flowfram change log 1.11 (2008/06/28) : * fixed bugs in \@getstaticbounds and \@getflowbounds that used wrong frame types. (Bug reported by Lutz Goldmann.) * added : \ffruledeclarations \ffvrule \ffhrule \labelflowidn displayedframe counter \labelflow \getflowlabel \getflowid \getstaticlabel \getstaticid \getdynamiclabel \getdynamicid \getstaticevenbounds \getflowevenbounds * added relative location commands * removed unwanted spaces from \setflowframe * removed unwanted space from \setdynamicframe * fixed 'clear' key bug in \setdynamicframe * added flowfram.perl 1.10 : * fixed license text * made some long commands short * updated the documentation to use glossaries package instead of obsolete glossary package 1.09 : added \ffcolumnseprule to be used instead of \columnseprule. Added dynamiccontents environment. 1.08 : fixed bug in \@ff@getdim (causing undefined \c@dynamic). Fixed bug that prevented hyperref's page number hyperlinks from working. Added convenience commands \getstaticbounds, \getflowbounds and \getdynamicbounds. 1.07 : fixed bug causing extra pages at the end of the document 1.06 : fixed bug causing slight right shift of frames 1.05 : fixed bug causing overfull hboxes on even pages. 1.04 : fixed bug causing slight right shift of contents of all flow frames. 1.03 : added shape and valign keys. 1.02 : added facility for rotating frame contents.