%fr-sample - sample body


\def\text{{\mdseries And more text and some more text and a bit more text and
a little more text and a little piece of text to fill space}}

\def\Text{{\mdseries \text. \text. \text.  \text. }}


Here goes first line of text \text\par
There goes second line of text#1\par
Thence goes third line of text \text\par
Hence goes fourth line of text}


Example of plain \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{float:plain:fig}).

  \caption{Plain figure. \text }%
  \footnote{Simple footnote}


Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (text~\ref{float:plain:text}).

\caption{Plain textbox. \text }%



Example of plain \env{figure} environment with beside caption (figure~\ref{float:side:fig}).


  \caption{Plain figure with side caption. \text \protect\mpfootnotemark[1]}%
  \footnotetext[1]{Simple footnote}



Example of plain \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{float:W:plain:fig})
with predefined width.

  \caption{Plain figure with changed width.  \text \protect\mpfootnotemark[1]}%
  \footnotetext[1]{\emph{Current} float has width${{}=7}$\,cm.}


Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (box~\ref{float:w:plain:Text})
with predefined width inside group.

\caption{Plain text box with predefined width. \text}\label{float:w:plain:Text}



Example of figure placed in \verb|\ffigbox| (\verb|\floatbox| stuff);
the width of float box equals  to the width of graphics
(see figure~\ref{floatbox:FB:fig}):

Float box (\protect\com{ffigbox})
width of graphics.  \text }\label{floatbox:FB:fig}}



%Example of float with beside caption (see text box~\ref{floatbox:subfloat:text}).
%with two subboxes~\subref{subtext:A} and \subref{subtext:B}.
%These subfloats are placed inside \env{subfloatrow} environment, left subafloat has width 5\,cm,
%second---occupies the rest width of row.
%{\FRifFBOX\vspace{-\topskip}\fi%for boxed styles
%\subfloat[First ...\label{...}]%
%\subfloat[Second ...\label{...}]%
%{\caption{The ...}\label{...}}
%Since the \verb|\subfloat| macro uses \verb|\vtop| during subfloat building, for
%float styles which use boxes you may ought to put before \env{subfloatrow}
%environment the compensated space like this:
%{\FRifFBOX\vspace{-\topskip}\fi%for boxed styles
%\subfloat[First text box\label{subtext:A}]%
%\subfloat[Second text box with long long text\label{subtext:B}]%
%{\caption{The \env{textbox} environment with subfloats. \text}%





Example of figure in \verb|\fcapside| with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:beside:fig})
with two subfigures~\subref{subfig:A} and \subref{subfig:B}. The object has the width of included graphics;
caption occupies the rest of width.
Here was also used \env{subfloatrow} environment:


\fcapside[\FBwidth] {\begin{subfloatrow} \subfloat[The simple
PostScript file\label{subfig:A}]{\includegraphics{pslearn}}

\subfloat[Black dog\label{subfig:B}]{\input{Blackdog.picture}}
{\caption{Beside caption (in \protect\com{fcapside}) width of object box equals to width of
graphics. \text}%



Example of text box in \verb|\tcapside| command (see box~\ref{floatbox:subfloat:text}) with beside caption.
text box contents occupy 1.25``column'' width.

{\caption{Beside caption  (in \protect\com{tcapside}). The width of object equals
to 1.25``column'' width. \text}%


Example of figure in \verb|\fcapside| with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:beside:figI}).
The object box has width of object contents.
{\caption{Beside caption (in \protect\com{fcapside}) with of object equals to width of
graphics. \text}%


Example of plain text box (see box~\ref{floatbox:subfloat:text}).
{\caption{Beside plain caption. \text}%


Example of plain figure with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:beside:figI}).
Both caption and object boxes have 1``column'' width.
{\caption{Beside plain caption with of object equals to width of
graphics. \text}%



Example of two-column or wide plain figure (see figure~\ref{float:wide:fig}).

Plain wide figure. \text }%


Example of plain two-column or wide \env{textbox} environment
(see text~\ref{float:wide:text}).

  \caption{Plain wide textbox. \text }%



Example of plain two-column or wide \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{wfloat:W:plain:fig})
with predefined width.

  \caption{Plain figure with changed width.  \text }%
  \footnote{\emph{Current} float has width${{}=5}$\,cm.}




Example of two-column or wide figure with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:fig})
with two subfigures~\subref{subfig:wA} and \subref{subfig:wB}.

\subfloat[The simple PostScript file\label{subfig:wA}]{\includegraphics{pslearn}}%

\subfloat[Black dog\label{subfig:wB}]{\input{BlackDog.picture}}%
{\caption{Wide beside caption width of object equals to width of
graphics. \text}%


\clearpage Example of two-column or wide plain figure with caption
beside (see figure~\ref{plain:wbeside:fig}) with two
subfigures~\subref{subfig:wA} and \subref{subfig:wB} (the with for graphics equal 184pt).

\subfloat[The simple PostScript file\label{subfig:wA}]{\includegraphics{pslearn}}%

\subfloat[Black dog\label{subfig:wB}]{\input{BlackDog.picture}}%
{\caption{Wide beside caption width of object equals to width of
graphics. \text}%



Example of two-column or wide figure with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:figI}).

{\caption{Wide beside caption width of object equals to width of
graphics. \text}%


Example of text box in \verb|\tcapside| with beside caption (see text box~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:text})

{\caption{Wide beside caption width of object box equals to 1.2``column'' width. \text}%


Example of plain text box with beside caption (see text box~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:text})

{\caption{Wide beside caption. \text}%


Example of `filled' row of figures
There was predefined height for fourth figure in row which equals to

If you want to get all float row contents with height${}={}$\verb|\textwidth|, you ought to put
just before \env{floatrow} environment. Since heights of boxes are adjusted,
you may use vertical alignment for object box.

picture was created with \pkg{pstricks}' \protect\com{psbezier}  macro}}
{\caption{Beside figure~I in wide float row. Vertically centered\protect\footnotemark[1]}%

{\caption{Beside figure~II in wide float row. Flushed to bottom of box}%
\floatfoot{There are
 just four~\protect\com{psellipse},
 two \protect\com{psbezier}, two \protect\com{pspolygon} macros used
 in current picture}}%

  \floatfoot{The Mouse-animal image}}%
{\caption{Beside figure~III in wide float row. Flushed to top of object box}%

{\caption{Beside figure~IV in wide float row}\label{row:full:FcatI}}%


Example of `non-filled' row of figures
If current float style for figures doesn't support height adjustment of boxes,
there are not any vertical alignment of floats.


picture was created with \pkg{pstricks}' \protect\com{psbezier}  macro}}
{\caption{Beside figure~I in wide float row. Vertically centered\protect\footnotemark[1]}%

{\caption{Beside figure~II, width of graphics, bottom of object box}%
\floatfoot{There are
 just four \protect\com{psellipse},
 two \protect\com{psbezier}, two \protect\com{pspolygon} macros used
 in current picture}}%

{\footnote{Look at funny footnotemark!}\input{Mouse.picture}%
  \floatfoot{The Mouse-animal image}}
{\caption{Beside figure~III in wide float row. Flushed to top of object box}%



Example of `filled' row of text boxes
(boxes \hbox{\ref{row:text:I}--\ref{row:text:II}}).


{\TEXTBOX\footnote{Text of footnote. \text}}
{\caption{Beside text~I in float row. \text}%

{\TEXTBOX[. \text.]

\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}}%
{\caption{Beside text~II in float row}%


Example of plain rotated figure (see figure~\ref{rot:fig} on the page~\pageref{rot:fig}).

%\floatfoot{The \texttt{BOXED} style could get wrong layout}%
\caption{Plain figure inside
\protect\env{sidewaysfigure} environment. \text. \text}%

Example of plain wide rotated figure (see figure~\ref{rot:wide:fig} on the page~\pageref{rot:wide:fig}).

\caption{Plain wide figure inside
\protect\env{sidewaysfigure*} environment. \text. \text}%


Example of rotated figure in \verb|\ffigbox| (see figure~\ref{rotbox:figI} on the page~\pageref{rotbox:figI})
width of graphics.

{\caption{Figure in \protect\com{ffigbox} inside
\protect\env{sidewaysfigure} environment, width of graphics. \text. \text}%


Example of wide rotated figure in \verb|\ffigbox| (see figure~\ref{rotbox:wide:figI} on the page~\pageref{rotbox:wide:figI})
width of graphics.

{\caption{Wide figure in \protect\com{ffigbox} inside
\protect\env{sidewaysfigure} environment, width of graphics. \text. \text}%




Example of rotated \env{figure} with beside caption
(see figure~\ref{rot:beside:fig} on the page~\pageref{rot:beside:fig}).

{\caption{Rotated beside caption. \text}%


Example of wide rotated \env{figure} with beside caption
(see figure~\ref{rot:wbeside:fig} on the page~\pageref{rot:wbeside:fig}).

{\caption{Wide rotated figure with beside caption. \text}%



Example of plain rotated \env{textbox} with beside caption
(see figure~\ref{rot:beside:text} on the page~\pageref{rot:beside:text}).

{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}
{\caption{Beside caption. \text. \text. \text}%



Example of wide rotated \env{textbox} with beside caption
(see figure~\ref{rot:wbeside:text} on the page~\pageref{rot:wbeside:text}).

{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}
{\caption{Beside caption. \text. \text. \text}%




Example of `filled' two-column or wide float row
on the page~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}.
There was predefined height for fourth figure in row which equals to \verb|\textwidth|.

If you want to get all float row contents with height${}={}$\verb|\textwidth|, you ought to put
just before \env{floatrow} environment in the case of float style doesn't requires adjustment of float box's

{The picture was created with
\protect\pkg{pstricks}' \protect\com{psbezier}
{\caption{Beside figure~I in wide rotated float row. Vertically centered}%

{\caption{Beside figure~II in wide rotated float row. Flushed to bottom of box}%
\floatfoot{There are
 just four \protect\com{psellipse},
 two \protect\com{psbezier}, two
 \protect\com{pspolygon} macros used
 in current picture}}%

  \footnote{Look at funny footnotemark!}%
  \floatfoot{The Mouse-animal image}
{\caption{Beside figure~III in wide rotated float row. Flushed to top of object box}%

{\caption{Beside figure~IV in wide rotated float row.
When you put height argument in float row you must
put flag \protect\com{CADJtrue} (and maybe \protect\com{OADJtrue})
just before \env{floatrow} to get
correct height of float box}\label{fig:rotrow:FcatI}}%


Example of `non-filled' float row
(figures~\ref{fig:rotloose:WcatI}--\ref{fig:rotloose:mouseI}) on the page~\pageref{fig:rotloose:WcatI}.

{The picture was created with
\protect\pkg{pstricks}' \protect\com{psbezier}
{\caption{Beside figure~I in wide rotated float row. Vertically centered}%

{\caption{Beside figure~II in wide rotated float row. Flushed to bottom of box}%
\floatfoot{There are
 just  four \protect\com{psellipse},
 two \protect\com{psbezier}, two
 \protect\com{pspolygon} macros used
 in current picture}%

  \footnote{Look at funny footnotemark!}%
  \floatfoot{The Mouse-animal image}}
{\caption{Beside figure~III in wide rotated float row. Flushed to top of object box}%



Example of float row with textboxes (texts~\ref{row:textI:I}--\ref{row:textI:II} on the page~\pageref{row:textI:II}).

{Text of footnote. \text}}
{\caption{Beside text~I. \text}%

{\caption{Beside text~II}%
\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}%
{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}%

\Text \Text \Text

\Text \Text

\Text \Text


See example of continued textboxes (texts~\ref{cont:text:I}--\ref{cont:text:II}
 on the pages~\pageref{cont:text:I}--\pageref{cont:text:II}).
The continued floats
\Text \Text

\Text \Text

\Text \Text


\Text \Text



\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup\vss}{\egroup}
{\TEXTBOX[ \Text \Text \par \Text \Text \text]}
{\caption{Beside text~I. \text}%

\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup}{\vss\egroup}
\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}}%
{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}%

\Text \Text \Text

\Text \Text

\Text \Text





\caption{Wrapped plain figure
(\protect\pkg{wrapfig} package)}\floatfoot{The \texttt{BOXED}
 style could get wrong layout in plain \texttt{wrap...} environment}\label{fig:wrapfig:WcatI}

Example of plain wrapped figure (see figure~\ref{fig:wrapfig:WcatI}).


{\caption[Wrapped figure in \protect\com{floatbox}]{Wrapped figure in \protect\com{floatbox}
 (\protect\pkg{wrapfig} package)\mpfootnotemark[1]}\footnotetext[1]{In some cases you ought to
 correct height of wrapped float, or create faked paragraphs.}\label{fig:wrapfig:WcatII}}

Example of wrapped figure in \verb|\floatbox| (see






The small testing example (figures \ref{fig:subrows} and \ref{fig:beside:subrows})
uses both \env{floatrow} and \env{subfloatrow} environment.
For the row of the graphic parts \Fref{sfig:subrows:I} and \Fref{sfig:subrows:II}
here is used the starred variant---\env{subfloatrow*}.


The small testing example (figures \ref{fig:subcap} and \ref{fig:beside:subcap})
uses both \env{floatrow} and \env{subfloatrow} environment.
For captions of the graphic parts \Fref{sfig:subcap:I} and \Fref{sfig:subcap:II}
is used the \verb|\subcaption| command.

