\documentclass[11pt,svgnames]{article} \usepackage{geometry,indentfirst,titlesec,authblk,hyperref,hologo} \titleformat*{\section}{\bfseries\large} \hologoFontSetup{general=\sffamily} \usepackage{datetime}\yyyymmdddate \usepackage[libertine,mono=false]{newtx} \usepackage{fadingimage} \hypersetup{colorlinks,urlcolor=MidnightBlue} \def\pkg#1{\textcolor{DarkGreen}{\textsf{#1}}} \def\mode#1{\textcolor{Indigo}{\textsf{#1}}} \def\cmd#1{\textcolor{MidnightBlue}{\texttt{\string#1}}} \title{\bfseries The \pkg{fadingimage} Package} \author{Mingyu Hsia, \href{mailto:xiamyphys@hdu.edu.cn}{\ttfamily xiamyphys@hdu.edu.cn}} \affil{Hangzhou Dianzi University} \date{\today\quad Version 0.3a\thanks{\url{https://github.com/xiamyphys/fadingimage}}} \begin{document} \maketitle \UPFadingImage*[trim={0 {.96\paperheight} 0 0},clip]{Beautiful-realities} \LOWFadingImage*[trim={0 0 0 {.96\paperheight}},clip]{Beautiful-realities} \vspace{-6ex} \begin{abstract} This is \textsf{\textbf{not only the document but also the demo}} for the \pkg{fadingimage} package, which provides macros for inputting full width picture at the edges of pages quickly. This package is contained in the \pkg{LiteBook} and \pkg{LiteSolution} class. Welcome to feedback bugs or ideas via email \href{mailto:xiamyphys@gmail.com}{\ttfamily xiamyphys@gmail.com} or \href{https://github.com/xiamyphys/fadingimage}{GitHub}. \end{abstract} \section{Installing \pkg{fadingimage} and loading it} This package requires \pkg{tikz} package to node images and \pkg{fading} library to support fading image. Simply download \verb|fadingimage.cls| file from \href{https://github.com/xiamyphys/fadingimage}{GitHub} or \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/fadingimage}{CTAN} and save it under your working directory. However, I strongly suggest to use terminal to install and update all packages to the latest version \begin{verbatim} sudo tlmgr update --self --all \end{verbatim} To learn more, please refer to \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/55437/how-do-i-update-my-tex-distribution}{How do I update my \hologo{TeX} distribution?} \section{Macros in this package} \begin{verbatim} \UPFadingImage <*> [] {} % fading from top \LOWFadingImage <*> [] {} % fading from bottom \LTFadingImage <*> [] {} % fading from left \RITFadingImage <*> [] {} % fading from right \end{verbatim} The four commands all have 2 variables and the first one is optional. The second variable can assign the image that you want to insert and the first one can assign the parameters of command \cmd{includegraphics}, such as clip to the inserted image. If an exclamation \verb|| is added at the end of the commands, the image inserted won't be faded. If a star \verb|<*>| is added after the commands it will automatically exit vertical mode \verb|\leavevmode| after inserting the image. \end{document}