%% LaTeX2e file `etocsnippet-29.tex' %% generated by the `filecontentsdef' environment %% from source `etoc' on 2019/11/17. %% \begingroup % \newtoks\treetok % done in preamble % \newtoks\parttok \newcommand*\partnode {} % just to check we don't overwrite something \newcommand*\childnode {} \newcommand*\tmprotate {} % just to check we don't overwrite something \newcommand*\tmpoption {} % just to check we don't overwrite something \newcommand*\tmpstuff {} % just to check we don't overwrite something \newcommand*\appendtotok[2]{% #1=toks variable, #2=macro, expands once #2 #1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\the\expandafter #1#2}} \newcommand*{\appendchildtree}[3]{% % this is to construct "t1 child [#3]{t2}" from #1=t1 and #2=t2 % t1 and t2 are two toks variable (not macros) % #3 = for example teal!60 \edef\tmpstuff {\the#1 child [#3]{\the#2}}% #1\expandafter {\tmpstuff }% } \newcounter{partco} % 1,2,3,4,5,... -> 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3 \def\pseudomodthree #1{\numexpr #1 + 3 - 3*((#1+1)/3)\relax} \etocsetstyle{part} {\etocskipfirstprefix} % This updates the global tree with the data from the previous % part and all its children sections. Moved here because for some parts the % sections are not displayed due to depth tags. {\ifnum\value{partco}=3 \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {branch color= green!50,level distance=10cm}% \else \ifcase\pseudomodthree{\value{partco}}% \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {branch color= teal!60}% first \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {branch color= yellow!80}% second \else\appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {branch color= green!50}% third and next ... \fi\fi } {\stepcounter{partco}% % customize manually some TikZ set-up (should be done inside the TikZ thing I guess) \def\tmpoption {}% \def\tmprotate {}% first %\ifnum\value{partco}=5 \def\tmprotate {[counterclockwise from =-40]}\fi %\ifnum\value{partco}=8 \def\tmprotate {[counterclockwise from =-50]}\fi % define the part node \edef\partnode{node \tmpoption {\unexpanded\expandafter{\etocthelinkednumber}. \unexpanded\expandafter{\etocthelinkedname}}\tmprotate }% % this is a starting point which will be filled it by the section children \parttok\expandafter{\partnode}} {\ifcase\pseudomodthree{\value{partco}}% \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {branch color= teal!60}% first \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {branch color= yellow!80}% second \else\appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {branch color= green!50}% third and next ... \fi } \etocsetstyle{section} {} {} {% define the section node \edef\childnode{child {node {\unexpanded\expandafter{\etocthelinkednumber} \unexpanded\expandafter{\etocthelinkedname}}}}% % append it to the current \parttok \appendtotok\parttok\childnode } {} \etocsettocstyle {\setcounter{partco}{0}% \treetok{\node [root concept]{\textbf{The \etoc documentation}}}} {\global\appendtotok\treetok{ ;}} % The \global above is mandatory because etoc always typesets TOC inside a group \etocsetnexttocdepth{section} % use of depth tags to cut out some sections. \etocsettagdepth {preamble} {none} \etocsettagdepth {overview} {part} \etocsettagdepth {arbitrarily}{part} \etocsettagdepth {examples} {section} \etocsettagdepth {surprising} {part} \etocsettagdepth {linestyles} {part} \etocsettagdepth {globalcmds} {part} \etocsettagdepth {custom} {section} \etocsettagdepth {tips} {part} \etocsettagdepth {etocandworld}{part} \etocsettagdepth {code} {section} \tikzset{ branch color/.style={ concept color=#1!white, every child/.append style={concept color=#1!white!30!white, font=\normalsize}, } }% \begin{figure}[thp!] \tableofcontents\label{toc:mindmap}% \centeredline{\resizebox{.85\paperwidth}{!}% {\begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap, grow cyclic, text width=2cm, align=flush center, nodes={concept}, concept color=orange!60, root concept/.append style={text width=4cm, font=\Large}, level 1/.append style={level distance=5cm,sibling angle=40, text width=3cm}, level 2/.append style={level distance=7cm,sibling angle=30, text width=3cm}, level 1 concept/.append style={font=\normalsize}, ] \the\treetok \end{tikzpicture}}} \end{figure} \endgroup