num%10 > 0) || ($_[0] == 0)) { $lastbit = $unitthstringspanish[$num%10]; } if ($gender eq 'f') { $lastbit =~s/o([ s]*)$/a\1/; } $name .= $lastbit; } $name; } sub get_ordinalstringportuges{ local($num,$gender) = @_; local($name)=""; local($str); unless (($num >= 1000000) || ($num < 0)) { if ($num >= 1000) { if ($num >= 2000) { local($thousands) = &get_ordinalstringportuges($num/1000); if ($gender eq 'f') { $thousands =~s/o(s?)$/a\1/; } $name .= $thousands. " "; } else { $name = ""; } $name .= "$thousandthnameportuges"; if ($gender eq 'f') { $name =~s/o$/a/; } $num = $num%1000; } if ($num >= 100) { if ($_[0] >= 1000) { $name .= " "; } local($hundreds) = $hundredthstringportuges[$num/100]; if ($gender eq 'f') { $hundreds =~s/o$/a/; } $name .= $hundreds; $num = $num%100; } if (($_[0] > 100) && ($_[0]%100 > 0)) { $name .= "-"; } local($lastbit)=""; if ($num >= 10) { $lastbit = $tenthstringportuges[$num/10]; if ($num%10 > 0) { $lastbit .= '-'; } if ($gender eq 'f') { $lastbit =~s/o([ s]*)$/a\1/; } $name .= $lastbit; $lastbit = ""; } if (($num%10 > 0) || ($_[0] == 0)) { $lastbit = $unitthstringportuges[$num%10]; } if ($gender eq 'f') { $lastbit =~s/o([ s]*)$/a\1/; } $name .= $lastbit; } $name; } sub get_ordinalstring{ local($val,$gender) = @_; if ($default_language eq 'french') { &get_ordinalstringfrench($val,$gender); } elsif ($default_language eq 'spanish') { &get_ordinalstringspanish($val,$gender); } elsif ($default_language eq 'portuges') { &get_ordinalstringportuges($val,$gender); } else { &get_ordinalstringenglish($val); } } sub do_cmd_ordinalstringnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num,$gender); $num = &missing_braces unless (($_[0]=~s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); if ($_[0] =~ s/\[(m|f)\]//) { $gender = $1; } else { $gender = 'm'; } join('', &get_ordinalstring($num,$gender), $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_ordinalstring{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); local($gender)='m'; $_[0] =~ s/${OP}$id${CP}$ctr${OP}$id${CP}//; if ($_[0]=~s/\[(.)\]//) { $gender = $1; } if ($ctr eq 'DAY' or $ctr eq 'MONTH' or $ctr eq 'YEAR') { # this is a cludge to make it work with newdateformat join('', '{ORDINALSTRING{', $ctr, '}}', $_[0]); } else { join('', &get_ordinalstring($val, $gender), $_[0]); } } sub get_Ordinalstring{ local($val,$gender) = @_; local($string) = &get_ordinalstring($val,$gender); $string =~ s/([a-z])([^\s\-]+)/\u\1\2/g; if ($default_language eq 'french') { $string =~ s/ Et / et /g; } else { $string =~ s/ And / and /g; } $string; } sub do_cmd_Ordinalstringnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num,$gender); $num = &missing_braces unless (($_[0]=~s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); if ($_[0] =~ s/\[(m|f)\]//) { $gender = $1; } else { $gender = 'm'; } join('', &get_Ordinalstring($num,$gender), $_[0]); } sub do_cmd_Ordinalstring{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); local($gender)='m'; $_[0] =~ s/${OP}$id${CP}$ctr${OP}$id${CP}//; if ($_[0]=~s/\[(.)\]//) { $gender = $1; } if ($ctr eq 'DAY' or $ctr eq 'MONTH' or $ctr eq 'YEAR') { # this is a cludge to make it work with newdateformat join('', '{OORDINALSTRING{', $ctr, '}}', $_[0]); } else { join('', &get_Ordinalstring($val, $gender), $_[0]); } } sub do_cmd_fmtcountsetoptions{ local($_) = @_; local($options) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($options=$2)); if ($options =~ m/french=?(\w*)(,|$)/) { if ($1 eq 'france' or $1 eq 'swiss' or $1 eq 'belgian') { $frenchdialect = $1; print "Using French dialect: $1" if ($VERBOSITY > 0) ; } elsif ($1 eq '') { $frenchdialect = 'france'; print "Using French dialect: france" if ($VERBOSITY > 0); } else { &write_warnings("unknown french dialect '$1'"); } } if ($options =~ m/abbrv=?(\w*)(,|$)/) { if ($1 eq 'true' or $1 eq '') { $ordinalabbrv = 1; print "Setting abbrv=true" if ($VERBOSITY > 0); } elsif ($1 eq 'false') { $ordinalabbrv = 0; print "Setting abbrv=false" if ($VERBOSITY > 0); } else { &write_warnings("fmtcountsetoptions key abbrv: unknown value '$1'."); } } if ($options =~ m/fmtord=(\w*)(,|$)/) { if ($1 eq 'raise') { &do_fmtcount_raise(); print "Using raised ordinals" if ($VERBOSITY > 0); } elsif ($1 eq 'level') { &do_fmtcount_level(); print "Using level ordinals" if ($VERBOSITY > 0); } elsif ($1 eq 'user') { # do nothing print "Using user defined fmtord" if ($VERBOSITY > 0); } else { &write_warnings("unknown fmtcount option fmtord=$1"); } } $_[0]; } $padzeroes = 0; sub do_cmd_padzeroes{ local($_) = @_; local($val,$pat) = &get_next_optional_argument; if ($val eq '') { $padzeroes = 17; } else { $padzeroes = $val; } $_; } sub get_binary{ local($num) = @_; local($val) = ""; for (my $i=17; $i>=0; $i--) { if (($i < $padzeroes) || ($num & (1 << $i)) || !($val eq "")) { $val .= ($num & (1 << $i) ? 1 : 0); } } $val; } sub do_cmd_binary{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', &get_binary($val), $_); } sub do_cmd_binarynum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', &get_binary($num), $_); } sub get_decimal{ local($num) = @_; sprintf "%0${padzeroes}d", $num; } sub do_cmd_decimal{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', &get_decimal($val), $_); } sub do_cmd_decimalnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', &get_decimal($num), $_); } sub get_hexadecimal{ local($num) = @_; sprintf "%0${padzeroes}lx", $num; } sub do_cmd_hexadecimal{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', &get_hexadecimal($val), $_); } sub do_cmd_hexadecimalnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', &get_hexadecimal($num), $_); } sub get_Hexadecimal{ local($num) = @_; sprintf "%0${padzeroes}lX", $num; } sub do_cmd_Hexadecimal{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', &get_Hexadecimal($val), $_); } sub do_cmd_Hexadecimalnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', &get_Hexadecimal($num), $_); } sub get_octal{ local($num) = @_; sprintf "%0${padzeroes}lo", $num; } sub do_cmd_octal{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', &get_octal($val), $_); } sub do_cmd_octalnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', &get_octal($num), $_); } sub get_aaalph{ local($num) = @_; local($rep) = int($num/26) + 1; local($c) = chr(ord('a')-1+$num%26); local($_) = $c x $rep; } sub do_cmd_aaalph{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', &get_aaalph($val), $_); } sub get_AAAlph{ local($num) = @_; local($rep) = int($num/26) + 1; local($c) = chr(ord('A')-1+$num%26); local($_) = $c x $rep; } sub do_cmd_AAAlph{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', &get_AAAlph($val), $_); } sub do_cmd_aaalphnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', (sprintf "%${padzeroes}s", &get_aaalph($num)), $_); } sub do_cmd_AAAlphnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', uc(sprintf "%${padzeroes}s", &get_aaalph($num)), $_); } sub get_abalph{ local($num) = @_; local($str); if ($num == 0) { $str = ''; } elsif ($num > 0 && $num <= 26) { $str = chr(ord('a')-1+$num); } else { $str = &get_abalph(int($num/26)) . chr(ord('a')-1+($num%26)); } $str; } sub do_cmd_abalph{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', (sprintf "%${padzeroes}s", &get_abalph($val)), $_); } sub do_cmd_abalphnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', (sprintf "%${padzeroes}s", &get_abalph($num)), $_); } sub do_cmd_ABAlph{ local($ctr, $val, $id, $_) = &read_counter_value($_[0]); join('', uc(sprintf "%${padzeroes}s", &get_abalph($val)), $_); } sub do_cmd_ABAlphnum{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); join('', uc(sprintf "%${padzeroes}s", &get_abalph($num)), $_); } sub get_twodigit{ local($num) = @_; sprintf "%02d", $num; } sub do_cmd_twodigit{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); # this is a cludge if ($num eq "THEDAY" or $num eq "THEYEAR" or $num eq "THEMONTH") { join('', 'TWODIGIT{', $num, '}', $_[0]); } else { join('', get_twodigit($num), $_[0]); } } # this was put here to help with the definition of \datelatin sub do_cmd_romannumeral{ local($_) = @_; local($num) = &missing_braces unless ($_[0]=~(s/$next_pair_pr_rx//o)&&($num=$2)); # this is a cludge if ($num eq "THEDAY" or $num eq "THEYEAR" or $num eq "THEMONTH") { join('', 'ROMANNUMERAL{', $num, '}', $_[0]); } else { join('', &froman($num), $_[0]); } } # load configuration file if it exists # Note: The configuration file should be loaded before # the package options are executed. # why doesn't this work? If I call this subroutine it # causes an infinite loop. sub load_fmtcount_cfg{ local($file,$found); $file = &fulltexpath('fmtcount.cfg'); $found = (-f $file); if (!$found) { foreach $texpath (split /$envkey/, $TEXINPUTS) { $file = "$texpath${dd}fmtcount.cfg"; last if ($found = (-f $file)); } } if ($found) { print "\nusing configuration file $file\n"; &slurp_input($file); &pre_process; &substitute_meta_cmds if (%new_command || %new_environment); &wrap_shorthand_environments; $_ = &translate_commands(&translate_environments($_)); print "\n processed size: ".length($_)."\n" if ($VERBOSITY>1) } else { print "\nNo configuation file fmtcount.cfg found\n" if ($VERBOSITY>1) } } 1;