\documentclass[compose]{exam-n} \begin{document} \begin{question}{30} \comment{by Graham Woan} Distinguish between frequentist and Bayesian definitions of probability, and explain carefully how parameter estimation is performed in each regime.\partmarks{10} A square ccd with $M\times M$ pixels takes a dark frame for calibration purposes, registering a small number of electrons in each pixel from thermal noise. The probability of there being $n_i$ electrons in the $i$th pixel follows a Poisson distribution, i.e. \begin{equation*} P(n_i|\lambda) = \exp(-\lambda)\lambda^{n_i}/n_i!, \end{equation*} where $\lambda$ is the same constant for all pixels. Show that the expectation value of is $\langle n_i \rangle = \lambda$. \partmarks{5} [You may assume the relation $\sum_0^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!}=\exp(x)$.] Show similarly that \begin{equation*} \langle n_i(n_i-1) \rangle = \lambda^2. \end{equation*} and hence, or otherwise, that the variance of $n_i$ is also $\lambda$. \partmarks{5} The pixels values are summed in columns. Show that these sums, $S_j$, will be drawn from a parent probability distribution that is approximately \begin{equation*} p(S_j|\lambda)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi M\lambda}}\exp\left[-\frac{(S_j-M\lambda)^2}{2M\lambda}\right], \end{equation*} clearly stating any theorems you use. \partmarks{5} Given the set of $M$ values $\{S_j\}$, and interpreting the above as a Bayesian likelihood, express the posterior probability for $\lambda$, justifying any assumptions you make. \partmarks{5} \end{question} \end{document}