\documentclass{exam-n} %\documentclass[bigfont,sansserif]{exam-n} %\documentclass[mtpro2,showsolutions]{exam-n} %\documentclass[mtpro2,showsolutions,sansserif]{exam-n} %\documentclass[draft,showsolutions,sansserif]{exam-n} % Note: this sample question dates from an earlier phase, in which % `paper n' would contain a bundle of questions from various courses. % That's why the \coursetitle doesn't match the broad range of % subjects being 'examined'. % % Several of the questions are gibberish. % % This collection of questions has in part turned into an informal % regression test for the class file. \examdate{Wednesday, 23 May 2007} \examtime{9:30 -- 10:45 (1 course)\\9:30 -- 12:00 (2 courses)} \exambanner{Examination for the degrees of \BSc\, \MSci\ and \MA\ on the honours standard } \degreedescriptions{Physics 3\\Chemical Physics 3\\Physics with Astrophysics 3\\Theoretical Physics 3M\\Joint Physics 3} \schoolcoursecode{P304D and P304H} \universitycoursecode{PHYS3031 and PHYS4025} \coursetitle{Quantum Mechanics} \usepackage{pdfpages} \rubric{Candidates should answer Questions 1 and 2 (10~marks each), \linebreak\textbf{and either} Question 3 \textbf{or} Question 4 (30~marks). \linebreak The content of this sample exam derives from real questions, but the result is in many cases test gibberish.} %\norubric \numquestions{13} \usepackage{graphicx} % for graphic in dynamical1 \begin{document} \maketitle \section{I} \includequestion{cosmo1} \includequestion{numerical1} \includequestion{dynamical1} \section{II} \includequestion{cosmo2} \subsection{Cosmology question number 3} \includequestion{cosmo3} \includequestion{excos1} % four multiple-choice questions \section{III} % Override the question number, to test/demo this \includequestion[99]{numerical2} \includequestion{numerical3} \section{IV} \includequestion{dynamical2} \includequestion{dynamical3} \end{document}