# fancyqr [![made-with-latex](https://img.shields.io/badge/Made%20with-LaTeX-1f425f.svg)](https://www.latex-project.org/) [![GPLv3 License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPL%20v3-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0) [![PR's Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](http://makeapullrequest.com) [![compile qr](https://github.com/EagleoutIce/fancyqr/actions/workflows/compile.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/EagleoutIce/fancyqr/actions/workflows/compile.yaml) [](qr-example.tex) Simple package to create fancy qr-codes with the help of the [`qrcode`](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/qrcode)-package. You may use `\fancyqr` just like the normal `\qrcode` (`\fancyqr[]{}`). See the [documentation](https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/EagleoutIce/fancyqr/blob/gh-pages/build/fancyqr-doc.pdf). *fancyqr* is actively developed by *Florian Sihler* (contact me at: ) under the [GPLv3 License](LICENSE). I am very happy about every contribution (see [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md)). If you do want to hide a center square (e.g, because you want to embed an image) you can use `\FancyQrDoNotPrintSquare{}{}` to hide a rectangle with radius x and y set from the center. If you choose this option, the default `\FancyQrRoundCut` that rounds cut corners can be changed with `\FancyQrHardCut`. At the moment, there are six other styles `flat`, `frame`, `blob`, `glitch`, `swift`, and `dots`, that you can load (locally) by using `\FancyQrLoad{}`. The default style is named `default` and can be 'reset' by `\FancyQrLoad{default}` or `\FancyLoadDefault`. There are the following extra qr-options (you can set all of them with `\fancyqrset{}`): | Option | Type | Default | Explanation | | ----------------- | ------- | :------: | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | `image` | LaTeX | | Automatically center an image.[^1] | | `image padding` | number | | Additionally hide blocks (x & y) around the image. | | `image x padding` | number | `0` | Additionally hide blocks (x) around the image. | | `image y padding` | number | `0` | Additionally hide blocks (y) around the image. | | `gradient` | boolean | true | Toggle the color gradient | | `color` | color | | Disables the `gradient` and sets the qr color accordingly. | | `l color` | color | `purple` | Set the top left gradient color. | | `left color` | color | | Alias for `l color`. | | `r color` | color | `teal` | Set the bottom right gradient color. | | `right color` | color | | Alias for `r color`. | | `gradient angle` | angle | `135` | Change the gradient angle. | The defaults are set like this: ```LateX \fancyqrset{image padding=0,gradient=true,gradient angle=135,r color=teal,l color=purple} ``` [^1]: The package will automatically calculate the required `\FancyQrDoNotPrintSquare` (you have to make sure the, the qr code still has enough information to be readable). Therefore, the image will not scale with the qr code.