% arara: pdflatex % arara: biber % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % the EXSHEETS package % % Yet another package for the creation of exercise sheets % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Clemens Niederberger % Web: https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/exsheets/ % E-Mail: contact@mychemistry.eu % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright 2011-2012 Clemens Niederberger % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The exsheets package consists of the files % - exsheets.sty, exsheets_headings.def, exsheets_headings.cfg, % exsheets_tasks.def, exsheets_tasks.cfg, exsheets_configurations.cfg, % - exsheets_en.tex, exsheets_en.pdf, % - README % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please % feel free to contact me. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % if you want to compile this documentation you'll need the document class % `cnpkgdoc' which you can get here: % https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/cnpkgdoc/ % the class is licensed LPPL 1.3 or later % % use `xelatex' and `biber' for compilation % \documentclass[DIV10,toc=index,toc=bib,numbers=noendperiod]{cnpkgdoc} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % document layout and typographic features \docsetup{ pkg = {[load-headings,load-tasks]exsheets} , url = {https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/exsheets/} , title = ExSheets , name = ExSheets , language = en , modules = true , code-box = { backgroundcolor = gray!7!white , skipbelow = .6\baselineskip plus .5ex minus .5ex , skipabove = .6\baselineskip plus .5ex minus .5ex , innerleftmargin = 1.5em , innerrightmargin = 2.5em , ignorelastdescenders } , gobble = 1 } \cnpkgusecolorscheme{friendly} \usepackage{embrac}[2012/06/29] \ChangeEmph{[}[,.02em]{]}[.055em,-.08em] \ChangeEmph{(}[-.01em,.04em]{)}[.04em,-.05em] \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[multiple]{fnpct} \renewcommand*\othersectionlevelsformat[3]{\textcolor{main}{#3\autodot}\enskip} \renewcommand*\partformat{\textcolor{main}{\partname~\thepart\autodot}} \pagestyle{headings} \setcapindent{1.5em} \setkomafont{caption}{\normalfont\footnotesize\sffamily} \setkomafont{captionlabel}{\normalfont\footnotesize\sffamily\scshape} \usepackage{booktabs,array,ragged2e} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % code examples % ExSheets: \addcmds{ acs, addpoints, blank, bigstar, bottomrule, citetitle, cmd, color, DeclareInstance, DeclareTemplateInterface, DeclareQuestionProperty, DebugExSheets, endspacing, examspace, ForEachQuestion, GetQuestionProperty, grade, includequestions, iflastquestion, midrule, NewQuSolPair, numberofquestions, points, PrintIfIncludeActiveF, PrintIfIncludeActiveT, PrintIfIncludeActiveTF, printsolutions, PrintSolutionsTF, QuestionNumber, RenewQuSolPair, s, sample, setlength, SetQuestionProperties, SetupExSheets, spacing, square, sumpoints, tabcolsep, task, textcite, textcolor, toprule, totalpoints } % translations: \newcommand*\translations{{\scshape\textcolor{main}{translations}}\xspace} \addcmds{ cuisine, DeclareLanguage, DeclareLanguageAlias, DeclareTranslation, GetTranslation, GetTranslationFor, kitchen, LoadDictionary, LoadDictionaryFor, NewTranslation, ProvideDictionaryFor, RenewTranslation, SaveTranslation, SaveTranslationFor, selectlanguage } % cntformats: \newcommand*\cntformats{{\scshape\textcolor{main}{cntformats}}\xspace} \addcmds{ @cntfmts@parsed@pattern, AddCounterPattern, eSaveCounterPattern, NewCounterPattern, ReadCounterFrom, ReadCounterPattern, ReadCounterPatternFrom, SaveCounterPattern, tmpa, tmpb } % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % other packages, bibliography, index \usepackage{xcoffins,wasysym,enumitem,acro,booktabs,siunitx} \DeclareAcronym{id}{id}{Identifier} \DeclareAcronymFormat{id}{\scshape} \usepackage{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.ist} heading_prefix "{\\bfseries " heading_suffix "\\hfil}\\nopagebreak\n" headings_flag 1 delim_0 "\\dotfill " delim_1 "\\dotfill " delim_2 "\\dotfill " delim_r "\\textendash" suffix_2p "\\nohyperpage{\\,f.}" suffix_3p "\\nohyperpage{\\,ff.}" \end{filecontents} \usepackage{imakeidx} % \indexsetup{level=\section*} \makeindex[intoc,options={-sl \jobname.ist}] \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[backend=biber]{biblatex} \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @package{answers, title = {answers}, author = {Mike Piff}, maintainer = {Joseph Wright}, date = {2010-10-11}, version = {2.13}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/answers/} } @package{enumitem, title = {enumitem}, author = {Javier Bezos}, date = {2011-09-28}, version = {3.5.2}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/enumitem/} } @package{exam, title = {exam}, author = {Philip Hirschhorn}, date = {2011-05-22}, version = {2.4}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/exam/} } @package{examdesign, title = {examdesign}, author = {Jason Alexander}, date = {2001-03-26}, version = {1.1}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/examdesign/} } @package{exercise, title = {exercise}, author = {Paul Pichaureau}, date = {2012-05-08}, version = {1.58}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/answers/} } @package{multienum, title = {multienum}, author = {Dennis Kletzing}, date = {2005-05-19}, version = {n.n.}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/multienum/} } @package{probsoln, title = {probsoln}, author = {Nicola L. C. Talbot}, date = {2011-12-10}, version = {3.02}, url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/probsolns/} } \end{filecontents} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % example definitions that have to be done in the preamble: \DeclareQuestionProperty{points} \DeclareQuestionProperty{notes} \DeclareQuestionProperty{reference} \DeclareQuestionProperty{topic} \DeclareRelGrades{ 1 = 1 , {1,5} = .9167 , 2 = .8333 , {2,5} = .75 , 3 = .6667 , {3,5} = .5833 , 4 = .5 } \usepackage{amssymb} \NewQuSolPair {question*}[name=\llap{$\bigstar$\space}Bonus Question] {solution*}[name=\llap{$\bigstar$\space}Solution] \DeclareTranslation{English}{Kueche}{kitchen} \DeclareTranslation{German}{Kueche}{K\"uche} \DeclareTranslation{Spanish}{Kueche}{cocina} \DeclareTranslation{French}{Kueche}{cuisine} \usepackage{alphalph} \makeatletter \NewPatternFormat{aa}{\alphalph@alph} \makeatother \NewCounterPattern{testa}{ta} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % custom commands \newcommand*\Default[1]{% \hfill\llap {% \ifblank{#1}% {(initially~empty)}% {Default:~\code{#1}}% }% \newline } \newcommand*\required{\hfill\llap{required}\newline} \newcommand*\optional{\hfill\llap{optional}\newline} \newcommand*\nooption[2]{\item[\code{\textcolor{key}{#1} = #2}] \cnpkgdocarrow\ } \newcommand*\unexpsign{$\RHD$} \newcommand*\expsign{\textcolor{red}{$\rhd$}} \renewcommand*\cnpkgdoctriangle{\unexpsign} \newcommand*\expandable{% \def\cnpkgdoctriangle{% \expsign \gdef\cnpkgdoctriangle{\unexpsign}}} \usepackage{marginnote} \makeatletter \newcommand*\sinceversion[1]{% \@bsphack \marginnote{% \footnotesize\sffamily\RaggedRight \textcolor{black!75}{Introduced in version~#1}}% \@esphack} \newcommand*\changedversion[1]{% \@bsphack \marginnote{% \footnotesize\sffamily\RaggedRight \textcolor{black!75}{Changed in version~#1}}% \@esphack} \makeatother % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % title page \TitlePicture{% \parbox{.8\linewidth}{% \ExSheets provides means to create exercises or questions and their corresponding solutions. The questions can be divided into classes and/or topics and can be printed selectively. Meta-data to questions can be added and recovered.\par The solutions may be printed where they are, can be collected and printed at a later point in the document alltogether or section-wise or selectively by \acs{id}.\par \ExSheets provides a comprehensive interface for styling the headings of questions and solutions.}} \begin{document} \part{Preliminary}\secidx{Preliminary} \section{Licence and Requirements} \secidx[Licence]{Preliminary}\secidx[Requirements]{Preliminary} \ExSheets is placed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3 or later (\url{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt}). It has the status ``maintained.'' \ExSheets loads and needs the following packages: \paket*{l3kernel}, \paket{xparse}, \paket{xtemplate}, \paket{l3sort}, \paket{l3keys2e}, \paket{xcolor}, \paket{ulem}, \paket{etoolbox}, \paket{environ}, \paket{lcg} and \paket{silence}. \ExSheets calls \cmd{normalem} (from the \paket{ulem} package). \section{Motivation}\secidx[Motivation]{Preliminary} There are already quite a number of packages that allow the creation of exercise sheets or written exams. Just to name the most common ones: \paket{exam}~\cite{exam}, \paket{examdesign}~\cite{examdesign}, \paket{exercise}~\cite{exercise}, \paket{probsoln}~\cite{probsoln}, \paket{answers}~\cite{answers} (and \href{http://www.ctan.org/characterization/primary/document-types/exams-exercise-sets-and-answers/}{many more}). One thing I missed in all packages that I've tried out\footnote{Well, probably I didn't try hard enough\ldots} was a high flexibility in choosing which questions and solutions should be printed, where which solutions should be printed and so on, combined with the possibility to assign questions to different classes so one could for example create two versions of an exam out of the box. And --~I can't get enough~-- I also want to be able to use/design different layouts for questions additional to a standard section-like format. All these points are realized in \ExSheets. Additionally one should be able to assign some sort of meta-data to questions that of course should be easily reusable. How this can be done is explained in section~\ref{sec:additional_info}. Then there is --~at least in Germany~-- the habit of having lists of exercises aligned in columns but counting from the left to the right instead from up to down. \ExSheets provides a possibility for that (see section~\ref{sec:tasks}). I am not quite content with it as it works now, though\footnote{There are still other possibilities, for example take a look here: \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/67966/enumerate-in-multicols} or at the \paket*{multienum} package~\cite{multienum}.}. On the other hand \ExSheets doesn't --~and probably won't~-- offer a real possibility for creating multiple choice questions. As a fact it doesn't provide many (if any) means to specify the \emph{type} of question or the structure. If these are your needs take a look at \paket{examdesign}, for example. Or exploit the possibilities \paket{enumitem}~\cite{enumitem} gives you. I had the idea for this package in 2008. Back then my \TeX\ skills were by far not good enough to write it. Actually, even today I wouldn't have been able to realize it without all the l3 packages like \paket*{l3kernel} and \paket*{l3packages}. I actively began to develop \ExSheets in spring 2011 but it wasn't until now (September 2012) that I consider it stable enough for wider usage. At the time of writing (\today) there still are probably lots of rough edges let alone bugs so I am very interested in all kinds of feedback. \section{Additional Packages} \ExSheets actually bundles three packages: \ExSheets, \translations and \cntformats. \translations is described in part~\ref{part:translations} and \cntformats in part~\ref{part:cntformats}. These two packages provide functionality that is used by \ExSheets. They can, however, be used independently from \ExSheets. \section{Installation}\secidx[Installation]{Preliminary} If you install \ExSheets manually beware to put the files \begin{itemize} \item[]\verb+exsheets_headings.def+ \item[]\verb+exsheets_headings.cfg+ \item[]\verb+exsheets_tasks.def+ \item[]\verb+exsheets_tasks.cfg+ \end{itemize} in the same directory as the \code{exsheets.sty} file\footnote{That is, a directory like \code{texmf-local/tex/latex/exsheets}, probably}. You \emph{can} install the other two packages, \translations and \cntformats, in different locations but since they belong to \ExSheets they probably should be placed in the same directory. As with every manual package installation you need to make sure to put the files in a directory where \TeX\ can find them and afterwards update the database. \secidx*{Preliminary} \part{The \ExSheets package}\label{part:exsheets}\secidx{\ExSheets}[ExSheets] \section{Package Usage} \subsection{Setup}\secidx{Setup} The \ExSheets package has three different types of options, kind of. The first type are the classic package options which are used when you load \ExSheets: \begin{beispiel}[code only] \usepackage[]{exsheets} \end{beispiel} These options are described in section~\ref{sec:options}. The second type are options that belong to a specific environment or command. These options are either used directly with the environment/command \begin{beispiel}[code only] \begin{env}[] ... \end{env} \end{beispiel} or can be set with the setup command: \begin{beschreibung} \Befehl{SetupExSheets}[]{} \end{beschreibung} The options of the second type all belong to \textcolor{module}{\code{modules}}. Let's say you want to specify some options of the \code{question} environment. You can then say the following: \begin{beispiel}[code only] \SetupExSheets[question]{option1,option2=value2} % or: \SetupExSheets{question/option1,question/option2=value2} \end{beispiel} The \textcolor{module}{\code{module}} an option belongs to is written in the left margin next to the when the option is described. The third type aren't options at all, actually. However, thanks to the great \paket{xtemplate} package you are able to define your own instances of some of the objects used be \ExSheets. This is explained in a little more detail in part~\ref{part:style} on page~\pageref{part:style}\,ff. \secidx*{Setup} \subsection{Package Options}\label{sec:options}\secidx{Package Options} The package \ExSheets has some options, namely the following ones: \begin{beschreibung} %% color \Option{color}{}\Default{exsheetsblue} A custom colour that is used in certain but very rare circumstances. %% counter-format \Option{counter-format}{}\Default{qu.} Formatting of the counter of the questions. This option takes a special kind of string that is described in section~\ref{ssec:counter}. \Option{counter-within}{}\Default{} Resets the \code{question} counter with every step of \code{}. %% headings \Option{headings}{}\Default{block} Choose the style of the questions' and solutions' headings. There are two predefined styles: \code{block} and \code{runin}. %% headings-format \Option{headings-format}{}\Default{\cmd{normalsize}\cmd{bfseries}} This code is placed immediately before the headings of the questions and solutions. %% load-headings \Option{load-headings}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} Loads additional styles for the headings. More on this is described in section~\ref{sec:exsheets-headings}. %% load-tasks \Option{load-tasks}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} Loads additional styles for the \code{tasks} environment. See section~\ref{sec:tasks}. %% totoc \Option{totoc}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} This option adds the questions and solutions with their names and numbers to the table of contents. %% questions-totoc \Option{questions-totoc}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} This option adds the questions with their names and numbers to the table of contents. %% solutions-totoc \Option{solutions-totoc}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} This option adds the solutions with their names and numbers to the table of contents. %% toc-level \Option{toc-level}{}\Default{subsection} This option sets the level in which questions and solutions should appear in the table of contents. %% questions-toc-level \Option{questions-toc-level}{}\Default{subsection} This option sets the level in which questions should appear in the table of contents. %% solutions-toc-level \Option{solutions-toc-level}{}\Default{subsection} This option sets the level in which solutions should appear in the table of contents. %% use-ref \Option{use-ref}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} enable referencing to sections and chapters in a way that the references can be used with \cmd{printsolutions}, see section~\ref{sssec:print_specific_section} for details. \end{beschreibung} The \code{toc} options are demonstrated with section~\ref{sec:solutions:list} and the solutions printed there being listed in the table of contents. \secidx*{Package Options} \subsection{Create Questions/Exercises and their Solutions} Now, let's start with the most important part: the questions and (possibly) their respective solutions. \subsubsection{The \code{question} Environment}\label{ssec:questions} Questions are written inside the \code{question} environment: \begin{beschreibung} \Umg{question}[]{\unskip\ma{} ... } \end{beschreibung} \begin{beispiel} \begin{question} This is our very first very difficult to solve question! \end{question} \end{beispiel} As you can see a heading is automatically created and the question is numbered. You can of course change both the numbering and the naming, but more on that later. The \code{question} environment takes an optional argument \ma{} that can be used to assign points to the question (as is common in written exams): \begin{beispiel} \begin{question}{3} This is our first difficult question that is worth 3 points! \end{question} \end{beispiel} These points are saved internally (see section~\ref{sec:points} for reasons why) and are written to the right margin next to the question heading in the default setting. You can also assign bonus points by inserting \code{+} as argument. \begin{beispiel} \begin{question}{1+1} This question is worth 1 point and 1 bonus point. \end{question} \begin{question}{+3} This question is a bonus question. It is worth 3 bonus points. \end{question} \end{beispiel} \sinceversion{3.0}On additional thing: you might want to define custom commands that should behave differently if they're inside or outside of the \code{question} environment. In this case you can use these commands: \begin{beschreibung} \expandable\Befehl{IfInsideQuestionTF}{}\ma{} \expandable\Befehl{IfInsideQuestionT}{} \expandable\Befehl{IfInsideQuestionF}{} \end{beschreibung} \subsubsection{Options to the \code{question} Environment}\secidx[options]{questions} The \code{question} environment takes one or more of the following options: \begin{beschreibung} \Option[question]{type}{exam|exercise}\Default{exercise} determines the type of question and changes the default name of a question from ``Exercise'' to ``Question''. These default names are language dependent.\\ If you use \cmd*{usepackage}[ngerman]{babel}, for example, then the names are ``\"Ubung and ``Aufgabe''. \Option[question]{name}{}\Default{} sets a custom name. All predefined names are discarded. \Option[question]{print}{\default{true}|false}\Default{true} prints or hides the question. \Option[question]{ID}{}\Default{} assigns a custom \acs{id} to the question. See section~\ref{ssec:ids} for further information. \Option[question]{class}{}\Default{} assigns a class to the question. See section~\ref{sec:classes} for further information. \Option[question]{topic}{}\Default{} assigns a topic to the question. See section~\ref{sec:topics} for further information. \Option[question]{use}{\default{true}|false}\Default{true} discards the question. Or not. \end{beschreibung} \begin{beispiel} \begin{question}[type=exam] This question has the type \texttt{exam}. The default name has changed from ``Exercise'' to ``Question''. \end{question} \begin{question}[name=Fancy name] This question has a custom name. \end{question} \begin{question}[print=false] This question is not printed. \end{question} \end{beispiel} The difference between \key{print} and \key{use} lies behind the scenes: with \key{print}{false} the question is not printed, but it still gets an individual ID, is numbered, and a possible solution is saved. This is for example useful when you want to print a sample solution for an exam. With \key{use}{false} it is fully discarded which means it is not accessible through an \acs{id} and a possible solution will not be saved. \secidx*{questions} \subsubsection{The \code{solution} Environment}\secidx{solutions} If you want to save/print (more on the exact usage in section~\ref{sec:solutions}) a solution you have to use the \code{solution} environment \emph{after} the question it belongs to and \emph{before} the next question. \begin{beschreibung} \Umg{solution}[]{...} \end{beschreibung} \begin{beispiel} \begin{question}[ID=first]\label{qu:question_with_solution} This is our first question that gets a solution! \end{question} \begin{solution} This is the solution to exercise~\ref{qu:question_with_solution}! \end{solution} \end{beispiel} You can see that in the default settings the solution is \emph{not} written to the document. It has been saved, though, for possible later usage. We will see the solution later! \subsubsection{Options to the \code{solution} Environment}\secidx[options]{solutions} The \code{solutions} environment also has options, namely these: \begin{beschreibung} \Option[solution]{name}{}\Default{} sets a custom name. \Option[solution]{print}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} prints or hides the solution. \end{beschreibung} Their meaning is the same as those for the \code{question} environment. \begin{beispiel} \begin{question}{5} The solution to this questions gets printed where it is. \end{question} \begin{solution}[print] See? This solution gets printed where you have put it in the code of your document. \end{solution} \begin{question}{2.5} The solution to this questions gets printed where it is \emph{and} has a fancy name. Have you noticed that you can assign partial points? \end{question} \begin{solution}[print,name=Fancy name] See? This solution gets printed where you have put it and has a fancy name! \end{solution} \end{beispiel} \secidx*{solutions} \subsubsection{Setting the Counter}\label{ssec:counter}\secidx{Setting the Counter} The package option \key{counter-format} allows you to specify how the question counter is formatted. The input is an arbitrary string which means you can have anything as counter number. However, the letter combinations \code{ch}, \code{se}, \code{qu} and \code{tsk} are replaced with the counters for the chapter, section, question or tasks (see section~\ref{sec:tasks}), respectively. While the last one is not really useful in this case the others allow for a combined numbering. Each of these letter combinations can have an optional argument that specifies the format of the respective counter. \code{1}: \cmd{arabic}, \code{a}: \cmd{alph}, \code{A}: \cmd{Alph}, \code{r}: \cmd{roman} and \code{R}: \cmd{Roman}. \begin{beispiel} \SetupExSheets{counter-format=Nr~se~(qu[a])} \begin{question} A question with a differently formatted number. \end{question} \end{beispiel} \secidx*{Setting the Counter} \subsubsection{Language Settings}\secidx{Language Settings} The names of the questions and solutions are language dependent. If you use \paket{babel} or \paket{polyglossia} \ExSheets will adapt to the document language. Exsheets has a number of translations but surely not all! If you miss a language please drop me a line in an email% \footnote{\href{mailto:contact@mychemistry.eu}{contact@mychemistry.eu}} containing the \paket{babel} language name and the correct translations for questions (possibly distinguishing between exercises and exam questions) and solutions. Until I implement it you can add something like this to your preamble (example for Danish) and try if it works: \begin{beispiel}[code only] \DeclareTranslation{Danish}{exsheets-exercise-name} {\O{}velse} \DeclareTranslation{Danish}{exsheets-question-name} {Opgave} \DeclareTranslation{Danish}{exsheets-solution-name} {Opl\o{}sning} \end{beispiel} If this isn't working it means that the language you're using is unknown to the \translations package (see part~\ref{part:translations}). In this case please notify me, too. You then can still use the \key{name} options. \secidx*{Language Settings} \subsection{Counting Points}\label{sec:points}\secidx{Counting Points} \subsubsection{The Commands} You have seen in section~\ref{ssec:questions} that you can assign points to a question. If you do so these points are printed into the margin\footnote{Well, not necessarily. It depends on the heading style you have chosen.} and are counted internally. But there are additional commands to assign points or bonus points and a number of commands to retrieve the sum of points and/or bonus points. \begin{beschreibung} \Befehl{addpoints}*{}\newline This command can be used to add points assigned to subquestions. \cmd{addpoints} will print the points (with ``unit'') \emph{and} add them to the sum of all points, \cmd{addpoints}* will only add them but print nothing. \Befehl{points}*{}\newline This command will only print the points (with ``unit'') but won't add them to the sum of points. \Befehl{addbonus}*{}\newline This command can be used to add bonus points assigned to subquestions. \cmd{addbonus} will print the points (with ``unit'') \emph{and} add them to the sum of all bonus points, \cmd{addbonus}* will only add them but print nothing. \Befehl{bonus}*{}\newline This command will only print the bonus points (with ``unit'') but won't add them to the sum of bonus points. \Befehl{pointssum}*\newline Prints the sum of all points with or without (starred version) ``unit'': \pointssum \Befehl{currentpointssum}*\newline Prints the current sum of points with or without (starred version) ``unit'': \currentpointssum \Befehl{bonussum}*\newline Prints the sum of all bonus points with or without (starred version) ``unit'': \bonussum \Befehl{currentbonussum}*\newline Prints the current sum of bonus points with or without (starred version) ``unit'': \currentbonussum \Befehl{totalpoints}*\newline prints the sum of the points \emph{and} the sum of the bonus points with ``unit'': \totalpoints\space The starred version prints the sum of the points without ``unit'': \totalpoints*. \end{beschreibung} The commands \cmd{pointssum}, \cmd{bonussum} and \cmd{totalpoints} need at least \emph{two} \LaTeX\ runs to get the sum right. Suppose you have an exercise worth \points{4} which consists of four questions listed with an \code{enumerate} environment that are all worth \points{1} each. You have two possibilities to display and count them: \begin{beispiel} % uses package `enumitem' \begin{question}{4} \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*)] \item blah (\points{1}) \item blah (\points{1}) \item blah (\points{1}) \item blah (\points{1}) \end{enumerate} \end{question} \begin{question} \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*)] \item blah (\addpoints{1}) \item blah (\addpoints{1}) \item blah (\addpoints{1}) \item blah (\addpoints{1}) \end{enumerate} \end{question} \end{beispiel} \subsubsection{Options}\secidx[options]{Counting Points} \begin{beschreibung} \Option[points]{name}{}\Default{P.} Choose the ``unit'' for the points. If you like to differentiate between a single point and more than one point you can give a plural ending seperated with a slash: \key{name}{point/s}. This sets also the name of the bonus points. \Option[points]{name-plural}{}\Default{} Instead of forming the plural form with an ending to the singular form this option allows to set an extra word for it. This sets also the plural form for the bonus points. \Option[points]{bonus-name}{}\Default{P.} Choose the ``unit'' for the bonus points. If you like to differentiate between a single point and more than one point you can give a plural ending seperated with a slash: \key{bonus-name}{point/s}. \Option[points]{bonus-plural}{}\Default{} Instead of forming the plural form with an ending to the singular form this option allows to set an extra word for it. \Option[points]{use-name}{\default{true}|false}\Default{true} Don't display the name at all. Or do. \Option[points]{number-format}{}\Default{} This option allows formatting of the number, \eg italics: \key{number-format}{\cmd{textit}}. \Option[points]{bonus-format}{}\Default{} This option allows formatting of the number of the bonus points, \eg italics: \key{bonus-format}{\cmd{textit}}. \Option[points]{parse}{\default{true}|false}\Default{true} If set to \code{false} the points are not counted and the \cmd{totalpoints}, \cmd{pointssum} and \cmd{bonussum} commands won't know their value. \Option[points]{separate-bonus}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} This option determines whether points and bonus points each get their own unit when they appear together (in the margin or with \cmd{totalpoints}). \Option[points]{pre-bonus}{}\Default{(+} Code to be inserted before the bonus points when they follow normal points. \Option[points]{post-bonus}{}\Default{)} Code to be inserted after the bonus points when they follow normal points. \end{beschreibung} \begin{beispiel} \SetupExSheets[points]{name=point/s,number-format=\color{red}} \begin{question}{1} This one's easy so only 1 point can be earned. \end{question} \begin{question}{7.5} But this one's hard! 7.5 points are in there for you! \end{question} \end{beispiel} \secidx*{Counting Points} \subsection{A Grade Distribution}\secidx{Grade Distribution} Probably this is a rather esoteric feature but it could proof useful in some cases. Suppose you are a German math teacher and want to grade exactly corresponding to the number of points relative to the sum of total points, regardless of how big that might be. You could do something like this to present your grading decisions for the exam: \begin{beispiel} % preamble: % \DeclareRelGrades{ % 1 = 1 , % {1,5} = .9167 , % 2 = .8333 , % {2,5} = .75 , % 3 = .6667 , % {3,5} = .5833 , % 4 = .5 % } \small\setlength\tabcolsep{2pt} \begin{tabular}{r|*8c} Punkte & $\grade*{1}$ & $\le\grade*{1}$ & $\le\grade*{1,5}$ & $\le\grade*{2}$ & $\le\grade*{2,5}$ & $\le\grade*{3}$ & $\le\grade*{3,5}$ & $<\grade*{4}$ \\ Note & 1 & 1--2 & 2 & 2--3 & 3 & 3--4 & 4 & 5 \end{tabular} \end{beispiel} These are the available commands and options: \begin{beschreibung} \Befehl{DeclareRelGrades}{=,...}\newline This command is used to define grades and assign the percentage of total points to them. \Befehl{grade}*{}\newline Gives the number of points corresponding to a grade depending on the value of \cmd{pointssum} with or without (starred version) ``unit''. \Option[grades]{round}{}\Default{0} The number of decimals the points of a grade are rounded to. This doesn't apply to the maximum number of points if the rounded number would be bigger than the actual sum. \Option[grades]{half}{\default{true}|false}\Default{false} If set to \code{true} points are rounded either to full or to half points. \end{beschreibung} \secidx*{Grade Distribution} \subsection{Printing Solutions}\label{sec:solutions}\secidx[print]{solutions} You have already seen that you can print solutions where they are using the \key[solution]{print} option. But \ExSheets offers you quite more possibilities. In the next subsections the usage of the command \begin{beschreibung} \Befehl{printsolutions}[] \end{beschreibung} is discussed. Before we do that a hint: remember that you can set the option \key{print} globally: \begin{beispiel}[code only] % in the preamble \SetupExSheets{solution/print=true} \end{beispiel} Now if you want to typeset some text depending on the option being true or not you can use the following commands: \begin{beschreibung} \expandable\Befehl{PrintSolutionsTF}{}\ma{} \expandable\Befehl{PrintSolutionsT}{} \expandable\Befehl{PrintSolutionsF}{} \end{beschreibung} They might come in handy if you want two versions of an exercise sheet, one with the exercises and one with the solutions, and you want to add different titles to these versions, for instance. \subsubsection{Print all}\secidx[print!all]{solutions} The first and easiest usage of \cmd{printsolutions} is the following: \begin{beispiel}[code only] \printsolutions \end{beispiel} There is nothing more to say, really. It prints all solutions you have specified except those belonging to a question with option \key{use}{false}. Yes, there's one more point: \cmd{printsolutions} only knows the solutions that have been set \emph{before} its usage! This is also true for every usage explained in the next sections. \begin{beispiel}[below] \printsolutions \end{beispiel} \subsubsection{Print per chapter/section}\secidx[print!per section/chapter]{solutions} \minisec{Current chapter/section} If you are not creating an exercise sheet or an exam but are writing a textbook you maybe want a section at the end of each chapter showing the solution to the exercises presented in that chapter. In this case use the command as follows: \begin{beispiel}[code only] \printsolutions[section] % or \printsolutions[chapter] \end{beispiel} Again, this is pretty much self-explaining. The solutions to the questions of the current chapter\footnote{Only if the document class you're using \emph{has} chapters, of course!} or section are printed. \begin{beispiel} \begin{question} This is the first and only question in this section. \end{question} \begin{solution} This will be one of a few solutions printed by the following call of \cmd{printsolutions}. \end{solution} And now: \printsolutions[section] \end{beispiel} \minisec{Specific chapter/section}\label{sssec:print_specific_section} You can also print only the solutions from chapters or sections other than the current ones. The syntax is fairly easy: \begin{beispiel}[below] \printsolutions[section={1-7,10}] % the same for chapters: % \printsolutions[chapter={1-7,10}] \end{beispiel} Don't forget that \cmd{printsolutions} cannot know the solutions from section~10 yet. It is just used to demonstrate the syntax. You can also use an open range, \eg something like \begin{beispiel}[code only] \printsolutions[section={-4,10-}] \end{beispiel} This would print the solutions from sections~1--4 and from all sections with number 10\footnote{Or rather where \cmd{value}{section} is 10 or greater -- the actual counter formatting is irrelevant.} and greater. There is an obvious disadvantage: you have to know the section numbers! But there is a solution: use the package option \key{use-ref}{true}. Then you can do something like \begin{beispiel}[code only] % in the preamble: \usepackage[use-ref]{exsheets} % somewhere in your code after \section{A really cool section title}: \label{sec:ReallyCool} % somewhere later in your code: \printsolutions[section={-\S{sec:ReallyCool}}] % which will print all solutions from questions up to and % including the really cool section \end{beispiel} With the package option \key{use-ref}{true} each usage of \cmd{label} will create additional labels (one preceded with \code{exse:} and another one with \code{exch:}) which store the section number and the chapter number, respectively. These are used internally by two commands \cmd{S} and \cmd{C} which refer to the section number and the chapter number the label was created in. \emph{These commands are only available as arguments of} \cmd{printsolutions}. Since some packages like the well known \paket{hyperref} for example redefine \cmd{label} \key{use-ref} won't work in together with it. In this case don't use \key{use-ref} and set \cmd{exlabel}{