% % Package: etoc % Version: 1.07l (2014/04/22; doc of 2014/04/29) % Description: Completely customisable TOCs (jfB) % % Copyright (C) 2012-2013-2014 Jean-Francois Burnol % Copyright (C) 2014 Christine Roemer % and collaborators for the translation into German of the documentation % License: LPPL 1.3c or later % this README: *Abstract*, *Installation*, *License*. ABSTRACT ======== The etoc package gives to the user complete control on how the entries of the table of contents should be constituted from the {name}, {number}, and {page number} of each sectioning unit. This goes via the definition of {line styles} for each sectioning level used in the document. The package provides its own custom line styles. Simpler ones are given as examples in the documentation. The simplest usage will be to take advantage of the layout facilities of packages dealing with list environments. Regarding the {global toc display}, etoc provides pre-defined styles based on a multi-column format, with, optionally, a ruled title or framed contents. The \tableofcontents command may be used arbitrarily many times and it has a variant \localtableofcontents which prints tables of contents `local' to the current surrounding document unit. An extension of the \label/\ref syntax allows to reproduce (with another layout) a local table of contents defined somewhere else in the document. Via ``depth tags'', one gets an even finer control for each table of contents of which sectioning units it should, or not, display. The formatting inherited (and possibly customized by other packages) from the document class will be used when in compatibility mode. The assignment of levels to the sectioning units can be changed at any time, and etoc can thus be used in a quite general manner to create custom ``lists of'', additionally to the tables of contents related to the document sectioning units. No auxiliary file is used additionally to the standard .toc file. INSTALLATION ============ Extraction of the package (.sty) and driver (.tex) files: - if etoc.ins is present: tex etoc.ins - without etoc.ins: tex etoc.dtx It is also possible to run latex/pdflatex directly on etoc.dtx At least three ways to produce etoc.pdf (method (3) is preferred): (1) latex etoc.dtx (three times), then dvips, then ps2pdf (2) pdflatex etoc.dtx (three times) (3) latex etoc.tex (three times), then dvipdfmx Method (3) produces the smallest pdf files. Options can be set in etoc.tex: - scrdoc class options (paper size, font size, ...) - with or without source code, - with dvipdfmx or with latex+dvips or pdflatex. To produce etoc-DE.pdf (German documentation) run tex on etoc.ins or etoc.dtx to produce etoc-DE.tex, then compile etoc-DE.tex with latex (thrice) then dvipdmx, or set first to 0 \Withdvipdfmx in etoc-DE.tex to allow compilation with pdflatex. Um etoc-DE.pdf zu erzeugen ist latex dreimal mit etoc-DE.tex laufen zu lassen, dann dvipdfmx mit etoc-DE.dvi. Im Falle von Problemen mit dvipdfmx ist \Withdvidpdfmx auf 0 in etoc-DE.tex zu setzen, dann ist pdflatex dreimal mit etoc-DE.tex laufen zu lassen. Installation: etoc.sty -> TDS:tex/latex/etoc/etoc.sty etoc.dtx -> TDS:source/latex/etoc/etoc.dtx etoc.pdf -> TDS:doc/latex/etoc/etoc.pdf etoc-DE.pdf -> TDS:doc/latex/etoc/etoc-DE.pdf The other files may be discarded. LICENSE ======= This Work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. This version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt and the latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. The Authors of this Work are: Jean-Francois Burnol for the source code and English documentation, and Christine Roemer and collaborators for the translation into German of the documentation. This Work consists of the main source file etoc.dtx and the derived files etoc.sty, etoc.ins, etoc.tex, etoc-DE.tex, etoc.pdf, etoc-DE.pdf, etoc.dvi, etoc-DE.dvi.